Save Western Civilization => Save Serbia => Topic started by: Spectator on August 19, 2009, 10:15:07 AM

Title: Pre-WW2 Kingdom of Yugoslavia
Post by: Spectator on August 19, 2009, 10:15:07 AM
I heard Croats and Bosniaks asked to join the common state with the Serbs after the World War I.

Is it true?
Why did they need that?
Was it good for Serbs?
Title: Re: Pre-WW2 Kingdom of Yugoslavia
Post by: sonja_yu on August 19, 2009, 11:42:47 AM
I heard Croats and Bosniaks asked to join the common state with the Serbs after the World War I.

Is it true?
Why did they need that?
Was it good for Serbs?

There were no Bosniaks at that time.

The idea of a common state of Southern Slavs is an old idea, promoted by all.

There were a couple of national revival movements, among which was the Illyrian movement.

After WWI, Kingdom of Serbia enlarged its territories by being joined by Montenegro and what's today known as Vojvodina and north Slavonia (not Slovenia).
On the other hand, on the rest of Southern Slavonic territories previously possessed by Austro-Hungary, another short-living unrecognized state was created. It was called "The State of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes" (referring to Serbs who didn't live in Kingdom of Serbia).
That state short after joined Kingdom of Serbia and then Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes was created. All of that happened in 1918.

Kingdom SCS was supported by the West and they almost insisted for that to be created. The Serbs were seen as the main nation and the king got the title "Alexander the Unifier".
It was renamed to Yugoslavia after a couple of unrests in 1929.
Title: Re: Pre-WW2 Kingdom of Yugoslavia
Post by: Spectator on August 20, 2009, 04:56:51 AM
Why did the West insist then that the common state be created? It seems opposite to what they did in 1990-ies when they supported Yugoslavia's disintegration and creation of national states.
Title: Re: Pre-WW2 Kingdom of Yugoslavia
Post by: sonja_yu on August 20, 2009, 10:50:28 AM
Why did the West insist then that the common state be created? It seems opposite to what they did in 1990-ies when they supported Yugoslavia's disintegration and creation of national states.

Because all of this happened prior to Cold War, the World was divided in a different way. We were the allies with France, UK and USA. I can give you some books written by them at that time by them.
Keep in mind that, during the war, Russia had a Revolution and it gone into Communism, since then, our relations were somewhat cold, but we remained allies with France, UK and somewhat USA. Relations with Russia weren't bad, just cold, we still didn't follow their path.

Those "nation states" aren't nation states. The name "Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes" wasn't by accident, the only real major nations were those three. There were no Bosniaks, no Montenegrins, no FYRoM.
Bosnia and Montenegro have the history of being states, but not of being nations, it's just not the same.

One strong country on the Balkans was seen as a good idea and it was almost like awarding the Serbs after WWI.
Today, everyone (East or West) is following one way "more small, weaker countries - easier to control and dominate".
Title: Re: Pre-WW2 Kingdom of Yugoslavia
Post by: Spectator on August 20, 2009, 02:11:45 PM
Too bad France, UK and USA forgot who was their ally in both world wars.

BTW post-war Tito's Yugoslavia was considered a traitor by Soviet Union. They thought Yugoslavia is too independent and too pro-Western. There were even dissidents (persecuted, of course) in USSR who wanted that it follow Yugoslav model of communism. Compared to that of USSR, Yugoslav model seemed to them more moderate and democratic.
Title: Re: Pre-WW2 Kingdom of Yugoslavia
Post by: sonja_yu on August 20, 2009, 07:03:42 PM
Too bad France, UK and USA forgot who was their ally in both world wars.

BTW post-war Tito's Yugoslavia was considered a traitor by Soviet Union. They thought Yugoslavia is too independent and too pro-Western. There were even dissidents (persecuted, of course) in USSR who wanted that it follow Yugoslav model of communism. Compared to that of USSR, Yugoslav model seemed to them more moderate and democratic.

But it was still Communism and it was really a paradox to see American president to sit with one Communist president and enjoy local food.

Don't be surprised that Tito-made Yugoslavia was ruined by the West after the Cold War ended.
When you sit on two chairs, even when just one breaks, you'll fall from both.
Yugoslavia was the Bridge during the Cold War and when it ended, the bridge just collapsed.
Title: Re: Pre-WW2 Kingdom of Yugoslavia
Post by: Nik_Srb on August 25, 2009, 04:14:30 PM
croatia and slovenia became nations thanks to us,they joined so that they could brake up yugo later,serbia was offered a lot of territories after ww1,like half of present day "croatia"
and to be clear,croats are just catholicised serbs
Title: Re: Pre-WW2 Kingdom of Yugoslavia
Post by: serbian army on August 26, 2009, 04:15:24 PM
I was a very bad move by our naive king. You help a frozen snake to warm up and the snake will bite you. >:(
Title: Re: Pre-WW2 Kingdom of Yugoslavia
Post by: Serbian_Radical_Party on October 05, 2009, 04:10:56 AM
First of all my compliments to Sonja’s intelligent answers!
We need more young Serbs who are informed about Serbian history.
Unfortunately our youth is being westernized today. With westernized I mean brainwashed. 

Why did the West insist then that the common state be created? It seems opposite to what they did in 1990-ies when they supported Yugoslavia's disintegration and creation of national states.

This is a good question and unfortunately many Serbs can not answer it!

WW1 escaladed because of certain purposes. They main reason behind WW1 was not directly connected to Serbia.  But WW1 was also used as an opportunity to eliminate the works of the Serbian rebellions from the 19th century who managed to reestablish the Serbian kingdom. During WW1 Serbs were exterminated by the Austro-Hungarian Empire, who build concentration camps against Serbs. During WW1 Serbia lost 40% of its population.

Nobody expected the scenario [Kolubarska bitka] when the Serbs managed to overpower the Austro-Hungarian army. The Serbs provided incredible results during WW1 and that’s why we have a Serbian state today, thanks to our heroes from WW1.  Otherwise we would be exterminated by Hungarians, Austrians, Germans and their allies during WW1.

If they can not exterminate you (physically) during the war, than they will find an other manner to solve the problem with you! That’s why they suggested and forced the naïve Serbian delegation to create a common state with Croats and Slovenians, who carried out atrocities against Serbs from 1914 to 1918. The excuse of the naïve Serbian delegation was that every kingdom wants to enlarge its territory. Royal Yugoslavia was a disaster!
Within royal Yugoslavia Croatia and Bosnia were created! During this period the extreme naïve Serbian intellectuals allowed Croatians to declared Serbian language as Serbo-Croatian language! Because of this naïve policy Croatia is today using Serbian language as the official language of Republic of Croatia. Also Serbian territory was annexed to Croatia during that period.  The Serbian delegation allowed this because they naively believed that Royal Yugoslavia was unbreakable!

During R. Yugoslavia, the Yugoslavian authorities agreed a concordat  with the Vatican, who tried to exterminate Serbs during WW1. This leaded into the increase of Vatican’s influence in the Yugoslavian/ Serbian society. The Catholic Church gained almost the same status as the Serbian Orthodox Church.
Title: Re: Pre-WW2 Kingdom of Yugoslavia
Post by: Spectator on October 05, 2009, 06:15:47 AM
Thank you SPR for the informative answer.

During WW1 Serbs were exterminated by the Austro-Hungarian Empire, who build concentration camps against Serbs.

That is terrible. I did not know that.

If they can not exterminate you (physically) during the war, than they will find an other manner to solve the problem with you!

But why the Germans and their allies were so eager to get rid of Serbs, even after the war?

I can understand they were angry for the assasination of Archduke Ferdinand by Gavrilo Princip (that was the official cause of the war) but it is certainly not the reason to destroy the whole Serbian nation. It is more like an excuse. Also, if you say they hated Serbs because they are Orthodox Christians, Bulgarians are also Orthodox Christians and they were allies of Germany in that war.
Title: Re: Pre-WW2 Kingdom of Yugoslavia
Post by: Serbian_Radical_Party on October 05, 2009, 06:30:30 AM
Thank you SPR for the informative answer.

Thank you for your appreciation and interest.

But why the Germans and their allies were so eager to get rid of Serbs, even after the war?

Not only Germans wanted that but whole Europe. They did not succeed during WW1 so they tried to accomplished it again during (1941-1945) and (1991-1999)...
They hated flagrant Serbia since the 19th century when Serbs banned Turkish colonizers from Balkan. They were not happy with the reestablishment of Serbia in 1815.

I can understand they were angry for the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand by Gavrilo Princip (that was the official cause of the war) but it is certainly not the reason to destroy the whole Serbian nation. It is more like an excuse. Also, if you say they hated Serbs because they are Orthodox Christians, Bulgarians are also Orthodox Christians and they were allies of Germany in that war.

The assassination of their Emperor was not a coincidence. They knew well that he could be assassinated if he demonstrated force in Serbian territories.
They needed a occasion to start WW1, so they created this scenario.

Also, if you say they hated Serbs because they are Orthodox Christians, Bulgarians are also Orthodox Christians and they were allies of Germany in that war.

They did not behave Orthodox?
Well true Orthodox countries will not enter into a war against Russia.
They hate Serbia, because Serbia represents Russia on the Balkans.
Serbs and Russian consider their selves as  one nation.
Title: Re: Pre-WW2 Kingdom of Yugoslavia
Post by: Serbian_Radical_Party on October 05, 2009, 06:39:34 AM
That is terrible. I did not know that.

Serb women executed by Austro-Hungarian authorities..

Title: Re: Pre-WW2 Kingdom of Yugoslavia
Post by: Spectator on October 05, 2009, 07:16:01 AM
They hate Serbia, because Serbia represents Russia on the Balkans.

Can you elaborate on this? How can one country represent another?

Serbs and Russian consider their selves as one nation.

I know many Russians but I never heard them say that. But Russians definitely support Serbs and view them as Orthodox brothers.

Nation is defined not only by religion but also language, common history etc.

Even Ukrainians and Belarussians  don't view themsleves as one nation with Russians, and they are definitely closer to Russians than Serbs are.
Title: Re: Pre-WW2 Kingdom of Yugoslavia
Post by: Serbian_Radical_Party on October 05, 2009, 09:04:45 AM
Can you elaborate on this? How can one country represent another?

Its simple my friend.
We Serbs are the pro-Russian nation of the Balkans! There is no other pro-Russian nation located on the Balkans besides us, Serbs.
In our history we Serbs are always very pro-Russian oriented. The history can confirm this.

I know many Russians but I never heard them say that. But Russians definitely support Serbs and view them as Orthodox brothers.

Nation is defined not only by religion but also language, common history etc.

Even Ukrainians and Belarussians  don't view themsleves as one nation with Russians, and they are definitely closer to Russians than Serbs are.

We Serbs are small Russians. Thats why we are hated by the same powers who intent to conquerer Russia. We are the Russians of the Balkans.
You can not find two nations who have more in common with each other, like Serbs and Russian. We are not just allies, it goes deeper.
We speak alomost the same language, we are both Orthodox and we both are the protectors of Orthodoxy.
Title: Re: Pre-WW2 Kingdom of Yugoslavia
Post by: Spectator on October 05, 2009, 09:51:53 AM
Well, it's between you Serbs and Russians. If both your peoples have mutual affinity, want to have a common state or strong alliance, nothing can stop you  :)
Title: Re: Pre-WW2 Kingdom of Yugoslavia
Post by: Serbian_Radical_Party on October 05, 2009, 09:54:54 AM
Well, it's between you Serbs and Russians. If both your peoples have mutual affinity, want to have a common state or strong alliance, nothing can stop you  :)

Well If I see a Russian its just like as seeing one of my own...
We have really the same mentality. We prefer same kind of music, sport and way of life...

You can join the brotherhood as well   :)
Title: Re: Pre-WW2 Kingdom of Yugoslavia
Post by: Spectator on October 05, 2009, 11:05:44 AM
Well, it's between you Serbs and Russians. If both your peoples have mutual affinity, want to have a common state or strong alliance, nothing can stop you  :)

Well If I see a Russian its just like as seeing one of my own...
We have really the same mentality. We prefer same kind of music, sport and way of life...

You can join the brotherhood as well   :)
Thanks mate :)

We the Jews have our own way to serve G-d, as G-d Himself declared in His Torah. We are not supposed to join any unions. But we are always want to have friendly relations with any country that does not threaten us.

BTW Israel and Russia have visa-free travel agreement. Recently the similar agreement was signed between Israel and Serbia.
Title: Re: Pre-WW2 Kingdom of Yugoslavia
Post by: sonja_yu on October 06, 2009, 12:01:10 PM
Well, it's between you Serbs and Russians. If both your peoples have mutual affinity, want to have a common state or strong alliance, nothing can stop you  :)

Title: Re: Pre-WW2 Kingdom of Yugoslavia
Post by: Spectator on October 06, 2009, 01:49:07 PM
Well, it's between you Serbs and Russians. If both your peoples have mutual affinity, want to have a common state or strong alliance, nothing can stop you  :)


SPR says Russians and Serbs consider themselves one nation. If it is true, why couldn't they have a common state? But it was not the point of my post, actually I was a bit surprised by this view. My point was that only Russians and Serbs can define their relationship and all the other people can only accept it, not to question it.
Title: Re: Pre-WW2 Kingdom of Yugoslavia
Post by: Serbian_Radical_Party on October 06, 2009, 01:57:05 PM
Well, it's between you Serbs and Russians. If both your peoples have mutual affinity, want to have a common state or strong alliance, nothing can stop you  :)

To bad that our government is Americanized!
Title: Re: Pre-WW2 Kingdom of Yugoslavia
Post by: voo-yo on October 06, 2009, 02:34:27 PM
Well, it's between you Serbs and Russians. If both your peoples have mutual affinity, want to have a common state or strong alliance, nothing can stop you  :)


SPR says Russians and Serbs consider themselves one nation. If it is true, why couldn't they have a common state? But it was not the point of my post, actually I was a bit surprised by this view. My point was that only Russians and Serbs can define their relationship and all the other people can only accept it, not to question it.
You still take him seriously?
Title: Re: Pre-WW2 Kingdom of Yugoslavia
Post by: Spectator on October 06, 2009, 02:58:04 PM
Well, it's between you Serbs and Russians. If both your peoples have mutual affinity, want to have a common state or strong alliance, nothing can stop you  :)


SPR says Russians and Serbs consider themselves one nation. If it is true, why couldn't they have a common state? But it was not the point of my post, actually I was a bit surprised by this view. My point was that only Russians and Serbs can define their relationship and all the other people can only accept it, not to question it.
You still take him seriously?
I don't agree with him on some very important issues but as long as he does not try to deny Jewish sovereignity over Israel or defend Jew haters, I don't have problems with him. He seems to be an intelligent man and know a lot about Serbia in general and Krajina in particular, let him talk about it.

If you don't agree with him you can debate and disprove his views. Vujo, I hope you don't feel betrayed when sometimes I don't join you when you debate him.. But I am very grateful to you for your support of Israel. You are true friend, may G-d bless you.

As for his view on Serbian-Russian relations, he is not the only one who thinks that way. I saw many such Serbs on youtube and on srpskinacionalisti.com forum who say similar things. I personally don't have any thing for or against it, I'm just curious about it. I will gladly hear your opinion too.
Title: Re: Pre-WW2 Kingdom of Yugoslavia
Post by: Serbian_Radical_Party on October 06, 2009, 03:02:00 PM
I don't agree with him on some very important issues

Like what friend  ;D
What very important issues  :)
Title: Re: Pre-WW2 Kingdom of Yugoslavia
Post by: voo-yo on October 06, 2009, 03:19:49 PM
Well, it's between you Serbs and Russians. If both your peoples have mutual affinity, want to have a common state or strong alliance, nothing can stop you  :)


SPR says Russians and Serbs consider themselves one nation. If it is true, why couldn't they have a common state? But it was not the point of my post, actually I was a bit surprised by this view. My point was that only Russians and Serbs can define their relationship and all the other people can only accept it, not to question it.
You still take him seriously?
I don't agree with him on some very important issues but as long as he does not try to deny Jewish sovereignity over Israel or defend Jew haters, I don't have problems with him. He seems to be an intelligent man and know a lot about Serbia in general and Krajina in particular, let him talk about it.

If you don't agree with him you can debate and disprove his views. Vujo, I hope you don't feel betrayed when sometimes I don't join you when you debate him.. But I am very grateful to you for your support of Israel. You are true friend, may G-d bless you.

As for his view on Serbian-Russian relations, he is not the only one who thinks that way. I saw many such Serbs on youtube and on srpskinacionalisti.com forum who say similar things. I personally don't have any thing for or against it, I'm just curious about it. I will gladly hear your opinion too.
Of course I don't feel betrayed, I can understand your motives. I'm not sure you'll achieve anything with him, but ok.
Majority of Serbs view Russia as our biggest hope, our protector, but this guy is delusional. Such is the case with all people without real faith, so they search an earthly G-d, in our case - Russia, in Israel's case - America.
Personally, I've never heard a Serb saying "I'm a little Russian". I don't know their taste in music, food, sports... Our biggest contact with Russians is during the summer on Montenegro coast. I don't want to be assimilated by Russians or anyone else, and that's how Serbian people feel too. Except Seselj, of course.
Title: Re: Pre-WW2 Kingdom of Yugoslavia
Post by: Spectator on October 06, 2009, 03:47:43 PM
I don't agree with him on some very important issues
Like what friend  ;D

Do you remember when I asked you if Israel has the right to exist as Jewish state? I didn't "question" you as you told then, I asked that because you started defending Saddam Hussein who wanted to destroy the Jewish state all his life, so may be you share his opinion on this issue too. And that was your answer:

To answer your question, well Israel exists and that is a fact. I have no problems with the existence of a Jewish state in the Middle East.
This does not mean that I authomatically unconditionally support Israel in every way.

This kind of answer says much. At first, I can clearly see it is at least not an easy question to you. Secondly, I didn't ask if you unconditioanlly support Israel. It is clear that nobody is obliged to support everything Israel does. The question was very basic and simple: right of the Jewish state to exist, not about borders, spheres of influence, etc.

Lastly, according to geography and English grammar, "I have no problems with the existence of a Jewish state in the Middle East" may as well mean "in the Middle East somewhere else than in Israel aka Holy Land". If this is the case, it is unacceptable. The Jews don't want to have a state outside Israel. We are not interested in foreign lands. We want to have the state in the land that G-d gave to our forefathers Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and where we lived for more than 3000 years.

But I appreciate your honesty. If you have any doubts on this issue, you can post a thread and ask questions. I don't think you'll be banned for asking questons. The Jews don't ban people who want to find out the truth and ask polite questions.
Title: Re: Pre-WW2 Kingdom of Yugoslavia
Post by: Serbian_Radical_Party on October 06, 2009, 03:57:33 PM

We will talk tomorrow!
I am very sorry if I offended you my friend. I only do not agree with the US foreign policy towards Iraq.

Saddam was not anti-Serbian! Thats something uniqe for a Moslim leader...
You understand that we Serbs have not much support in the world, so support from every corner is needed.
But this stands outside my view on Jews..
Title: Re: Pre-WW2 Kingdom of Yugoslavia
Post by: Spectator on October 06, 2009, 04:28:28 PM
Of course I don't feel betrayed, I can understand your motives. I'm not sure you'll achieve anything with him, but ok.
Majority of Serbs view Russia as our biggest hope, our protector, but this guy is delusional. Such is the case with all people without real faith, so they search an earthly G-d, in our case - Russia, in Israel's case - America.
Personally, I've never heard a Serb saying "I'm a little Russian". I don't know their taste in music, food, sports... Our biggest contact with Russians is during the summer on Montenegro coast. I don't won't to be assimilated by Russians or anyone else, and that how Serbian people feel too. Except Seselj, of course.

You are very true about serching earthly gods. Only the real G-d can really help.
By the way, the term "Little Russia" is already in use. "Malorossija" is the traditional Russian word for Ukraine. But when Ukainians hear that word, they don't appreciate that, to say the least  :)
Title: Re: Pre-WW2 Kingdom of Yugoslavia
Post by: Serbian_Radical_Party on October 07, 2009, 04:55:03 AM
Personally, I've never heard a Serb saying "I'm a little Russian". I don't know their taste in music, food, sports... Our biggest contact with Russians is during the summer on Montenegro coast. I don't want to be assimilated by Russians or anyone else, and that's how Serbian people feel too. Except Seselj, of course.


You are insane  ;D ...

Russian assimilation is a possible threat to Serbia? ? ? ? ? ? ? ??
Ha Ha Ha...
What a noncense and crap! Russia never had colonial intentions towards Serbia and you are using cheap LDP crap!

I mean come on, what Serb is scared for Russian assimilation?
That’s insane… You really have no arguments at all.
Title: Re: Pre-WW2 Kingdom of Yugoslavia
Post by: Spectator on October 07, 2009, 05:10:45 AM
Personally, I've never heard a Serb saying "I'm a little Russian". I don't know their taste in music, food, sports... Our biggest contact with Russians is during the summer on Montenegro coast. I don't want to be assimilated by Russians or anyone else, and that's how Serbian people feel too. Except Seselj, of course.


You must have a brain of a chicken  ;D ...

Russian assimilation is a possible threat to Serbia? ? ? ? ? ? ? ??
Ha Ha Ha...
What a soncense and crap! Russia never had colonial intentions towards Serbia and you are using cheap LDP crap!

I mean come on, what Serb is scared for Russian assimilation?
That’s insane… You really have no arguments at all.

SRP, maybe you're right, but why do you insult Vujo? You can debate him and prove your point.
Title: Re: Pre-WW2 Kingdom of Yugoslavia
Post by: Serbian_Radical_Party on October 07, 2009, 05:22:13 AM
He also instulted me a couple of times. Look when says to you that you must not take me serous.. He cals me this and that! I have enough of that!!!

I also know that anti-Serb organizations propagate this cheap propaganda, that Russia wants to endanger Serbian soveregnity...?
I mean come on.. Do we Serbs have that kind of expriences with Russia..
How can you think something like that...
Title: Re: Pre-WW2 Kingdom of Yugoslavia
Post by: Spectator on October 07, 2009, 05:30:52 AM
He also instulted me a couple of times. Look when says to you that you must not take me serous.. He cals me this and that! I have enough of that!!!

I also know that anti-Serb organizations propagate this cheap propaganda, that Russia wants to endanger Serbian soveregnity...?
I mean come on.. Do we Serbs have that kind of expriences with Russia..
How can you think something like that...

Are there really organizations in Serbia that want to severe links with Russia?  As far as I know Russia have always supported Serbia and helped you to win back independence from Ottoman Turkey.

As to Vujo, I guess he didn't like the expression "little Russian". He possibly interprents it as "second-class Russian" and an attempt to steal his Serbian identity and replace it with Russian one.
Title: Re: Pre-WW2 Kingdom of Yugoslavia
Post by: Serbian_Radical_Party on October 07, 2009, 05:40:32 AM
He is way to negative towards Russia. 
He has no excuse to think like that about Russia. That is not even worth to talk about.
Russian assimilization? Come on…

You understand geopolitics and you know of course that Western powers who are very hostile towards Russia see Serbs as the greatest Russian allies on the Balkans.
That’s why we are sometimes called the Russian of the Balkans. We are not numbered as Russians, we are a small nations and that’s why sometimes we look like small Russians.
That does not mean that we are some kind of inferior type pf Russians, as Voojoo naively proclaims.   Its about quantity, because you have 250 million Russians and 9 million Serbs. This is not about being second class and Voo-joo is on purpose twisting my words to his advantage.
Title: Re: Pre-WW2 Kingdom of Yugoslavia
Post by: voo-yo on October 07, 2009, 05:48:11 AM
He also instulted me a couple of times. Look when says to you that you must not take me serous.. He cals me this and that! I have enough of that!!!

I also know that anti-Serb organizations propagate this cheap propaganda, that Russia wants to endanger Serbian soveregnity...?
I mean come on.. Do we Serbs have that kind of expriences with Russia..
How can you think something like that...

Are there really organizations in Serbia that want to severe links with Russia?  As far as I know Russia have always supported Serbia and helped you to win back independence from Ottoman Turkey.

As to Vujo, I guess he didn't like the expression "little Russian". He possibly interprents it as "second-class Russian" and an attempt to steal his Serbian identity and replace it with Russian one.
Exactly, I don't want to be part of Russia or EU. Serbia must be independent and our name must not be lost.
Spectator, don't think we all have low IQ like SRP. He's an embarrassment.
Title: Re: Pre-WW2 Kingdom of Yugoslavia
Post by: Spectator on October 07, 2009, 05:54:20 AM
That does not mean that we are some kind of inferior type pf Russians, as Voojoo naively proclaims.   Its about quantity, because you have 250 million Russians and 9 million Serbs. This is not about being second class and Voo-joo is on purpose twisting my words to his advantage.

Maybe he fears that this propotion (250/9) combined with the idea about Serbs and Russians as one nation will lead to the physical mix of both people into one super-nation in which Russian part will be 241/250 and Serbian one only 9/250, i.e. only 3.6% - which means assimilation of Serbs.
Title: Re: Pre-WW2 Kingdom of Yugoslavia
Post by: Serbian_Radical_Party on October 07, 2009, 06:04:41 AM

As to Vujo, I guess he didn't like the expression "little Russian". He possibly interprents it as "second-class Russian" and an attempt to steal his Serbian identity and replace it with Russian one.

Thats not the issue.

Look we can not be one country because of geographical distance.
I do not mean that Russians and Serbs are 100% equal to each other.
Believe me real Serbs do not make a problem of this and they understand that when you say Serbs and Russians are one nation, you mean Serbs and Russian are brothers, are spiritually connencted.  
This does not mean that Serbs must stop being Serb and become Russians.

People like Voo-joo who do not understand the Serbian spirit, do not understand these statements. People like him are exaggerating and do not understand the real meaning of these statements. It is very strange that I must explain this in detail to a Serb? Is not this strange?
I mean come on? If its really necessary I will be kind to explain this to him.
But he is very disrespectful and he does not care about what I have to say.
Serb nationalists do not do this to each other. If he really is a Serb than he should be interested in what I say? Right?      

I also can not understand that a Serb compares Russia to the EU?
Title: Re: Pre-WW2 Kingdom of Yugoslavia
Post by: Spectator on October 07, 2009, 06:11:56 AM
Spectator, don't think we all have low IQ like SRP. He's an embarrassment.

I think he's quite intelligent, you've just scared him with ban and he is afraid to say all that he thinks :)
Title: Re: Pre-WW2 Kingdom of Yugoslavia
Post by: Serbian_Radical_Party on October 07, 2009, 06:16:27 AM
I think he's quite intelligent, you've just scared him with ban and he is afraid to say all that he thinks :)

Thank you brother!
You are also intelligent. You are a Jew but you know much about Serbia and the wars of the 90s! That’s impressive! You ask very logical questions regarding Yugoslavia..
You people know much about my country!

I appreciate that!
Title: Re: Pre-WW2 Kingdom of Yugoslavia
Post by: Spectator on October 07, 2009, 06:22:58 AM
Believe me real Serbs do not make a problem of this and they understand that when you say Serbs and Russians are one nation, you mean Serbs and Russian are brothers, are spiritually connencted.  

Ok, I understand. It's like a poetic hyperbola.
Title: Re: Pre-WW2 Kingdom of Yugoslavia
Post by: voo-yo on October 07, 2009, 06:26:07 AM

As to Vujo, I guess he didn't like the expression "little Russian". He possibly interprents it as "second-class Russian" and an attempt to steal his Serbian identity and replace it with Russian one.

Thats not the issue.

Look we can not be one country because of geographical distance.
I do not mean that Russians and Serbs are 100% equal to each other.
Believe me real Serbs do not make a problem of this and they understand that when you say Serbs and Russians are one nation, you mean Serbs and Russian are brothers, are spiritually connencted.  
This does not mean that Serbs must stop being Serb and become Russians.

People like Voo-joo who do not understand the Serbian spirit, do not understand these statements. People like him are exaggerating and do not understand the real meaning of these statements. It is very strange that I must explain this in detail to a Serb? Is not this strange?
I mean come on? If its really necessary I will be kind to explain this to him.
But he is very disrespectful and he does not care about what I have to say.
Serb nationalists do not do this to each other. If he really is a Serb than he should be interested in what I say? Right?      

I also can not understand that a Serb compares Russia to the EU?
So, you're a measure for a Serbian nationalist? :laugh:
I really don't understand what you are blabbering about. No one here likes EU, NATO and USA, or better to say their governments. I have nothing against an alliance with Russia, even a military one. All I'm saying is they can't help us, just like they couldn't help us in 1999. They should save themselves first, because Russia is falling apart, dying. First of all, there are 150 mil. of them, not 250, and each year their population is shrinking because of alcoholism, abortion... Muslims are taking over Russia, their women are marrying Turks, Arabs... In one word, disaster. A blindman cannot lead a blindman, but you're too thick to understand that.
Title: Re: Pre-WW2 Kingdom of Yugoslavia
Post by: Serbian_Radical_Party on October 07, 2009, 06:27:53 AM
Yes bro.
Sometimes we call Russians 'Eastern Serbs' and sometimes we are called 'the Russians of the Balkans'. Its nothing to get upset about..

I hope that Voojoo tries to understand this.
And I do not wish to fight with him!

Title: Re: Pre-WW2 Kingdom of Yugoslavia
Post by: Spectator on October 07, 2009, 06:29:53 AM
You are a Jew but you know much about Serbia and the wars of the 90s! That’s impressive!

I know about Serbia thanks to the Serbs on this forum who can tell us what truly happned in your country, bypassing the politically correct lies of the world media and "international community".
Title: Re: Pre-WW2 Kingdom of Yugoslavia
Post by: Serbian_Radical_Party on October 07, 2009, 06:32:05 AM
First of all, there are 150 mil. of them, not 250, and each year their population is shrinking because of alcoholism, abortion... Muslims are taking over Russia, their women are marrying Turks, Arabs... In one word, disaster. A blindman cannot lead a blindman,.

I agree.
But we do not live in 1999 anymore.
We can not say that Russians betrayed us, only because Yeltsin was anti-Serb and anti-Russian. Like you say Russia has internal problems and it needs to remove all the consequences of communism! I think that Putin is gradually working on this.

You are right blind man can not help other blind man.
Title: Re: Pre-WW2 Kingdom of Yugoslavia
Post by: Serbian_Radical_Party on October 07, 2009, 06:35:43 AM

I know about Serbia thanks to the Serbs on this forum who can tell us what truly happned in your country, bypassing the politically correct lies of the world media and "international community".

Thats why I respect this forum!
Title: Re: Pre-WW2 Kingdom of Yugoslavia
Post by: voo-yo on October 07, 2009, 06:49:08 AM
First of all, there are 150 mil. of them, not 250, and each year their population is shrinking because of alcoholism, abortion... Muslims are taking over Russia, their women are marrying Turks, Arabs... In one word, disaster. A blindman cannot lead a blindman,.

I agree.
But we do not live in 1999 anymore.
We can not say that Russians betrayed us, only because Yeltsin was anti-Serb and anti-Russian. Like you say Russia has internal problems and it needs to remove all the consequences of communism! I think that Putin is gradually working on this.

You are right blind man can not help other blind man.

And I never said Russia betrayed us, because they were never obligated to help us. We must clean our house, organize, get healthy as a nation, and not wait for Russia to liberate us. Their soldiers are not just waiting for an opportunity to die for Serbia.
Title: Re: Pre-WW2 Kingdom of Yugoslavia
Post by: Serbian_Radical_Party on October 07, 2009, 07:17:17 AM
I could not agree more!