General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Chaim Ben Pesach on October 12, 2008, 06:24:52 PM
This is the same Peace Now traitor who has done many videos in the past smearing us. He has several accounts on zootube/youtube.
I have news for Peace Now. All of your smear videos only help us. They give us more publicity. Just like when the leftist news media attacked us recently, it only helped us.
Here is the latest video:
I just went and made a comment there, I am sure it will get deleted...... :laugh:
made comment and 1 star
This thesis is spread in a book by Michael Karpin and Ina Friedman. It is called "The death of Jitzhak Rabin".
There is a passage about our good Chaim in it. They claim he has agitated on TV against Rabin. I remember they accuse a Rabbi with the name Hecht too.
They have taken down the full text, so I am not able to quote exactly.
For about 15 seconds, I was confused because the person in the video looks like Chaim.... :::D
Than I thought, "did I make a mean comment on Chaim's video"??? only for a second, I thought that. :::D
This thesis is spread in a book by Michael Karpin and Ina Friedman. It is called "The death of Jitzhak Rabin".
There is a passage about our good Chaim in it. They claim he has agitated on TV against Rabin. I remember they accuse a Rabbi with the name Hecht too.
They have taken down the full text, so I am not able to quote exactly.
I'm don't understand Hebrew so it's difficult to understand what exactly is going on...
I left a few comments to let them know how we feel about Chaim!
I have found the original passage:
Hikinds Assistent bei der SOIL war Victor Vancier, ein stämmiger junger Mann, dessen hauptsächliche Arbeit darin bestand, Sprengsätze und Molotowcocktails zu basteln. Seinen Dutzenden von gewalttätigen Attacken auf Schwarze, Mitarbeiter sowjetischer Einrichtungen und Araber verdankte er die Aufnahme in die «Terroristen»-Kartei des FBI. Man konnte ihn schließlich festsetzen und vor Gericht stellen. Er hatte einen Bombenanschlag auf eine sowjetische Diplomatenresidenz in New York verübt sowie während eines Auftritts der Moiseyev Dance Company einen Kanister Tränengas in die Metropolitan Opera geworfen. Im Oktober 1987 wurde Vancier zu zehn Jahren Haft in einem Staatsgefängnis verurteilt, doch schon nach der Hälfte dieser Zeit wurde er entlassen und avancierte zu einem Star der jüdischen Medien New Yorks.
The assistent of Hikind at SOIL was Victor Vancier, a sturdy young man, whose mainwork was to construct explosive devices and molotowcocktails. He was taken into the terrorist files of the FBI thanks to his dozens of violent attacks against blacks, employees of Soviet Institutions and Arabs. They could finally catch him and put him on trial. He had commited a bombing at a Sovjet diplomatic residence in New York and he had thrown a can of tear-gas into the Metropolitan Opera while the performance of the Moiseyev Dance Company. In the october of 1987 Vancier was sentenced to ten years in federal prison, but he was released already after half of this time and he became the star of the Jewish media of New York.
In Zev Brenners Samstagabend-Talkshow «Talkline» pries er Baruch Goldstein als «Zaddik» (heiliger Lehrer) und nannte Rabin einen «Verräter und Judenmörder». Als Gastmoderator für zwei Sendungen im Kabelfernsehen, «Positively Jewish» und «Jewish Task Force», nutzte er die Gelegenheit zu Tiraden gegen Schwarze, Araber und NichtJuden im allgemeinen.
Wundersamerweise fiel der Schatten von Vanciers Verbrechen nie auf seinen Chef bei der SOIL, obwohl Hikind selbst ähnlicher Machenschaften verdächtigt worden war.
1976 stand er vor einem Bundesgericht, weil er nach der Stürmung der nach Entebbe entführten Air-France-Maschine durch ein israelisches Kommando eine Rauchbombe in die ugandische UN-Mission geworfen hatte. Ein Jahrzehnt später verdächtigte ihn das FBI, an der Planung einer Serie von sechs Bombenanschlägen gegen arabische Ziele in New York, Massachusetts und Kalifornien beteiligt gewesen zu sein -bei denen ein Mensch getötet und mehrere verletzt wurden -, doch Beweise gegen ihn waren nicht aufzutreiben...
In Zev Brenners Saturday-night-Talkshow «Talkline» he praised Baruch Goldstein as a «Zaddik» (holy teacher) an he called Rabin a «traitor and Jewmurderer». As guest-host for two broadcasts an the cable-tv, «Positively Jewish» and «Jewish Task Force»,he took his chance for tirades against blacks, arabs and non-Jews as a whole.
Wondrously the cloud of Vanciers crimes never casts over his boss at the SOIL, althrough Hikind was himself suspected of similar racketeerings. In 1976 he was put on trial in federal court, because he threw after the capture of the kidnapped Air-France-plane in Entebbe by an Israeli commando a smoke bomb in the Uganda UN mission. A decade later he was suspected by the FBI of the planning of six bombings against Arab targets in New York, Massachusetts und California, on which one human was killed and several were wounded -, but they could not get proofs against him ...
Source: http://www.hagalil.com/israel/rabin/mord/hetze-6.htm
I have found the original passage:
Hikinds Assistent bei der SOIL war Victor Vancier, ein stämmiger junger Mann, dessen hauptsächliche Arbeit darin bestand, Sprengsätze und Molotowcocktails zu basteln. Seinen Dutzenden von gewalttätigen Attacken auf Schwarze, Mitarbeiter sowjetischer Einrichtungen und Araber verdankte er die Aufnahme in die «Terroristen»-Kartei des FBI. Man konnte ihn schließlich festsetzen und vor Gericht stellen. Er hatte einen Bombenanschlag auf eine sowjetische Diplomatenresidenz in New York verübt sowie während eines Auftritts der Moiseyev Dance Company einen Kanister Tränengas in die Metropolitan Opera geworfen. Im Oktober 1987 wurde Vancier zu zehn Jahren Haft in einem Staatsgefängnis verurteilt, doch schon nach der Hälfte dieser Zeit wurde er entlassen und avancierte zu einem Star der jüdischen Medien New Yorks.
The assistent of Hikind at SOIL was Victor Vancier, a sturdy young man, whose mainwork was to construct explosive devices and molotowcocktails. He was taken into the terrorist files of the FBI thanks to his dozens of violent attacks against blacks, employees of Soviet Institutions and Arabs. They could finally catch him and put him on trial. He had commited a bombing at a Sovjet diplomatic residence in New York and he had thrown a can of tear-gas into the Metropolitan Opera while the performance of the Moiseyev Dance Company. In the october of 1987 Vancier was sentenced to ten years in federal prison, but he was released already after half of this time and he became the star of the Jewish media of New York.
Source: http://www.hagalil.com/israel/rabin/mord/hetze-6.htm
It'sa miracle the F.B.I can do anything they can'nt find arab terrorist cells
This type of people are totally nuts. Even if their points would be true - I don't believe this - they proove nothing.
It is pure smearing :-(
if you give it 1 star does it lower the rating?
I just went over and gave it a one star rating and I think it dropped down from 3 to 2 stars. :laugh:
Chaim, I know for a fact that although peace now wants to harm jtf with that video, they are only bringing jtf more members. When any sane jew sees you expose the drunken rapist yitzchak Rabin, they will surely join jtf. I hope this leads to jtf becoming a mass movement.
That was quite a funny impression of Rabin. Even though I didn't understand the words I got the gist of it and it made me smile.
I think it will make others smile too. You have a very good sense of humor Chaim and it's a great way to get your points across in a way that people can understand it.
As you said Peace Now is only helping you.
made comment and 1 star
Feces Now (which we know is actually the propaganda ministry of the Israeli government) is too stupid to know that they're just publicizing us. But nobody ever accused self-hating Amalekites of being intelligent.
Chaim is a tremendous actor.
Nevermind, I didn't understand the context.
It's so stupid they try and play Chaim as a drunk. Right only on Purim
Kahane was right as always: those who can't debate, defame. Typical of the left.
It never ceases to amaze me how vicious the left is. The Altalena was so unforgivable that when Hayamin Hamiti takes over in Israel, the courts will be dismantled and the Sanhedrin, once reinstituted, will judge every one of these Bolshevik cockroaches based on the evidence of their crimes and their Torah based judgment will be swift and complete. Then Israel will once again blossom with Torah true Judaism which will attract the rest of the world's Jews who are still in the diaspora.
Go Chiam!! Go JTF!!!
By the way, Dan ben Noah, if you read this, can you please find the complete version of this video and translate it? I'd love to see what Chiam was saying and your translation skills are superlative! Thanks in advance.
It's so stupid they try and play Chaim as a drunk. Right only on Purim
No actually they took a portion of a video that I did imitating a drunken Yitzchak Rabin. They call that "incitement". How can you "incite" against someone who has been dead for 13 years?
By the way, Dan ben Noah, if you read this, can you please find the complete version of this video and translate it? I'd love to see what Chiam was saying and your translation skills are superlative! Thanks in advance.
I don't have the complete video for now, but here is a quick translation of the smear video (with some additions of my own).
Wow your comments in the beginning was exactly was I thought. This leftists are so stupid. They proof nothing with their smear campaign.
I gave all the members here a bunch of thumbs up.
on zootube we should headline terrible Chaim ben pesach then just post the videos
hmm interesting..i think it encourages more people to come to look at this movement..that's fine by me.
If they are condemning then you are doing something right. Way to go!
on zootube we should headline terrible Chaim ben pesach then just post the videos
Great idea :)
on zootube we should headline terrible Chaim ben pesach then just post the videos
We tried it last December. It didn't work.
ChaimFan sent me some accounts he created on zootube with pro-Muslim names. I then uploaded our regular JTF videos with pro-Muslim titles.
But someone saw what was going on and reported it to zootube, which promptly removed the videos and closed the accounts.
But there are literally dozens upon dozens of anti-JTF videos on zootube which have given us tremendous attention. We have gotten quite a few new members on the Hebrew forum from the anti-JTF videos! Some of our most active Hebrew forum members came to us because of the anti-JTF videos.
The Peace Now scum that prepared this video just wrote that they intend to produce "hundreds" of videos against us! That would be great!
Wow! They're not too bright, are they? I said something negative about Aristotle the other day. I guess I'm inciting hatred towards Aristotle...Oh wait a minute! Aristotle has been dead for 2000 years. And what do you know, Rabin has been dead for 15 years now. I guess Chaim was inciting hatred in retrospect. This would be funny, but it really is a tragedy that there are people as stupid as this.