General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Dan on August 18, 2009, 10:59:15 PM

Title: Asians & Whites beat Blacks & Hispanics by 31 points on tests: Libs wring hands
Post by: Dan on August 18, 2009, 10:59:15 PM
Achievement gap among students stalled

The state's stubborn achievement gap once again failed to budge in 2009 even as more students than ever finished the school year at or above grade level in standardized testing, according to results released today.

The state made gains on the California Standards Test for the seventh straight year, with all students showing improved test scores, state officials said.

Half of all California children were proficient or above in English, up from 46 percent the year before while 46 percent were at least proficient in math, a gain of three points.

Nonetheless, state education officials - for the seventh straight year as well - bemoaned the seemingly unyielding gap in scores between white or Asian students and their black or Hispanic peers. Since 2003, the gaps between white students and black or Hispanic students has barely budged, fluctuating by a few points, but generally stagnant.

"The number one priority of my office is to close this persistent achievement gap that deprives too many students of color opportunities to succeed in school and in life," said state Superintendent of Public Instruction Jack O'Connell in a statement.

Statewide, for example, 37 percent of African American and Hispanic students were proficient or above in English - 31 points behind white students.

The state tests students in grades two through 11 in math and English, with high school students also tested in history and science.

Locally, the annual release of standardized test scores today evoked the perennial cheers and tears as an academic year of effort was summed up across California, with scores available for each district and school. This year, cheers far outnumbered tears.

Test scores across the Bay Area seemed to mimic the state's gains, with San Francisco, Oakland, West Contra Costa and high-scoring suburbs like Pleasanton posting three- to five-point gains in math and English.

In San Francisco, school officials were eager to divulge test results that continued to surpass state averages by several percentage points. In 2009, San Francisco schools posted an uptick of about three percentage points in math and English. Across the district, 54 percent of students were proficient in English and 53 percent proficient in math.

Yet more significantly, city schools attacked the achievement gap, with African American students and Hispanic students outpacing the majority of their peers.

"We have cause to celebrate. Our whole district made significant gains and our African-American and Latino students made even greater gains than their peers," said Superintendent Carlos Garcia. "We still have a long way to go but this shows it can be done. The achievement gap is narrowing."

But there's always a "but."

Just 27 percent of San Francisco's African American students were at grade level in English. That's half of the district's average and 10 points behind black students statewide - scores at least in part related to the city's disproportionately greater percentage of low-income blacks.

Economically disadvantaged black students posted the lowest scores in the state, save special education students and English learners.
No Surprises Here!

Title: Re: Asians & Whites beat Blacks & Hispanics by 31 points on tests: Libs wring hands
Post by: Ben Yehuda on August 18, 2009, 11:15:43 PM
Duh! :::D
Title: Re: Asians & Whites beat Blacks & Hispanics by 31 points on tests: Libs wring hands
Post by: TheCoon on August 18, 2009, 11:38:07 PM
So basically all the trillions of dollars spent on "uplifting" them might as well have been used to wipe their monkey asses.
Title: Re: Asians & Whites beat Blacks & Hispanics by 31 points on tests: Libs wring hands
Post by: Rubystars on August 18, 2009, 11:51:20 PM
I don't think that Mexicans are inherently stupid like blacks are. There have been some absolutely brilliant Mexican people. I do think we get a disproportionate number of the stupid ones though because the lowest of the low classes of Mexico are the ones swarming over the border, so it will seem in studies done in the USA that their population is much dumber than it really is.

Blacks are stupid all over the world, in every possible test, with rare individual exceptions.
Title: Re: Asians & Whites beat Blacks & Hispanics by 31 points on tests: Libs wring hands
Post by: Confederate Kahanist on August 19, 2009, 01:14:50 AM
I don't think that Mexicans are inherently stupid like blacks are. There have been some absolutely brilliant Mexican people. I do think we get a disproportionate number of the stupid ones though because the lowest of the low classes of Mexico are the ones swarming over the border, so it will seem in studies done in the USA that their population is much dumber than it really is.

Blacks are stupid all over the world, in every possible test, with rare individual exceptions.

Be careful there.  It's just there culture. 
Title: Re: Asians & Whites beat Blacks & Hispanics by 31 points on tests: Libs wring hands
Post by: Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks on August 19, 2009, 01:15:50 AM
They choose to be stupid because looking "white" in the eyes of other darkies is the unpardonable sin to them (or should I say dem).
Title: Re: Asians & Whites beat Blacks & Hispanics by 31 points on tests: Libs wring hands
Post by: Rubystars on August 19, 2009, 01:42:29 AM
I don't think that Mexicans are inherently stupid like blacks are. There have been some absolutely brilliant Mexican people. I do think we get a disproportionate number of the stupid ones though because the lowest of the low classes of Mexico are the ones swarming over the border, so it will seem in studies done in the USA that their population is much dumber than it really is.

Blacks are stupid all over the world, in every possible test, with rare individual exceptions.

Be careful there.  It's just there culture. 

I don't have to agree with that, do I? I don't think it's just their culture. I think it's what they are, always have been, and always will be. Eternal malcontents.
Title: Re: Asians & Whites beat Blacks & Hispanics by 31 points on tests: Libs wring hands
Post by: The One and Only Mo on August 19, 2009, 01:44:57 AM
Chicken and the egg. Did they start off dumb or become dumb?
Title: Re: Asians & Whites beat Blacks & Hispanics by 31 points on tests: Libs wring hands
Post by: Confederate Kahanist on August 19, 2009, 01:46:59 AM
They choose to be stupid because looking "white" in the eyes of other darkies is the unpardonable sin to them (or should I say dem).

Good observation man. 
Title: Re: Asians & Whites beat Blacks & Hispanics by 31 points on tests: Libs wring hands
Post by: Rubystars on August 19, 2009, 01:50:54 AM
Chicken and the egg. Did they start off dumb or become dumb?

Blacks are at a genetic disadvantage because of differences in skull shape and brain structure. From this emerges a culture which reinforces the stupidity. I don't think you can really completely separate culture and genes. I think they influence one another and the concepts become interwined.

A black raised in an all white area by white parents will still have a tendency to be more impulsive, less intelligent, more criminally prone, etc. than a white child.
Title: Re: Asians & Whites beat Blacks & Hispanics by 31 points on tests: Libs wring hands
Post by: The One and Only Mo on August 19, 2009, 01:52:39 AM
Chicken and the egg. Did they start off dumb or become dumb?

Blacks are at a genetic disadvantage because of differences in skull shape and brain structure. From this emerges a culture which reinforces the stupidity. I don't think you can really completely separate culture and genes. I think they influence one another and the concepts become interwined.

A black raised in an all white area by white parents will still have a tendency to be more impulsive, less intelligent, more criminally prone, etc. than a white child.

You know how all black and brown people emit an odor of sorts? Do we emit an odor that only THEY can smell? Like how the Asians all look alike to us, and we all look alike to them, but they can tell each other apart and we can tell each other apart?
Title: Re: Asians & Whites beat Blacks & Hispanics by 31 points on tests: Libs wring hands
Post by: Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks on August 19, 2009, 01:55:18 AM
A black raised in an all white area by white parents will still have a tendency to be more impulsive, less intelligent, more criminally prone, etc. than a white child.
Rubystars, there are actually quite a few African blacks (generally Christians) that are nothing like gutter schvartzes when they come to America. They are quiet, hardworking, studious, and very serious about their lives. They resemble Asians more than anybody else.
Title: Re: Asians & Whites beat Blacks & Hispanics by 31 points on tests: Libs wring hands
Post by: Rubystars on August 19, 2009, 02:06:19 AM
A black raised in an all white area by white parents will still have a tendency to be more impulsive, less intelligent, more criminally prone, etc. than a white child.
Rubystars, there are actually quite a few African blacks (generally Christians) that are nothing like gutter schvartzes when they come to America. They are quiet, hardworking, studious, and very serious about their lives. They resemble Asians more than anybody else.

I think I've seen some of these African blacks you're talking about. The ones that you're referring to generally are much better in many ways than "African Americans". However all you have to do is look at the state of Africa to see that the stock over there, in general, is not any better.
Title: Re: Asians & Whites beat Blacks & Hispanics by 31 points on tests: Libs wring hands
Post by: Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks on August 19, 2009, 02:08:32 AM
The stock over there is in poor shape because it is a continent mired in savage animism, sorcery, and Islam. It stands to reason that those Africans that have really embraced a civilized faith would quickly show improvement in all areas of their lives.
Title: Re: Asians & Whites beat Blacks & Hispanics by 31 points on tests: Libs wring hands
Post by: Rubystars on August 19, 2009, 02:14:36 AM
The stock over there is in poor shape because it is a continent mired in savage animism, sorcery, and Islam. It stands to reason that those Africans that have really embraced a civilized faith would quickly show improvement in all areas of their lives.

There were a lot of non-Christian pagan societies that had a much higher standard of living and culture than what you see in Africa. The standing stones of the British Isles and on mainland Europe are one legacy of a culture which showed thought and planning, even among the pagans. There was various art work and rich mythological traditions.

The sub continent of India had a lot of rich literature and buildings.

Some Indians of Central and South America built complex structures and had systems of astronomy and law.

There were relatively advanced structures in the Middle East and Far East.

Africa however remained the dark continent.

Christianization would probably greatly improve some aspects of Africa, but it's not going to completely change them.
Title: Re: Asians & Whites beat Blacks & Hispanics by 31 points on tests: Libs wring hands
Post by: Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks on August 19, 2009, 02:19:15 AM
There were a lot of non-Christian pagan societies that had a much higher standard of living and culture than what you see in Africa. The standing stones of the British Isles and on mainland Europe are one legacy of a culture which showed thought and planning, even among the pagans. There was various art work and rich mythological traditions.
I would disagree very much with this. They had climates that were less conducive to standing filth and disease than Africa too, don't forget, and in terms of their behavior they were horrid. The Druids practiced human sacrifice if I am not mistaken.

Some Indians of Central and South America built complex structures and had systems of astronomy and law.
And they also ripped peoples' hearts out as a sacrifice to their demons.

There were relatively advanced structures in the Middle East and Far East.
Non-Jewish Middle Easterners were among the most barbaric peoples in the history of the world, even for the ancient world.

Africa however remained the dark continent.
Some would say Europe never became un-dark. Despite being very advanced, European anti-Semitism has remained pretty constant through the ages. Black Africa has not yet come up with anything as comprehensively demonic as the Shoah.

Christianization would probably greatly improve some aspects of Africa, but it's not going to completely change them.
Well no, not every single member of any place will convert. Africans are "uglier" people than non-Christian Europeans because most of the latter do not practice savage, bestial animism. That is changing though as Europe continues to slide down into the abyss that is the postmodernist hellhole.
Title: Re: Asians & Whites beat Blacks & Hispanics by 31 points on tests: Libs wring hands
Post by: Rubystars on August 19, 2009, 02:35:34 AM
There were a lot of non-Christian pagan societies that had a much higher standard of living and culture than what you see in Africa. The standing stones of the British Isles and on mainland Europe are one legacy of a culture which showed thought and planning, even among the pagans. There was various art work and rich mythological traditions.
I would disagree very much with this. They had climates that were less conducive to standing filth and disease than Africa too, don't forget, and in terms of their behavior they were horrid. The Druids practiced human sacrifice if I am not mistaken.

Yes, they did, but I was referring to the fact that they were intelligent enough to come up with something other than a dung hut.

It took planning, engineering skills, math skills, and observation of astronomical objects to align the stone structures just so. Africans could never build anything like Stonehenge.

And they also ripped peoples' hearts out as a sacrifice to their demons.

Yes they did but my point is their society itself was on a higher level. Black babies are murdered and raped all the time in Africa. At least when the Central Americans were practicing human sacrifice, it was more of a controlled thing. Also they knew how to use agriculture, and make metal alloys, whereas Africans were still spreading dung on each other to keep the flies off.

Non-Jewish Middle Easterners were among the most barbaric peoples in the history of the world, even for the ancient world.

They invented writing, began many aspects of Old World agriculture, etc. Abraham came from them originally. Point being they were more advaned than the blacks.

Some would say Europe never became un-dark. Despite being very advanced, European anti-Semitism has remained pretty constant through the ages. Black Africa has not yet come up with anything as comprehensively demonic as the Shoah.

Almost everything you use in your daily life was invented by white people. As for the Shoah, the evil ones like Hitler used the intelligence that G-d gave to the European minds for evil instead of good. This was a decision that they made to be nasty, evil  people. Africans hate Jews too, but the worst they can do for the most part on their own without help, is chuck a spear or two. These days they use weapons like assault rifles invented by people smarter than themseles to kill each other.

Well no, not every single member of any place will convert. Africans are "uglier" people than non-Christian Europeans because most of the latter do not practice savage, bestial animism. That is changing though as Europe continues to slide down into the abyss that is the postmodernist hellhole.

I think Europe may be doomed, but I hope not. We need more missionaries in Europe to spread a stronger form of Christianity that doesn't involve being so wishy-washy as most European "Christians" are today.
Title: Re: Asians & Whites beat Blacks & Hispanics by 31 points on tests: Libs wring hands
Post by: Rubystars on August 19, 2009, 03:06:56 AM
There is one thing I think we can agree on C.F., and that's that the Bible is the basis for humane, high civilization. I think any culture that doesn't embrace the Bible will show barbaric aspects.
Title: Re: Asians & Whites beat Blacks & Hispanics by 31 points on tests: Libs wring hands
Post by: White Israelite on August 19, 2009, 03:26:42 AM
Mexican isn't a race, it's a nationality.
Title: Re: Asians & Whites beat Blacks & Hispanics by 31 points on tests: Libs wring hands
Post by: Rubystars on August 19, 2009, 03:35:43 AM
Mexican isn't a race, it's a nationality.

Technically yes. By Mexican I meant the Indians and mixed Indian/Hispanic population that lives there.
Title: Re: Asians & Whites beat Blacks & Hispanics by 31 points on tests: Libs wring hands
Post by: MarZutra on August 19, 2009, 07:44:00 AM
Much of this inherent "dumbness" is cultural and not genetic/racial.  Many examples can be seen around the Earth however I'd agree that Blacks, in most respects, are less intellectually gifted than others.  I do believe the Australian and Island Aboriginals also less intellectually gifted however when they embrace the "White" or "Western" culture, much of their their "dumbness" can be replaced/ or is replaced by great productivity improvement. 
Title: Re: Asians & Whites beat Blacks & Hispanics by 31 points on tests: Libs wring hands
Post by: Rubystars on August 19, 2009, 07:58:31 AM
You can dress a monkey up in a suit but it's still a monkey. Almost every other race does better with more educational opportunities, etc. but blacks remain at the bottom of the heap in IQ no matter what is done.
Title: Re: Asians & Whites beat Blacks & Hispanics by 31 points on tests: Libs wring hands
Post by: MarZutra on August 19, 2009, 08:16:13 AM
You can dress a monkey up in a suit but it's still a monkey. Almost every other race does better with more educational opportunities, etc. but blacks remain at the bottom of the heap in IQ no matter what is done.
I wish I could argue this point... but I can't ;-)   If it wasn't for Ol-Whitey and the American way peoples like Oprah Winfrey would never have become a multi-billionaire, the masses of black athletes would never have gotten anywhere, Colon Powell, Congosleeza Reich, MichaĆ«lle Jean etc. would never have accomplished anything comparable and Barak Hussein Obama wouldn't have become President of Kenya had he stayed.

Sorry, I must stop on this sad subject as it gets me all worked up...  my apologies...
Title: Re: Asians & Whites beat Blacks & Hispanics by 31 points on tests: Libs wring hands
Post by: FreedomFighter08 on August 19, 2009, 08:54:16 AM
Blacks are at a genetic disadvantage because of differences in skull shape and brain structure. From this emerges a culture which reinforces the stupidity. I don't think you can really completely separate culture and genes. I think they influence one another and the concepts become interwined.

A black raised in an all white area by white parents will still have a tendency to be more impulsive, less intelligent, more criminally prone, etc. than a white child.

This is too much... Pure racism. Like saying Jews can smell money a mile away just because some Jews noses are big... Wow.
Title: Re: Asians & Whites beat Blacks & Hispanics by 31 points on tests: Libs wring hands
Post by: MarZutra on August 19, 2009, 09:10:55 AM
Freedom, you make a very good point.  I'd say a form of bigotry.  Racism, or more accurately Racialism, is the belief that one's race, your race is superior to another.  There is no "hate" in racism.  A pure bi-product of the "politically correct" movement. Bigotry perhaps but not racism.  The fact that nothing is truly equal would conclude that all people of all races are "racist" in a dictatorial sense but being a racial bigot is entirely different and a product of the individual's perceptions/beliefs. 

Sadly, there's been numerous studies on various cultures, races, peoples through out the world via numerous avenues/methods and presented by the so-called "Left Wing" and the so-called "Right Wing" concluding comparably similar results. 

I've placed two books, another is "The Naked Ape: A Zoologist's Study of the Human Animal" by Desmond Morris.  So here are 3 separate studies of "Left" and "Right" which basically come to the same conclusion.  One must ask why comparable findings of a "Conservative" or "Right Wing" J. P. Rushton or even David Horowitz (Author of "Hating Whitey") are "racist"? 

You make a very good point which is valid. 
Title: Re: Asians & Whites beat Blacks & Hispanics by 31 points on tests: Libs wring hands
Post by: Rubystars on August 19, 2009, 10:00:29 AM
Blacks are at a genetic disadvantage because of differences in skull shape and brain structure. From this emerges a culture which reinforces the stupidity. I don't think you can really completely separate culture and genes. I think they influence one another and the concepts become interwined.

A black raised in an all white area by white parents will still have a tendency to be more impulsive, less intelligent, more criminally prone, etc. than a white child.

This is too much... Pure racism. Like saying Jews can smell money a mile away just because some Jews noses are big... Wow.

Some Jews are good at making money because they're smart. Jewish intelligence scores are through the roof. This is a gift they were given by God.
Title: Re: Asians & Whites beat Blacks & Hispanics by 31 points on tests: Libs wring hands
Post by: Rubystars on August 19, 2009, 10:03:36 AM
I want all peoples of the world, be they black, white brown, yellow, etc. to be happy and in peace with one another. I don't wish harm on any individual person unless they're truly evil. I recognize some blacks, such as Pastor Manning, as being the equal of any other righteous human being. However I also recognize the fact that the majority of blacks may not even be capable of being like that. Maybe God has hardened their hearts (and heads) like Pharoah.
Title: Re: Asians & Whites beat Blacks & Hispanics by 31 points on tests: Libs wring hands
Post by: FreedomFighter08 on August 19, 2009, 01:47:59 PM
Yes but you are repeating what many Neo-Nazis say. They always use "genetics" in their conversations. They say that blacks are genetically not capable of being better then them in anything. This is what Hitler thought. He got what was coming to him in the Berlin Olympics when a black man beat the Germans in running and took home the gold. He was stunned.

Blacks are at a genetic disadvantage because of differences in skull shape and brain structure.

I want all peoples of the world, be they black, white brown, yellow, etc. to be happy and in peace with one another. I don't wish harm on any individual person unless they're truly evil. I recognize some blacks, such as Pastor Manning, as being the equal of any other righteous human being. However I also recognize the fact that the majority of blacks may not even be capable of being like that. Maybe G-d has hardened their hearts (and heads) like Pharoah.

You're saying two different things here. The first one talks about black people can't be smart because of genetics which is bigotry and the second one talks about how everybody is different. The second one is correct. There are blacks who are Conservatives and Zionist. Martin Luther King Jr. was a Zionist, and he told all of his followers that Anti-Zionism = Anti-Semitism, so yes, I don't agree with his economic views, but he was a smart and good-hearted man.
Title: Re: Asians & Whites beat Blacks & Hispanics by 31 points on tests: Libs wring hands
Post by: Rubystars on August 19, 2009, 02:01:59 PM
I think that as a population, that they will always be stuck in their current state, and this is largely due to genetics. However I do think there are individual blacks who can choose to rise above this, and are capable of it. Does it make sense now?
Title: Re: Asians & Whites beat Blacks & Hispanics by 31 points on tests: Libs wring hands
Post by: White Israelite on August 19, 2009, 02:02:43 PM
I do not hate anyone based on the color of their skin, I don't promote or discourage anything when it comes to race. I believe it's a nonfactor. My opinions have changed the last couple of months.
Title: Re: Asians & Whites beat Blacks & Hispanics by 31 points on tests: Libs wring hands
Post by: briann on August 19, 2009, 05:51:55 PM
Ive taught all three of these populations, and I will tell you that with the exception of blacks there is no difference in intelligence.   Its mostly about cultural and ideological attitudes towards education.

Title: Re: Asians & Whites beat Blacks & Hispanics by 31 points on tests: Libs wring hands
Post by: Moijea on August 20, 2009, 02:18:50 AM
Much of this inherent "dumbness" is cultural and not genetic/racial.  Many examples can be seen around the Earth however I'd agree that Blacks, in most respects, are less intellectually gifted than others.  I do believe the Australian and Island Aboriginals also less intellectually gifted however when they embrace the "White" or "Western" culture, much of their their "dumbness" can be replaced/ or is replaced by great productivity improvement. 

I see you have imbedded a pic of the book "The Bell Curve." I was going to post it myself, I have the audio tapes from probably 10 years ago. . . man did his book rile folks up. But he makes a logical case.

Also, much of what you see is spiritual, there are curses in effect for societies that worship other gods, such as in Haiti, etc. You can pour billions into the area, but nothing will change until the dark spiritual forces in place over the nation is dealt with.

Also, I read somewhere that Jews had earned a highly disproportionate number of nobel prizes and had made a highly disproportionate number of the most valuable discoveries in man's history. THAT is the Blessing of G-d, plain and simple.
Title: Re: Asians & Whites beat Blacks & Hispanics by 31 points on tests: Libs wring hands
Post by: muman613 on August 20, 2009, 03:00:37 AM
Much of this inherent "dumbness" is cultural and not genetic/racial.  Many examples can be seen around the Earth however I'd agree that Blacks, in most respects, are less intellectually gifted than others.  I do believe the Australian and Island Aboriginals also less intellectually gifted however when they embrace the "White" or "Western" culture, much of their their "dumbness" can be replaced/ or is replaced by great productivity improvement. 

I see you have imbedded a pic of the book "The Bell Curve." I was going to post it myself, I have the audio tapes from probably 10 years ago. . . man did his book rile folks up. But he makes a logical case.

Also, much of what you see is spiritual, there are curses in effect for societies that worship other gods, such as in Haiti, etc. You can pour billions into the area, but nothing will change until the dark spiritual forces in place over the nation is dealt with.

Also, I read somewhere that Jews had earned a highly disproportionate number of nobel prizes and had made a highly disproportionate number of the most valuable discoveries in man's history. THAT is the Blessing of G-d, plain and simple.

You may have read the article which is on aish.com @ http://www.aish.com/jw/me/52829062.html

Here is a portion of the text:


The Israel Test
by George Gilder

Israel is hated not for her vices but her virtues.

Like the Jews throughout history, Israel poses a test to the world. In particular, it is a test for any people that lusts for the fruits of capitalism without submitting to capitalism's imperious moral code. Because capitalism, like the biblical faith from which it largely arises, remorselessly condemns to darkness and death those who resent the achievements of others.

At the heart of anti-Semitism is resentment of Jewish achievement. Today that achievement is concentrated in Israel. Obscured by the usual media coverage of the "war-torn" Middle East, Israel has become one of the most important economies in the world, second only to the United States in its pioneering of technologies benefiting human life, prosperity, and peace.

But so it has always been. Israel, like the Jews throughout history, is hated not for her vices but her virtues. Israel is hated, as the United States is hated, because Israel is successful, because Israel is free, and because Israel is good.

As Maxim Gorky put it: "Whatever nonsense the anti-Semites may talk, they dislike the Jew only because he is obviously better, more adroit, and more capable of work than they are." Whether driven by culture or genes -- or like most behavior, an inextricable mix -- the fact of Jewish genius is demonstrable. It can be said only by people who do not expect to be believed.

Charles Murray distilled the evidence in Commentary magazine in April 2007. The Jewish mean intelligence quotient is 110, ten points above the norm. This strikingly higher average intelligence, however, is not the decisive factor in overall Jewish achievement.

The three-tenths of 1 percent of the world population that is Jewish has contributed some 25 percent of notable human intellectual accomplishment in the modern period.

What matters in human accomplishment is not the average performance but the treatment of exceptional performance and the cultivation of genius. The commanding lesson of Jewish accomplishment is that genius trumps everything else. Whatever the cause of high IQ, as Murray explains, "the key indicator for predicting exceptional accomplishment (like winning a Nobel Prize) is the incidence of exceptional intelligence... The proportion of Jews with IQs of 140 or higher is somewhere around six times the proportion of everyone else" and rises at still higher IQs.

The great error of contemporary social thought is that poverty must result from "discrimination" or "exploitation." Because Jews tend to be overrepresented at the pinnacles of excellence, a dogmatic belief that nature favors equal outcomes fosters hostility to capitalism and leads inexorably to anti-Semitism.

The socialists and anti-Semites have it backwards. Poverty needs little explanation. It has been the usual condition of nearly all human beings throughout all history. What is precious and in need of explanation and nurture is the special configuration of cultural and intellectual aptitudes and practices -- the differences, the inequalities -- that under some rare and miraculous conditions have produced wealth for the world. Inequality is the answer, not the problem.

In his book Human Accomplishment Murray focused on the fact that the three-tenths of 1 percent of the world population that is Jewish has contributed some 25 percent of notable human intellectual accomplishment in the modern period. Murray cites the historical record:

He then proceeds to more recent data:

The achievements of modern science are heavily the expression of Jewish genius and ingenuity. If 26 percent of Nobel Prizes do not suffice to make the case, it is confirmed by 51 percent of Wolf Prizes in Physics, 28 percent of the Max Planck Medailles, 38 percent of the Dirac Medals, 37 percent of the Heineman Prizes for Mathematical Physics, and 53 percent of the Enrico Fermi Awards.

Jews are not only superior in abstruse intellectual pursuits, such as quantum physics and nuclear science, however. They are also heavily overrepresented among entrepreneurs of the technology businesses that lead and leaven the global economy. Social psychologist David McClelland, author of The Achieving Society, found that entrepreneurs are identified by a greater "need for achievement" than are other groups. "There is little doubt," he concluded, explaining the disproportionate representation of Jews among entrepreneurs, that in the United States, "the average need for achievement among Jews is higher than for the general population."

"Need for achievement" alone, however, will not enable a person to start and run a successful technological company. That takes a combination of technological mastery, business prowess, and leadership skills that is not evenly distributed even among elite scientists and engineers. Edward B. Roberts of Massachusetts Institute of Technology's Sloan School compared MIT graduates who launched new technological companies with a control group of graduates who pursued other careers. The largest factor in predicting an entrepreneurial career in technology was an entrepreneurial father. Controlling for this factor, he discovered that Jews were five times more likely to start technological enterprises than other MIT graduates.

For all its special features and extreme manifestations, anti-Semitism is a reflection of the hatred toward successful middlemen, entrepreneurs, shopkeepers, lenders, bankers, financiers, and other capitalists that is visible everywhere whenever an identifiable set of outsiders outperforms the rest of the population in the economy. This is true whether the offending excellence comes from the Kikuyu in Kenya; the Ibo and the Yoruba in Nigeria; the overseas Indians and whites in Uganda and Zimbabwe; the Lebanese in West Africa, South America, and around the world; the Parsis in India; the Indian Gujaratis in South and East Africa; the Armenians in the Ottoman Empire; and above all the more than 30 million overseas Chinese in Indonesia, Malaysia, and elsewhere in Southeast Asia.

... http://www.aish.com/jw/me/52829062.html
Title: Re: Asians & Whites beat Blacks & Hispanics by 31 points on tests: Libs wring hands
Post by: MarZutra on August 21, 2009, 09:01:07 AM
Agreed. Much of this is dealt with by J. P. Rushton's book.  To me, "Spiritual" and cultural are splitting of the same hair.  You can apply your comparison of Haiti to the continent of Africa. The West has been dumping billions of dollars, technical advancement, social/economic/police/health/civil-legal and even religious infrastructure and the effect is/has been marginal at best.  It took ol-whitey to actually go there lead and do for these people/states to progress yet sadly the ol-whitey "racists", "imperialists", "capitalists" were thrown out (supported by the UN) in favor of reverting back to black leadership, mass expulsions, property annexations etc. only to revert each one back to a state of animalism.  There are many books written on this subject but there are a few very good chapters on this subject in his book "Modern Times Revised Edition: The World from the Twenties to the Nineties" by Paul Johnson.
Title: Re: Asians & Whites beat Blacks & Hispanics by 31 points on tests: Libs wring hands
Post by: Rubystars on August 21, 2009, 09:59:57 AM
One human vs. a pack of feral apes, human wins!
