General Category => Introduce Yourself => Topic started by: Nic Brookes on April 12, 2007, 01:11:48 PM

Title: Hello
Post by: Nic Brookes on April 12, 2007, 01:11:48 PM
Hello everybody, I am a christian living in the Lake District, UK. I have no real experience of muslims, living in a quiet area as I do, but the hypocrisy of the UK media has alerted me to the very real threat to national security that is Islam. Upon researching this subject, I stumbled across a link to this website on a right-wing forum called StørmFrønt. They deny that Islam is a threat and posted me a link here, and then proceeded to complain about this organisation. I would like to point out that I do not associate myself with StørmFrønt. I hope, despite being a Christian, that this forum will offer me somewhere to talk online about Islam where I will not get censored. As I say, I can only speak for what I see in the news which is clearly biased anyway, as the Lakes are very peaceful, very few people live here, and there are no mosques anywhere. Not what I gather the rest of the Uk is like!!

Title: Re: Hello
Post by: ftf on April 12, 2007, 01:25:19 PM
Welcome to JTF, I'm also a christian whop lives in the UK, StørmFrønt are nutters...

You won't get censored for saying negative things about islam here, don't worry about that.
Title: Re: Hello
Post by: Lisa on April 12, 2007, 01:26:01 PM
Just out of curiosity, what did they say about JTF on StørmFrønt?
Title: Re: Hello
Post by: Nic Brookes on April 12, 2007, 01:46:35 PM
One of the posters provided me with a link to this site saying words to the effect of "Go hang with these nutters"... then launched into a standard StørmFrønt anti-jew rant. The link he/she provided with me with was to here was clearly taking the mickey, if you guys are enemies then it may have backfired on that organisation...

... this is, of course, assuming I like your organisation  ;)
Title: Re: Hello
Post by: Nic Brookes on April 12, 2007, 01:47:56 PM
Where would you suggest I start with the forum? It seems rather large for me to just go aimlessly clicking around, for example which is the most active section, will I need to know about Judaism to post in certain sections etc. Assume that I know nothing here!
Title: Re: Hello
Post by: Lisa on April 12, 2007, 02:02:37 PM
What is the meaning of "taking the mickey?"
Title: Re: Hello
Post by: Nic Brookes on April 12, 2007, 02:08:39 PM
they were mocking JTF, making fun of it
Title: Re: Hello
Post by: kahaneloyalist on April 12, 2007, 02:24:51 PM
there is no section where knowledge of Judaism is required. But for the Torah and Jewish idea section it certainly helps. Why not start with the general discussion section and listening to Chaim's weekly shows, if you have any questions for Chaim why not post them on the Ask JTF thread, Chaim does a special show each week to answer all the question posed to him through the forum.
Title: Re: Hello
Post by: ftf on April 12, 2007, 02:25:52 PM
If you want to discuss Islam in particularly try the "truth about Islam" board right at the bottom.
Title: Re: Hello
Post by: Nic Brookes on April 12, 2007, 03:39:50 PM
Before asking Chaim anything i shall try and find out more about him, but thanks for the tips, guys!
Title: Re: Hello
Post by: MassuhDGoodName on April 12, 2007, 04:21:53 PM
Re:  "...It seems rather large for me to just go aimlessly clicking around..."

Just go aimlessly clicking around!

One thing's for certain...it'll be at least 30 minutes before you wear yourself out!
Title: Re: Hello
Post by: Hail Columbia on April 12, 2007, 07:36:06 PM
Upon researching this subject, I stumbled across a link to this website on a right-wing forum called StørmFrønt. They deny that Islam is a threat and posted me a link here, and then proceeded to complain about this organisation.

That's the thing with Nazis.  They hate the Jews so much that they will deny the real danger, Islam, only because the Jews are the most directly threatened by said danger.  Their Jew-hatred is such that it overrides patriotism and common sense, which is why David Duke went to that terrorist state Iran to attend a Holocaust-denial conference.

By the way, welcome to the board.
Title: Re: Hello
Post by: Fruit of thy loins on April 12, 2007, 09:14:45 PM
Hello everybody, I am a christian living in the Lake District, UK. I have no real experience of muslims, living in a quiet area as I do,

Spend some of your summer in the big towns and cities and look at the beautiful flourishings of mosques and biracial babies.  It's a joy to behold.
Title: Re: Hello
Post by: Maccabi on April 12, 2007, 09:19:11 PM

That's the thing with Nazis.  They hate the Jews so much that they will deny the real danger, Islam, only because the Jews are the most directly threatened by said danger.  Their Jew-hatred is such that it overrides patriotism and common sense, which is why David Duke went to that terrorist state Iran to attend a Holocaust-denial conference.

By the way, welcome to the board.

LOL insightful post.
Title: Re: Hello
Post by: sat_chit_anand on April 12, 2007, 10:45:42 PM
Hello. Welcome to the forum. I am also in the UK.

I used to post on StørmFrønt until I was 'accused' of being Jewish for making too many not unkind statements about Israel.

The Stormfronters are not as logical and rational as they like to think they are.
Title: Re: Hello
Post by: NoahideGentile on April 14, 2007, 09:25:41 AM
StørmFrønt needs to recognize that there is one master race and it is the JEWS . It says so in the bible and the world numberous times!!!!!! THE JEWS NEED TO KEEP THEIR BLOOD LINE PURE FOR THEY ARE THE MASTER RACE.

Genesis 3:17 (21st Century King James Version)
21st Century King James Version (KJ21)

 17And unto Adam He said, "Because thou hast hearkened unto the voice of thy wife, and hast eaten of the tree of which I commanded thee, saying, `Thou shalt not eat of it,' cursed is the ground for thy sake; in sorrow shalt thou eat of it all the days of thy life.

Title: Re: Hello
Post by: Nic Brookes on April 14, 2007, 09:43:58 AM
Sadly, in this day and age, saying such things to people will make them go against whatever other mesasge you are trying to convey.  Anyone who proclaims that jews are the master race is likely to be ignored by other people, thereby impeding progress of this movement. Surely it is better to demonstrate to people why Jews are God's chosen race through your actions, rather then telling people bluntly who will ultimately rebel against this?
Title: Re: Hello
Post by: NoahideGentile on April 14, 2007, 09:55:19 AM
Sounds like the work of satan, Nic. Repent to the light. I'm not going to be a weasel, I tell people the truth flat out instead of using weasel words.
Title: Re: Hello
Post by: Nic Brookes on April 14, 2007, 11:28:38 AM
I prefer showing people WHY things are true instead of just expecting them to believe things because a book (which they may or may not believe the contents of) says so.  I am still suggesting that truth be exposed to them in the same way, just more gentle so they don't flinch. It is a lot to digest for people when you tell people everything they believe is wrong  :P
Title: Re: Hello
Post by: mord on April 14, 2007, 03:13:31 PM
Jews aren'nt the master race,because i know an Irish girl who converted to Judaism and she's orthodox.But her race is the same.
Title: Re: Hello
Post by: MarZutra on April 14, 2007, 03:18:12 PM
Master ideology based on morality perhaps but "race" I'd question as Jews are a Nation and not a race.  One cannot convert into a race, unlike the Muslim/Arab propaganda which continually calls for Arabism....which is solely racial.  StørmFrønt are in a large majority ignorant and that goes for these "white supremacists".  I'm all for every people to value their heritage, culture and ethnicity especially Conservatism professed by Ol-Whitey.  The sad fact is that MOST of these White groups do not see Jews as white but non-whites....  Another spad of ignorance...
Title: Re: Hello
Post by: NoahideGentile on April 14, 2007, 04:33:31 PM
Nic, Go back to StørmFrønt where your anti-jewish trash belongs. Do us a favor and leave, nazi.

Marzurta, I'll quote from verses out of your Quran for you:

And fight with them until there is no more persecution and religion should be only for Allah (8:39)

When the sacred months have passed away, THEN SLAY THE IDOLATERS WHEREVER YOU FIND THEM, AND TAKE THEM CAPTIVES AND BESIEGE THEM AND LIE IN WAIT FOR THEM IN EVERY AMBUSH, then if they repent and keep up prayer [become believers] and pay the poor-rate, leave their way free to them (9:5)

And if they intend to act unfaithfully towards you, so indeed they acted unfaithfully towards Allah before, but He GAVE YOU MASTERY OVER THEM (8:71)

Title: Re: Hello
Post by: MarZutra on April 14, 2007, 04:39:31 PM
Shalom NG...  You don't have to tell me about the Quraan LOL....  I cannot believe people actually follow such rubbish.  The Hadith is much worse....   To tell you the truth, I don't mind debating Nazi's, Muslims, Communists, Fascists and Anti-Jew Jews....not whatever because when they learn that the vast majority of their beliefs are based from baseless propaganda and "politically correct" disinformation....factually correct information backed both by logic and morality will always come out in the proper light.....  The sad fact is that most are so closed minded and intolerant and will not have a civil conversation only defame, insult and attack...

There is a very good little video on youtube with Quraanic quotes..  Something like Quotes from the Quraan....
Title: Re: Hello
Post by: NoahideGentile on April 14, 2007, 04:46:00 PM
So you support Nazis,communist, marxist, rapists, fascist, racist, etc.. to come on the forum if they promise to debate???
Title: Re: Hello
Post by: MarZutra on April 14, 2007, 04:54:38 PM
So you support Nazis,communist, marxist, rapists, fascist, racist, etc.. to come on the forum if they promise to debate???
Absolutely, I believe in free speech.  I also have had debate with these people in the past and some had even took a very different views of their former beliefs when the light flashes within their minds that they had been professing to ineptitude and factually incorrect teachings.  As a matter of fact, one of my good friends who was a Nazi white supremacist is now a hardened anti-Nazi and a very righteous Christian Zionist.  All of this after debate and later conversations.  It started out by anti-Semitic attacks, than failing debates (on his behalf and he is a smart man), then questions and answers.  Now he's the type of person that beats the living Hell out of Nazi's who cross him or speaks down towards Jews/Israel and righteous gentiles. 

Most of these people suffer from both agenda indoctrination, low self esteem, limited education and lastly are followers whom do not think for themselves.  Once you get them thinking for themselves, many begin to question especially when both logic, morality and substantiated fact... 

I hope that is a good explanation.  As a matter of fact, I'd propose every certain evening for all Members of JTF to go on the StørmFrønt or other Nazi chat sites and debate with these indoctrinated peoples...   
Title: Re: Hello
Post by: NoahideGentile on April 14, 2007, 04:56:55 PM
Thats it, I have had enough of your fucken nazi views. You agreed saying you want rapist to come to the forum and spread illegal pics? You deserve a ban.
not only that, but you encourage all members of righteous holy JTF TO GO AND JOINA FUCKKEN NAZI SITE??? I VOTE FOR BAN ON YOUR ASS, [censored]-LOVING [censored]. YOU ARE FAR FROM A JEW, YOU ARE A TROLL. GO TO StørmFrønt AND HANG OUT WITH THEM, LEAVE US ALONE.
Title: Re: Hello
Post by: NoahideGentile on April 14, 2007, 05:00:15 PM
you say you want us to go to neo-nazi boards for the sole purpose of debating them? [censored]. you want WHITE GENTILES TO GET INDOCTRINED BY THEIR PROPAGANDA. ANYONE WITH A MIND CAN SEE THROUGH YOUR FUCKEN MUSLIM ARAB NAZI LIES.


Title: Re: Hello
Post by: NoahideGentile on April 14, 2007, 05:04:18 PM
one of my good friends who was a Nazi white supremacist

So you make good friends with Nazi evil Supremacist and then try to tell us you're a jew. Get out of here.
Title: Re: Hello
Post by: MarZutra on April 14, 2007, 05:07:38 PM
Dude you are [censored] up the wrong tree my friend.  You have totally mistaken my words.  If a person comes on and insults or carries on like a savage than he should be banned but if anyone wishes to come on to ask questions, debate or converse....and perhaps learn....than anyone should be more than welcome.

Please do me the favor and read, learn and think before you type.  You are obviously new to this site and young.  We have Muslims, or ex-Muslims, on the JTF chat that have come on and done exactly the aforementioned.  Sarah for example...  She is at least open to converse, debate and learn.

Think before you type my friend...
Title: Re: Hello
Post by: NoahideGentile on April 14, 2007, 05:10:10 PM
marz-Nazi, Nazis and whtie supremacist HAVE NO BUSINESSES DEBATING ON JEWISH OR CHRISTIAN FORUMS. If you want to debate them, go to your local Klan meeting and introduce youreslf as a jew.

I'm not trying to insult you, i'm trying to knock some sense into you

those nazis may hate islam, BUT THEY ARE NOT OUR FRIENDS.

i am 16, not young, thats pretty old for a teenager.
Title: Re: Hello
Post by: NoahideGentile on April 14, 2007, 05:23:50 PM
I promised to NEVER insult or disagree with a jew. but you, I don't believe you to be a true jew. Perhaps you MAY be by blood, but no true jew can sit here and say " I encourage jews to join Nazi forums". sorry, can't happen.
Title: Re: Hello
Post by: MarZutra on April 14, 2007, 05:27:31 PM
marz-Nazi, Nazis and whtie supremacist HAVE NO BUSINESSES DEBATING ON JEWISH OR CHRISTIAN FORUMS. If you want to debate them, go to your local Klan meeting and introduce youreslf as a jew.

I'm not trying to insult you, i'm trying to knock some sense into you

those nazis may hate islam, BUT THEY ARE NOT OUR FRIENDS.

i am 16, not young, thats pretty old for a teenager.
Listen, I'll try to be nice as I know you ARE young.  Censorship is Fascism.  Insulting people deserve to be banned and NOT tolerated, just as you have insulted me.  If you look at my posts you will see that I have been with JTF far longer than you, therefore you might learn a thing or two.  Therefore, this is a warning. 

Rabbi Kahane stated once quite nicely "Those who cannot debate defame."  which is emphatically correct.  Rabbi Kahane debated ALL of the aforementioned peoples, so why shouldn't you and I?  That is where Rabbi Kahane shined via logical, moral and knowledge debate......with anyone.

If you read what I wrote, you will see that I did not say that it was ok for people to come onto this site and defame or attack us, not whatever.  If ANYONE wishes to come and discuss or debate with any member of JTF there is debate.  After all, how does one ever expect people to learn, acquire knowledge and possibly change their opinions and views?
Title: Re: Hello
Post by: NoahideGentile on April 14, 2007, 05:29:20 PM
If you look at my posts you will see that I have been with JTF far longer than you, therefore you might learn a thing or two.  Therefore, this is a warning.

i've been a lurker around here for as long as you have been a member.

just answer me this question: Should Neo-Nazis who advocate the genocide of zionist jews be allowed to post on JTF? yes or no, please.
Title: Re: Hello
Post by: MarZutra on April 14, 2007, 05:45:10 PM
If you've been around here for as long as you say you'd have no doubt read many of my 800+ posts....etc and would know my logic, knowledge and moral views.  Do you know what Nazism actually is?  To, again, answer your question of which you just stated the obvious yourself: if ANYONE comes on this site advocating genocide of Jews or righteous gentiles, as per "insulting" of my earlier posts, should be banned.  That is both logical and moral.  If a person, who happens to be of Nazi thought, comes onto the site and wishes to debate on political, religious, social subjects it is a debate which that individual will be defeated, as I stated earlier, because those ideologies are ALL illogical, based on fiction/political agenda, are immoral and have no factually related stand point. 

A good example is that many ignorant "Christians" partake in the White supremacist/Nazi/StørmFrønt type movements etc. but are so indoctrinated and somehow miss the fact that Hitler himself was ANTI Christian and was a homosexual gnostic pagan....  The very first peoples to be thrown into the camps were not Jews but devout Christians from Right Wing Christian Parties that opposed Hitler and his Nazi ideologies and thug practices...

Now if you would be so kind as to remove all the posts of which you attacked me would be greatly appreciated as well an apology as I see it would be very much appreciated and proper manners for this entire unfortunate occurance..
Title: Re: Hello
Post by: Nic Brookes on April 14, 2007, 06:44:07 PM
He claims you are a troll, every post he has made I have found something to disagree with  ::). Can we take action against him?
Title: Re: Hello
Post by: MarZutra on April 14, 2007, 08:08:53 PM
Shalom Nic and welcome to JTF.  As you have no doubt have read that JTF has many active righteous Christians, Noahides and questioning Gentiles on this forum, and even from the UK.  These are Gentiles whom actually have read the Bible and the Quraan along with the Hadith, Mein Kempf, The Communist Manifesto etc. and do not just accept what some ignoramus states as "fact".  You will find most of these people are very up to date with reality and delve through the vastness of Joseph Stalin's popular "Political Correctness" for what is factually correct, logical and moral.

As you can see by my conversation with NoahideGentile, we try to keep an open mind, encourage free speech, debate, learning and many new friends.  You can also see from my conversations with NG that JTF does encourage discussion.  We despise true racism and not the "racism" and "racist" molestations of the Left.  We do not judge people based on skin color but their deeds.  We have many righteous black Christians and black Jews on this site whom agree with our views as not being "racist" but purely judgmental on the actions of any peoples of any race. 

It looks as though the Administrator has reviewed NG's posts.  We do not put up with baseless attacks.  Most people on this site will get into discussions and debates with each other but very few insult.  The only time, I have seen, people turn to insult is when an ignorant and indoctrinated Muslim, Nazi or Liberal comes here and just starts to blast off without even attempting to delve into logic, morality and ethics..

Enjoy the site and welcome aboard.....
Title: Re: Hello
Post by: kahaneloyalist on April 14, 2007, 10:11:56 PM
lets all just take a deep breath and calm down, Marzutra, while Rabbi Kahane zt'l did believe in free speech he also believed in protecting the Jewish people, hence the JDL beat up Neo-Nazis on many occasions and prevented the Nazis from marching through the Jewish neighborhood of skokie
Title: Re: Hello
Post by: sat_chit_anand on April 15, 2007, 08:27:17 AM
Nazis can be defeated with logical rational debate.
Title: Re: Hello
Post by: mord on April 15, 2007, 08:34:29 AM
The Stormfronters are not as logical and rational as they like to think they are.
  They are geniuses compared to VNN posters
Title: Re: Hello
Post by: Nic Brookes on April 15, 2007, 08:37:28 AM
Shalom Nic and welcome to JTF.  As you have no doubt have read that JTF has many active righteous Christians, Noahides and questioning Gentiles on this forum, and even from the UK.  These are Gentiles whom actually have read the Bible and the Quraan along with the Hadith, Mein Kempf, The Communist Manifesto etc. and do not just accept what some ignoramus states as "fact".  You will find most of these people are very up to date with reality and delve through the vastness of Joseph Stalin's popular "Political Correctness" for what is factually correct, logical and moral.

As you can see by my conversation with NoahideGentile, we try to keep an open mind, encourage free speech, debate, learning and many new friends.  You can also see from my conversations with NG that JTF does encourage discussion.  We despise true racism and not the "racism" and "racist" molestations of the Left.  We do not judge people based on skin color but their deeds.  We have many righteous black Christians and black Jews on this site whom agree with our views as not being "racist" but purely judgmental on the actions of any peoples of any race. 

It looks as though the Administrator has reviewed NG's posts.  We do not put up with baseless attacks.  Most people on this site will get into discussions and debates with each other but very few insult.  The only time, I have seen, people turn to insult is when an ignorant and indoctrinated Muslim, Nazi or Liberal comes here and just starts to blast off without even attempting to delve into logic, morality and ethics..

Enjoy the site and welcome aboard.....

This forum is briliant! I'm loving it already! :D
Title: Re: Hello
Post by: MarZutra on April 15, 2007, 08:56:10 AM
KL you are absolutely correct.  My friend was a body guard for Rabbi Kahane during the JDL days prior to Rav Kahane making Aliyah.  The Rabbi spent many nights at his home in Brooklyn.  He is now living in Eretz.  I believe that all hard core Nazis should be taken out and shot, however should one wish to come onto JTF and debate with anyone here, he should be free to do so.  As I said earlier, if ANYONE comes on here to insult, slander or attack anyone without provocation they deserve to be banned. 

Perhaps, after being totally defeated in debate and shown how stupid the ideological ineptitude of ignorance they profess.....the individual might just step back and take a second look at himself as a friend of mine had done.  He is now a hard core Christian Zionist and he and his Christian friends beat up Nazi's and skin heads for fun...
Title: Re: Hello
Post by: MassuhDGoodName on April 15, 2007, 09:33:13 AM
In the past I have paid visits to the various Nazi sites.  They're really all one and the same to me:  NAZIS.  There is no difference in doctrine in them.  Good to know what they're up to, but "you've seen one, you've seen 'em all".

I am willing to bet that there is NO other forum on the WWW even close to the JTF Forum in terms of intellect, information, theology, discussion, and overall sheer brilliance.

I find it amusing how the Nazi groups send their clowns here; thinking they'll go "make some little jew-boys 'whine' and cry".  Then, once they're here, not only are they immediately identifiable for their cliched ID's brimming over with pseudo-patriotism, but they suddenly find themselves unable to even tread water in a whirlpool of Yiddische kopf.

Writing about the Nuremburg Trials and the period immediately following Germany's surrender to the Allies, author William Shirer quoted the Americans who first interviewed the captured hierarchy of the Nazi Reich.  All were stunned; for having been fed Nazi propaganda for years glorifying the various Obergruppenfuhren & Reichmarshalls, they were flabbergasted to find that in actual reality, the leaders of the Reich were the most mundane, uneducated, and unqualified of men; to the point of literally being pitiable.

Title: Re: Hello
Post by: MarZutra on April 15, 2007, 11:13:04 PM
Not to mention Homosexuals....lol  A very good book I read about Nazism was called: "The Occult and the Third Reich: The Mystical Origins of Nazism and the Search for the Holy Grail" by Jean-Michel Angebert  William Shirers books are very good especially "The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich".  What a scholarly work that was...
Title: Re: Hello
Post by: Baker on April 21, 2007, 11:05:18 AM
hi i am avi from israel bat yam near tel aviv.I am the hebrew admin.Soory for my poor english.I am a jew not religoes but right wing and nationalist patriot israeli.The arabs have killed my brother in a war.
Title: Re: Hello
Post by: MarZutra on April 21, 2007, 05:50:30 PM
hi i am avi from israel bat yam near tel aviv.I am the hebrew admin.Soory for my poor english.I am a jew not religoes but right wing and nationalist patriot israeli.The arabs have killed my brother in a war.
Shalom Avi, I'm very sorry to hear that about your brother being murdered by those filthy bastards.  Welcome to the forum.  I am glad to see that you are aware of what is going on.  You are right wing and nationalistic that is a very good start.  If you get the opportunity I highly recommend Rabbi Kahane's two books "Why be Jewish?" and his monster of logic and Jewishness: "The Jewish Idea".  You will very much enjoy them an gain a new appreciation of not only Jewish Nationalism but what it really means to be a Jew. 

Yishar koach ve shavouah tov brother...  MZ
I have a question for you.  Do you have any ideas or suggestions to attract Jews from Israel to both forums?  Perhaps Yeshiva students, Highschool/University students or even adults looking to converse with others whom support the Land of Israel and the Jewish people? 
Title: Re: Hello
Post by: Baker on April 22, 2007, 04:14:12 PM
I read the second book.I am admin and we are spreding haim films.
Title: Re: Hello
Post by: MarZutra on April 22, 2007, 10:56:12 PM
Kol hakovod to you.  I am in the middle of reading Dan Smoot's "the Invisible Government" and it is a fabulous book as well one called "The Rise of Radicalism".  Two very worthy reads from a purely political perspective...  Good luck in Israel brother. 

I saw the video of the Amona expulsion and I was saddened and disgusted at what Judenrot do to righteous Jews.  Arabs/Muslims bomb, rape, rob, shoot, deceive, murder, lie, stab etc. and they get nothing but more rights, more money, more training, more weapons, more excuses, more appeasement...  while Jews get the old shtupping.  Terrible...  I seriously hope Olmert and all of his socialist scum supporters be blessed by HaShem with colon cancer for their evilness. 

It is such logic that if you owned an apartment complex or a business and there are a select group of patrons acting like animals or savages, you'd throw them out.  1+1=2 no?  What a screwed up country.  May Israel be blessed with a Jewish General Agusto Pinnochet one day soon and truly cleans that country of its Muslims, Black Hebros and G0dless Leftist scum before HaShem decides to take action against such hedonism and filth that is plaguing His Land... 
Title: Re: Hello
Post by: Baker on April 23, 2007, 07:11:35 PM
The elecation in Israel cause amona.Olmert is a captalist.Israel has changed Into captalisiom in the last 10 years.Olmert is a lame duck.He is History.Bibi will win.
Title: Re: Hello
Post by: MarZutra on April 23, 2007, 09:20:30 PM
The elecation in Israel cause amona.Olmert is a captalist.Israel has changed Into captalisiom in the last 10 years.Olmert is a lame duck.He is History.Bibi will win.
I wouldn't say Olmert was a "capitalist" more like Socialist who professes to Leninism of Globalism or International Socialism.  Capitalist is more like Netanyahu only too with Globalist intentions with little Jewishness left...   Sort of like comparing Clinton and Bush....same [censored] different country... My two cents...
Title: Re: Hello
Post by: Baker on April 24, 2007, 06:22:42 AM
The last 10 years.16 families control Israel now.Olmert Do as He been told.Bibi is better but He is more of the same:elite that think about its own intrest
Title: Re: Hello
Post by: MarZutra on April 24, 2007, 07:09:34 AM
You are correct.  It is one Elitist fraud that has more identification with Socialism and personal power than Judaism and the love of Jewry and Eretz Israel. 
Title: Re: Hello
Post by: Baker on April 24, 2007, 09:21:54 AM
There is a diffrence between economy in israel and u.s.a.Al is relative.If someone is against the arabs he is o.k for me.
Title: Re: Hello
Post by: MarZutra on April 24, 2007, 10:28:58 AM
I agree with you.  Israel is geared to more of a Socialistic society whereas the US is more of a Free Market Capitalist society, albeit dwindling.  I do hope that whichever candidate is chosen he is truly anti-Arab/Muslim and pro-Jewish and not one "in name only"......like Ghorge Bush..... ;)
Title: Re: Hello
Post by: Baker on April 24, 2007, 10:51:24 AM
A Jew must help his jew brother.pay 1/10 of his money.We serve in the Israeli army.We are blood Brothers.
Title: Re: Hello
Post by: kahaneloyalist on April 24, 2007, 11:38:23 AM
Baker, we probably have differences in regards to economics, to me (and you) those are secondary and most important is Jewish lives.

I have a question I will be making Aliyah in the near future and I want to serve in the army, (I am a videographer so probably in the propoganda division, or whatever its called) is there any kind of indoctrination that I need to strengthen myself against?
Title: Re: Hello
Post by: Baker on April 24, 2007, 12:15:16 PM
You must learn hebrew.The army will send you to where you are needed!You can Think for Yourself.
Title: Re: Hello
Post by: kahaneloyalist on April 24, 2007, 02:20:56 PM
Baker, which unit did you serve in? Did you ever see combat?
Title: Re: Hello
Post by: Baker on April 24, 2007, 02:34:47 PM
No because they killed my brother.so my mother didn't allow me to serve in combat.
Title: Re: Hello
Post by: kahaneloyalist on April 24, 2007, 03:22:45 PM
I am sorry about your brother, I would like to learn some Torah in his zechut, what was his name?
Title: Re: Hello
Post by: MarZutra on April 24, 2007, 05:25:31 PM
I guess you are free to think for yourself but not if it means kicking Jews off of Jewish land or out of their homes....  Perhaps you might put a Kach symbol on your helmet.....  You are correct.  We are all brothers...  It is too bad Socialism is anti-culture, G-d, Israel, nation etc.  Read the communist manifesto before you go so you know exactly where the underlying ideology being propagated onto you comes from....lol   

Good luck brother...  I hope the IDF re-liberates Aza, Judea, Samaria and Temple Mount....  THEY MUST GO!
Title: Re: Hello
Post by: Baker on April 24, 2007, 05:35:36 PM
You can say no and go to jail.
Title: Re: Hello
Post by: MarZutra on April 24, 2007, 05:40:39 PM
What a choice...  stand up for what is morally right and for the Jewish people and the Land of Eretz....or go to jail.  That in and of itself is an indication that the Government, IDF, Supreme Court etc. have totally abandoned their moral/Jewish compass...
Title: Re: Hello
Post by: raiseyourfist on May 15, 2007, 12:33:19 PM
I am in a different environment to many of you people because a major isssue we have here in SYDNEY AUSTRALIA  is the Lebanese, arabs who show complete disregard for the historic sites, the laws, people and anyone who has a problem with their ideas of JIHAD... which i personally find a complete fanatic joke.... We stood up though with such insidences like the Cronulla Riots and other attacks against the evil doers..... The point  i am trying to make here is that JTF isnt aimed ultimately at jews but to all humankind who have problems with these nazi arabs and other scum of the earth as i do... it has become obvious that many others share my views so please respond to my review and tell me what you believe and your personal experiences because i personally would love to hear them...
Title: Re: Hello
Post by: MarZutra on May 15, 2007, 05:38:40 PM
I am in a different environment to many of you people because a major isssue we have here in SYDNEY AUSTRALIA  is the Lebanese, arabs who show complete disregard for the historic sites, the laws, people and anyone who has a problem with their ideas of JIHAD... which i personally find a complete fanatic joke.... We stood up though with such insidences like the Cronulla Riots and other attacks against the evil doers..... The point  i am trying to make here is that JTF isnt aimed ultimately at jews but to all humankind who have problems with these nazi arabs and other scum of the earth as i do... it has become obvious that many others share my views so please respond to my review and tell me what you believe and your personal experiences because i personally would love to hear them...
Personally, I agree with you and like to extend it to ALL Moooslims and not just Lebanese.  The fact of the matter, if one actually reads the Quraan/Hadith one will see that it has much in common with Nazism.  One too could say that it has much in common with Communism as well in the globalist and militant agenda both subversive and too open Jihad (revolutionary).  I, personally, hope that the elitists that support both groups are taken out into the street and hung for treason, then the deportations can start to shipping this fifth column that is polluting the Dar al Harb.  Israel must annex all their land and start the Moooslim expulsions.  They must not give in to international pressure but give the international community a moral light to justify similar deeds amongs the Gentile nations. 
Title: Re: Hello
Post by: Bodhi on May 27, 2007, 09:38:24 PM
  In case anyone is interested in hearing what I have to say.......the single most interesting thing that will happen in the near future that will affect Jews is the relaionship that they choose to have with people such as those who make up sites like StørmFrønt.........I won't come out and say what I think about it publicly, but it's something that everyone should feel.......you may have a lot in common with some people, but only your friends can know your secrets, and......well I think history speaks loud and clear on this one............you must know who you are.

  My friends' friend may be my friend, but my enemy's enemy is not always my friend.
Title: Re: Hello
Post by: Lisa on May 28, 2007, 10:03:17 AM
Bodhi what are you talking about?
Title: Re: Hello
Post by: mord on May 29, 2007, 05:13:33 AM
There is no relationship with StørmFrønt .Some members might have at one time   posted on StørmFrønt becuse they could'nt find venue for non P.C. views in the world of P.C however they left StørmFrønt for   JTf'S G-D  bassed forum
Title: Re: Hello
Post by: Now_I_Understand on May 30, 2007, 10:45:11 PM
Hello everybody, I am a christian living in the Lake District, UK. I have no real experience of muslims, living in a quiet area as I do, but the hypocrisy of the UK media has alerted me to the very real threat to national security that is Islam. Upon researching this subject, I stumbled across a link to this website on a right-wing forum called StørmFrønt. They deny that Islam is a threat and posted me a link here, and then proceeded to complain about this organisation. I would like to point out that I do not associate myself with StørmFrønt. I hope, despite being a Christian, that this forum will offer me somewhere to talk online about Islam where I will not get censored. As I say, I can only speak for what I see in the news which is clearly biased anyway, as the Lakes are very peaceful, very few people live here, and there are no mosques anywhere. Not what I gather the rest of the Uk is like!!



I am Christian and to give you an idea how radical I get at times I had a friend at work about 10 years ago who moved here  from Iraq with his parents when he was 8.  He despised Saddam and we became golfing buddies.  One day we were coming home from a round of golf and started talking about the Middle East and the Palestinians.  I explained that I could not understand how they could in any way justify strapping bombs to themselves and then killing innocent people, particularly children.  He tried to justify it saying that was the only type of weapon except for guns and a few rockets and that Israel has all these sophisticated weapons and a well trained military and that was why they do it.

After about 10 minutes of arguing about it I became so angry that I told him to pull over to the side of the road because I was going to punch him out for supporting that garbage.  Needless to say he didn't pull over and drove right to my house and dropped me off.  We didn't talk for a few days because I was so pissed I ignored him.   I couldn't understand this and how anybody could justify this or  why anybody would hate somebody because of ther religious faith.   One time my son and I  (he was about 17-18 at the time) went downtown where they were going to have a KKK thing and we  ended up being put in the back of a patrol car because we were trying to instigate a fight with a couple of those morons in white bed sheets. 

I never could understand why  these types of morons existed and why they would hate somebody because they are Jewish or of a different religion.   But after reading some  of what is on this site and watching a couple of the youtube things I realize why some people do and say the things they do.    I will never agree with them because it is wrong but to be honest I see no difference between the David Duke types and yourselves and I can only say you are you're own worst enemy.  I know I am wasting my time saying this but it is those like you guys and the KKK and David Dukes that make people turn on each other.  And what is really sad is those who don't have this type of satanic hatred for others are the ones that pay the price. 

Maybe some day you will be able (although I doubt it) to take an objective look at yourselves and realize that you are no different than those you talk about and condemn.  I know you won't leave these comments up on your site for others to read but at least you will see what those of us who are not driven by hatred of others see and that "you reap what you sew"  I pray the Lord opens your eyes and your hearts before it is too late.
Title: Re: Hello
Post by: MarZutra on May 30, 2007, 11:15:33 PM


I am Christian and to give you an idea how radical I get at times I had a friend at work about 10 years ago who moved here  from Iraq with his parents when he was 8.  He despised Saddam and we became golfing buddies.  One day we were coming home from a round of golf and started talking about the Middle East and the PLO/Hamas Arab Muslim Nazis.  I explained that I could not understand how they could in any way justify strapping bombs to themselves and then killing innocent people, particularly children.  He tried to justify it saying that was the only type of weapon except for guns and a few rockets and that Israel has all these sophisticated weapons and a well trained military and that was why they do it.

After about 10 minutes of arguing about it I became so angry that I told him to pull over to the side of the road because I was going to punch him out for supporting that garbage.  Needless to say he didn't pull over and drove right to my house and dropped me off.  We didn't talk for a few days because I was so pissed I ignored him.   I couldn't understand this and how anybody could justify this or  why anybody would hate somebody because of ther religious faith.   One time my son and I  (he was about 17-18 at the time) went downtown where they were going to have a KKK thing and we  ended up being put in the back of a patrol car because we were trying to instigate a fight with a couple of those morons in white bed sheets. 

I never could understand why  these types of morons existed and why they would hate somebody because they are Jewish or of a different religion.   But after reading some  of what is on this site and watching a couple of the youtube things I realize why some people do and say the things they do.    I will never agree with them because it is wrong but to be honest I see no difference between the David Duke types and yourselves and I can only say you are you're own worst enemy.  I know I am wasting my time saying this but it is those like you guys and the KKK and David Dukes that make people turn on each other.  And what is really sad is those who don't have this type of satanic hatred for others are the ones that pay the price. 

Maybe some day you will be able (although I doubt it) to take an objective look at yourselves and realize that you are no different than those you talk about and condemn.  I know you won't leave these comments up on your site for others to read but at least you will see what those of us who are not driven by hatred of others see and that "you reap what you sew"  I pray the Lord opens your eyes and your hearts before it is too late.
Dear Sir, I actually enjoyed reading your post.  You seem to be an individual that is in touch with reality albeit a bit misguided concerning a few specific areas.  One cannot compare us with the David Duke, KKK, White Suprem sorts.  They hate solely because of ignorance and not knowledge.  They hate blacks because of their race for one direct example.  If you read many posts on JTF we do not hate anyone based on race.  That is actaully quite incorrect that you relate the two considering the Bible demands people to hate evilness, even to eliminate evilness from the Earth.  People are judged on their deeds.  If one does good deeds they are praised, if one does bad deeds they are judged and condemned.  This is both moral and logical.  No one hates, based on race here.  No one here hates people based on the religion but they do hate the religion: Islam itself.  Perhaps if you delved into researching Islam and Islamic history and the specificities of Islam you'd agree and not judge out of lack of knowledge.  As a Christian you might consider delving into what Islam is.  What the goals of Islam and Sharia Law are.  This would be a righteous quest on your behalf.  Perhaps listening to Pastor John Hagee.

JTF is a right wing organization and those you had related, or seemingly related to JTF are of the ultra-Leftist.  I'll end up stating flat out that no one here, or shall I say none that I know of, hates anyone based on race......but on deed.  If ones deed are immoral they do not deserve respect nor "tolerance".......  Subsequently, it is because of these Leftist ideas that the once moral based Civlized West is now in collapse due to this molestation of affording the evil respect and damning the victim...

I hope you continue to post as I feel we could delve into good and productive conversations, albeit not very "progressive"...lol
Title: Re: Hello
Post by: kahaneloyalist on May 30, 2007, 11:43:23 PM
It is always the dead Jews the Goyim love, but I prefer to be hated and alive then dead and loved.
Title: Re: Hello
Post by: MarZutra on May 31, 2007, 05:00:04 AM
A very good position and too advocated by Rabbi Kahane:  "I'd much prefer an economically and militarily powerful independant Jewish State of Israel hated by the world than another Auschwitz loved by it."

I think that most people hate due to ignorace or conversely, due to factually correct knowledge re: what Islam actually is.  How many Gentiles have even read the, unaltered, Tanach?  How many even know what Judaism actually is?  How many even know about the Oral Law that HaShem taught Moses?  How many know factually correct history and not politically guided disinformation continually damning "the other"?  Well, that too is a part of their 36000 sects of a religion that would be negated if they were knowledged......  Sadly, most relate the Marxist "Jewish" rot with the rightous Jews and hate collectively...   

I support any gentile based on their deeds.  If they are righteous and too profess their support: Genesis 12:2-3 :)