General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: cjd on February 19, 2007, 08:09:23 PM
Does anyone know why yephora left the forum? She is now listed as a guest.
Somebody must have irritated her. She felt that FOTL is bad for the forum...I agree.
Also, defaming Moses probably didn't help either.
Its a shame. She was the only Orthodox Jewish woman on the forum as far as I know.
Somebody must have irritated her. She felt that FOTL is bad for the forum...I agree.
Also, defaming Moses probably didn't help either.
Its a shame. She was the only Orthodox Jewish woman on the forum as far as I know.
I defamed Moses, heaven forbid? I think you'll find that someone else did that and not me. ::) And if at any time the moderators would like to see me leave, all they need do is either ban me or ask me to go away, and I will not try to return if I am obstructing the cause.
Somebody must have irritated her. She felt that FOTL is bad for the forum...I agree.
Also, defaming Moses probably didn't help either.
Its a shame. She was the only Orthodox Jewish woman on the forum as far as I know.
I defamed Moses, heaven forbid? I think you'll find that someone else did that and not me. ::) And if at any time the moderators would like to see me leave, all they need do is either ban me or ask me to go away, and I will not try to return if I am obstructing the cause.
We need FOTL to stay. This board is only successful because of its creative and dynamic posters.
To clarify, FOTL did NOT defame Moses...Someone else did.
Thats to bad she was one of the original members and a touch of class here on the forum. I hope she decides to return. I thought the Moses thing might have upset her. COME BACK yephora the forum needs you!!!
Thats to bad. She was one of the original members and a touch of class here on the forum. I hope she decides to return. I thought the Moses thing might have upset her. COME BACK Yephora. The forum needs you!!!
Yes. This is a religious Jewish forum and Moses is called an 'idiot'!?
Another speaks bluntly about sexual acts and everyone says, "he's so 'entertaining'".
I would like Yephora to come back as well. I don't want any enemies. I just want to write things that make me laugh, cry, and stop me from feeling like a corpse. I wish that Yephora would derive similar pleasure from her own things and not read mine if she does not like them.
Thats to bad. She was one of the original members and a touch of class here on the forum. I hope she decides to return. I thought the Moses thing might have upset her. COME BACK Yephora. The forum needs you!!!
Yes. This is a religious Jewish forum and Moses is called an 'idiot'!?
Another speaks bluntly about sexual acts and everyone says, "he's so 'entertaining'".
G-d make all things - sexual and excretory included. Only a Christian would think that G-d is ashamed of what He has made.
Yephora might be Orthodox but she's not a religious Jew. I think she is Traditional. I consider myself to be Orthodox but I'm Traditional, not Religious because I'm not completely observant. She told me once about herself "I'm not frum.".
Yacov, being the admin of the JTF forum and meeting Chaim, you should be religious by now! So who on this forum is orthodox observant other than me?
Yephora might be Orthodox but she's not a religious Jew. I think she is Traditional. I consider myself to be Orthodox but I'm Traditional, not Religious because I'm not completely observant. She told me once about herself "I'm not frum.".
Yacov, being the admin of the JTF forum and meeting Chaim, you should be religious by now! So who on this forum is orthodox observant other than me?
Being religious is not a contest.
Only a Christian would think that G-d is ashamed of what He has made.
You know, I am offended by that. Many of your posts and comments are actually funny (in a pathetic and twisted way), but that's just over the line.
I don't care what faith or level of faith people have, but why did Yephora diss Moses? That's way out of line whether you are a Jew or Christian, and no matter how devout you are in either faith. Are you sure she did? Does somebody have a link?
Isn't Lisa an Orthodox Jew?
yephora didn't diss Mosses she might have become upset because someone else posted some stuff about Moses.
Chaimfan, I'm not an Orthodox Jew.
And I never knew that Yephora was a woman. It would be nice to have another woman poster on this forum. Do any of you feel comfortable emailing her privately?
What then is your faith, Lisa?
I don't know that I would be comfortable w/emailing Yephora... I never spoke to her. BTW what happened to Gruzini? Wasn't that poster a woman?
Chaimfan, I'm Jewish, but not all that observant.
Yephora is one tough cookie. Not too mention she's incredibly eloquent and smart. I hope she comes back!!!
I didn't particularly think he was Jewish, I figured he was Anglican or whatever it is most Britons are born into. It doesn't matter, it was insensitive and inappropriate.
When you say that Christians teach that sex is wrong even in marriage, you primarily are referring to Catholics. Most Protestants, at least nowadays, do not teach anything like that.
Yeah, he doesn't strike me as all that pious in any way. Why is he a JTF member? Does he even support Israel at all?
What is your opinion on the comment 'Treachery to the white race is loyalty to humanity?'
I don't like white people.
His Evil Inclination is too strong to allow him to be a Noahide and he says he doesn't even have free will.
Is it an evil inclination also that keeps me inside on weekends instead of going out dancing and doing all the other stuff THEY do?
To have thouhts and give them expression is only sinful if one is a Catholic. Do actually do those things really is sinful. I have never done them. A ministering angel does not permit me to do those things which is why I say I have no choice in the matter. I have a very specific place in Gehinnom reserved for me. El Shaddai, the Almighty, has seen my affliction and is going to be lenient on me: for this reason I have committed only all of the minor sins and none of the grave, mortal ones: thank G-d.
This is good enough for me.
I can have an individual relationship with the Almighty without being a Christian idolater.
That is ideal.
I've read the Bible several times and know that it is the Divine plan for the Universe and His people are his main agents here on Earth. I believe this very strongly. The great battles between Christian and Muhammadan throughout European history were prophesied. G-d is now going to cause great capricious winds of change to sweep the world and eventually Israel and the Noahide laws will become the light of the world.
Howbeit that has nothing to do with me and I have my own personal relationship with the Almighty.
He views me as totally insignificant and he is right about that. ;D
Chaimfan, I'm not an Orthodox Jew.
And I never knew that Yephora was a woman. It would be nice to have another woman poster on this forum. Do any of you feel comfortable emailing her privately?
Well Lisa there are other women on this forum. According to the states there are 7.2 men for every women which means there are other ones although some aren't advertizing that fact. I think Lisa you should do your part if you want more women since you are a women and you should email yephora.
I also think she may have been turned off by some of the over the top behavior on some of the men on this forum inclusing the administrators. I am not thrilled about Lisa and people called me names for not agreeing with her and for her jumping to conclusion when she openly admitted she didn't hear the show that I was complaining about and I was called a Muslim and Satan among other things. So Yephora may have felt she couldn't have a discussion with anyone on this forum because anytime someone disagreed with her they would be called names and if that is the case she can't really discuss anything and learn anything from the forum.
If this board is so concened about women it would show more if people stopped saying they like these posters of openly sexual acts as Scriabin instead of treating women in a way that they know "over the top niceness is a sign of contempt of them". I have read that and I think it is true. I am currently dating and have a number of relationshiip that have some promise and I have to say that most decent women don't respect that and feel the man are abading their own responsibilities unless they have other agenda's and/or are past childbearing age and sadly have never been married and some women like this because of their lack of visibilty get pleasure of making fun of men to elevate themselves becuase of their sad situation . That is the kind of women this movement is going to attract mostly if it continues to do what it does.
I agree with you adam. Its more then likely that Yephora is still reading the posts on the forum and this post. Instead of questioning where she has gone, maybe an apology will at least make do. If you're out there, i'm sorry yephora. I don't recall saying anything at all to you really, but i'm sorry that you have gone especially since you were a jewish orthodox woman.
Adam i don't think you should take to heart when people disagree and insult you. People have disagreed with me, one too many times but at the end of the day, we are all different and human. Its in a way like a test if you think about it. Your loyalty to JTF can be shown by how much you stick it out. I can call you Satan now but what does it mean? Nothing.....nothing at all :D. The one who angers first shows their weakness and inability to find another way to support their opinion. We just have to remember to be open-minded........a very hard thing to do. Especially since we all think we're right. :)
"over the top niceness is a sign of contempt of them". ... get pleasure of making fun of men to elevate themselves becuase of their sad situation
Both very true statements.
Was walking past a bus stop once, and beheld two young blondes standing near two young black men. The 'leader' blonde was chatting and laughing in a very ostentatious way with the negro, while her friend watched, and the other black man looked on smilingly from a slight distance.
I often see young blondes and black men at bus stops. The young blondes usually start going into laughing hysterics and putting on a show for the black guys. They do not ever bother to do this for me. I guess I am worth less because I am not a [censored].
If that is how it is so be it.
But I shan't stop talking about it just because some 'white' women find it offensive.
White women are not going to hear the last of this until the day the L-rd of Hosts takes me away from this sad and pitiful world. White women have found an enemy in me. :)
No. You shouldn't be doing that. It is an evil inclination that you want to do those things. It is your Evil Inclination that prevents you from becoming a Noahide and seeking a righteous woman in MARRIAGE only.
And the evil inclination has endowed me with certain properties that women find repulsive ... I would love best of all to meet a beautiful young woman and marry her because I would like to devote myself to one woman more than I would like to meet several women.
But women perceive in me something rank, and therefore because of this evilness I seek the second best, which is to say, 'action wherever it is to be found': and thus unhappiness comes about, and the women hate me even more because I am unhappy, and the cycle continues and spirals down.
I would love to marry a woman but would a woman love to marry me? This is why I say that demons are the chief stockowners of my spiritual corporation.
Why don't you go out with Sarah or Hajar? They both have rejected Islam and you have rejected Christianity so you can marry one of them in a Noahide wedding.
That's a very good point. :)
"Why don't you go out with Sarah or Hajar? They both have rejected Islam and you have rejected Christianity so you can marry one of them in a Noahide wedding."
I’m old enough to be your grandmother.
"Why don't you go out with Sarah or Hajar? They both have rejected Islam and you have rejected Christianity so you can marry one of them in a Noahide wedding."
I’m old enough to be your grandmother.
I didn't realize you had that many exams!
Well it was always at the back of mind ... I've never yet met a young woman who was remotely interested in anything I ever had to say ... they are intolerant towards me and hate me ... life is predestined from start to finish, with no real choice. ;)
Well it was always at the back of mind ... I've never yet met a young woman who was remotely interested in anything I ever had to say ... they are intolerant towards me and hate me ... life is predestined from start to finish, with no real choice. ;)
I can never understand why you say this. I find you very interesting.......
That is true, if life is predestined then whats the point of choice, if its going to happen anyway?! But choice gives you less, not more, if you think about it logically that is.
I can never understand why you say this. I find you very interesting.......
That is true, if life is predestined then whats the point of choice, if its going to happen anyway?! But choice gives you less, not more, if you think about it logically that is.
YM is a year older than I am. (I am 23) If you can be his grandmother than a fortiori you can be mine. Therefore you could not be a young woman. That you find me at all interesting is because you are not a young woman, but a woman of some years and understanding.
It was sarcasm :)
Yacov is 25.
A lot of people tell me i behave very mature for my age. Its what thinking yourself into confusion does to you. I laugh when i see my friends only caring about mobile phones and boys ......though it makes me feel secluded.