General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: muman613 on November 04, 2009, 07:25:51 PM
Awesome antisemitic tome of libel against the Jewish people:
Table of Contents:
1. Are Jews satanic?
1.1 What The Talmud Rules About Christians
1.2 Foes Destroyed During the Purim Feast
1.3 The Shocking "Kol Nidre" Oath
1.4 The Bar Mitzvah - A Pledge to The Jewish Race
1.5 Jewish Genocide over Armenian People
1.6 The Satanic Bible
1.7 Other Examples
2. Are Jews the “Chosen People” or the real “Israel”?
2.1 Who are the “Chosen People”?
2.2 G-d & Jesus quotes about race mixing and globalization
3. Are they “eternally persecuted people”?
3.1 Crypto-Judaism
4. Is Judeo-Christianity a healthy “alliance”?
4.1 The “Jesus was a Jew” Hoax
4.2 The "Judeo - Christian" Hoax
4.3 Judaism's Secret Book - The Talmud
5. Are Christian sects Jewish creations? Are they affecting Christianity?
5.1 Biblical Quotes about the sects , the Jews and about the results of them working together.
6. “Anti-Semitism” shield & weapon is making Jews, Gods!
7. Is the “Holocaust” a dirty Jewish LIE?
7.1 The Famous 66 Questions & Answers about the Holocaust
8. Jews control “Anti-Hate”, “Human Rights” & Degraded organizations???
8.1 Just a small part of the full list: CULTURAL/ETHNIC
Page 3
9. Money Collecting, Israel Aids, Kosher Tax and other Money Related Methods
9.1 Forced payment
9.2 Israel “Aids”
9.3 Kosher Taxes
9.4 Other ways for Jews to make money
10. Are Jews in control of America’s politics?
10.1 Partial list of Jews in the Bush Administration (March 26, 2003) from JewWatch
10.2 List of Jewish ambassadors.
10.3 List from Wikipedia Encyclopedia (also Jew owned)
10.4 Small list of powerful Romanian Jews (Bonus)
11. Are Jews in control of the Mass Media & Hollywood?
11.1 Media List 1
11.2 Media List 2 (other source)
11.3 Media List 3 from Wikipedia Encyclopedia (also Jew owned)
11.4 Small list of famous actors, musicians in Hollywood (world)
11.5 List of Jewish American Film Directors from Wikipedia Encyclopedia (also Jew owned)
12. What is the Free-Masonry?
13. Jewish implications in porno industry
13.1 List of Jewish American porno “Actress” and Producers
13.2 List of Jewish American porno “Actors” and Producers
13.3 Why porno exists… Reasons!
14. Israel, Weapons, Treachery & Communism
15. Bonus - Political Incorrect Quotes
15.1 Biblical Quotes about Jews (if you don’t own a Bible just search over the internet)
15.2 Famous Men Quotes about Jews (the following list is a tiny fracture of the overall list)
15.3 Quotes Coming From Jewish People
1. Are Jews satanic?
Most Christians believe that the Jews follow only The Tanach of the Holy Bible and reject the
New Testament. The truth is their "real bible" is The Talmud. The Jewish book "The Mizbeach" states
that "there is nothing superior to the 'Holy Talmud'.
The Talmud is made of 63 books and is often printed in about 18 large volumes. The Talmud was written
by Rabbinical sages between the years 200 AD and 500 AD.
While Christians follow the Twelve Commandments, the Jews follow the 613 Commandments of The
Talmud. The BIG SECRET is -just what are these commandments of the Jews?
Eight Catholic Popes condemned the Talmud. Martin Luther, founder to the Protestant Church ordered
it burned! Pope Clement VIII declared: "The impious Talmudic, Cabalistic and other wicked books of the
Jews are hereby entirely condemned and they must always remain condemned and prohibited and this
law must be perpetually observed."
What is eminently obvious when reading this diatribe is that the writer is a complete idiot who did not do any research. He simply lists libel over libel and presents 'facts' which are not true...
I dont believe any Christians HERE believe any of this crap, do you Muman?
We had a thread on the "kosher tax" once here on JTF. We discussed it and debunked it for the bull crap it is.
I dont believe any Christians HERE believe any of this crap, do you Muman?
I sure hope not... What it is saying is very scary.... But there are some Christians who believe that stuff. of course I dont think that any JTF members would even entertain those ideas...
I dont believe any Christians HERE believe any of this crap, do you Muman?
I sure hope not... What it is saying is very scary.... But there are some Christians who believe that stuff. of course I dont think that any JTF members would even entertain those ideas...
There are a lot of people who claim Christianity as sort of a default identity. I've talked to many people who say they're Christian but don't even believe Jesus was a real person. Some just say they like the idea of the Bible stories as a moral framework (among other sources). To me those people are not Christians because they don't hold to the core doctrines.
In this first paragraph which I quoted he made a big error. He states that the 613 commandments come from the Talmud... That is hogwash... The 613 commandments are straight out of the Torah... And the list of 613 is no secret, there are many books which list what the 613 commands are...
In this first paragraph which I quoted he made a big error. He states that the 613 commandments come from the Talmud... That is hogwash... The 613 commandments are straight out of the Torah... And the list of 613 is no secret, there are many books which list what the 613 commands are...
Those books are secretly hidden away in bookstores and libraries.
In this first paragraph which I quoted he made a big error. He states that the 613 commandments come from the Talmud... That is hogwash... The 613 commandments are straight out of the Torah... And the list of 613 is no secret, there are many books which list what the 613 commands are...
Those books are secretly hidden away in bookstores and libraries.
Not really... here is a good book which you can order on the internet:
In this first paragraph which I quoted he made a big error. He states that the 613 commandments come from the Talmud... That is hogwash... The 613 commandments are straight out of the Torah... And the list of 613 is no secret, there are many books which list what the 613 commands are...
Those books are secretly hidden away in bookstores and libraries.
Not really... here is a good book which you can order on the internet:
And on the internet too! (I was trying to be sarcastic about secretly hidden away). lol Sorry it's hard to communicate sarcasm in text. I think anti-Semites are horrible people.
Disturbing instead of awesome would be a better way to describe this garbage! Unless someone is looking to stir the pot!!. ??
I dont believe any Christians HERE believe any of this crap, do you Muman?
I sure hope not... What it is saying is very scary.... But there are some Christians who believe that stuff. of course I dont think that any JTF members would even entertain those ideas...
These things I deal with EVERY SINGLE DAY. I see this before my face, EVERY DAY- this is exactly why our people are starting to go through persecution and being shot, b/c there are animals that believe this crap. The people here are NOT like that, we would have known this LONG ago, if they were.
I know who these people are; Ron Paul followers, Moslems, Libertarians, ANYTHING BUT real born-again believers, these people claim Jesus and the NT, but they follow NO teaching that is love AT ALL. They are like HITLER, using pretty awesome teachings and words, and corrupting it, shame shame shame.
Born-agains, who, imo, ARE the best people I have EVER come across, are with me in my fight EVERY DAY. I thank G-D for these born-again believers that I totally 100% KNOW that HaShem has put in my path, may G-d bless them a million x for entering into my viscious anti-semitism I deal with daily, that just about breaks me daily.
I agree it is disturbing, but I did not use the word awesome to 'stir the pot' as you suggested. It is awesome to me the level of hatred which comes from antisemites. When I found this page, while searching for a link between JDL and Larry Flynt, I was amazed... I don't like this material but I find it interesting that so many antisemitic claims are available in one concise PDF...
I agree it is disturbing... But in a way it also in totally incredible the lengths and distortions which Jew haters go to...
It's quite amazing that people would take the time to write all of that.
It's quite amazing that people would take the time to write all of that.
They probably didn't write all of it. They probably lifted it from several other anti-Semitic sources word for word and just gathered it together in one spot.
"Romanian nationalists" are the ones responsible for this. Who the heck would want to be a Romanian nationalist? If I was a Romanian I'd be one of those people that wanted to change countries.
Yes I noticed that... I have no hatred for Romanians, as I have stated many times, my boss is Romanian and he is very kind to me, and he knows I am Jewish...
I agree it is disturbing, but I did not use the word awesome to 'stir the pot' as you suggested. It is awesome to me the level of hatred which comes from antisemites. When I found this page, while searching for a link between JDL and Larry Flynt, I was amazed... I don't like this material but I find it interesting that so many antisemitic claims are available in one concise PDF...
I agree it is disturbing... But in a way it also in totally incredible the lengths and distortions which Jew haters go to...
What is compiled there is from a radical element of society... People like that will have negative things to say about almost every demographic other then their own. I would take caution about touting a compilation like that because many times something like that is designed to create more hate then it originally documents. In a way you may be adding fuel to the fires of antisemitism by touting a page like that.
I hope that by shedding light on the hatred we can dispel the lies... Virtually everything which is written in that article is lies. He has taken many Talmudic passages and not understood what the lesson is, instead concentrating on the negative which he perceived. I have investigated many of the so-called evil talmud passages and discovered that often it is very important to Jewish survival.
A Jew who knows his Judaism will be smart enough to see through the lies.... Also the outright denial of the Holocaust is another red flag that this author is an antisemite.
Someone who is young or a fool may be enticed by that kind of hatred. I thought about this before posting this here...
I hope that by shedding light on the hatred we can dispel the lies... Virtually everything which is written in that article is lies. He has taken many Talmudic passages and not understood what the lesson is, instead concentrating on the negative which he perceived. I have investigated many of the so-called evil talmud passages and discovered that often it is very important to Jewish survival.
A Jew who knows his Judaism will be smart enough to see through the lies.... Also the outright denial of the Holocaust is another red flag that this author is an antisemite.
Someone who is young or a fool may be enticed by that kind of hatred. I thought about this before posting this here...
I think that people that are more religious ought to make a topic page on this, so that Christians and gentiles will know how to combat this, because tell you what, right now, they will not believe you, when you are a Jew saying it is lies.
They do NOT believe Jewish people, but they DO believe that crap- matter of fact, they belive it 100%.
Anti-semites are the only people I have seen get WORSE, NEVER better.
It's quite amazing that people would take the time to write all of that.
Yes I thought just the same. :::D
Mumman it's just the usual stuff it's amusing heres the nicer site http://ronatvan.com/
their history is very humorous also
I hope that by shedding light on the hatred we can dispel the lies... Virtually everything which is written in that article is lies. He has taken many Talmudic passages and not understood what the lesson is, instead concentrating on the negative which he perceived. I have investigated many of the so-called evil talmud passages and discovered that often it is very important to Jewish survival.
A Jew who knows his Judaism will be smart enough to see through the lies.... Also the outright denial of the Holocaust is another red flag that this author is an antisemite.
Someone who is young or a fool may be enticed by that kind of hatred. I thought about this before posting this here...
I hope that by shedding light on the hatred we can dispel the lies...
Muman, you know there are people that are not fond of you here. Well, thats fine, many people are not fond of me, thats ok too., BUT, I believe that you should have a topic in some section that addresses each of these categories of deceit, everyday, so that others that are not as religious can perhaps SAVE people. So, I think you should get busy debunking this, I will certainly put it on my blog when you are finiched, it NEEDS to be done.
I hope that by shedding light on the hatred we can dispel the lies... Virtually everything which is written in that article is lies. He has taken many Talmudic passages and not understood what the lesson is, instead concentrating on the negative which he perceived. I have investigated many of the so-called evil talmud passages and discovered that often it is very important to Jewish survival.
A Jew who knows his Judaism will be smart enough to see through the lies.... Also the outright denial of the Holocaust is another red flag that this author is an antisemite.
Someone who is young or a fool may be enticed by that kind of hatred. I thought about this before posting this here...
I hope that by shedding light on the hatred we can dispel the lies...
Muman, you know there are people that are not fond of you here. Well, thats fine, many people are not fond of me, thats ok too., BUT, I believe that you should have a topic in some section that addresses each of these categories of deceit, everyday, so that others that are not as religious can perhaps SAVE people. So, I think you should get busy debunking this, I will certainly put it on my blog when you are finiched, it NEEDS to be done.
I would love to be able to turn back the lies against the Talmud and Rabbinic Judaism. It is a difficult task and it will require a good amount of time to address the many issues. I have seen some Rabbis talk about this and there are many great websites which also answer these issues.
Thank you,
Muman can you please substitute the word "disturbing" for "awesome" in the title of your post? When I first saw this thread, I honestly thought your account was hijacked.
We were talking about the origins of the 613 mitzvot... Here is a site {thanks Irish Zionist} which has a nice list which includes the source in the Torah {not Talmud}.
Muman can you please substitute the word "disturbing" for "awesome" in the title of your post? When I first saw this thread, I honestly thought your account was hijacked.
Ok... I still don't think the word is misleading, but if it is perceived as such I will understand.
awesome sounds like it's a great site
I dont believe any Christians HERE believe any of this crap, do you Muman?
I don't think he meant that he thinks Christians actually believe this stuff. I just think he was pointing out how insane these people are.
Not really... here is a good book which you can order on the internet:
She was making a smartarse remark about the logic employed by the anti-Semites.
It's quite amazing that people would take the time to write all of that.
Only leftwingers have time for that.
In this first paragraph which I quoted he made a big error. He states that the 613 commandments come from the Talmud... That is hogwash... The 613 commandments are straight out of the Torah... And the list of 613 is no secret, there are many books which list what the 613 commands are...
Those books are secretly hidden away in bookstores and libraries.
Not really... here is a good book which you can order on the internet:
Great book!