General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: zachor_ve_kavod on July 31, 2008, 04:19:51 AM

Title: Reactions to new members
Post by: zachor_ve_kavod on July 31, 2008, 04:19:51 AM
I'm noticing many personal attacks against newer members.  This is not the way to attract new members.  It is unreasonable to expect new members to contribute points of equal validity as someone who has been on the forum a while.  We need to make our movement bigger.  In my opinion we should allow newcomers to speak and to make mistakes and to learn from senior members.  This cannot happen if everytime a new member posts something outrageous, senior members jump down his throat.
Title: Re: Reactions to new members
Post by: SavetheWest on July 31, 2008, 04:22:56 AM
We need to give people the benefit of the doubt.  Some people are asking genuine questions and others are...

Title: Re: Reactions to new members
Post by: zachor_ve_kavod on July 31, 2008, 04:26:59 AM
I saw the term troll the other day also.  I can only assume it means a spy?
Title: Re: Reactions to new members
Post by: SavetheWest on July 31, 2008, 04:29:42 AM
Wikipedia gives the best description here

Title: Re: Reactions to new members
Post by: muman613 on July 31, 2008, 04:31:34 AM
I'm noticing many personal attacks against newer members.  This is not the way to attract new members.  It is unreasonable to expect new members to contribute points of equal validity as someone who has been on the forum a while.  We need to make our movement bigger.  In my opinion we should allow newcomers to speak and to make mistakes and to learn from senior members.  This cannot happen if everytime a new member posts something outrageous, senior members jump down his throat.

I certainly agree that everyone should be given the basic benefit of the doubt. This is a basic ideal of Judaism that we should give our fellows this courtesy. It is important to also remember that once we have very good cause to suspect the intentions of our fellow we dont have to extend this benefit of the doubt to them. I do want to believe that everyone here is supporting the cause, which I believe to be helping to ensure that Obama will not be elected president of America.

I believe that such a mission as this will attract a number of opponents who just may engage in deception in order to disrupt our efforts. This being so it would be wise for the forum moderators to be monitoring things. Obviously nobody should be insulted or demeaned for expressing opinions. The prudent thing would be to warn people when they are approaching the boundaries of acceptability. There must be acceptable and unacceptable things to discuss in this forum. This doesnt mean censorship, but it requires cooperation with all members wanting to achieve the goal of preventing Obama from inhabiting the White House.

Thank you,
Title: Re: Reactions to new members
Post by: AsheDina on July 31, 2008, 05:06:45 AM
I'm noticing many personal attacks against newer members.  This is not the way to attract new members.  It is unreasonable to expect new members to contribute points of equal validity as someone who has been on the forum a while.  We need to make our movement bigger.  In my opinion we should allow newcomers to speak and to make mistakes and to learn from senior members.  This cannot happen if everytime a new member posts something outrageous, senior members jump down his throat.

I certainly agree that everyone should be given the basic benefit of the doubt. This is a basic ideal of Judaism that we should give our fellows this courtesy. It is important to also remember that once we have very good cause to suspect the intentions of our fellow we dont have to extend this benefit of the doubt to them. I do want to believe that everyone here is supporting the cause, which I believe to be helping to ensure that Obama will not be elected president of America.

I believe that such a mission as this will attract a number of opponents who just may engage in deception in order to disrupt our efforts. This being so it would be wise for the forum moderators to be monitoring things. Obviously nobody should be insulted or demeaned for expressing opinions. The prudent thing would be to warn people when they are approaching the boundaries of acceptability. There must be acceptable and unacceptable things to discuss in this forum. This doesnt mean censorship, but it requires cooperation with all members wanting to achieve the goal of preventing Obama from inhabiting the White House.

Thank you,

 The "benefit of the doubt" should really be given to those who have been PROVEN. Some of you do not know that we were under a SERIOUS attack about 6-7 weeks ago, by people that HATE THIS forum, and posted our pictures on a website that is 100% NEO NAZI, & St0rmfront.  This is WHY I think, that you should  know a little more history, b4 jumping to conclusions of members, such as myself, that is kind & Loyal, & I WORK HARD for this forum, VERY HARD, after all, I am engaged to David ben Moshe, who does all of the QPTV shows with Chaim. ANYONE HERE can attest that I AM 100% LOVING AND KIND, IF I suspect ANY evil activity, AFTER what happened here- I WILL NOT SIT BACK and let MY family get beaten up EVER AGAIN, but you ALL, ask ANYONE here, if I am a VERY loving Individual, I DOUBT that they will refute me, AT ALL. I ALSO do audios here that are all over the NET.
  I attract MANY new members, all the time, many, and have for years, even b4 I joined JTF. I have proven myself, over and over- I DESERVE the 'benefit of the doubt' here- NOT the vice versa. It is also a courtesy, to not right away just open topics- people should GET A FEEL for a forum, before taking the liberty of just posting topics.
  With this all being said, I WILL protect ANY person that I see LOVES Jews, and seeks to produce things glorious and positive to ENCOURAGE Jews in Israel, as well as here. Jewish people NEED ENCOURAGEMENT BIGTIME.
Title: Re: Reactions to new members
Post by: muman613 on July 31, 2008, 05:32:54 AM
I'm noticing many personal attacks against newer members.  This is not the way to attract new members.  It is unreasonable to expect new members to contribute points of equal validity as someone who has been on the forum a while.  We need to make our movement bigger.  In my opinion we should allow newcomers to speak and to make mistakes and to learn from senior members.  This cannot happen if everytime a new member posts something outrageous, senior members jump down his throat.

I certainly agree that everyone should be given the basic benefit of the doubt. This is a basic ideal of Judaism that we should give our fellows this courtesy. It is important to also remember that once we have very good cause to suspect the intentions of our fellow we dont have to extend this benefit of the doubt to them. I do want to believe that everyone here is supporting the cause, which I believe to be helping to ensure that Obama will not be elected president of America.

I believe that such a mission as this will attract a number of opponents who just may engage in deception in order to disrupt our efforts. This being so it would be wise for the forum moderators to be monitoring things. Obviously nobody should be insulted or demeaned for expressing opinions. The prudent thing would be to warn people when they are approaching the boundaries of acceptability. There must be acceptable and unacceptable things to discuss in this forum. This doesnt mean censorship, but it requires cooperation with all members wanting to achieve the goal of preventing Obama from inhabiting the White House.

Thank you,

 The "benefit of the doubt" should really be given to those who have been PROVEN. Some of you do not know that we were under a SERIOUS attack about 6-7 weeks ago, by people that HATE THIS forum, and posted our pictures on a website that is 100% NEO NAZI, & St0rmfront.  This is WHY I think, that you should  know a little more history, b4 jumping to conclusions of members, such as myself, that is kind & Loyal, & I WORK HARD for this forum, VERY HARD, after all, I am engaged to David ben Moshe, who does all of the QPTV shows with Chaim. ANYONE HERE can attest that I AM 100% LOVING AND KIND, IF I suspect ANY evil activity, AFTER what happened here- I WILL NOT SIT BACK and let MY family get beaten up EVER AGAIN, but you ALL, ask ANYONE here, if I am a VERY loving Individual, I DOUBT that they will refute me, AT ALL. I ALSO do audios here that are all over the NET.
  I attract MANY new members, all the time, many, and have for years, even b4 I joined JTF. I have proven myself, over and over- I DESERVE the 'benefit of the doubt' here- NOT the vice versa. It is also a courtesy, to not right away just open topics- people should GET A FEEL for a forum, before taking the liberty of just posting topics.
  With this all being said, I WILL protect ANY person that I see LOVES Jews, and seeks to produce things glorious and positive to ENCOURAGE Jews in Israel, as well as here. Jewish people NEED ENCOURAGEMENT BIGTIME.

I will stand with Paulette on this one. I see what she is saying about this person and understand her reaction. Paulette has certainly been a vocal and respected member. I should hope nobody has assumed that this thread was about you, it seems like it is just a reminder for the future. And we should learn about what is acceptable and unacceptable for each of our brothers and sisters. In the short time I have been involved with JTF I do feel you are mishpacha {family}.

Regarding the ongoing feud, I hope that we can let it go in the hopes that the offending members comments are rectified in the future by her deeds.

Keep up the good work Paulette and don't let this stuff get you down. I know you work hard for the cause and I support you...

May Hashem bless you and reveal himself to you!


Title: Re: Reactions to new members
Post by: Zelhar on July 31, 2008, 05:45:09 AM
I think we should show some restrain even to people who have biased opinions against us.
Title: Re: Reactions to new members
Post by: cjd on July 31, 2008, 06:45:19 AM
I think for the most part new members get a good welcome when they join the forum. I think the problem comes in when new members come on to the forum and after one or two posts really lace into an issue that has no room for debate. Its the job of the administrators and moderators to try and weed out agitators and troublemakers from good people that may be ill informed on key issues. Debate on smaller issues and the finer points is good and we should try and give new members ample chance to express ideas and feel at home here on the forum.
Title: Re: Reactions to new members
Post by: Dr. Dan on July 31, 2008, 08:27:51 AM
listen here is the way to go about new members...

When on says something controversial and anti-JTF..such as what republicstones did, you write, "Huh, what is that supposed to mean?" Or "What do you mean that Israel has massacred Arabs?" and then when the whole "White zionist jews are ruling the world." comment comes on, then it's quite obvious that person is a troll and you can rip his limbs off with embarrassment...

But let's say you have a misguided person who states, "Not all Palestinians are guilty..." etc etc...you don't embarrass him...you educate him and if he resists, you keep educating him and see where it goes from tehre until he says, 'those stupid Jew boys mmm hmmm..." then you can do the same thing with the former...

It's really common sense.  We come off to be controversial.  Understand that there are some curious people who are fascinated by us.  Who just don't get it why we say, "Mmm hmmm" whenever we refer to racist dumbwitted black people.  You need to give it time for people like that...can't be attacking them until they start sounding like Erica....
Title: Re: Reactions to new members
Post by: Zelhar on July 31, 2008, 10:17:45 AM
@DrDan That's a very good advice both for new and veteran members alike.
Title: Re: Reactions to new members
Post by: Shamgar on July 31, 2008, 10:28:51 AM
@DrDan That's a very good advice both for new and veteran members alike.

Great advice Dr Dan!
Title: Re: Reactions to new members
Post by: Lisa on July 31, 2008, 11:05:50 AM
Frankly, I'm not going to take any nonsense from anti-Semitic, pro fakestinian trolls.  I intend to rip them apart.  I want those nuts to get it though their thick heads that they can't come here and mess with Jews. 
Title: Re: Reactions to new members
Post by: Zelhar on July 31, 2008, 11:07:16 AM
Frankly, I'm not going to take any nonsense from anti-Semitic, pro fakestinian trolls.  I intend to rip them apart.  I want those nuts to get it though their thick heads that they can't come here and mess with Jews. 

But what if your troll radar picks up false positives ?
Title: Re: Reactions to new members
Post by: q_q_ on July 31, 2008, 11:07:30 AM
The reason why we have the problems we had of nazi like people posting pictures on StørmFrønt.

WAS NOT because new members were given the benefit of the doubt.

It was because Yaakov made some nazi like people, moderators..  
And I think Chaim made Ari a moderator.
It was purely bad decision making about who were made moderators. (and I refer to nazi like moderators that we had, - they turned out to be nazi like)

The problem was nothing to do with how new members should be treated.

There is no harm in treating new members well!!!

Title: Re: Reactions to new members
Post by: Lisa on July 31, 2008, 11:11:47 AM
But what if your troll radar picks up false positives ?

I think when someone starts accusing Jews of ethnic cleansing of Arabs, that's a sure sign of a troll. 
Title: Re: Reactions to new members
Post by: Shamgar on July 31, 2008, 11:11:54 AM
Looking at this from a EEOC perspective, do we have a proportionate number of gentile moderators to Jewish moderators?
Title: Re: Reactions to new members
Post by: AsheDina on July 31, 2008, 01:33:36 PM
The reason why we have the problems we had of nazi like people posting pictures on StørmFrønt.

WAS NOT because new members were given the benefit of the doubt.

It was because Yaakov made some nazi like people, moderators..  
And I think Chaim made Ari a moderator.
It was purely bad decision making about who were made moderators. (and I refer to nazi like moderators that we had, - they turned out to be nazi like)

The problem was nothing to do with how new members should be treated.

There is no harm in treating new members well!!!

  There is ALSO NO HARM in NEW MEMBERS to treat US well too. New members are NOT new-born babies. They are ADULTS, and perfectly CAPABLE of excersising responsibility.
  I have been "ARMS WIDE OPEN" to new members, but I am EXTREMELY susicious of people that DO cater and have been part of forums that are neo-nazi- matter of FACT, a person like THAT, (especially that is "Jewish") would want to seek out the religious part of this forum to find some healing from being near murderers that hate their gutts.
  I fight people like that greco broad ALL DAY LONG, & I am finding SOLICE in the Judaic Section of this forum, b/c the fight is getting too much for me.
  Women, ESPECIALLY with 'gutt-instinct' should be taken heed to, and NOT dismissed. As I stated in an earlier post- I am a 100% LOVING person, but if I detect the same type activity here that I see on my personal email thread, I will FLAT OUT expose it in ANY way POSSIBLE.
  And, I may be WRONG, and this is fine, I have had NO problem ADMIITTING to WRONG and owning up to it, and APOLOGIZING, but even if I do that, and THAT is not received, then all bets are off. If I go OUT OF MY WAY, to make a wrong- right, and it is treated with a slap in the face- NO, that member, new OR older, I will NOT EVER be nice to again.
  And as the Union Jack says:
                                                DONT TREAD ON ME

 And, yes, I AM referring to the HORSElady, who I TRIED to make a wrong right to, and got slapped in the face- I WILL NEVER forget this, EVER.  Losing MY Loyalty is NOT GOOD. VERY BAD. 
  If there is ONE thing that I know about "Paulette Anne" she is the BEST friend that ANYONE could EVER have, and this is a FACT, I will lie, cheat, steal, kill, spy, stick up for people I love, LOVE poeople I LOVE, to lose this in me, is a HUGE loss. HaShem made me SPECIAL in this way, which I THANK HIM EVERYDAY for this.
Title: Re: Reactions to new members
Post by: q_q_ on July 31, 2008, 01:54:24 PM
The reason why we have the problems we had of nazi like people posting pictures on StørmFrønt.

WAS NOT because new members were given the benefit of the doubt.

It was because Yaakov made some nazi like people, moderators..  
And I think Chaim made Ari a moderator.
It was purely bad decision making about who were made moderators. (and I refer to nazi like moderators that we had, - they turned out to be nazi like)

The problem was nothing to do with how new members should be treated.

There is no harm in treating new members well!!!

  There is ALSO NO HARM in NEW MEMBERS to treat US well too. New members are NOT new-born babies. They are ADULTS, and perfectly CAPABLE of excersising responsibility.
  I have been "ARMS WIDE OPEN" to new members, but I am EXTREMELY susicious of people that DO cater and have been part of forums that are neo-nazi- matter of FACT, a person like THAT, (especially that is "Jewish") would want to seek out the religious part of this forum to find some healing from being near murderers that hate their gutts.
  I fight people like that greco broad ALL DAY LONG, & I am finding SOLICE in the Judaic Section of this forum, b/c the fight is getting too much for me.
  Women, ESPECIALLY with 'gutt-instinct' should be taken heed to, and NOT dismissed. As I stated in an earlier post- I am a 100% LOVING person, but if I detect the same type activity here that I see on my personal email thread, I will FLAT OUT expose it in ANY way POSSIBLE.
  And, I may be WRONG, and this is fine, I have had NO problem ADMIITTING to WRONG and owning up to it, and APOLOGIZING, but even if I do that, and THAT is not received, then all bets are off. If I go OUT OF MY WAY, to make a wrong- right, and it is treated with a slap in the face- NO, that member, new OR older, I will NOT EVER be nice to again.
  And as the Union Jack says:
                                                DONT TREAD ON ME

 And, yes, I AM referring to the HORSElady, who I TRIED to make a wrong right to, and got slapped in the face- I WILL NEVER forget this, EVER.  Losing MY Loyalty is NOT GOOD. VERY BAD. 
  If there is ONE thing that I know about "Paulette Anne" she is the BEST friend that ANYONE could EVER have, and this is a FACT, I will lie, cheat, steal, kill, spy, stick up for people I love, LOVE poeople I LOVE, to lose this in me, is a HUGE loss. HaShem made me SPECIAL in this way, which I THANK HIM EVERYDAY for this.

i'm not referring to specific cases..  And certainly not that one.

Just the general point that because a member is -new- doesn't mean they should be treated badly because of suspicions that arise out of the fact that it's a blank sheet.For example, if they start a thread saying "Hi"  or, what did chaim do..

you have good reasons to argue with horselady.. she started a thread saying she is jewish and anti-semitic! she did try to elaborate.. But that case is not what I meant about new members.
Your issue with her was not that she was new and that you were suspicious for that reason..


Title: Re: Reactions to new members
Post by: AsheDina on July 31, 2008, 02:17:35 PM
Agree q_q 100%. Unfortunataly, with the horse, I wont get over it. I wont even be able to ignore it. I am TERRIBLE that way. I suppose it comes from years of being a SUCKER.

 I am VERY open to new members. Like: muslimslayer (a great new guy) Republicandox (A FABULOUS Jewish lady)  muman613 (one of the BEST new members and a TOTAL 100% ENCOURAGEMENT to Jewish people, especially to me) PreJewChristian ( No greater friend has the Jew, than a person like PJC- GREAT young man, and WISE beyond his years )  Hanna ( Who is NOT afraid to say "HOO RAH" ) for our JEWISH BATTLE COMMANDERS and Soldiers. 
  Matter of fact, with new members I go out of my way to even send pm's just so that they know that I am with them 100%.
  Ask Muman, Slayer, PJC, and DOX who is on my email thread. I am VERY open and 100% Loving to new members. The Horse- I wont be nice to, and to all of you other members, I AM sorry, but  "A Brother offended is harder to win than a strong city" -Proverbs.  She wont EVER like me either, I dont blame her ONE bit, I would NOT want ME on my bad side---- so as it goes tit for tat, this for that.

Title: Re: Reactions to new members
Post by: Shamgar on July 31, 2008, 02:42:23 PM

i'm not referring to specific cases..  And certainly not that one.

Just the general point that because a member is -new- doesn't mean they should be treated badly because of suspicions that arise out of the fact that it's a blank sheet.For example, if they start a thread saying "Hi"  or, what did chaim do..

you have good reasons to argue with horselady.. she started a thread saying she is jewish and anti-semitic! she did try to elaborate.. But that case is not what I meant about new members.
Your issue with her was not that she was new and that you were suspicious for that reason..


Any savvy person that is joining/visiting a forum for the first few times should be careful with thier comments until they have time to learn the culture. Although I am a very strong Christian that is very active in my church, it was quickly apparent that spouting Jesus around the forum was going to get me kicked out. And now I understand why?

I have gotten flamed on a couple other forums because I jumped in the melee before I really understood the culture and tone that they operate under.

Forums develop a personality and just like a person, you learn how to best communicate with them.
Title: Re: Reactions to new members
Post by: AsheDina on July 31, 2008, 02:45:07 PM

i'm not referring to specific cases..  And certainly not that one.

Just the general point that because a member is -new- doesn't mean they should be treated badly because of suspicions that arise out of the fact that it's a blank sheet.For example, if they start a thread saying "Hi"  or, what did chaim do..

you have good reasons to argue with horselady.. she started a thread saying she is jewish and anti-semitic! she did try to elaborate.. But that case is not what I meant about new members.
Your issue with her was not that she was new and that you were suspicious for that reason..


Any savvy person that is joining/visiting a forum for the first few times should be careful with thier comments until they have time to learn the culture. Although I am a very strong Christian that is very active in my church, it was quickly apparent that spouting Jesus around the forum was going to get me kicked out. And now I understand why?

I have gotten flamed on a couple other forums because I jumped in the melee before I really understood the culture and tone that they operate under.

Forums develop a personality and just like a person, you learn how to best communicate with them.

 Oh YEAH! SHAMGAR!!! YOU TOO! Shamgar is EXCELLENT a VERY good Christian and friend to Jews-  O0
Title: Re: Reactions to new members
Post by: q_q_ on July 31, 2008, 03:50:50 PM
that thing you quoted above that says "quote from shamgar" . Was actually from q_q_ not shamgar..

you may want to modify your post and change where it says

[quote author=shamgar 

change it to

[quote author=q_q_

I have no idea how that went wrong!   somebody must have quoted it without a name and somebody else must have written it in a wrong name!
Title: Re: Reactions to new members
Post by: Shamgar on July 31, 2008, 03:53:08 PM
that thing you quoted above that says "quote from shamgar" . Was actually from q_q_ not shamgar..

you may want to modify your post and change where it says

[quote author=shamgar 

change it to

Quote from: q_q_

I have no idea how that went wrong!   somebody must have quoted it without a name and somebody else must have written it in a wrong name!

I am sorry q_q_. I think I screwed that up with a copy and paste.
Title: Re: Reactions to new members
Post by: zachor_ve_kavod on July 31, 2008, 03:53:36 PM
listen here is the way to go about new members...

When on says something controversial and anti-JTF..such as what republicstones did, you write, "Huh, what is that supposed to mean?" Or "What do you mean that Israel has massacred Arabs?" and then when the whole "White zionist jews are ruling the world." comment comes on, then it's quite obvious that person is a troll and you can rip his limbs off with embarrassment...

But let's say you have a misguided person who states, "Not all Palestinians are guilty..." etc etc...you don't embarrass him...you educate him and if he resists, you keep educating him and see where it goes from tehre until he says, 'those stupid Jew boys mmm hmmm..." then you can do the same thing with the former...

It's really common sense.  We come off to be controversial.  Understand that there are some curious people who are fascinated by us.  Who just don't get it why we say, "Mmm hmmm" whenever we refer to racist dumbwitted black people.  You need to give it time for people like that...can't be attacking them until they start sounding like Erica....

I think we can learn a lot from Dr. Dan.
Title: Re: Reactions to new members
Post by: Zelhar on July 31, 2008, 06:59:29 PM
But what if your troll radar picks up false positives ?

I think when someone starts accusing Jews of ethnic cleansing of Arabs, that's a sure sign of a troll. 
But there was a partial ethnic cleansing and JTF proposition for mass Arab emigration is also a form of ethnic cleansing.
Title: Re: Reactions to new members
Post by: muman613 on July 31, 2008, 07:01:50 PM
But what if your troll radar picks up false positives ?

I think when someone starts accusing Jews of ethnic cleansing of Arabs, that's a sure sign of a troll. 
But there was a partial ethnic cleansing and JTF proposition for mass Arab emigration is also a form of ethnic cleansing.

Arab Emigration is NOT Ethnic Cleansing.

According to the common notion of Ethnic Cleansing requires genocide... Nobody is advocating genocide here. Lets be honest for a moment...

Title: Re: Reactions to new members
Post by: zachor_ve_kavod on July 31, 2008, 07:08:58 PM

But there was a partial ethnic cleansing and JTF proposition for mass Arab emigration is also a form of ethnic cleansing.

"Ethnic cleansing" is a colloquial term for genocide.  It cannot be argued that forced emigration is ethnic cleansing.  The term is completely loaded and misleading.  Implicit in the term is that the purpose of ethnic cleansing is the removal of ethnic "dirt".  That is not the purpose of removing the arabs from the land.  I am not looking for a racially pure Israel.  I'm looking for a secure and strong Israel.  I want the arabs removed because they are going to continue to kill Jews if they remain, not because I have a problem with their ethnicity.  I doubt that you will find any JTFer who is advocating ethnic cleansing.
Title: Re: Reactions to new members
Post by: Shamgar on July 31, 2008, 07:12:22 PM

But there was a partial ethnic cleansing and JTF proposition for mass Arab emigration is also a form of ethnic cleansing.

"Ethnic cleansing" is a colloquial term for genocide.  It cannot be argued that forced emigration is ethnic cleansing.  The term is completely loaded and misleading.  Implicit in the term is that the purpose of ethnic cleansing is the removal of ethnic "dirt".  That is not the purpose of removing the arabs from the land.  I am not looking for a racially pure Israel.  I'm looking for a secure and strong Israel.  I want the arabs removed because they are going to continue to kill Jews if they remain, not because I have a problem with their ethnicity.  I doubt that you will find any JTFer who is advocating ethnic cleansing.

Well it's not just security, I think that a large majority of the Arabs are a financial and resource drain on Israel as well. There is the same problem in the US. Too many people are living off of welfare and/or not contributing to society. It is straining educational, medical and all social services.
Title: Re: Reactions to new members
Post by: Lisa on July 31, 2008, 07:12:52 PM
Paulette, I'm sure you'll be happy to know that I just banned Horselady.  

And Zachor, I think we're splitting hairs here.  I don't consider the removal of a hostile 5th column population to be ethnic cleansing.  So when someone comes here accusing Jews of ethnic cleansing, I think it's safe to assume that it's a hostile question, as are one asking about a so-called right of return for the Arabs.  
Title: Re: Reactions to new members
Post by: zachor_ve_kavod on July 31, 2008, 07:31:17 PM
Paulette, I'm sure you'll be happy to know that I just banned Horselady.  

And Zachor, I think we're splitting hairs here.  I don't consider the removal of a hostile 5th column population to be ethnic cleansing.  So when someone comes here accusing Jews of ethnic cleansing, I think it's safe to assume that it's a hostile question, as are one asking about a so-called right of return for the Arabs.  

That's what I'm saying.  The expulsion of arabs from Israel is not ethnic cleansing.  It's a logical step meant to preserve the Jewish self-determination of the country, not the wiping out of an 'inferior race'. 
Title: Re: Reactions to new members
Post by: Zelhar on July 31, 2008, 07:59:43 PM
From Babylon dictionary:
ethnic cleansing
n. (euphemism) violent and ruthless removal or elimination of an ethnic group (from a country or region) due to their ethnic backgrounds, ruthless removal of an ethnic group by genocide or forced expulsion or migration
Title: Re: Reactions to new members
Post by: muman613 on July 31, 2008, 08:18:36 PM
From Babylon dictionary:
ethnic cleansing
n. (euphemism) violent and ruthless removal or elimination of an ethnic group (from a country or region) due to their ethnic backgrounds, ruthless removal of an ethnic group by genocide or forced expulsion or migration

Well, what do you expect from Babylon?


PS: What about getting rid of the Phalistinkians by giving them money to emmigrate?
Title: Re: Reactions to new members
Post by: Shamgar on July 31, 2008, 08:21:30 PM
Muman!!!!!! Not to the US!   >:(
Title: Re: Reactions to new members
Post by: SavetheWest on August 01, 2008, 12:50:00 AM
I'm noticing many personal attacks against newer members.  This is not the way to attract new members.  It is unreasonable to expect new members to contribute points of equal validity as someone who has been on the forum a while.  We need to make our movement bigger.  In my opinion we should allow newcomers to speak and to make mistakes and to learn from senior members.  This cannot happen if everytime a new member posts something outrageous, senior members jump down his throat.

I certainly agree that everyone should be given the basic benefit of the doubt. This is a basic ideal of Judaism that we should give our fellows this courtesy. It is important to also remember that once we have very good cause to suspect the intentions of our fellow we dont have to extend this benefit of the doubt to them. I do want to believe that everyone here is supporting the cause, which I believe to be helping to ensure that Obama will not be elected president of America.

I believe that such a mission as this will attract a number of opponents who just may engage in deception in order to disrupt our efforts. This being so it would be wise for the forum moderators to be monitoring things. Obviously nobody should be insulted or demeaned for expressing opinions. The prudent thing would be to warn people when they are approaching the boundaries of acceptability. There must be acceptable and unacceptable things to discuss in this forum. This doesnt mean censorship, but it requires cooperation with all members wanting to achieve the goal of preventing Obama from inhabiting the White House.

Thank you,

 The "benefit of the doubt" should really be given to those who have been PROVEN. Some of you do not know that we were under a SERIOUS attack about 6-7 weeks ago, by people that HATE THIS forum, and posted our pictures on a website that is 100% NEO NAZI, & St0rmfront.  This is WHY I think, that you should  know a little more history, b4 jumping to conclusions of members, such as myself, that is kind & Loyal, & I WORK HARD for this forum, VERY HARD, after all, I am engaged to David ben Moshe, who does all of the QPTV shows with Chaim. ANYONE HERE can attest that I AM 100% LOVING AND KIND, IF I suspect ANY evil activity, AFTER what happened here- I WILL NOT SIT BACK and let MY family get beaten up EVER AGAIN, but you ALL, ask ANYONE here, if I am a VERY loving Individual, I DOUBT that they will refute me, AT ALL. I ALSO do audios here that are all over the NET.
  I attract MANY new members, all the time, many, and have for years, even b4 I joined JTF. I have proven myself, over and over- I DESERVE the 'benefit of the doubt' here- NOT the vice versa. It is also a courtesy, to not right away just open topics- people should GET A FEEL for a forum, before taking the liberty of just posting topics.
  With this all being said, I WILL protect ANY person that I see LOVES Jews, and seeks to produce things glorious and positive to ENCOURAGE Jews in Israel, as well as here. Jewish people NEED ENCOURAGEMENT BIGTIME.

Good point Paulette...people should look at the forum for a bit before just going on and commenting.  Still, some people will just go right on and even though the forum had been under attack, there are always people who have never heard the message before.  There are so many brainwashed people out there.  If someone just watches network television and is just considering these issues now, the immediate reaction by a brainwashed person to condemn some of the things they hear here.  I think Dan's right that we need to say why we came to a conclusion but if someone starts saying that Jews are like Nazis then they should be subject to every insult under the sun. 
I often think someone like CF or DWI is being too harsh on new members but they turn out to be correct in so many cases and everything they say, the new members deserve and then some. 

There's just legit questions that could be taken the wrong way and then there are always enemies who come here to disrupt the forum.  It's hard to tell the difference but deciphering them needs to be done.
Title: Re: Reactions to new members
Post by: Americanhero1 on August 01, 2008, 12:51:25 AM
I'm noticing many personal attacks against newer members.  This is not the way to attract new members.  It is unreasonable to expect new members to contribute points of equal validity as someone who has been on the forum a while.  We need to make our movement bigger.  In my opinion we should allow newcomers to speak and to make mistakes and to learn from senior members.  This cannot happen if everytime a new member posts something outrageous, senior members jump down his throat.

I certainly agree that everyone should be given the basic benefit of the doubt. This is a basic ideal of Judaism that we should give our fellows this courtesy. It is important to also remember that once we have very good cause to suspect the intentions of our fellow we dont have to extend this benefit of the doubt to them. I do want to believe that everyone here is supporting the cause, which I believe to be helping to ensure that Obama will not be elected president of America.

I believe that such a mission as this will attract a number of opponents who just may engage in deception in order to disrupt our efforts. This being so it would be wise for the forum moderators to be monitoring things. Obviously nobody should be insulted or demeaned for expressing opinions. The prudent thing would be to warn people when they are approaching the boundaries of acceptability. There must be acceptable and unacceptable things to discuss in this forum. This doesnt mean censorship, but it requires cooperation with all members wanting to achieve the goal of preventing Obama from inhabiting the White House.

Thank you,

 The "benefit of the doubt" should really be given to those who have been PROVEN. Some of you do not know that we were under a SERIOUS attack about 6-7 weeks ago, by people that HATE THIS forum, and posted our pictures on a website that is 100% NEO NAZI, & St0rmfront.  This is WHY I think, that you should  know a little more history, b4 jumping to conclusions of members, such as myself, that is kind & Loyal, & I WORK HARD for this forum, VERY HARD, after all, I am engaged to David ben Moshe, who does all of the QPTV shows with Chaim. ANYONE HERE can attest that I AM 100% LOVING AND KIND, IF I suspect ANY evil activity, AFTER what happened here- I WILL NOT SIT BACK and let MY family get beaten up EVER AGAIN, but you ALL, ask ANYONE here, if I am a VERY loving Individual, I DOUBT that they will refute me, AT ALL. I ALSO do audios here that are all over the NET.
  I attract MANY new members, all the time, many, and have for years, even b4 I joined JTF. I have proven myself, over and over- I DESERVE the 'benefit of the doubt' here- NOT the vice versa. It is also a courtesy, to not right away just open topics- people should GET A FEEL for a forum, before taking the liberty of just posting topics.
  With this all being said, I WILL protect ANY person that I see LOVES Jews, and seeks to produce things glorious and positive to ENCOURAGE Jews in Israel, as well as here. Jewish people NEED ENCOURAGEMENT BIGTIME.

Good point Paulette...people should look at the forum for a bit before just going on and commenting.  Still, some people will just go right on and even though the forum had been under attack, there are always people who have never heard the message before.  There are so many brainwashed people out there.  If someone just watches network television and is just considering these issues now, the immediate reaction by a brainwashed person to condemn some of the things they hear here.  I think Dan's right that we need to say why we came to a conclusion but if someone starts saying that Jews are like Nazis then they should be subject to every insult under the sun. 
I often think someone like CF or DWI is being too harsh on new members but they turn out to be correct in so many cases and everything they say, the new members deserve and then some. 

There's just legit questions that could be taken the wrong way and then there are always enemies who come here to disrupt the forum.  It's hard to tell the difference but deciphering them needs to be done.

When I Joined I commented right away
Title: Re: Reactions to new members
Post by: SavetheWest on August 01, 2008, 01:04:19 AM


When I Joined I commented right away

I looked through the site for a bit and then joined.  I commented right away too. 
Title: Re: Reactions to new members
Post by: Zelhar on August 01, 2008, 03:18:22 AM
From Babylon dictionary:
ethnic cleansing
n. (euphemism) violent and ruthless removal or elimination of an ethnic group (from a country or region) due to their ethnic backgrounds, ruthless removal of an ethnic group by genocide or forced expulsion or migration

Well, what do you expect from Babylon?


PS: What about getting rid of the Phalistinkians by giving them money to emmigrate?

I am all for it, not that I think we ow them anything, but because it's a better solution than by force and violence.
Title: Re: Reactions to new members
Post by: AsheDina on August 01, 2008, 03:29:14 AM
no no no- COMMENTING is GOOD. It is just opening TOPICS when you dont even have a feel... like WALK_STRONG.

  I could CARE LESS myself WHAT religion most people are- the GENERAL DISC. is POLITICAL, if people would remember that we have MANY sections- (some for strictly religious purposes, with benefit the Jew AND the gentile) so getting a FEEL for bringing a topic is really quite important- and some people post one, and it gets ZERO response, then they are upset- so its good to comment for awile.  the HORSE just came in and opened a topic, frankly is was RUDE.
Title: Re: Reactions to new members
Post by: SavetheWest on August 01, 2008, 03:39:52 AM
horselady is banned now though?  What was her deal?
Title: Re: Reactions to new members
Post by: GoIsraelGo! on August 01, 2008, 06:02:41 PM

But there was a partial ethnic cleansing and JTF proposition for mass Arab emigration is also a form of ethnic cleansing.

"Ethnic cleansing" is a colloquial term for genocide.  It cannot be argued that forced emigration is ethnic cleansing.  The term is completely loaded and misleading.  Implicit in the term is that the purpose of ethnic cleansing is the removal of ethnic "dirt".  That is not the purpose of removing the arabs from the land.  I am not looking for a racially pure Israel.  I'm looking for a secure and strong Israel.  I want the arabs removed because they are going to continue to kill Jews if they remain, not because I have a problem with their ethnicity.  I doubt that you will find any JTFer who is advocating ethnic cleansing.
If something is not done about the Muslims, the Muslims will conduct all future genocides...this is a FACT. We are left with 2 choices, we will die at their hands, or we kill them first. I prefer the latter .
Title: Re: Reactions to new members
Post by: Rubystars on August 01, 2008, 06:30:45 PM
Homogeneous countries have a lot less internal trouble, it's often better if nations are relatively "pure", without genocide being the means of course.
Title: Re: Reactions to new members
Post by: Zelhar on August 03, 2008, 09:13:20 AM
Homogeneous countries have a lot less internal trouble, it's often better if nations are relatively "pure", without genocide being the means of course.
That's not always the case: Economical and cultural Develpment are possibly a greater factor- compare the homogeneous Haiti and Jamaica, to Canada. It is true that the countries with lowest crime rates are homogeneous, but they are also highly developed.
Title: Re: Reactions to new members
Post by: q_q_ on August 03, 2008, 09:53:51 AM
it boils down to the nation that builds up the land.. Can be nations building it up.

blacks haven't built much, they didn't have a written language until in the 1800s, white people introduced it to them.

chinese and japanese are clever, they built alot.

It boils down to IQ and EIQ.   And the culture of a society.

Title: Re: Reactions to new members
Post by: GoIsraelGo! on August 03, 2008, 11:22:02 AM
Hi Muman, that is an excellent idea. The surrounding Arab Muslim Countries won't take them in though...they need the Palestinians as pawns in their attempt to destroy Israel.
Correct me if I am wrong, but didn't the Palestinians get billions of dollars in aid.... or was that Arafat?
Title: Re: Reactions to new members
Post by: q_q_ on August 03, 2008, 11:55:52 AM
whether they want oalis or not, they can have them.