General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: ItalianZionist on September 29, 2009, 10:17:07 PM

Title: Does anyone on the forum have asthma?
Post by: ItalianZionist on September 29, 2009, 10:17:07 PM
I was wondering if any one knows any natural cures for asthma. My doctor prescribed steroids and other artificial meds. I want to avoid using them for a natural method. It's usually bad for me this time of year and attacks happen at around 4 am, leaving me with an awful night's sleep
Title: Re: Does anyone on the forum have asthma?
Post by: Rubystars on September 29, 2009, 11:09:07 PM
Use your medicine the doctor prescribed for you. You can use natural means to help improve it, like moderate exercise that your doctor says is ok, but use it in conjunction with the rescue inhaler and regular asthma control medication. If you use anything herbal, tell your doctor about it so he can adjust your medicine dose.
Title: Re: Does anyone on the forum have asthma?
Post by: GoIsraelGo! on September 29, 2009, 11:10:56 PM
Hello ItalianZionest...sorry to hear that you have asthma. I don't have it, but my son had asthma all his life, the worst years were from age 2 to age 9 and he went into the hospital often, especially if he caught a cold. A cold would wreak havoc with his lungs, he almost died a few times from his asthma attacks.
You ask about a home remedy and I don't know of any that work. My Mother...meaning well gave bad advise and being a health nut, she was against drugs of any kind and often advised me not to give my son any asthma medications at all. Of course had I listened to her my son would be dead.
One Doctor did mention to me that coffee was good for my asthmatic son along with his medications.
I think the caffein in the coffee stimulates the air sacs and might give some relief.
Asthma is horrible and there are many different triggers. Are you allergic to certain things like grass, or certain foods? Peanut butter created instant asthma attacks for my son, in addition to freshly cut lawns and the cold virus.
Have you asked your Doctor if there are any other options than the drugs he prescribes?
Another option would be for you to wear a surgical mask 24/7 during your bouts of asthma, I know that may look weird, but it would prevent certain allergins from entering your lungs. My son wore a
surgical mask many times during his childhood and it helped, especially if he was playing outdoors.
Steroids have bad side effects, so I hope you can find other options for dealing with your asthma.
Do talk to your doctor again and ask him for other options, you can ask about drinking black coffee and wearing a mask and what foods and allergins you need to avoid if you don't like taking the drugs.
I wish you good health and easier breathing in the future.

                                                   Shalom - Dox  


Title: Re: Does anyone on the forum have asthma?
Post by: GoIsraelGo! on September 29, 2009, 11:23:11 PM
I forgot to mention that you should ask your Doctor for a prescription for a Nebulizer machine.
You can keep that at home for when your asthma gets really bad.
Title: Re: Does anyone on the forum have asthma?
Post by: Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks on September 29, 2009, 11:23:56 PM
I've been starting to get it lately, I think. :-/

I haven't had any actual episodes, but from time to time there is a whistle in my breathing. I have a big history of bad hay fever.
Title: Re: Does anyone on the forum have asthma?
Post by: GoIsraelGo! on September 29, 2009, 11:32:30 PM
Shalom Bonesfan, what you have sounds like seasonal asthma, you are allergic to the pollens put out in spring and fall. Anyhow I hope it doesn't get too bad for you. May you have easier breathing too!
Melissa got her first allergy shots today, for the last 2 years she has been a mess with her allergies and took so many meds. Her Doctor has finally started her on allergy shots so I hope this works for her.

                                             Shalom & G-d Bless!


Title: Re: Does anyone on the forum have asthma?
Post by: Kahane-Was-Right BT on September 29, 2009, 11:34:02 PM
For the meantime, you have to use an inhaler when you get an attack.  This will prevent your air passage from closing up so you can still get air to your lungs.   So a person has to take that when he feels like he is having trouble breathing and he is wheezing.  (or I guess if he only gave you steroids, but why no inhaler?)

But... It is very often the case that asthma is triggered by allergies (to everyday things, like pollen, mold spores, mites, grass, trees etc) in a lot of people that have asthma.   I would advise getting checked out by an allergist to see if your asthma is allergy-triggered.  If so, there are natural treatments for allergies (allergy shots), and if those work for you, not only will allergy symptoms go away or minimize (don't know if you get them or not but), so will the asthma attacks.   This can happen.
Title: Re: Does anyone on the forum have asthma?
Post by: Kahane-Was-Right BT on September 29, 2009, 11:35:25 PM
Shalom Bonesfan, what you have sounds like seasonal asthma, you are allergic to the pollens put out in spring and fall. Anyhow I hope it doesn't get too bad for you. May you have easier breathing too!
Melissa got her first allergy shots today, for the last 2 years she has been a mess with her allergies and took so many meds. Her Doctor has finally started her on allergy shots so I hope this works for her.

                                             Shalom & G-d Bless!


I hope that will work for her, God willing.  I know that it can be very effective in some people and really work wonders.   So hopefully she is one of them.
Title: Re: Does anyone on the forum have asthma?
Post by: GoIsraelGo! on September 29, 2009, 11:42:39 PM
Thank you Kahane, I appreciate your well wishes for her. She took allergy meds for 2 years with no relief so I too am hoping this works.

                                                  Shalom & G-d Bless

Title: Re: Does anyone on the forum have asthma?
Post by: ~Hanna~ on September 29, 2009, 11:58:21 PM
Vitiman C
Calcium-Magnesium tablets....
Vick's vap-o-rub (on chest at night or any time) also, inhale it several times a day or when needed (its like a natural nebulizer).
get a humidifier and have it on while you sleep next to your bed ...

I am also going to get one of those salt lamp's...made from some sort of salt/mineral..

Since i moved near water and fresh air, I dont need most of this now...but I always take cal/mag every night...the magnesium helps clear your lungs ...vitiman C also.

Title: Re: Does anyone on the forum have asthma?
Post by: GoIsraelGo! on September 30, 2009, 12:11:06 AM
Hi Hanna, that is great advise and I do remember the nurses telling me to give my son extra calicum and vitamin C after his hospital stays.

ItalianZionest, Hanna is correct and you should take extra vitamin C, through oranges or by tablets.
Vitamin C also has calcium in it and you can try brocolli, and dark green vegetables. It would be best to eat the dark green vegetables raw because their vitamins have not been removed from cooking.

An excellent diet will help boost your immune system!
Title: Re: Does anyone on the forum have asthma?
Post by: ~Hanna~ on September 30, 2009, 12:15:56 AM
Here are those Himalayen salt lamps...they clean the air and are good for your lungs....


People go to these salt caves somewhere and sit all day long, I guess its really good for you.

Here is a link to one place that explains about them...

http://www.wisegeek.com/what-is-a-salt-lamp.htm (http://www.wisegeek.com/what-is-a-salt-lamp.htm)

Many people are getting diagnosed with asthma lately, due to the toxic environment...air pollution, etc.

I am living by alot of negative ions in the air now.... ;D
Title: Re: Does anyone on the forum have asthma?
Post by: ✡ Hindu Zionist ॐ on September 30, 2009, 12:44:49 AM
In India there is a famous remedy for it. I personally know people suffering from acute asthma cure due to it. All you have to do is gulp a live fish which wriggles down your throat, with certain herbs injected in the fish. It is widely reported by western media.
The place is buzzing all the time, due to its popularity for the remedy.

If you dont mind spending thousands of dollars to come to India and get treated, then do it.

And i just found, its covered in wiki too :P
Title: Re: Does anyone on the forum have asthma?
Post by: angryChineseKahanist on September 30, 2009, 08:16:48 AM

That powder stuff is the only thing that works for me.
The steriod is the only thing that opens my breathing passages.
You can also try inhaling pure kosher salt water.
Title: Re: Does anyone on the forum have asthma?
Post by: SW on September 30, 2009, 08:26:51 AM

Yes, I had and still have a bit asthma. But I don't need any medicine. My dad has it too. May I got it from him.
Title: Re: Does anyone on the forum have asthma?
Post by: mord on September 30, 2009, 08:36:18 AM
Calcium and vitamin D are good for many things
Title: Re: Does anyone on the forum have asthma?
Post by: Boyana on September 30, 2009, 08:44:59 AM

Try Yoga and you will be fine in no time.
my mother had asthma and since she started yoga some 20 years ago she is doing great,no medication.
She takes vitamins,magnesium,calcium and drinks only tea.
She smokes as well.
Title: Re: Does anyone on the forum have asthma?
Post by: The One and Only Mo on September 30, 2009, 08:51:57 AM
I have asthma. And I'm a smoker. The only time it affects me is when I'm sick (like now) and I can't stop coughing.
Title: Re: Does anyone on the forum have asthma?
Post by: SW on September 30, 2009, 08:56:31 AM
I have asthma. And I'm a smoker. The only time it affects me is when I'm sick (like now) and I can't stop coughing.

Asthma and smoking is not good! But I do the same... I am not better.
Title: Re: Does anyone on the forum have asthma?
Post by: The One and Only Mo on September 30, 2009, 08:58:16 AM
I have asthma. And I'm a smoker. The only time it affects me is when I'm sick (like now) and I can't stop coughing.

Asthma and smoking is not good! But I do the same... I am not better.
My mom just got me some cough syrup. Think it has codeine. Just took a puffer, too. Still coughing...... and it got COLD outside. wind and rain all day yesterday.
Title: Re: Does anyone on the forum have asthma?
Post by: angryChineseKahanist on September 30, 2009, 09:03:53 AM
Folks, voodoo does not work.
Theres nothing wrong with powder inhalers and nebulizers.
Title: Re: Does anyone on the forum have asthma?
Post by: ~Hanna~ on September 30, 2009, 09:13:33 AM
voodoo? I am offended by that statement, where did I mention to do voodoo?

I have asthma.


Folks, voodoo does not work.
Theres nothing wrong with powder inhalers and nebulizers.

Title: Re: Does anyone on the forum have asthma?
Post by: SW on September 30, 2009, 09:18:52 AM
voodoo? I am offended by that statement, where did I mention to do voodoo?

I have asthma.


Folks, voodoo does not work.
Theres nothing wrong with powder inhalers and nebulizers.

There are really a lot people with asthma in this forum...  wow
Title: Re: Does anyone on the forum have asthma?
Post by: ~Hanna~ on September 30, 2009, 09:21:59 AM
Yes, our environment has gotten very toxic.
Title: Re: Does anyone on the forum have asthma?
Post by: angryChineseKahanist on September 30, 2009, 10:05:28 AM

Take it easy, I didn't mention any names.
I just don't believe in voodoo.
Title: Re: Does anyone on the forum have asthma?
Post by: The One and Only Mo on September 30, 2009, 11:46:56 PM
Title: Re: Does anyone on the forum have asthma?
Post by: ~Hanna~ on October 01, 2009, 12:28:43 AM
I also drink green tea every single day. Since I have been doing that, I have had not one cold. Not one.
Title: Re: Does anyone on the forum have asthma?
Post by: The One and Only Mo on October 01, 2009, 09:40:23 AM
I also drink green tea every single day. Since I have been doing that, I have had not one cold. Not one.
Yes I heard green tea is good and prevents cancer. Every time I smoke I should have a glass of that stuff.
Title: Re: Does anyone on the forum have asthma?
Post by: Kahane-Was-Right BT on October 01, 2009, 12:15:57 PM
I also drink green tea every single day. Since I have been doing that, I have had not one cold. Not one.
Yes I heard green tea is good and prevents cancer. Every time I smoke I should have a glass of that stuff.

That's not going to counteract the effects of smoking because of the carcinogens in cigarette smoke.   Green tea is a very minor antioxidant and it's effective in protecting healthy people from cancer-causing/contributing cell damage, but it is not an immunization against carcinogens which directly cause cancer.  The type of cell damage that a green tea would protect again is the normal everyday byproducts of cell metabolism and aging.   NOT a direct poisoning of the cells, such as with carcinogens.  If you take in carcinogens, you are basically guaranteeing yourself great amounts of damage and a much greater likelihood of getting cancer, chas veshalom.
Title: Re: Does anyone on the forum have asthma?
Post by: The One and Only Mo on October 01, 2009, 12:25:07 PM
I also drink green tea every single day. Since I have been doing that, I have had not one cold. Not one.
Yes I heard green tea is good and prevents cancer. Every time I smoke I should have a glass of that stuff.

That's not going to counteract the effects of smoking because of the carcinogens in cigarette smoke.   Green tea is a very minor antioxidant and it's effective in protecting healthy people from cancer-causing/contributing cell damage, but it is not an immunization against carcinogens which directly cause cancer.  The type of cell damage that a green tea would protect again is the normal everyday byproducts of cell metabolism and aging.   NOT a direct poisoning of the cells, such as with carcinogens.  If you take in carcinogens, you are basically guaranteeing yourself great amounts of damage and a much greater likelihood of getting cancer, chas veshalom.

Yes I know was making a joke.
Title: Re: Does anyone on the forum have asthma?
Post by: ~Hanna~ on October 01, 2009, 02:05:53 PM
I mentioned the green tea because MO said he had a bad cold...

I also drink green tea every single day. Since I have been doing that, I have had not one cold. Not one.
Yes I heard green tea is good and prevents cancer. Every time I smoke I should have a glass of that stuff.

That's not going to counteract the effects of smoking because of the carcinogens in cigarette smoke.   Green tea is a very minor antioxidant and it's effective in protecting healthy people from cancer-causing/contributing cell damage, but it is not an immunization against carcinogens which directly cause cancer.  The type of cell damage that a green tea would protect again is the normal everyday byproducts of cell metabolism and aging.   NOT a direct poisoning of the cells, such as with carcinogens.  If you take in carcinogens, you are basically guaranteeing yourself great amounts of damage and a much greater likelihood of getting cancer, chas veshalom.
Title: Re: Does anyone on the forum have asthma?
Post by: Kahane-Was-Right BT on October 01, 2009, 02:13:46 PM
I mentioned the green tea because MO said he had a bad cold...

I also drink green tea every single day. Since I have been doing that, I have had not one cold. Not one.
Yes I heard green tea is good and prevents cancer. Every time I smoke I should have a glass of that stuff.

That's not going to counteract the effects of smoking because of the carcinogens in cigarette smoke.   Green tea is a very minor antioxidant and it's effective in protecting healthy people from cancer-causing/contributing cell damage, but it is not an immunization against carcinogens which directly cause cancer.  The type of cell damage that a green tea would protect again is the normal everyday byproducts of cell metabolism and aging.   NOT a direct poisoning of the cells, such as with carcinogens.  If you take in carcinogens, you are basically guaranteeing yourself great amounts of damage and a much greater likelihood of getting cancer, chas veshalom.

I know, I was responding to Mo.