Torah and Jewish Idea => Torah and Jewish Idea => Topic started by: Sefardic Panther on March 15, 2009, 09:43:10 AM

Title: The Dangers Of Homosexuality
Post by: Sefardic Panther on March 15, 2009, 09:43:10 AM
The male organ corresponds to the Sefirah Yesod (omit the yod from Yesod you get “sod” which can mean “secret part”). Homosexuals damage Yesod and the consequences of this is they have no immune system aka AIDS –


The hiloni state of “Israel” is the only place in the middle east where these sub humans are allowed to openly practice their sick lifestyle and muslim homos seek refuge in Israel because muslims just execute them they don’t waste tax payers money on trying to cure them when they get AIDS. Homos have even been sent to represent Israel in world singing contests. SHAME ON THE HILONIM! SHAME ON THEM! SHAME ON THEM! SHAME ON THEM!!!!!!
Title: Re: The Dangers Of Homosexuality
Post by: Zelhar on March 15, 2009, 11:33:08 AM
So sorry to be blunt, but this is rubbish.
Title: Re: The Dangers Of Homosexuality
Post by: muman613 on March 15, 2009, 01:30:45 PM
I do agree that homosexuality is a great sin but I dont think that Torah says this sin is any greater than any other sin. Overall there is a lot of transgresssion of many important mitzvot including Shabbat desecration, eating treif, and intermarriage. Each of these chetim all bring about destruction of the Jewish people. Also as I pointed out in previous messages... Torah only calls for removing from our midst those who engage in the act, not those who have a predisposition to homosexuality. I believe that there is much hope for those who struggle with sexual identity problems.

Title: Re: The Dangers Of Homosexuality
Post by: Sefardic Panther on March 15, 2009, 11:12:47 PM
Whats rubbish Zelhar? The fact that homos get AIDS or the fact that in Israel the ruling atheists allow homos to openly practice their sick lifestyle and even sent the homo dana international to represent Israel in the 1998 eurovision song contest? Unfortunately this is all true. But don’t just take my word for it! Research the facts before calling it “rubbish”!!!
Title: Re: The Dangers Of Homosexuality
Post by: Zelhar on March 16, 2009, 09:29:48 AM
Whats rubbish Zelhar? The fact that homos get AIDS or the fact that in Israel the ruling atheists allow homos to openly practice their sick lifestyle and even sent the homo dana international to represent Israel in the 1998 eurovision song contest? Unfortunately this is all true. But don’t just take my word for it! Research the facts before calling it “rubbish”!!!
The Rubbish is the 'Kabalistic' reasoning against homosexuality and also the claim that AIDS is a homo disease.
Title: Re: The Dangers Of Homosexuality
Post by: muman613 on March 16, 2009, 11:27:59 AM
Whats rubbish Zelhar? The fact that homos get AIDS or the fact that in Israel the ruling atheists allow homos to openly practice their sick lifestyle and even sent the homo dana international to represent Israel in the 1998 eurovision song contest? Unfortunately this is all true. But don’t just take my word for it! Research the facts before calling it “rubbish”!!!
The Rubbish is the 'Kabalistic' reasoning against homosexuality and also the claim that AIDS is a homo disease.

I dont know why you say this. Apparently you reject a very good portion of Jewish belief. Kabbalah is not external to Judaism and virtually all Rabbis I learn from teach from the mystical teachings. I dont know if you Study any Torah but the mystical teachings are very important. Kabbalah is an integral part of Chasidus and Sephardi Jewery. And there is much demonstrable truth in these teachings.

I also believe that AIDS is a sign that homosexuality is wrong. In the 80s it first hit the homosexual community. It was originated from monkeys and those who had relations with monkeys, spread to homosexuals who then spread it to heterosexual women.

Title: Re: The Dangers Of Homosexuality
Post by: Zelhar on March 16, 2009, 01:35:32 PM
Whats rubbish Zelhar? The fact that homos get AIDS or the fact that in Israel the ruling atheists allow homos to openly practice their sick lifestyle and even sent the homo dana international to represent Israel in the 1998 eurovision song contest? Unfortunately this is all true. But don’t just take my word for it! Research the facts before calling it “rubbish”!!!
The Rubbish is the 'Kabalistic' reasoning against homosexuality and also the claim that AIDS is a homo disease.

I dont know why you say this. Apparently you reject a very good portion of Jewish belief. Kabbalah is not external to Judaism and virtually all Rabbis I learn from teach from the mystical teachings. I dont know if you Study any Torah but the mystical teachings are very important. Kabbalah is an integral part of Chasidus and Sefaradi Jewery. And there is much demonstrable truth in these teachings.

I also believe that AIDS is a sign that homosexuality is wrong. In the 80s it first hit the homosexual community. It was originated from monkeys and those who had relations with monkeys, spread to homosexuals who then spread it to heterosexual women.
I don't pretend to be a religious Jew and meant no disrespect to the Jewish faith. However Kabalah is not a halachic source, no serious rabbi would ever base a religious ruling on the Kabalah alone. Now SP tries to justify homophobia and use Kabalah and mock scientific language to justify this. This type of argument is what I call rubbish: "Homosexuals harm their "sod", hence they get AIDS" now that is an odd mix of bad poor logic, science and religion.

I just don't think homophobia is sanctioned by the Torah. Homosexual relations are forbidden (for no given reason to my knowledge), just as plenty of other activities.
Title: Re: The Dangers Of Homosexuality
Post by: muman613 on March 16, 2009, 03:32:06 PM
Whats rubbish Zelhar? The fact that homos get AIDS or the fact that in Israel the ruling atheists allow homos to openly practice their sick lifestyle and even sent the homo dana international to represent Israel in the 1998 eurovision song contest? Unfortunately this is all true. But don’t just take my word for it! Research the facts before calling it “rubbish”!!!
The Rubbish is the 'Kabalistic' reasoning against homosexuality and also the claim that AIDS is a homo disease.

I dont know why you say this. Apparently you reject a very good portion of Jewish belief. Kabbalah is not external to Judaism and virtually all Rabbis I learn from teach from the mystical teachings. I dont know if you Study any Torah but the mystical teachings are very important. Kabbalah is an integral part of Chasidus and Sefaradi Jewery. And there is much demonstrable truth in these teachings.

I also believe that AIDS is a sign that homosexuality is wrong. In the 80s it first hit the homosexual community. It was originated from monkeys and those who had relations with monkeys, spread to homosexuals who then spread it to heterosexual women.
I don't pretend to be a religious Jew and meant no disrespect to the Jewish faith. However Kabalah is not a halachic source, no serious rabbi would ever base a religious ruling on the Kabalah alone. Now SP tries to justify homophobia and use Kabalah and mock scientific language to justify this. This type of argument is what I call rubbish: "Homosexuals harm their "sod", hence they get AIDS" now that is an odd mix of bad poor logic, science and religion.

I just don't think homophobia is sanctioned by the Torah. Homosexual relations are forbidden (for no given reason to my knowledge), just as plenty of other activities.

It is forbidden for a very good reason and Kabbalah explains a lot of the reasons. You may question every aspect of Sexual purity laws like why is it required to go to the mikvah after a womans cycle or why cant you have sexual relations with your mothers sister but the answer is all the same. Sexual purity laws are there for the reason that we must use our reproductive organs in a manner which satisfies the first command to Adam and Eve which is "Be fruitful and multiply" and we must do so in a way of Holiness {Kedusha}.

I dont seek to persecute people for this lifestyle but I will not yield in saying it is wrong. And I will respect the Kabbalists who teach this. If you are interested in this topic you should read Tzvi Fishmans blog where he harps on Sexual purity as the reason that the Jewish people still remain in Galut.



This website is a study of Shmirat HaBrit, based on the Torah, the teachings of our holy Jewish Sages, and the Kabbalah.  Shmirat HaBrit means "guarding the Covenant" by observing the laws of proper sexual behavior. The essays posted emphasize the exalted importance of Shmirat HaBrit to the spiritual and material wellbeing of each and every Jew, to the Nation of Israel, and to the world.

In light of the many questions received in response to Tzvi Fishman’s article on the Arutz Sheva website , regarding the Kabbalist, Rabbi Eliahu Leon Levi, shlita, and Shmirat HaBrit, we are making  available excerpts from Tzvi Fishman’s newly published book,  Secret of the Brit - Torah, Kabbalah, and Sex. These essays may be copied and distributed in order to spread the wisdom and light of the Torah. They are based on the words of our Torah Sages; the secrets of the holy Zohar; and the teachings of the Kabbalist, Rabbi Eliahu Leon Levi, shlita.

Pornoholics Anonymous and its dynamic new Forum are designed to help people addicted to pornography on the Internet escape from its clutches and forge a life-healing connection to G-d.

In addition, the in-progress section on the Art of T'shuva explains the teachings of Rabbi Kook on t'shuva in a clear and concise manner to help readers start out on a joyous new path in life. 

Tzvi Fishman was awarded the Israel Ministry of Education Prize for Creativity and Jewish Culture. His books on Judaism and Jewish themes include: "Tuvia in the Promised Land," "Days of Mashiach," "The Kuzari For Young Readers," and four books on the teachings of Rabbi Kook, "Torat Eretz Yisrael," "War and Peace," "The Art of T'shuva," and "Lights on Orot," co-written with Rabbi David Samson.

The Torah learning on this site is dedicated to the rafuah shlemah of Nachama bat Sarah Shaindel, and the aliyat neshama of Elchanan ben Yehuda, z"l.
Title: Re: The Dangers Of Homosexuality
Post by: muman613 on March 16, 2009, 03:37:50 PM
The Land of Israel & Tikun HaYesod

The Tikunei Zohar explains that man’s first primordial sin in the Garden of Eden was a sexual transgression. Ever since that time, it has been the task of mankind to rectify this sin which shattered the symbiosis between the Creator and His creation. As we have learned, this rectification is called Tikun HaYesod. Every individual who safeguards his personal sexual life is taking a part in this historic, world rectification.

The Arizal teaches that after Cain murdered Abel, Adam separated from his wife for 130 years, afraid to bring more offspring into the world. During these years, evil forces plagued him, causing him to spill semen in vain. These lost souls were captured by the realm of evil, and with mankind’s subsequent immoral decline, they became imprisoned in the land of Egypt, the sexual cesspool of the world. This is why, the Arizal explains, that the Jewish People had to leave the Land of Israel and descend to bondage in Egypt – in order to liberate these kidnapped souls. This was to bring about a world, historic rectification that would return mankind to its exalted holy status of the Garden of Eden. On a mystical level, these liberated souls were “the great wealth” that the Jews carried out of Egypt on the way to Eretz Yisrael. But with the sin of the Golden Calf, and the sexual transgression that accompanied it, the Jewish People failed in their mission. The awaited world rectification, Tikun HaYesod, was to be accomplished in the future - with the conquest of Eretz Yisrael, with the cleansing of sexual sin from the land, and with the building of the Temple in Jerusalem.

However, this tikun was short lived. With the immoral decline of the Jews in Israel, especially sexual sin, the Temples were destroyed, and the Jews were expelled from their land and cast into exile. Jewish nationhood was destroyed, damaging the channel of Yesod, and cutting off G-d’s blessing to the world, which comes down to mankind through the national life of the Jewish People in Eretz Yisrael. 

On a mystical level, this dispersion amongst the impure nations of the world represents the dispersion of the sparks of holiness of the semen that was wasting through transgressions of the Jewish People and captured by the realm of evil.

In Kabbalistic terms, Eretz Yisrael, the Holy Land, represents the female principle of Malchut, the vessel created especially for the development of the Jewish People and for the establishment of the Kingdom of G-d in the world.

Just as the dispersion of the Jews parallels the dispersion of the lost holy souls, it is the ingathering of the Jewish People to the Land of Israel from the four corners of the earth that redeems these scattered spiritual children, reunited the sefirah of Yesod with Malchut.

This ingathering of the Jewish exiles to Eretz Yisrael is the ultimate world-historic Tikun HaYesod, bringing about the redemption of all the lost souls, the redemption of Israel, and the redemption of the world in its wake.   

In this light, we can understand the great importance of the rebuilding of the Jewish Nation in the Land of Israel, and also understand why the forces of evil in the world are so against the resettlement of the Jewish People in its Land.
Title: Re: The Dangers Of Homosexuality
Post by: Zelhar on March 16, 2009, 04:40:43 PM
Muman I have to admit that I Jewish view on sexual purity is the least subject of interest for me. Even so, I completely respect your view about this matter. Now regarding Kabalah- it belongs to the mystic realm. It is not science and not Halacha. I guess Kabalistic reasoning helps some Jews accept or understand better the mizvot, If that is so it serves its purpose. However I don't think Kabalah is a good thing to teach and preach for secular Jews, Jews should accept the Torah and willingly do so. There is an epidemic of Jews who know very little about real Judaism yet for spiritual and even materialistic reasons they follow Kabalah i.e- they do Kabalat shabat, and make a pilgrimage to sages' tombs.
Title: Re: The Dangers Of Homosexuality
Post by: muman613 on March 16, 2009, 07:23:42 PM
Muman I have to admit that I Jewish view on sexual purity is the least subject of interest for me. Even so, I completely respect your view about this matter. Now regarding Kabalah- it belongs to the mystic realm. It is not science and not Halacha. I guess Kabalistic reasoning helps some Jews accept or understand better the mizvot, If that is so it serves its purpose. However I don't think Kabalah is a good thing to teach and preach for secular Jews, Jews should accept the Torah and willingly do so. There is an epidemic of Jews who know very little about real Judaism yet for spiritual and even materialistic reasons they follow Kabalah i.e- they do Kabalat shabat, and make a pilgrimage to sages' tombs.

You realize that "Kabbalat Shabbat" simply means Accepting Shabbat... Kabbalah means 'to receive' or 'receiving'... Every Jewish congregation sings Lecha Dodi when Shabbat arrives, it has little to do with Kabbalah.


From http://www.mechon-mamre.org/jewfaq/kabbalah.htm


Mysticism in Judaism

When non-Jews ask about Judaism, they commonly ask questions like:  Do you believe in heaven and hell?  In angels or the devil?  What happens to the soul after death?  What is the nature of G-d and the universe?  The answers to questions like these define most religions; in fact, some people say that the purpose of religion is to answer these kinds of questions.  Yet from a Torah viewpoint, most of these cosmological issues are wide open to personal opinion.  The areas of Jewish thought that most extensively discuss these issues, Kabbalah and Jewish mysticism, were traditionally not even taught to people until the age of 40, when they had completed their education in Written Torah and Oral Torah (in other words, in Bible and practical Law).

Mysticism and mystical experiences have been a part of Judaism since the earliest days.  The Bible contains many stories of mystical experiences, from visitations by angels to prophetic dreams and visions.  The Talmud considers the existence of the soul and when it becomes attached to the body.  Jewish tradition tells that the souls of all Jews were in existence at the time of the Giving of the Torah and were present at the time and agreed to the Covenant.  There are many stories of places similar to the Gentiles' heaven and hell.  The Talmud contains vague hints of a mystical school of thought that was taught only to the most advanced students and was not committed to writing.  There are several references in ancient sources to ma'aseh bereishit (the work of creation) and ma'aseh merkavah (the work of the chariot [of Ezekiel's vision]), the two primary subjects of mystical thought at the time.

In the middle ages, many of these mystical teachings were committed to writing in books like the Zohar.  Many of these writings were asserted to be secret ancient writings or compilations of secret ancient writings, and some probably are.  It is important to remember, however, that such secret writings that are not the results of public debate in authorative rabbinical courts must never be understood (actually misunderstood) as contradicting the laws that were openly discussed and properly enacted.  All too many Jews as a practial matter have rejected the law and have prefered to practice their misunderstandings of Kabbalistic books or their rabbis' misunderstandings of them.  This is simply inexcusable:  The proper subject for such writings is why we do what we do when we observe the Torah, not what we need to do to observe the Torah.

Like most subjects of Jewish belief, the area of mysticism is wide open to personal interpretation.  Some traditional Jews take mysticism very seriously.  Mysticism is an integral part of Chasidic Judaism, for example, and passages from kabbalistic sources are routinely included in traditional prayer books.  Other traditional Jews take mysticism with a grain of salt.  One prominent Orthodox Jew, when introducing a speaker on the subject of Jewish mysticism, said basically, "it's nonsense, but it's Jewish nonsense, and the study of anything Jewish, even nonsense, is worthwhile".  While we do not say that Kabbalah is nonsense, many things said in its name are clearly nonsense.

The mystical school of thought came to be known as Kabbalah, from the Hebrew root Qof-Bet-Lamed, meaning to receive, to accept.  The word is usually translated as "tradition".  In Hebrew, the word does not have any of the dark, sinister, evil connotations that it has developed in English.  For example, the English word "cabal" (a secret group of conspirators) is derived from the Hebrew word Kabbalah, but neither the Hebrew word nor the mystical doctrines have any evil implications to Jews.

Title: Re: The Dangers Of Homosexuality
Post by: the thing on March 17, 2009, 02:57:17 AM
It seems that where I live, in the UK, they are really trying to make homosexuality the norm, and marriage between man and women the abnormal. For example they have made it compulsory to teach children from the age of 5 that homosexuality is normal and acceptable.

Just out of interest what is the Judaic punishment for sodomy, and general homosexuality?


the thing
Title: Re: The Dangers Of Homosexuality
Post by: Hanketcham on March 17, 2009, 08:13:53 AM
I do not discriminate nor hate homosexuals. 
However, I am not a homosexual and feel no urges for such a thing, though truthfully, i find the idea of women loving women very majestic and sexually powerful.   

As far as the Kabbalah, its esoteric mysticism is powerful, with unfathomable depth, both ground-shaking and mind-shattering in its perspectives of reality.  i am in awe of Kabbalah.  It puts the meanings of the scriptures beyond the limitations of literal translations. 
Title: Re: The Dangers Of Homosexuality
Post by: Zelhar on March 17, 2009, 09:38:39 AM
@Muman: I mentioned Kabalat Shabat as an example for a ritual that people like to perform even though they are not religious. The connection by name is incidental, although I think the ritual was invented in 17th Zefat, which was the center of Kabalah.

@the thing: The situation you described is very bad, I don't think that there is such a thing as homo-lesbian community and I think it is completely wrong to force people to accept their agenda. There is a clear difference between tolerance and acceptance IMO.

In Jewish law the maximum punishment for sodomy and possibly to other forms of homosexual relations is death. However I think that the offense must be done in public in front of witnesses and the condemned should have been warned before.
Title: Re: The Dangers Of Homosexuality
Post by: Sefardic Panther on March 17, 2009, 11:37:55 AM
Wayiqra 20:13
We'ish asher yishkav et-zachar mishkevey ishah to'evah asu shneyhem mot yumatu dmeyhem bam
(If a man has intercourse with another man in the same manner as with a woman, both of them have committed a disgusting perversion. They shall be put to death by stoning)

In Bereshith ch.19 Hashem Himself destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah because all the inhabitants were homos. I was once told that Hashem does not destroy San Francisco because homosexuality is a far bigger affront when done in the Holy Land.

Yes I am a “homophobe” as every decent human being should be! Homosexuality is unnatural! We don’t see it in the animal kingdom and it is pointless because it produces no offspring. Even worse than homosexuality itself is how this perversion has become acceptable in western society and it’s the people who speak against it who are demonized (?!). Will western society stop at this perversion or will incest, bestiality and pedophilia become acceptable next? The politically correct crowd advocating homosexuality should eat plenty of prunes. That will show them what the tuchis is for!!!
Title: Re: The Dangers Of Homosexuality
Post by: muman613 on March 17, 2009, 11:51:49 AM
Wayiqra 20:13
We'ish asher yishkav et-zachar mishkevey ishah to'evah asu shneyhem mot yumatu dmeyhem bam
(If a man has intercourse with another man in the same manner as with a woman, both of them have committed a disgusting perversion. They shall be put to death by stoning)

In Bereshith ch.19 Hashem Himself destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah because all the inhabitants were homos. I was once told that Hashem does not destroy San Francisco because homosexuality is a far bigger affront when done in the Holy Land.

Yes I am a “homophobe” as every decent human being should be! Homosexuality is unnatural! We don’t see it in the animal kingdom and it is pointless because it produces no offspring. Even worse than homosexuality itself is how this perversion has become acceptable in western society and it’s the people who speak against it who are demonized (?!). Will western society stop at this perversion or will incest, bestiality and pedophilia become acceptable next? The politically correct crowd advocating homosexuality should eat plenty of prunes. That will show them what the tuchis is for!!!

The primary reason that S&G was destroyed was because it was inhospitable to guests... Also there were not ten righteous people in the towns. The fact that homosexual relations was acceptable in that society was another reason it was destroyed but not the primary reason according to most explanations.

From Ohr Samayach:


The awful fate of the sinful cities of Sodom and Amorah will be recalled in synagogues throughout Israel and the world this Shabbat in the reading of the weekly Torah portion.

Were these indeed the worst cities in the world that they were designated for such a violent upheaval?

No, writes Ramban in his commentary. These cities were singled out for total destruction because of two reasons.

One is that they were located in Eretz Yisrael, a holy land which does not tolerate the abomination of which they were guilty. Just as this land would eventually spit out the nations that contaminated it, these sinners were now completely destroyed because their crimes surpassed those of all the others who inhabited the land.

The destruction of Sodom and Amorah was also intended as a lesson for the nation of Israel which would eventually inherit the land to be careful lest it deserve a similar fate.

The major sin of these cities was a total indifference to the need to share its wealth with its needy neighbors and visitors. It is hoped that the lesson of Sodom and Amorah will be taken seriously by a government which is more concerned with economic growth than it is with the needs of its large families and senior citizens. Only an application of this lesson will guarantee the well-being of Israel forever.

I live in the SF area and consider the story of S&G every day. I believe I know several righteous {religious Jews} who live in San Francisco and I know they belong to a righteous minyan. I do not oppress the homosexual but believe that if they want to do teshuva that it is possible to control all physical urges.
Title: Re: The Dangers Of Homosexuality
Post by: The One and Only Mo on March 17, 2009, 12:16:36 PM
When people are gay and do not reproduce they are not doing the Mitzvah of being fruitful and multiplied. It's a sin to waste seed. Plain and simple. All the rest is commentary.
Title: Re: The Dangers Of Homosexuality
Post by: Zelhar on March 17, 2009, 12:24:40 PM
SF isn't Sodom just yet. The Sodomites actually had a habit (among other forms of torture they used) to gang rape people who stopped by their city.
Title: Re: The Dangers Of Homosexuality
Post by: muman613 on March 17, 2009, 12:53:28 PM
When people are gay and do not reproduce they are not doing the Mitzvah of being fruitful and multiplied. It's a sin to waste seed. Plain and simple. All the rest is commentary.

You are aware it is just not that simple either. There are complex laws of sexual purity which must be adhered to in order to obtain the blessings from Hashem. In a previous thread I had listed many of these laws of purity. There is a time to be with the wife, and a time to separate from her. There are females which are off limits to males and likewise males off-limits for females. Kohens have even more stringent laws concerning their sexual and marital relations.
Title: Re: The Dangers Of Homosexuality
Post by: Kahane-Was-Right BT on March 17, 2009, 06:57:12 PM
Zelhar is correct to say that the kabbalah should not be preached to/by the ignorant, and in fact, when this does happens, it makes a mockery of the kabbalah...
Title: Re: The Dangers Of Homosexuality
Post by: The One and Only Mo on March 18, 2009, 01:33:11 AM
When people are gay and do not reproduce they are not doing the Mitzvah of being fruitful and multiplied. It's a sin to waste seed. Plain and simple. All the rest is commentary.

You are aware it is just not that simple either. There are complex laws of sexual purity which must be adhered to in order to obtain the blessings from Hashem. In a previous thread I had listed many of these laws of purity. There is a time to be with the wife, and a time to separate from her. There are females which are off limits to males and likewise males off-limits for females. Kohens have even more stringent laws concerning their sexual and marital relations.

Yes, I was just trying to explain that it's against the natural order of things.
Title: Re: The Dangers Of Homosexuality
Post by: Sefardic Panther on March 19, 2009, 09:37:47 AM
Kahane-Was-Right BT I thought you did not believe in Kabbalah?
Title: Re: The Dangers Of Homosexuality
Post by: ProudAndZionist on March 19, 2009, 01:41:53 PM
Once I beat a gay, who provocated me...I hate them!!!
Title: Re: The Dangers Of Homosexuality
Post by: muman613 on March 19, 2009, 03:27:36 PM
Once I beat a gay, who provocated me...I hate them!!!

Hate the evil which they do but it is not necessary to hate them. It is well known that hatred is a negative character trait and if used in the wrong way it can lead to many problems.
Title: Re: The Dangers Of Homosexuality
Post by: Kahane-Was-Right BT on March 19, 2009, 04:25:03 PM
Kahane-Was-Right BT I thought you did not believe in Kabbalah?

Even though this is a loaded question, I will respond appropriately anyway:  You thought wrong. 
Not everything is so black and white.   Try not to view things so simplistically.

But it certainly depends on how you define "kabbalah."   And what constitutes "belief" in your mind is probably very different from what I think "belief" means. 

But let's pretend for a moment that even if I didn't hold of kabbalah of any kind - it still is being associated with Torah and Judaism, and for charlatans or ignorant people to present it to other ignorant people or in an inauthentic way, is still grossly inappropriate, and puts a bad light on Judaism (chas veshalom).   So what relevance is it what I believe or don't believe?   The statement is still true.    It makes a mockery of Judaism/Torah etc for the ignorant to distort kabbalah and present to (or be presented by) the ignorant in some sort of mass proliferation.   Most people know nothing of the basics of Judaism and halacha.   That is the place to start.   Not kabbalah.    (And I'm talking about Jews!)
Title: Re: The Dangers Of Homosexuality
Post by: Chai on April 01, 2009, 04:46:28 AM
I feel most people know its imoral deep down
Title: Re: The Dangers Of Homosexuality
Post by: Ulli on April 01, 2009, 06:18:33 PM
God hates homosexuals. He wants them to be death eternal.

For this type of people is no hope.
Title: Re: The Dangers Of Homosexuality
Post by: Raulmarrio2000 on April 01, 2009, 11:10:38 PM
G-d hates homosexuals. He wants them to be death eternal.

For this type of people is no hope.

Who are you to speak in the name of G-d?
G-d disaproves sins according to the Torah and the Noahide Code, all kind of sins, idolatry, forbidden sexual relations, blasphemy, etc etc..... But even idolators can make Teshuvah!!! G-d hates sin not sinners. By your logic, in case you had sex with a married woman, (or even lust after her in your heart, according to your Christian belief) there is no Teshuva (return, repentance) for you.
Title: Re: The Dangers Of Homosexuality
Post by: Adrian Wainer on April 13, 2009, 08:32:02 AM
The male organ corresponds to the Sefirah Yesod (omit the yod from Yesod you get “sod” which can mean “secret part”). Homosexuals damage Yesod and the consequences of this is they have no immune system aka AIDS –


The hiloni state of “Israel” is the only place in the middle east where these sub humans are allowed to openly practice their sick lifestyle and muslim homos seek refuge in Israel because muslims just execute them they don’t waste tax payers money on trying to cure them when they get AIDS. Homos have even been sent to represent Israel in world singing contests. SHAME ON THE HILONIM! SHAME ON THEM! SHAME ON THEM! SHAME ON THEM!!!!!!

If G-d punishes homosexuals with AIDS for having sex with one another and you have any sort of influence with G-d could you put in a Word with him for me, I think a couple of tornadoes just smashing up the Palaces of the Saudi Royal family would be quite nice and maybe if a couple of suitably unpleasant demons were sent to to torment George Galloway, so that he ended up in a psychiatric hospital that would be all to the good.



Best and Warm Regards
Adrian Wainer
Title: Re: The Dangers Of Homosexuality
Post by: Ulli on April 13, 2009, 08:58:27 AM
G-d hates homosexuals. He wants them to be death eternal.

For this type of people is no hope.

Who are you to speak in the name of G-d?
G-d disaproves sins according to the Torah and the Noahide Code, all kind of sins, idolatry, forbidden sexual relations, blasphemy, etc etc..... But even idolators can make Teshuvah!!! G-d hates sin not sinners. By your logic, in case you had sex with a married woman, (or even lust after her in your heart, according to your Christian belief) there is no Teshuva (return, repentance) for you.

Sex with a married woman is a thing I would never do. It would show that I would be fallen out of grace. It is very serious, perhaps as serious as this homosexual issue.
Title: Re: The Dangers Of Homosexuality
Post by: Adrian Wainer on April 13, 2009, 10:48:45 AM
G-d hates homosexuals. He wants them to be death eternal.

For this type of people is no hope.

Who are you to speak in the name of G-d?
G-d disaproves sins according to the Torah and the Noahide Code, all kind of sins, idolatry, forbidden sexual relations, blasphemy, etc etc..... But even idolators can make Teshuvah!!! G-d hates sin not sinners. By your logic, in case you had sex with a married woman, (or even lust after her in your heart, according to your Christian belief) there is no Teshuva (return, repentance) for you.

Sex with a married woman is a thing I would never do. It would show that I would be fallen out of grace. It is very serious, perhaps as serious as this homosexual issue.

Yes, well that is good because if you had sex with my wife, I would be pretty annoyed but I could not see much inherently wrong with having sex with my own wife, is that wrong in judaism?

Best and Warm Regards
Adrian Wainer
Title: Re: The Dangers Of Homosexuality
Post by: Ulli on April 13, 2009, 11:04:35 AM
G-d hates homosexuals. He wants them to be death eternal.

For this type of people is no hope.

Who are you to speak in the name of G-d?
G-d disaproves sins according to the Torah and the Noahide Code, all kind of sins, idolatry, forbidden sexual relations, blasphemy, etc etc..... But even idolators can make Teshuvah!!! G-d hates sin not sinners. By your logic, in case you had sex with a married woman, (or even lust after her in your heart, according to your Christian belief) there is no Teshuva (return, repentance) for you.

Sex with a married woman is a thing I would never do. It would show that I would be fallen out of grace. It is very serious, perhaps as serious as this homosexual issue.

Yes, well that is good because if you had sex with my wife, I would be pretty annoyed but I could not see much inherently wrong with having sex with my own wife, is that wrong in judaism?

Best and Warm Regards
Adrian Wainer

Title: Re: The Dangers Of Homosexuality
Post by: Sefardic Panther on April 13, 2009, 05:49:16 PM

If G-d punishes homosexuals with AIDS for having sex with one another and you have any sort of influence with G-d could you put in a Word with him for me, I think a couple of tornadoes just smashing up the Palaces of the Saudi Royal family would be quite nice and maybe if a couple of suitably unpleasant demons were sent to to torment George Galloway, so that he ended up in a psychiatric hospital that would be all to the good.

Tehillim 33:6 says that by G-d’s Name the heavens were made. I don’t think real miracle working is possible now because the correct pronunciation of G-d’s Name was lost after the romans destroyed the Beit HaMiqdash.
Title: Re: The Dangers Of Homosexuality
Post by: Adrian Wainer on April 13, 2009, 08:00:21 PM

If G-d punishes homosexuals with AIDS for having sex with one another and you have any sort of influence with G-d could you put in a Word with him for me, I think a couple of tornadoes just smashing up the Palaces of the Saudi Royal family would be quite nice and maybe if a couple of suitably unpleasant demons were sent to to torment George Galloway, so that he ended up in a psychiatric hospital that would be all to the good.

Tehillim 33:6 says that by G-d’s Name the heavens were made. I don’t think real miracle working is possible now because the correct pronunciation of G-d’s Name was lost after the romans destroyed the Beit HaMiqdash.

If there is an all powerful G-d, he can do just whatever he wants to. Ever heard of the Angel of Death?



A peculiar mantle ("idra"—according to Levy, "Neuhebr. Wörterb." i. 32, a sword) belongs to the equipment of the angel of death (Eccl. R. iv. 7). The angel of death takes on the particular form which will best serve his purpose; e.g., he appears to a scholar in the form of a beggar imploring pity


Best and Warm Regards
Adrian Wainer

Title: Re: The Dangers Of Homosexuality
Post by: Sefardic Panther on April 14, 2009, 08:43:07 AM
There is an all powerful G-d and He can do whatever He wants to. My point is we can't.
Title: Re: The Dangers Of Homosexuality
Post by: Adrian Wainer on April 14, 2009, 11:48:46 AM
There is an all powerful G-d and He can do whatever He wants to. My point is we can't.

Yes we can in so far as it is a matter of free will.


Best and Warm Regards
Adrian Wainer
Title: Re: The Dangers Of Homosexuality
Post by: muman613 on April 14, 2009, 02:29:17 PM
There is an all powerful G-d and He can do whatever He wants to. My point is we can't.

Yes we can in so far as it is a matter of free will.


Best and Warm Regards
Adrian Wainer

All is in the hands of Hashem except for the fear of Hashem. Free will is what allows people to ignore the Blessed one and is the system by which we are tested. If the wicked were struck down with bolts of lightning would there be free will? No, indeed there would be nothing but doing his will. Free will allows people to do what they will and not the will of the L-rd G-d. Even the plagues were not sufficient to overcome Pharoahs stubborn heart.

Title: Re: The Dangers Of Homosexuality
Post by: Hyades on April 14, 2009, 04:33:14 PM
Well, I was raised in a very modern and open family. Where everyone respects everyone else.
I know I am intolerant with muslims but this is because they are life threatening to me. Homosexuals aren't! I have nothing against it. It is everybody's own problem to do or not do what he wants. And I am not in a position to blame others for their sins since I am not a saint either. Sometimes I eat non kosher food, I have worked on Sabbaths in order to keep my job. 
And I know several gays from my former school and even my own uncle. So what? They never did me any harm? So why should I hate them, reject them or treat them bad. If I did that I would think I was superior and the Lord created all humans equal, didn't He?
Why this concern with only 5% of the population if there is a bunch of 1.4 billion ready to end up with everything that really matters: The entire Judaism, the State of Israel, Europe, US and Christianity! And being medievally intolerant to others will only generate more intolerance as well. That goes to the Jewish, Catholic and Pentecostal Christians who put the moral above everything and forget to care of their own lives an defend it against real threats!  :)
Title: Re: The Dangers Of Homosexuality
Post by: muman613 on April 14, 2009, 05:36:04 PM
Well, I was raised in a very modern and open family. Where everyone respects everyone else.
I know I am intolerant with muslims but this is because they are life threatening to me. Homosexuals aren't! I have nothing against it. It is everybody's own problem to do or not do what he wants. And I am not in a position to blame others for their sins since I am not a saint either. Sometimes I eat non kosher food, I have worked on Sabbaths in order to keep my job. 
And I know several gays from my former school and even my own uncle. So what? They never did me any harm? So why should I hate them, reject them or treat them bad. If I did that I would think I was superior and the Lord created all humans equal, didn't He?
Why this concern with only 5% of the population if there is a bunch of 1.4 billion ready to end up with everything that really matters: The entire Judaism, the State of Israel, Europe, US and Christianity! And being medievally intolerant to others will only generate more intolerance as well. That goes to the Jewish, Catholic and Pentecostal Christians who put the moral above everything and forget to care of their own lives an defend it against real threats!  :)

This is a lame excuse Hyades... The Torah is eternal and so is its moral code. Every sin is a sin and to justify it because you sin is just as bad as being gay yourself.

A Jew must be able to control himself... This is why we eat Kosher, this is why we keep Shabbat. We are not animals, we are above them. If you are comfortable being an animal, woe unto you.

You really need to find a nice Rabbi who will teach you what it means to be a Mensch. I am glad you are not a member of my minyan...

PS: Where is Torah does it say that all men are created equal? This is a mistake you have made. Actually we are not all equal... Judaism establishes Levis and Cohens which have special priveleges. So too men and women are not equal in physical nor in spiritual terms. Everyone has a special gift given to them by Hashem, but we all have different gifts. WE are not equal. Some people are smarter than I, some much dumber, some richer, and some poorer. I am ok with this..

Torah says that Man is created in the image of G-d... What this means is that we have the ability to CREATE. Creation is the way man becomes like G-d. I am a creative person and I learn that through my stopping creation on Shabbat that Hashem is the master of the world, and I am not. All humanity has the potential to be like Hashem, but gays have given up the ability to create the next generation. This is a sin, a grave one, and the reasons gay sex will never be acceptable to the L-rd.

I also know some nice gays... That doesn't make me condone that lifestyle of sin... I also know drug dealers and gangsters and I don't condone that activity. I hope to raise up those in sin.

Also who here has suggested being unkind or evil towards gays? I for one have not. I am very kind to gay people and I try to get them to understand the error of their ways. Judaism doesn't condone tormenting someone for their sexual problems. It does suggest rebuking them for their sin.
Title: Re: The Dangers Of Homosexuality
Post by: muman613 on April 14, 2009, 05:48:03 PM
One last question Hyades...

Why did you choose a name which sounds like the name Hades which is synonymous with Hell?

Nature of Satan


U       Christianity's belief in Satan is rooted in the event that took place in the Garden of Eden, where the serpent, believed by Christians to be a manifestation of Satan, is the perpetrator of evil who succeeded in tempting man into disobeying G-d's command not to eat from the Tree of Knowledge of good and evil.  According to the Christian perspective, which is based on a misinterpreted passage from the Hebrew Bible (Ezek 28:13-18), Satan was originally one of the angels in the Heavenly Host, but his rebellion against G-d caused him to fall from grace, ergo the common reference to him as a "fallen angel":


Revelation 12:9(KJV) - And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.


Satan/Devil has his own power and authority, which he uses to oppose G-d and perpetrate evil.  This view reflects the influence of pagan religions, such as the religion of ancient Greece, which had Zeus/Hades, and the religion of ancient Rome, which had Jupiter/Pluto.  This dualism of the forces of good and evil in a state of constant battle with each other, a state of affairs that will prevail till the "end times", characterized these and other ancient pagan religions.
Title: Re: The Dangers Of Homosexuality
Post by: Hyades on April 20, 2009, 04:57:29 AM
One last question Hyades...

Why did you choose a name which sounds like the name Hades which is synonymous with Hell?

Nature of Satan


U       Christianity's belief in Satan is rooted in the event that took place in the Garden of Eden, where the serpent, believed by Christians to be a manifestation of Satan, is the perpetrator of evil who succeeded in tempting man into disobeying G-d's command not to eat from the Tree of Knowledge of good and evil.  According to the Christian perspective, which is based on a misinterpreted passage from the Hebrew Bible (Ezek 28:13-18), Satan was originally one of the angels in the Heavenly Host, but his rebellion against G-d caused him to fall from grace, ergo the common reference to him as a "fallen angel":


Revelation 12:9(KJV) - And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.


Satan/Devil has his own power and authority, which he uses to oppose G-d and perpetrate evil.  This view reflects the influence of pagan religions, such as the religion of ancient Greece, which had Zeus/Hades, and the religion of ancient Rome, which had Jupiter/Pluto.  This dualism of the forces of good and evil in a state of constant battle with each other, a state of affairs that will prevail till the "end times", characterized these and other ancient pagan religions.

HUH!??? I chose it from the Hyades, since I love astronomy (not astroLogy, which is complete nonsense). And the Hyades are the most beautiful star cluster along with the Pleiades which appear here in Germany when autumn comes and the night sky become more filled with numerous bright stars and constellations. I have never thought about Hades. Hyades means "Rain Stars" as they announced the rain in ancient Greece after the dry summer months.

As for your other post: I said unkind because someone said G*D hates homos. I think it is a hard thing to say. We have a revenging G*D and a forgiving one. But also our G*D is different as allah, since allah does not know forgiving, only hatred and thus creates hatred in the hearts and soulds of muslims. Our G*D is a loving G*D loving with rigidity and strictness - just like a father.
And we should behave the same way. Being like fathers and brothers. Tolerating others' failures even though we are not okay with them and even less commit the same mistakes. And they have chosen their destiny, so I let them live their lives as long as they let me live my life... ;)
Title: Re: The Dangers Of Homosexuality
Post by: AsheDina on April 27, 2009, 11:41:38 PM
I dont agree with ANY mystical teachings. What about the HAG Madonna studying Kaballah??
Title: Re: The Dangers Of Homosexuality
Post by: Hyades on April 28, 2009, 02:39:24 AM
Madonna studying Kabbalah is somewhat strange. But if she likes it and it makes her happy, why not?
Title: Re: The Dangers Of Homosexuality
Post by: judeanoncapta on April 28, 2009, 06:36:17 AM
It seems that where I live, in the UK, they are really trying to make homosexuality the norm, and marriage between man and women the abnormal. For example they have made it compulsory to teach children from the age of 5 that homosexuality is normal and acceptable.

Just out of interest what is the Judaic punishment for sodomy, and general homosexuality?


the thing

Male homosexuality is punishable by death.

Female homosexuality is not mentioned in the torah explicitly although many Rabbis consider it to be included in the warning not to follow the way of the Egyptians and therefore it would be forbidden but not a capital crime.

Sodomy, if by that you mean anal intercourse between a man a woman, that is not forbidden at all.  However it is not a good idea and undermines togetherness between a husband and wife since it only gives the man pleasure and usually cause the woman intense pain.