General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Solv0trollMens on May 07, 2009, 10:00:05 AM

Title: The last solution to the Islamist countries.
Post by: Solv0trollMens on May 07, 2009, 10:00:05 AM
Lemme know...  ;D
Title: Re: The final solution to the Islamist countries.
Post by: briann on May 07, 2009, 10:15:24 AM
You need another option... Athieism will NOT work as a replacement for 95% of the population.  You can't fill a religious void with athieism... it just doesnt work in the real world.
Title: Re: The final solution to the Islamist countries.
Post by: HiWarp on May 07, 2009, 12:01:17 PM
You need another option... Athieism will NOT work as a replacement for 95% of the population.  You can't fill a religious void with athieism... it just doesnt work in the real world.

I don't know.  Atheism, coupled with socialism, seems to have worked pretty well as a replacement to Christianity in Europe.
Title: Re: The final solution to the Islamist countries.
Post by: ag337 on May 07, 2009, 12:04:48 PM
Bomb, bomb, bomb
bomb, bomb, Iran.......
And then bomb, bomb, bomb,
bomb, bomb, all the other Islamic regimes....
Title: Re: The final solution to the Islamist countries.
Post by: briann on May 07, 2009, 12:36:58 PM
You need another option... Athieism will NOT work as a replacement for 95% of the population.  You can't fill a religious void with athieism... it just doesnt work in the real world.

I don't know.  Atheism, coupled with socialism, seems to have worked pretty well as a replacement to Christianity in Europe.

Thats not what the majority of Europeans believe.  Its just the elitists who have the control of the media and the learning institutions.
Title: Re: The final solution to the Islamist countries.
Post by: SW on May 07, 2009, 12:37:10 PM
Nuke them all! :nuke:
Title: Re: The final solution to the Islamist countries.
Post by: zachor_ve_kavod on May 07, 2009, 05:05:38 PM
Do you know what the term "final solution" means?  To use that term in this context is perverse.
Title: Re: The final solution to the Islamist countries.
Post by: muman613 on May 07, 2009, 05:07:14 PM
Do you know what the term "final solution" means?  To use that term in this context is perverse.

I have felt the same... Final Solution is what hitler called the exermination of the Jewish people... I find the term offensive..
Title: Re: The final solution to the Islamist countries.
Post by: t_h_j on May 07, 2009, 05:13:08 PM
Nuke them all! :nuke:

do you know where Israel is?
Title: Re: The final solution to the Islamist countries.
Post by: briann on May 07, 2009, 05:31:37 PM
Yes, thats a good point..... Please tell the moderator to either EDIT the terms.. 'Final Solution' or to remove this thread altogether.
Title: Re: The final solution to the Islamist countries.
Post by: Solv0trollMens on May 07, 2009, 06:05:27 PM
Do you know what the term "final solution" means?  To use that term in this context is perverse.

I have felt the same... Final Solution is what hitler called the exermination of the Jewish people... I find the term offensive..

I know, but It wasn't my meaning. You could say the last solution.
Title: Re: The last solution to the Islamist countries.
Post by: Solv0trollMens on May 07, 2009, 06:07:36 PM
Word replaced with "last".
Title: Re: The final solution to the Islamist countries.
Post by: zachor_ve_kavod on May 07, 2009, 06:14:20 PM
Do you know what the term "final solution" means?  To use that term in this context is perverse.

I have felt the same... Final Solution is what hitler called the exermination of the Jewish people... I find the term offensive..

I know, but It wasn't my meaning. You could say the last solution.

I assumed you didn't mean to make a reference to the term.  But this point is very important, especially in political discourse, (and I'm not saying this as an attack; everybody should keep this in mind):  what you intend or what you mean is irrelevant.  The arabs, ironically and cynically, have accused the Jews of doing a final solution to them.  That is the ultimate obscenity, as not only have the Jews not tried to wipe out the arabs, it is the arabs that have continuously tried to wipe out the Jews.  So for them to use that term is offensive to the extreme.  So we should be cautious with our language.  Maybe (if you don't mind a suggestion) you should consider giving your thread a new title.
Title: Re: The last solution to the Islamist countries.
Post by: zachor_ve_kavod on May 07, 2009, 06:14:51 PM
I see you did that.  I think that is better.
Title: Re: The last solution to the Islamist countries.
Post by: Lisa on May 07, 2009, 06:54:36 PM
I think a quarantine is a win win situation for everyone. 

Think of it this way.  The Arabs/Muslims always complain about how decadent Western culture is.  So we'll give them what they want.  No more immigration to the West from Muslim countries.  And more importantly, we need to find an alternative to oil.  That way these terrorist nations won't get to dicate our domestic and foreign policy. 
Title: Re: The last solution to the Islamist countries.
Post by: zachor_ve_kavod on May 07, 2009, 07:29:17 PM
Top ten things we can do to defeat Islam:

1.  Get off of all oil, not just foreign oil.

2.  Ban on muslim immigration.

3.  Secure the borders.

4.  Promote right wing conservative media.

5.  Promote right wing grass-roots groups.

6.  Bankrupt terrorist groups.

7.  Military strength.

8.  Let Israel be to do what they have to do.

9.  Bomb Iran to the point where the rest of the Islamic world realizes that it is not in their interest to act up.  Make an example of them.

10.  Help spread Judeo/Christian values.
Title: Re: The final solution to the Islamist countries.
Post by: SW on May 08, 2009, 04:54:47 AM
Nuke them all! :nuke:

do you know where Israel is?

Yes I know. But you can nuke around Israel. If you nuke inside Saudi Barbaria you can delete the rest with soldiers.
Title: Re: The last solution to the Islamist countries.
Post by: New Yorker on May 08, 2009, 06:37:19 AM
Nuke the pisslamic f**kers, all of them, remove that deranged plague from the planet.   :nuke:
Title: Re: The last solution to the Islamist countries.
Post by: Ulli on May 08, 2009, 06:43:52 AM
I think a quarantine is a win win situation for everyone. 

Think of it this way.  The Arabs/Muslims always complain about how decadent Western culture is.  So we'll give them what they want.  No more immigration to the West from Muslim countries.  And more importantly, we need to find an alternative to oil.  That way these terrorist nations won't get to dicate our domestic and foreign policy. 

I am with you Lisa.
Title: Re: The last solution to the Islamist countries.
Post by: HiWarp on May 08, 2009, 07:06:13 AM
I think a quarantine is a win win situation for everyone. 

Think of it this way.  The Arabs/Muslims always complain about how decadent Western culture is.  So we'll give them what they want.  No more immigration to the West from Muslim countries.  And more importantly, we need to find an alternative to oil.  That way these terrorist nations won't get to dicate our domestic and foreign policy. 

But that is not what they want.  When they complain about the decadent west what they really are saying is "we will clean it up when we take over".  They do not want "no more immigration to the west".  They want more immigration to the west so it becomes another muslim hellhole.
Title: Re: The last solution to the Islamist countries.
Post by: Lisa on May 08, 2009, 09:12:27 AM
I see what you're saying, HiWarp.  That's why we need to stop all Muslim immigration to the West.  Anyone convicted of terrorist activities in America should be deported. 

Some people say that we should stop treating Islam as a religion with 1st Amendment speech protections, but more like a violent political ideology that must be outlawed in the West.  I'm inclined to agree with that. 
Title: Re: The last solution to the Islamist countries.
Post by: ag337 on May 08, 2009, 03:32:30 PM
Top ten things we can do to defeat Islam:

1.  Get off of all oil, not just foreign oil.

2.  Ban on muslim immigration.

3.  Secure the borders.

4.  Promote right wing conservative media.

5.  Promote right wing grass-roots groups.

6.  Bankrupt terrorist groups.

7.  Military strength.

8.  Let Israel be to do what they have to do.

9.  Bomb Iran to the point where the rest of the Islamic world realizes that it is not in their interest to act up.  Make an example of them.

10.  Help spread Judeo/Christian values.

I like the 10 points you posted in your reply to this thread.
And, I also think to add to it, we need to stop being "politically correct" when dealing with Islam.
Title: Re: The last solution to the Islamist countries.
Post by: arksis on May 09, 2009, 10:17:16 PM
Amen ag!
Title: Re: The last solution to the Islamist countries.
Post by: SavetheWest on May 09, 2009, 11:55:39 PM
I think a quarantine is a win win situation for everyone. 

Think of it this way.  The Arabs/Muslims always complain about how decadent Western culture is.  So we'll give them what they want.  No more immigration to the West from Muslim countries.  And more importantly, we need to find an alternative to oil.  That way these terrorist nations won't get to dicate our domestic and foreign policy. 
Top ten things we can do to defeat Islam:

1.  Get off of all oil, not just foreign oil.

2.  Ban on muslim immigration.

3.  Secure the borders.

4.  Promote right wing conservative media.

5.  Promote right wing grass-roots groups.

6.  Bankrupt terrorist groups.

7.  Military strength.

8.  Let Israel be to do what they have to do.

9.  Bomb Iran to the point where the rest of the Islamic world realizes that it is not in their interest to act up.  Make an example of them.

10.  Help spread Judeo/Christian values.

Spot on
Title: Re: The last solution to the Islamist countries.
Post by: syyuge on May 09, 2009, 11:59:48 PM
Send them all to Pluto.

With all the nukes on the earth following them and then declare the Earth being a nuke free zone.  
Title: Re: The last solution to the Islamist countries.
Post by: SW on May 10, 2009, 07:01:42 AM
Send them all to Pluto.

With all the nukes on the earth following them and then declare the Earth being a nuke free zone.  

You need a lot of rockets if you want to send them all to Pluto. I would say send them to the sun. They will burn!
Title: Re: The last solution to the Islamist countries.
Post by: Rubystars on May 10, 2009, 11:27:56 AM
This goes back to what I had talked about before on this board. I'm a separatist. I think that racial harmony or harmony between vastly different cultures can only be achieved through separation. So if we quarantine off the Muslims the Muslims will be free to practice their barbaric and evil culture on each other, and the rest of us will be free of them.
Title: Re: The last solution to the Islamist countries.
Post by: SW on May 10, 2009, 11:45:38 AM
If I would openly say my plans then people would think I am crazy. But I have ideas for Muslims. It may sounds radical and racist but I think we need death camps for Muslims. This must not happen! But if they will dominate the world one day then it will be to late for us! So we should better precautions.
If Muslims don't leave our countries (America, Israel, European countries, and all other non Muslim countries) then there is only one way! Death camps for Muslims! Deport Muslims to their countries and construct a big wall around their countries! May HaShem burn them, punish them and fill their countries with water and their owns blood.

We are to friendly to them! There are thousands of terror attacks from Muslims! In Israel, America (9/11), Spain, UK, India, Russia,... .

What are we doing? Nothing! NOTHING!  >:(

If I were the president 2001 while 9/11 then I would attack Mecca!
From Americas heart to Islams heart!

Islam is playing the victim! They are playing very good! The whole world believe them. Except us. JTF! We know the truth. We know the danger! We know what to do! We will act!

 :fist: Nothing venture, nothing have.
Title: Re: The last solution to the Islamist countries.
Post by: Rubystars on May 10, 2009, 01:19:21 PM
I think massive deportation is a better way to go about things than to kill Muslims. Of course if they commit any kind of terrorist act then all Muslims connected to that Muslim that committed the terrorist act should be rounded up and put into harsh prison conditions. If not already dead, the Muslims who actually committed the crime should be publicly executed along with their imam.
Title: Re: The last solution to the Islamist countries.
Post by: t_h_j on May 10, 2009, 01:33:52 PM
If I would openly say my plans then people would think I am crazy. But I have ideas for Muslims. It may sounds radical and racist but I think we need death camps for Muslims. This must not happen! But if they will dominate the world one day then it will be to late for us! So we should better precautions.
If Muslims don't leave our countries (America, Israel, European countries, and all other non Muslim countries) then there is only one way! Death camps for Muslims! Deport Muslims to their countries and construct a big wall around their countries! May HaShem burn them, punish them and fill their countries with water and their owns blood.

We are to friendly to them! There are thousands of terror attacks from Muslims! In Israel, America (9/11), Spain, UK, India, Russia,... .

What are we doing? Nothing! NOTHING!  >:(

If I were the president 2001 while 9/11 then I would attack Mecca!
From Americas heart to Islams heart!

Islam is playing the victim! They are playing very good! The whole world believe them. Except us. JTF! We know the truth. We know the danger! We know what to do! We will act!

 :fist: Nothing venture, nothing have.

so you're saying that all muslims should be killed?
Title: Re: The final solution to the Islamist countries.
Post by: t_h_j on May 10, 2009, 01:34:46 PM
Nuke them all! :nuke:

do you know where Israel is?

Yes I know. But you can nuke around Israel. If you nuke inside Saudi Barbaria you can delete the rest with soldiers.

radiation and fallout ignore national borders
Title: Re: The last solution to the Islamist countries.
Post by: Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks on May 10, 2009, 02:00:26 PM
Are you facing Mecca as we speak, t_h_j?
Title: Re: The last solution to the Islamist countries.
Post by: SavetheWest on May 10, 2009, 03:41:28 PM
This goes back to what I had talked about before on this board. I'm a separatist. I think that racial harmony or harmony between vastly different cultures can only be achieved through separation. So if we quarantine off the Muslims the Muslims will be free to practice their barbaric and evil culture on each other, and the rest of us will be free of them.

I'm kind of on board with what you say.  I think only civilized people should be allowed to live in the USA.  Europe has no obligation to let anyone in from anywhere to their countries because they don't have the space or a history of immigration.  I say no one from Southeast Asia (with very few exceptions), South  America (with very few exceptions) Africa (except whites or educated coloreds) and no one from Muslim countries.  The immigration should be very limited but I think a few people from Asia, India and Pacific Islands would not be the end of the world.  If America had most blacks leave to Liberia and expelled all Muslims and illegal immigrants, America would be unstoppable for 1000 years. 
Title: Re: The last solution to the Islamist countries.
Post by: 2honest on May 10, 2009, 03:54:21 PM
I'd be reluctant asking for things like final solution and death camps because it's certainly not our job to promote genocide.

The 10 points zachor listed are more than sufficient to handle the problem.
If only the top three were pursued then the dangers coming from islamic countries would melt away faster than a snowball in the sun.

Title: Re: The last solution to the Islamist countries.
Post by: t_h_j on May 10, 2009, 11:41:29 PM
Are you facing Mecca as we speak, t_h_j?

so you want many nukes to go off all around israel? lol.
Title: Re: The last solution to the Islamist countries.
Post by: Rubystars on May 11, 2009, 12:15:53 AM
I think there are smaller nukes now that aren't hiroshima-sized. Some of those could be used without harming Israel directly.
Title: Re: The last solution to the Islamist countries.
Post by: t_h_j on May 11, 2009, 12:40:28 AM
I think there are smaller nukes now that aren't hiroshima-sized. Some of those could be used without harming Israel directly.

they are talking about destroying every muslim on the planet.  That would take more than a few of them.
Title: Re: The last solution to the Islamist countries.
Post by: Rubystars on May 11, 2009, 01:53:57 AM
I think there are smaller nukes now that aren't hiroshima-sized. Some of those could be used without harming Israel directly.

they are talking about destroying every muslim on the planet.  That would take more than a few of them.

If someone nuked the Kaaba with a small nuke, and a few other Islamic holy sites that aren't located in Israel, then Muslims would have nowhere to make a pilgrimage to. Then one of Islam's major pillars would be gone.
Title: Re: The last solution to the Islamist countries.
Post by: Muck DeFuslims on May 11, 2009, 02:52:35 AM
I think there are smaller nukes now that aren't hiroshima-sized. Some of those could be used without harming Israel directly.

they are talking about destroying every muslim on the planet.  That would take more than a few of them.

Yeah, but think about the positive effect a muslim nuclear winter would have on global warming !

Seriously though, I think it's pretty clear that nukes will only be used on muslim nations as a last resort or in a retaliatory capacity.

So the question becomes what can be done to purge the planet of islam (and by extension, muslims) before they nuke or take over the West.

Quarantining and isolating muslim nations is a viable option. As mentioned so many times in this forum, this will require an alternative to oil. Without achieving energy independence, the West will continue to be at the mercy of the islamic oil barons. So obviously, that's job number one. Once energy independence is accomplished, the islamic hell holes will start to wither as they produce nothing of value to sustain themselves. Imagine the effect a food and technology embargo would have on the koranimals.

Can this be accomplished ? Will this be accomplished ? Do we have the willpower ? Or will we wait until it's too late ? Will we act only after some insane muslims nuke NYC or Tel Aviv ?

Truth be told, it might already be too late. The cat may be already out of the bag with a nuclear Pakistan. Still, there is no alternative but for the West to realize islam is an existential threat to all free men and work to erradicate it.   
Title: Re: The last solution to the Islamist countries.
Post by: syyuge on May 11, 2009, 03:34:46 AM
Although there are miniature nukes with accuracy and minimum side effects, but finally when the choice will be between a nuclear winter Vs Global Islamization or death, then the people are certainly going to prefer the nuclear winter especially in a hot summer season like as now.   
Title: Re: The last solution to the Islamist countries.
Post by: Dr. Dan on May 11, 2009, 06:40:01 AM
if they were all elimnated, more people would feel sorry for them...

just isolation is enough...let Muslims deal with eachother...they know best on how to take care of themselves than we do.
Title: Re: The last solution to the Islamist countries.
Post by: Rubystars on May 11, 2009, 09:45:52 AM
Although there are miniature nukes with accuracy and minimum side effects, but finally when the choice will be between a nuclear winter Vs Global Islamization or death, then the people are certainly going to prefer the nuclear winter especially in a hot summer season like as now.   

I think the thing that upsets me the most about traditional nuclear bombs are the side-effects that happen years later, such as babies born with horrific defects
Title: Re: The last solution to the Islamist countries.
Post by: syyuge on May 11, 2009, 02:07:03 PM
Although there are miniature nukes with accuracy and minimum side effects, but finally when the choice will be between a nuclear winter Vs Global Islamization or death, then the people are certainly going to prefer the nuclear winter especially in a hot summer season like as now.   

I think the thing that upsets me the most about traditional nuclear bombs are the side-effects that happen years later, such as babies born with horrific defects

A few years of restrictions on baby boom in unfortunately affected areas only, may improve the life on the earth forever, I mean till it is permitted by G-d.

BTW if the nukes are eschewed now, then ultimately the same war has to be ensued even with the wooden sticks.
Title: Re: The last solution to the Islamist countries.
Post by: Rubystars on May 11, 2009, 11:39:47 PM
I think that eventually there is going to have to be a massive battle with the Muslims. I really hope we can get the Chinese to fight them. They're ruthless and efficient and aren't crippled in the same way the West is, with "white guilt", because they're not white. We need masses to fight against the masses of the Muslims.

Of course I don't want the spread of communism but I bet if the Chinese decided to wipe out the Muslims the Muslims would be gone.
Title: Re: The last solution to the Islamist countries.
Post by: SavetheWest on May 12, 2009, 01:41:36 AM
I think that eventually there is going to have to be a massive battle with the Muslims. I really hope we can get the Chinese to fight them. They're ruthless and efficient and aren't crippled in the same way the West is, with "white guilt", because they're not white. We need masses to fight against the masses of the Muslims.

Of course I don't want the spread of communism but I bet if the Chinese decided to wipe out the Muslims the Muslims would be gone.

You're right.  We are going to need everyone we can get.  The problem is that many non Muslim countries only have a few people who have the will to fight the enemy.  The Muslims have a majority who want to fight.  It's very scary because when the West fought their hardest against the Muslims they came very close to losing so we need to get our heads out of you know what before this war becomes unwinnable!!!
Title: Re: The last solution to the Islamist countries.
Post by: SW on May 12, 2009, 12:59:17 PM
I think that eventually there is going to have to be a massive battle with the Muslims. I really hope we can get the Chinese to fight them. They're ruthless and efficient and aren't crippled in the same way the West is, with "white guilt", because they're not white. We need masses to fight against the masses of the Muslims.

Of course I don't want the spread of communism but I bet if the Chinese decided to wipe out the Muslims the Muslims would be gone.

You're right.  We are going to need everyone we can get.  The problem is that many non Muslim countries only have a few people who have the will to fight the enemy.  The Muslims have a majority who want to fight.  It's very scary because when the West fought their hardest against the Muslims they came very close to losing so we need to get our heads out of you know what before this war becomes unwinnable!!!

China would be a great ally in the fight against Islam. They are more than 2 billion people. They have the biggest Army in the world. China is growing to a super power. And chinese are agile, obedient and great people. BUT they are communists. But if they would fight Islam I would support them.

India is also a great country which is already fighting against Islam (Pakistan). India is great!