What information do you have on WWI actions in Serbia? You mentioned the first European concentration camps.
Lusatian Sorbs/Serbs did not disappeared ,they live even today in Lusatia,parts of Germany and Poland with population of around 50,000.I will go back to them later on.
Here is the link : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GQYDcscU5vk
Don't forget that Serbs like all Slavic peoples were pagans and we converted to Christianity in 7th century.
Back than there was not major differences between Orthodox or Catholic church.
Sorbs are not Orthodox simply because they never came in contact with Byzantine influence like us the Balkan Serbs,they were on border between Germany and Poland so they were influenced by Catholic church.
Back than there was not major differences between Orthodox or Catholic church.
I agree before 1054 there was just one Church.Sorbs are not Orthodox simply because they never came in contact with Byzantine influence like us the Balkan Serbs,they were on border between Germany and Poland so they were influenced by Catholic church.
Well, if they lost Orthodoxy (because before 1054 whole Europe was Orthodox)
than they were I assume exposed to the forced convertions, which were normal after 1054.
Do you know that once there was alsoa strong Serbian Orthodox civilization in today's Hungary? Even today you can find remains of this Serbian civilization...
Well yeah I got doubts in "German version of history" and Slavic migrations from todays Ukraine,but I believe in migrations.Recent new discoveries of Vinca civilization of Danube region,that makes new theory about settling Europe,it says that whole Europe was settled by settlers from Vinca from United Kingdom to Eastern Russia.But thats just theory ;D I don't want to start debate about that,it can last like for ever. :P I'm always open minded for theories but I'm satisfied and proud on last 1500 years of our history.I don't need to go back to beginning of the world. :P
There was no conversion of Sorbs,because Catholic influence was only influence they were exposed.But they preserved Slavic origin,costums,customs and name Serbs even when they were exposed to Germanization.
Ya,but after Great Schism they were influenced with Catholic faith(Western Roman Empire),they had no contact(physical,or spiritual w/e)with Byzantine Empire(Eastern Roman Empire),there was never a chance for them to be influenced by "Eastern" faith because of their simple "Western" geographical position and their surroundings.But we are going away from theme of this topic.There was no conversion of Sorbs,because Catholic influence was only influence they were exposed.But they preserved Slavic origin,costums,customs and name Serbs even when they were exposed to Germanization.
I am not sure, before 1054 whole Europe was still Orthodox...
The forefathers of the Pope's were Orthodox Christians before the Church separation of 1054...
From what I understand, the Goths and Slavs were the two major groups of invaders against the Roman Empire. The Goths eventually were incorporated into the Roman army until their numbers and increased and their loyalty declined. The Goths struck both in the Western half of the Empire and the Eastern Half. The conquered and settled and eventually formed kingdoms that the government in Constantinople claimed as vassals (in order to maintain some legal claim).
The Slavs were Pagan and began to strike in the 5th century when migrating into what is now Bulgraria. The Slavs were less organized than the Goths and were easy to enslave (hence the name Slav from the Latin Sclava). The geographical position of the Slavs made them only able to attack the Eastern part of the Empire mainly around modern Romania, Bulgraria, and Serbia.
A point I am not sure about is that Serbs were incorporated into the Roman army as Federales and Kosovo was given to them as Terra Salica. If anyone can correct me on this, I would appreciate it.
The Slavs spoke a language that ranged from what is now the Baltic to the Caspian Sea to areas in the Carpathians. The Carpathians were the site of an interesting mix of cultures including incoming Slavs, incoming Goths, defeated Roman settlers, Greeks leaving the Empire, and a few other less important groups. The gradual settlement of the Slavs in territories made communication between elements of the Slavic peoples less frequent and the language began to diverge. This was also influenced by Roman efforts to convert the Slavs around the 600's but increasingly by the 700's.
Sorbs/Serbs (no distinction existed yet) eventually rebelled against Roman demands in the middle of the conflict with the Muslims in their bid to expand. Sorbs (once separated) moved north into parts of Gothic lands (opposed to the Christian rule of the then Serb government) and Serbs stayed in what is now Kosovo and Southern Serbia. This element is mainly a guess. I know Wends were separate and had moved there from what is now Belarus in the middle of the Gothic migrations.
To have invaded and made a land your own is not to be alien, it is life. Romans were not indigenous to Dacia, the Dacians were. Rome took the territory in a bloody war, settled its people, and now Romania traces part of its past to the Roman settlers. Not all or even most of the people there were biologically related to the Latins of Italy but Latin and Greek culture and identity remained distinct and survived to become dominant again.
Later Serbian proclaimed saint Sava united all Serbs catholic and orthodox into one church Serbian Orthodox Church
It is official claim that after(here we go again)Great Schism main group of Serbs stood by Orthodoxy but there was also Serbs who were between Western and Eastern influence and didn't alleged to none,until Rastko Nemanjic - Saint Sava united them under common Serbian Orthodox church.Yeah I kinda didn't expressed well there by saying that they "were" Catholic,but Roman Church did had some influence over them.
The Serb tribe existed before the split between the Western and Eastern Churches.
I know that Albanians are a pre-Slavic people (at least parts of them, many others groups arrived and eventually all became Albanian) but I am unsure as of Serbs living in the Krajina before the Slavic migrations.
I must correct both of you there,Dalmacija you are pushing unofficial theory as official and you Pescarii probably think that Slavs did came to Balkans like Greeks,Illyrians,Dacians,etc..not Europe because official theory based on Byzantine theory which means that Serbs just migrated south from Poland,not from Asia to Europe,that basically happened much earlier :
Once The Ottoman Turks decided to Islamicize the people of Bosnia and the Albanians, Serbs migrated out of those territories into Serb territories less controlled by Turkey (the northern part of modern Serbia), Austrian ruled Croatia (hence the Serbian presence in the Krajina after almost all Orthodox had been converted to Catholicism), and into the surrounding territories of the Banat.