General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: admin on June 29, 2007, 05:39:39 PM

Title: Allen-T deleted his own account. He was not banned.
Post by: admin on June 29, 2007, 05:39:39 PM
Allen-T deleted his own account. He was not banned.

*EDIT* Hello friends,

This is an announcement from UntilShilohComes: 

All comments related to the latest events involving Allen-T have been moved into this thread for the purpose of consolidation.  Please keep all new replies, comments, and thoughts in this thread, and any new topics will be moved here immediately.   In addition, please keep all comments civil, and avoid personal attacks or this thread will be locked.

Thank you so much for your cooperation as we manage this difficult time

With kindest regards, and awaiting Shiloh,

Title: Re: Allen-T deleted his own account. He was not banned.
Post by: Sarah on June 29, 2007, 06:15:04 PM
Ok. Its funny how wrong rumours can even spread on a Forum yet alone in life. Its one of the key distructions of goodness in this world.
Title: Re: Allen-T deleted his own account. He was not banned.
Post by: Yisrael on June 29, 2007, 06:17:56 PM
Usually when you are banned you cannot read your messages.

He claims it said that he is banned until he calms down. I'm not sure how this is possible if he wasn't able to access his messages and i don't think there is a personalized banned page. If you are banned you just cannot access the forum.

I may be wrong but this is how it worked on other boards I worked with.
Title: Re: Allen-T deleted his own account. He was not banned.
Post by: Shlomo on June 29, 2007, 07:07:52 PM
I am glad he removed his own account. It was best this way.
Title: Re: Allen-T deleted his own account. He was not banned.
Post by: ftf on June 29, 2007, 07:50:37 PM
Will it also be best for me to remove my account?
Title: Re: Allen-T deleted his own account. He was not banned.
Post by: Zvulun Ben Moshe on June 29, 2007, 07:52:21 PM
Will it also be best for me to remove my account?

Why would you leave, ftf?
Title: Re: Allen-T deleted his own account. He was not banned.
Post by: genteelgentile on June 29, 2007, 09:43:38 PM
Title: Re: Allen-T deleted his own account. He was not banned.
Post by: Joe Schmo on June 29, 2007, 09:47:30 PM
What happened?
Title: Re: Allen-T deleted his own account. He was not banned.
Post by: Ari on June 29, 2007, 10:35:34 PM
Sorry it had to come to this point with Allen-T, but I thought Chaim's letter was both respectful and to the point.
Title: Re: Allen-T deleted his own account. He was not banned.
Post by: Ehud on June 29, 2007, 11:42:11 PM
Will it also be best for me to remove my account?

Tell us what is on your mind ftf.
Title: Re: Allen-T deleted his own account. He was not banned.
Post by: cosmokramer on June 29, 2007, 11:44:13 PM
Allen-T made a vicious video agains JTF on youtube you know.
Title: Re: Allen-T deleted his own account. He was not banned.
Post by: Shechinah on June 30, 2007, 12:04:25 AM
That guy is an absolute psychopath.
Title: Re: Allen-T deleted his own account. He was not banned.
Post by: DownwithIslam on June 30, 2007, 12:37:45 AM
The whole situation is so sad. It's always sad to see members go. We need to rebound and continue growing to conquer Islam.
Title: Re: Allen-T deleted his own account. He was not banned.
Post by: cosmokramer on June 30, 2007, 12:41:34 AM
The whole situation is so sad. It's always sad to see members go. We need to rebound and continue growing to conquer Islam.
I agree.
Title: Re: Allen-T deleted his own account. He was not banned.
Post by: Trumpeldor on June 30, 2007, 01:07:29 AM
Having not been an active forum participant recently, I am shocked and saddened by recent events. These are my thoughts on the matter:

1. As you are a bible-believing Christian and a righteous Gentile, you have the right to proselytize. However, that does not give you the right to preach to Jews. I am no theologian, but I know that doing so would be assisting Jews in committing a horrible sin. AND YES, IT IS A HORRIBLE SIN FOR A JEW TO TURN HIS BACK ON HIS FAITH. If you had even one ounce of respect for Judaism, you would already know this.

2. The way you have conducted yourself since the controversy arose is shameful. Whatever sympathy a reasonable person would have accumulated for your cause is gone because of the way you have gone about slandering Jimmy, slandering fellow posters, and worst of all-publicly betraying JTF- the sole right-wing movement that promotes good relations between Jews and Christians. Your personal crusade, pardon the pun, is selfish and misinformed.

3. I acknowledge that you have done wonderful things for JTF and as Chaim says nearly every week, you are owed a debt of gratitude for your efforts, which I sincerely believe were genuine. I pray that it is not too late and that you merit a second chance.

Please do all that is necessary to come back to JTF.

Title: Re: Allen-T deleted his own account. He was not banned.
Post by: Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks on June 30, 2007, 02:03:00 AM
Well, Chaimfan's still here, everybody!  ;D

(But you won't be getting any Youtube movies from me.  :( I am the least technically-inclined guy here and besides I have a worthless dialup piece of excrement for a PC.)

Title: Re: Allen-T deleted his own account. He was not banned.
Post by: Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks on June 30, 2007, 02:04:59 AM
Eloquently stated like all your posts are, Trumple.
Title: Re: Allen-T deleted his own account. He was not banned.
Post by: newman on June 30, 2007, 02:09:00 AM
Well, Chaimfan's still here, everybody!  ;D

(But you won't be getting any Youtube movies from me.  :( I am the least technically-inclined guy here and besides I have a worthless dialup piece of excrement for a PC.)

Me too. I've got technology envy.lol
Title: Re: Allen-T deleted his own account. He was not banned.
Post by: angryChineseKahanist on June 30, 2007, 04:36:21 AM
Well, Chaimfan's still here, everybody!  ;D

(But you won't be getting any Youtube movies from me.  :( I am the least technically-inclined guy here and besides I have a worthless dialup piece of excrement for a PC.)

You're here! Alright!
We love you!
Title: Re: Allen-T deleted his own account. He was not banned.
Post by: MasterWolf1 on June 30, 2007, 11:58:19 AM
As a Christian I agree. I have no interest in proselytize Jews into my faith,  I know its wrong.  And about Jesus I have him in my heart where he belongs. If we start to proselytize either Jew or Christian then what do we end up sounding like?  The ones we are trying to stand up against.. Islam.  Muslims do this.  Do I say Christians or Jews threaten lives those that do not convert? No of course not.  Thats Islam.   But make it clear we have no rights either side.  A Christian once asked me cause I do send out the videos to people am I going against my own faith.  The answer is NO. If anything it shows I do love my faith cause if my people and the Jewish people don't stop putting up these hurdles to each other and do not fight what is really at stake then what is our purpose?  We must come together cause there is a religion that is hell bent to proselytize or death out there that wants us all dead.  And thats what I am focused on and I hope to my savior more will understand what I am saying.  We have a great thing going here.   A great forum that is going to be the seed of a huge movement to save America and Israel from the forces of evil.  Now I don't know how old most of you are I am 31, I have very young nieces and nephews, I don't have children yet cause I am not married.  I rather marry first then have my seed,  I don't want when I have kids and or my nieces and nephews when they reach my age they are living in an America under Sharia Law, living in America where English is not allowed or living in America where the 3rd world barbarians have taken over everything.   So everyone, read carefully what I posted.
Title: Re: Allen-T deleted his own account. He was not banned.
Post by: Manch on June 30, 2007, 06:35:31 PM
I am very saddened by the news and I liked Allen-T a lot but I agree with Trumpeldor. I hope Allen-T will reconsider and will come back to JTF.
Title: Re: Allen-T deleted his own account. He was not banned.
Post by: takebackourtemple on June 30, 2007, 10:44:16 PM
   It's clear that a lot of people are upset about this. I'm trying to find a peaceful resolution since I don't feel this should have turned out this way. JTF welcomes righteous gentiles and we will need to understand that they do have different beliefs than us. One of them is that they would prefer if we converted to their religion. This does not mean that they don't respect us for being Jewish, but some of them can't see the damage they are causing. Attacking them does not stop them but only makes them angry. This issue is a source of conflict we are going to have to resolve if we want to continue to have Gentile friends and allies.
   Allen has helped us out greatly and at least I appreciate what he has done. I don't want to see him turned into an enemy over night. I want everyone to stop posting hostile messages against him so I can try to dig us out of this hole. If you have a need to speak, please do it through a personal message to me.

   We also need to address the issue of Jews making the conscious decision to convert since that is where the real evil. is.
Title: Re: Allen-T deleted his own account. He was not banned.
Post by: Shlomo on June 30, 2007, 11:17:43 PM
Why would someone do that? I don't get it... what a sad person.
Title: Re: Allen-T deleted his own account. He was not banned.
Post by: newman on June 30, 2007, 11:26:49 PM
Amazing what you find when you scatch the surface, eh?
Title: Re: Allen-T deleted his own account. He was not banned.
Post by: Shlomo on June 30, 2007, 11:28:06 PM
He's making more accounts... insane. His anger and pride has the best of him.

Sadly, we might have to ban his IP.

Somewhere along the lines he forgot his own beliefs:

Hebrews 10:30 Vengeance is mine, saith the Lord

Romans 12:19 Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord.

1 Thessalonians 4:6 and that no man transgress and defraud his brother in the matter because the Lord is the avenger in all these things, just as we also told you before and solemnly warned you.

Some people think that if you are a Jew, then you don't know anything about Christianity.
Title: Re: Allen-T deleted his own account. He was not banned.
Post by: newman on June 30, 2007, 11:33:48 PM
He's making more accounts... insane. His anger and pride has the best of him.

Sadly, we might have to ban his IP.

 Accounts on here or youtube?
Title: Re: Allen-T deleted his own account. He was not banned.
Post by: Mishmaat on June 30, 2007, 11:38:41 PM
What's the deal with this Martin Luther-esque type behavior?
Title: Re: Allen-T deleted his own account. He was not banned.
Post by: Shlomo on June 30, 2007, 11:39:42 PM
Accounts on here or youtube?

On here.
Title: Re: Allen-T deleted his own account. He was not banned.
Post by: newman on June 30, 2007, 11:42:45 PM
Accounts on here or youtube?

On here.

He's lost the plot. This is like an obsessive ex-partner  coming back to stalk you.
Title: Re: Allen-T deleted his own account. He was not banned.
Post by: Shlomo on June 30, 2007, 11:50:34 PM
Yacov and I have been working together track this and find out what's going on and we have been forced to ban his IP range and location so he will stop attacking us - not that it should matter since he deleted his own account.

It's really sad it had to come to this.
Title: Re: Allen-T deleted his own account. He was not banned.
Post by: newman on June 30, 2007, 11:52:27 PM
Yacov and I have been working together track this and find out what's going on and we have been forced to ban his IP range and location so he will stop attacking us - not that it should matter since he deleted his own account.

It's really sad it had to come to this.

Did the IP search on the porno postings reveal anything?
Title: Re: Allen-T deleted his own account. He was not banned.
Post by: newman on July 01, 2007, 12:07:24 AM
Yacov and I have been working together track this and find out what's going on and we have been forced to ban his IP range and location so he will stop attacking us - not that it should matter since he deleted his own account.

It's really sad it had to come to this.

Did the IP search on the porno postings reveal anything?

What porn?

Apparently someone flooded a heap of threads with gay porn saying 'take that , haters' a bit over 24 hrs ago. It's been removed.
Title: Re: Allen-T deleted his own account. He was not banned.
Post by: Ehud on July 01, 2007, 03:27:41 AM
I don't think Allen-T is a homosexual and I won't pretend to think so.  I don't see why we should slander him, we don't need to make up anything about him in order to criticize him, what he did is enough to do so.  Anyways I'm at least glad that you feel so strongly about this issue, and even though the strength of your feeling manifests itself in an unnecessary way, I applaud you for the depth of your convictions. 
Title: Re: Allen-T deleted his own account. He was not banned.
Post by: newman on July 01, 2007, 03:30:00 AM
I'm kicking myself for giving thunderbolt a bigger tune up than i did allen.
Title: Re: Allen-T deleted his own account. He was not banned.
Post by: Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks on July 01, 2007, 03:31:31 AM
I don't think Allen-T is a homosexual and I won't pretend to think so.  I don't see why we should slander him, we don't need to make up anything about him in order to criticize him, what he did is enough to do so.  Anyways I'm at least glad that you feel so strongly about this issue, and even though the strength of your feeling manifests itself in an unnecessary way, I applaud you for the depth of your convictions. 
Why then did he flood our forum with gay porn last night?

Straight people don't look at images of men having sex.
Title: Re: Allen-T deleted his own account. He was not banned.
Post by: Ehud on July 01, 2007, 03:34:34 AM
I don't think Allen-T is a homosexual and I won't pretend to think so.  I don't see why we should slander him, we don't need to make up anything about him in order to criticize him, what he did is enough to do so.  Anyways I'm at least glad that you feel so strongly about this issue, and even though the strength of your feeling manifests itself in an unnecessary way, I applaud you for the depth of your convictions. 
Why then did he flood our forum with gay porn last night?

Straight people don't look at images of men having sex.

Oh, I wasn't aware of that.  What type of Christian does that anyways?  That type of behavior is utterly reprehensible.  I don't think that necessarily makes him a homosexual though, he's just trying to attack JTF using any means he can.  He's really handling this situation immaturely. 
Title: Re: Allen-T deleted his own account. He was not banned.
Post by: Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks on July 01, 2007, 03:41:17 AM
Jabotinsky, it looks like you are underestimating him. He is not some immature little kid--he is a NAZI. He is scum of the earth. He is as low as Hitler.
Title: Re: Allen-T deleted his own account. He was not banned.
Post by: cosmokramer on July 01, 2007, 05:14:32 AM
Lets just let Chaim explain this whole thing out. Lets leave Allen-T alone. He is not worth our attention and if we keep talking about him it Just makes Allen-T happier to see that we are posting comments about him. I can assure you he is the type of guy that likes to see himself mentioned in a bad or good light. Allen-T is not worth our time anymore. If he doesnt like JTF he is free to leave. Which he has alreadt done. We are good without him. JTF is growing and expanding tremendously. We have to save Israel and America from Amalek. Lets focus on that. Of course we can have our humorous comments, but our goal is what I have said before, Saving western civilization from Amalek, hoping to get rightious people to join. Which is happening. Nothing less, nothing more.
Title: Re: Allen-T deleted his own account. He was not banned.
Post by: cjd on July 01, 2007, 07:10:37 AM
Lets just let Chaim explain this whole thing out. Lets leave Allen-T alone. He is not worth our attention and if we keep talking about him it Just makes Allen-T happier to see that we are posting comments about him. I can assure you he is the type of guy that likes to see himself mentioned in a bad or good light. Allen-T is not worth our time anymore. If he doesnt like JTF he is free to leave. Which he has alreadt done. We are good without him. JTF is growing and expanding tremendously. We have to save Israel and America from Amalek. Lets focus on that. Of course we can have our humorous comments, but our goal is what I have said before, Saving western civilization from Amalek, hoping to get rightious people to join. Which is happening. Nothing less, nothing more.
I tend to agree with cosmokramer its pointless to go on the way this thread is going. We are making ourselves look comical here. This was one of the key JTF members until the other day. His points of view became at odds with the mainstream opinion here at JTF and it was best for him to step down from his moderators position. He decided to leave JTF entirely its that simple. Why go on calling this man things that we all know are not true. The parting became messy from both ends. The situation could have been handled much differently. This whole situation has done extreme harm to our forum that will take months if ever to repair. Lets not magnify it by going on with this garbage for days. As I said the other day the less said about this and Allen-T the better.
Title: Re: Allen-T deleted his own account. He was not banned.
Post by: newman on July 01, 2007, 07:15:53 AM
The messy aspect is 95% his doing. As for letting this die down, that's fine, but if he keeps slamming us on boobtube we'd better be prepared to hit back.
Title: Re: Allen-T deleted his own account. He was not banned.
Post by: cjd on July 01, 2007, 07:34:56 AM
The messy aspect is 95% his doing. As for letting this die down, that's fine, but if he keeps slamming us on boobtube we'd better be prepared to hit back.
I would say about 65% his doing but its unimportant. Did administration really think he was going to leave and not state his case on the open forum or YouTube? It was foolish to block him even if it was temporary. Not many folks Christian or Jewish  would have taken favor with his position of preaching to Jewish folks anyway. He was doing himself in with that position. At this point he has become unimportant to JTF. The thing with Allen-T is that if we continue to bash him he will keep coming back for more. It will be never ending it keeps him in the game. He needs to be ignored. 
Title: Re: Allen-T deleted his own account. He was not banned.
Post by: ftf on July 01, 2007, 07:47:49 AM
I haven't seen any anger in his actions, prove me wrong if you can.
Title: Re: Allen-T deleted his own account. He was not banned.
Post by: Dexter on July 01, 2007, 08:09:51 AM
I haven't seen any anger in his actions, prove me wrong if you can.
If someone making so much spam with those topics titles then he is definitely isnt happy.
Title: Re: Allen-T deleted his own account. He was not banned.
Post by: ftf on July 01, 2007, 08:30:34 AM
Unhappy doesn't equal anger, and show me his spam, I haven't seen any.
Title: Re: Allen-T deleted his own account. He was not banned.
Post by: newman on July 01, 2007, 08:34:11 AM
Unhappy doesn't equal anger, and show me his spam, I haven't seen any.

Read the damn thread! It was removed. Do you think the mods are going to leave porn on the forum?

Title: Re: Allen-T deleted his own account. He was not banned.
Post by: Dexter on July 01, 2007, 08:34:29 AM
Unhappy doesn't equal anger, and show me his spam, I haven't seen any.
Unhappy+aggressive titles do equel anger, and someone remove it.
Title: Re: Allen-T deleted his own account. He was not banned.
Post by: jsullivan on July 01, 2007, 08:54:53 AM
Lets just let Chaim explain this whole thing out. Lets leave Allen-T alone. He is not worth our attention and if we keep talking about him it Just makes Allen-T happier to see that we are posting comments about him. I can assure you he is the type of guy that likes to see himself mentioned in a bad or good light. Allen-T is not worth our time anymore. If he doesnt like JTF he is free to leave. Which he has alreadt done. We are good without him. JTF is growing and expanding tremendously. We have to save Israel and America from Amalek. Lets focus on that. Of course we can have our humorous comments, but our goal is what I have said before, Saving western civilization from Amalek, hoping to get rightious people to join. Which is happening. Nothing less, nothing more.

Cosmokramer, you are completely correct!
Title: Re: Allen-T deleted his own account. He was not banned.
Post by: newman on July 01, 2007, 09:02:28 AM
What time is the broadcast?
Title: Re: Allen-T deleted his own account. He was not banned.
Post by: Lisa on July 01, 2007, 10:42:10 AM
I agree with Cosmokramer and CJD. 

If we keep writing bad  things about him, it will only make us look bad. 
Title: Re: Allen-T deleted his own account. He was not banned.
Post by: cjd on July 01, 2007, 11:25:12 AM
What happened to the original poll and 2/3 of the posts on the thread?
Title: Re: Allen-T deleted his own account. He was not banned.
Post by: Dr. Dan on July 01, 2007, 11:51:25 AM
Jabotinsky, it looks like you are underestimating him. He is not some immature little kid--he is a NAZI. He is scum of the earth. He is as low as Hitler.

chaimfan, doesn't it take on to know one?

Grow up and enough already!
Title: Re: Allen-T deleted his own account. He was not banned.
Post by: Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks on July 01, 2007, 11:59:28 AM
Danny, with all due respect, please chill. They served a purpose, are no longer being made, and helped defuse a lot of anger last night when we realized the gravity of this situation.
Title: Re: Allen-T deleted his own account. He was not banned.
Post by: nessuno on July 01, 2007, 12:06:06 PM
Yes - Lisa!
As usual you are right.
CJD and Cosmokramer are correct.
The name calling and disgusting insinuations that have been posted of late just makes JTF look bad and has no place on a religious forum.
I know there will be the - someone else started it response - but that is what I hear from the child that lives in my home all the time.
Title: Re: Allen-T deleted his own account. He was not banned.
Post by: Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks on July 01, 2007, 12:06:55 PM
I agree with Cosmokramer and CJD. 

If we keep writing bad  things about him, it will only make us look bad. 
And I am done doing so, Lisa. We needed to post some flames on him to get it all out of our system and have a good chuckle, but we are done now--at least I am.
Title: Re: Allen-T deleted his own account. He was not banned.
Post by: Shlomo on July 01, 2007, 12:13:20 PM
He had the nerve to call us 'pigs' in his latest video. I think that equals anger.
Title: Re: Allen-T deleted his own account. He was not banned.
Post by: newman on July 01, 2007, 12:16:35 PM
He had the nerve to call us 'pigs' in his latest video. I think that equals anger.

He also said Torah judaism was a lie........... I think that safely quallifies as anti-semitism.
Title: Re: Allen-T deleted his own account. He was not banned.
Post by: ftf on July 01, 2007, 12:17:30 PM
He had the nerve to call us 'pigs' in his latest video. I think that equals anger.
Considering what some people have been saying about him on this forum I think that pigs is a pretty mild response.
Title: Re: Allen-T deleted his own account. He was not banned.
Post by: Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks on July 01, 2007, 12:19:39 PM
He had the nerve to call us 'pigs' in his latest video.
That's a Nazi insult. He calls JTF pigs as the ultimate insult against Jews because Judaism considers hogs to be unclean animals. It's like saying the Jews eat Arab children like the Muslim Nazis do.
Title: Re: Allen-T deleted his own account. He was not banned.
Post by: Until Shiloh Comes on July 01, 2007, 12:21:12 PM
Hello friends,

This is an announcement: 

All comments related to the latest events involving Allen-T have been moved into this thread for the purpose of consolidation.  Please keep all new replies, comments, and thoughts in this thread, and any new topics will be moved here immediately.   In addition, please keep all comments civil, and avoid personal attacks or this thread will be locked.

Thank you so much for your cooperation as we manage through this difficult time

With kindest regards, and awaiting Shiloh,
Title: Re: Allen-T deleted his own account. He was not banned.
Post by: Dr. Dan on July 01, 2007, 12:23:48 PM
even in anger, we have to show class...by class I don't mean not being angry..but being smart about what we say.
Title: Re: Allen-T deleted his own account. He was not banned.
Post by: newman on July 01, 2007, 12:24:43 PM
Hello friends,

This is an announcement: 

All comments related to the latest events involving Allen-T have been moved into this thread for the purpose of consolidation.  Please keep all new replies, comments, and thoughts in this thread, and any new topics will be moved here immediately.   In addition, please keep all comments civil, and avoid personal attacks or this thread will be locked.

Thank you so much for your cooperation as we manage through this difficult time

With kindest regards, and awaiting Shiloh,

Hey christopher,
What's happening with the Ask JTF July 01? That post hasn't even been locked yet.
Title: Re: Allen-T deleted his own account. He was not banned.
Post by: Shlomo on July 01, 2007, 12:31:35 PM
He had the nerve to call us 'pigs' in his latest video. I think that equals anger.
Considering what some people have been saying about him on this forum I think that pigs is a pretty mild response.

ftf, not only is this wrong, you know this will cause fights. You should be careful not to make it sound like you agree. Muslim nazis call us pigs.
Title: Re: Allen-T deleted his own account. He was not banned.
Post by: newman on July 01, 2007, 12:36:11 PM
He had the nerve to call us 'pigs' in his latest video. I think that equals anger.
Considering what some people have been saying about him on this forum I think that pigs is a pretty mild response.

ftf, not only is this wrong, you know this will cause fights. You should be careful not to make it sound like you agree. Muslim nazis call us pigs.


ftf is only on here to rock the boat and cry and threaten to leave. I've been following his posts.
Title: Re: Allen-T deleted his own account. He was not banned.
Post by: Daniel on July 01, 2007, 03:08:31 PM
I haven't been on the forum in a while. So I was very shocked when I saw Allen-T's videos claiming that he has been banned. I never imagined anything like this could be possible. But if he was in fact proselytizing, then I can understand the problem here. It's a really big shame that this has happened. Regardless about what any of you might think about Sam Harris, his words come into my mind and I think play a big part here about how different religions balkanize people and have incompatible views and agendas.
Title: Re: Allen-T deleted his own account. He was not banned.
Post by: Sarah on July 01, 2007, 03:25:25 PM
He had the nerve to call us 'pigs' in his latest video. I think that equals anger.
Considering what some people have been saying about him on this forum I think that pigs is a pretty mild response.

ftf, not only is this wrong, you know this will cause fights. You should be careful not to make it sound like you agree. Muslim nazis call us pigs.


ftf is only on here to rock the boat and cry and threaten to leave. I've been following his posts.

He isn't.
I think he is just angered or fairly upset, then again everyone gets that sometime or another.
Title: Re: Allen-T deleted his own account. He was not banned.
Post by: ftf on July 01, 2007, 03:28:25 PM
Considering that people on here have been accusing Allen of engaging in beastiality, of being a homosexual, of wanting to kill jews, and a great many other succh things, for him to call them pigs is pretty mild, I do not agree with him in doing so, but if you want to look at the scale of things he hasn't been nearly as bad as some people round here.
Title: Re: Allen-T deleted his own account. He was not banned.
Post by: Sarah on July 01, 2007, 03:59:42 PM
I agree.

I'm sorry, but all this business was escalated into becoming big. It could have Stopped completely but don't we all like to take things that little step further.

Morals can't be learn't from this, and conduct.
Title: Re: Allen-T deleted his own account. He was not banned.
Post by: Shlomo on July 01, 2007, 04:22:00 PM
Considering that people on here have been accusing Allen of engaging in beastiality, of being a homosexual, of wanting to kill jews, and a great many other succh things, for him to call them pigs is pretty mild, I do not agree with him in doing so, but if you want to look at the scale of things he hasn't been nearly as bad as some people round here.

No one is accusing him of this stuff. Come on... being gay, killing people, and sleeping with animals?? Maybe someone was insulting him but no one is accusing him of this craziness. That's a pretty big exaggeration.

And no, it's still not ok to call JTF 'pigs' after being a moderator for the forum. It's never justified to do wrong.
Title: Re: Allen-T deleted his own account. He was not banned.
Post by: Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks on July 01, 2007, 04:40:20 PM
Jeffguy, I meant it when I accused him of being a homosexual for a clear and simple reason. Under the alias account "somethingnew" he flooded the boards with gay porn Friday night. That is why I believe his orientation is in doubt.
Title: Re: Allen-T deleted his own account. He was not banned.
Post by: Shlomo on July 01, 2007, 04:56:03 PM
oh no... LOL   ChaimFan! You goof.

Ok... we can't prove that it was him since that account and those perverted posts were deleted. If it was him, I'm SURE it would have only been to offend people... but I think it was probably just some gay person who hates JTF. I seriously doubt that Allen-T was gay... angry... but not gay.

ftf, ok... I take back the part about someone calling him gay. And I'm trying really hard not to laugh at this whole mess.
Title: Re: Allen-T deleted his own account. He was not banned.
Post by: TheCoon on July 01, 2007, 05:30:35 PM
The same people are calling him a nazi and a homosexual. Next thing you know he'll be a black muslim.  ::) The first thing muslims do is throw crazy accusations and insults around because they don't have the capacity for reason. Some are just like them.
Title: Re: Allen-T deleted his own account. He was not banned.
Post by: Sarah on July 01, 2007, 05:46:14 PM
I never used to do that.
Title: Re: Allen-T deleted his own account. He was not banned.
Post by: MassuhDGoodName on July 01, 2007, 06:10:29 PM
Here is what MassuhDGoodName has to say about the recent "situation" on the forum:

The following is an old "folk saying" handed down from the eastern European Jewish shtetls (ghettos) of long ago...

The one who is always running around the village yelling

"Someone's going to steal the chickens!"..."You'd better hide the chickens!"..."There is a chicken thief on the loose!"

THAT person is the chicken thief.
Title: Re: Allen-T deleted his own account. He was not banned.
Post by: cjd on July 01, 2007, 06:20:06 PM
Here is what MassuhDGoodName has to say about the recent "situation" on the forum:

The following is an old "folk saying" handed down from the eastern European Jewish shtetls (ghettos) of long ago...

The one who is always running around the village yelling

"Someone's going to steal the chickens!"..."You'd better hide the chickens!"..."There is a chicken thief on the loose!"

THAT person is the chicken thief.
Sounds like you may be on to something Massuh.
Title: Re: Allen-T deleted his own account. He was not banned.
Post by: Sarah on July 01, 2007, 06:24:35 PM
I found that very wise. I think i actually might write that down....

Newman Pig is hardly a Nazi insult, i call my brother that all the time and he replies straight back with, "WHOA! Your teeth are SOO yellow you put the sun out of business,".....and you think you've got it bad. ::)

Title: Re: Allen-T deleted his own account. He was not banned.
Post by: Dexter on July 01, 2007, 06:54:28 PM
He had the nerve to call us 'pigs' in his latest video. I think that equals anger.

He also said Torah judaism was a lie........... I think that safely quallifies as anti-semitism.
Dont the christians belive in the torah what so calld Tanach ?
Title: Re: Allen-T deleted his own account. He was not banned.
Post by: Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks on July 01, 2007, 06:57:13 PM

Let's see. The person posting the porn pics (which I learned of secondhand as they were [thank G-d!] already deleted by the time I saw the topic) left the message "You all burn in hell" or something like that. Downwithislam is the first person to witness this atrocity and he would be able to tell you exactly what was there.

Let's see. The pics came at the end of the same day (Friday) that Allen turned against JTF for good and started making anti-JTF Youtube videos and anti-JTF-named mirror registrations (i.e. "Pharisee Sullivan").

The circumstantial evidence is VERY strong, and IPs do not lie. I still haven't heard anybody reveal what the IP of "somethingnew" was, but Yacov or Jeffguy would have publicly posted that it wasn't from Allen-T if it weren't his.
Title: Re: Allen-T deleted his own account. He was not banned.
Post by: Sarah on July 01, 2007, 07:00:44 PM
Chaimfan you are making a huge accusation, that you have only minor proof for.

It could be any nutter.
Title: Re: Allen-T deleted his own account. He was not banned.
Post by: nessuno on July 01, 2007, 08:41:51 PM
Chaimfan you are making a huge accusation, that you have only minor proof for.

It could be any nutter.
Wise words Sarah.
Title: Re: Allen-T deleted his own account. He was not banned.
Post by: MassuhDGoodName on July 01, 2007, 09:52:06 PM
cjd:  "...Sounds like you may be on to something Massuh..."

If you only knew just how right you are, cjd!

Ole' Massuh' knows a lot more about what's been happening on the JTF forum than you'd want to know!

Title: Re: Allen-T deleted his own account. He was not banned.
Post by: MassuhDGoodName on July 01, 2007, 10:19:32 PM
Sarah:  "...Chaimfan you are making a huge accusation, that you have only minor proof for..."

Actually Sarah, there is no proof whatsoever; only baseless allegations.

Torah students know this behaviour as "casting aspersions".

Looking at things from around the globe, the Chinese have an ancient saying...

"It is easy to come up with the evidence, once you've already convicted someone of a crime."

The American Founding Fathers designed the most radical Court/Trial system in all of recorded history:

A person is INNOCENT of a crime until PROVEN GUILTY.

Therefore, the casting of aspersions, along with "manufacturing evidence", is in theory to be unacceptable as evidence to convict.

Torah Law is remarkably specific regarding trial procedures for someone accused of a crime; particulary with regards to capitol offenses.

Torah devised the uniquely Jewish concept of "Sanctuary".

A person who, for whatever reason, took someone else's life by accident with no forethought to doing so, was legally allowed to immediately depart for one or more "Sanctuary Cities", where they were allowed to live out the rest of their lives undisturbed and in peace.  They were granted asylum.

Torah is more strict that U.S. law regarding accusations of murder.

Under Torah Law, whomever accuses another of murder, is required by law to "cast the first stone" at them in executing them by stoning.

Not only that, but a person under Torah Law can not be found guilty of murder for circumstantial evidence.
Example:  You hear bloodcurdling screams coming from a building.  As you approach, someone runs out with a bloody sword or knife in their hand.  Torah Law forbids charging them with the murder, as it is entirely circumstantial evidence...someone could easily find a murdered person, pick up the weapon which had killed them and then was dropped by the fleeing murderer, and be found by others in the act of holding the weapon; thus appearing guilty, but in fact being entirely innocent of a crime.
Torah Law demands several eyewitnesses to swear under oath to having witnessed a murder, before it allows a suspect to be charged and convicted.

Talmud states that casting aspersions on another; thus embarrassing them publicly, is equal to breaking the commandment "Thou shalt not commit murder", because the law reads such that to become embarrassed, which causes the face to flush red with blood, is tantamount to "shedding the blood of another".  Interesting, huh?
Title: Re: Allen-T deleted his own account. He was not banned.
Post by: nessuno on July 01, 2007, 10:33:38 PM
yes - it is.
Title: Re: Allen-T deleted his own account. He was not banned.
Post by: Dexter on July 01, 2007, 10:43:36 PM
Here are some of the thing thet allen said :
I thought I sensed a threat coming, but since it isn't, let me speak very openly. I believe that there is only one path of salvation. Jesus Christ. I also believe that it is my duty before G-d to support Jewish people and defend Israel. I also believe G-d has put a love in my heart for Jews that makes following the written command a pleasure to perform. I do not actively seek Jews to convert. I do speak to anyone who will listen about what I believe is the only way. I don't exclude Jews. You have to believe me, since being involved with JTF I have been searching to see if I am wrong about the relationship between Jesus and Jewish people. I have alot of inner turmoil and confusion about this issue. I have not yet found any basis for excluding Jews from the Gospel message. I am determined to pursue truth, and speak about it as I understand it as I go along. I mean you or any Jew any offence. But if it kills me I will pursue and hold up truth as I understand it.     

You are right that my number one priority is to spread Christianity. But you are in error from lack of understanding of what Biblical Christianity is because you state; I only appear to be your ally. Can I ask you a question? If I had "nefarious motives" why would I be telling you what I have been telling you the last hour? Wouldn't I be trying to hide this as much as possible? What born again Christians have you met that have turned on you because you are a Jew? You are completely off base to think I would declare any Jew my enemy because he didn't want to accept Christ. You are completely off base to assume that although my primary mission in life is to preach about Jesus, that that means I don't have a concept of "borders" in a situation such as JTF. If anyone for any reason came to my home to harm me or my family because of what I believe and how I practice it, be certain I will kill them. According to your thinking I guess that would make me an anti-semite, right? Even if every Jew in this organisation takes the position you are taking jdl4ever, I will leave with a heavy heart and nothing but love for you all, and alot of sorrow. But I will say it again; It better end there
Title: Re: Allen-T deleted his own account. He was not banned.
Post by: Imerica on July 01, 2007, 11:12:30 PM
That guy is an absolute psychopath.
Didn't I say this almost ALL of the time I've been here??? Nobody listens to the black girl. lol
Title: Re: Allen-T deleted his own account. He was not banned.
Post by: Dexter on July 01, 2007, 11:15:23 PM
That guy is an absolute psychopath.
Didn't I say this almost ALL of the time I've been here??? Nobody listens to the black girl. lol
LOL (are you black?  :))
Title: Re: Allen-T deleted his own account. He was not banned.
Post by: Sarah on July 02, 2007, 12:35:12 PM
That guy is an absolute psychopath.
Didn't I say this almost ALL of the time I've been here??? Nobody listens to the black girl. lol

You are discriminating yourself or "casting aspersions" -yes Massuh!:)- that everyone ignores you.
Title: Re: Allen-T deleted his own account. He was not banned.
Post by: Shlomo on July 02, 2007, 02:10:17 PM
LOL (are you black?  :))

I'm black.

Ok... maybe not. lol
Title: Re: Allen-T deleted his own account. He was not banned.
Post by: MasterWolf1 on July 02, 2007, 02:11:32 PM
I am not black, but I once owned a black dog named Foodstamps does that count? Kidding.
Title: Re: Allen-T deleted his own account. He was not banned.
Post by: Imerica on July 02, 2007, 02:16:01 PM
That guy is an absolute psychopath.
Didn't I say this almost ALL of the time I've been here??? Nobody listens to the black girl. lol
LOL (are you black?  :))
Yes, I am.
Title: Re: Allen-T deleted his own account. He was not banned.
Post by: Shlomo on July 02, 2007, 02:16:41 PM
Don't believe her, Dexter. She's kidding with you.
Title: Re: Allen-T deleted his own account. He was not banned.
Post by: Imerica on July 02, 2007, 02:17:04 PM
That guy is an absolute psychopath.
Didn't I say this almost ALL of the time I've been here??? Nobody listens to the black girl. lol

You are discriminating yourself or "casting aspersions" -yes Massuh!:)- that everyone ignores you.
It was a joke, Sarah... I'm often told to lighten up here. I am a black woman though.
Title: Re: Allen-T deleted his own account. He was not banned.
Post by: judeanoncapta on July 02, 2007, 02:17:49 PM
That guy is an absolute psychopath.
Didn't I say this almost ALL of the time I've been here??? Nobody listens to the black girl. lol

When did you say Allen was a psycho?

I don't remember that.
Title: Re: Allen-T deleted his own account. He was not banned.
Post by: Imerica on July 02, 2007, 02:17:54 PM
Don't believe her, Dexter. She's kidding with you.
Who is? I am African American/ or black.
Title: Re: Allen-T deleted his own account. He was not banned.
Post by: newman on July 02, 2007, 02:30:55 PM
That guy is an absolute psychopath.
Didn't I say this almost ALL of the time I've been here??? Nobody listens to the black girl. lol

You are discriminating yourself or "casting aspersions" -yes Massuh!:)- that everyone ignores you.
It was a joke, Sarah... I'm often told to lighten up here. I am a black woman though.

Isn't it racist to tell a black girl to 'lighten up'? ;)
Title: Re: Allen-T deleted his own account. He was not banned.
Post by: Imerica on July 02, 2007, 02:38:56 PM
That guy is an absolute psychopath.
Didn't I say this almost ALL of the time I've been here??? Nobody listens to the black girl. lol

You are discriminating yourself or "casting aspersions" -yes Massuh!:)- that everyone ignores you.
It was a joke, Sarah... I'm often told to lighten up here. I am a black woman though.

Isn't it racist to tell a black girl to 'lighten up'? ;)
NO its racist to call a black girl a welfare whore.
Title: Re: Allen-T deleted his own account. He was not banned.
Post by: Imerica on July 02, 2007, 02:42:52 PM
Suuuuure... we know you are whiter than Pee Wee Herman.

You are just trying to trick Dexter and it's not going to work...

Title: Re: Allen-T deleted his own account. He was not banned.
Post by: newman on July 02, 2007, 02:47:16 PM
That guy is an absolute psychopath.
Didn't I say this almost ALL of the time I've been here??? Nobody listens to the black girl. lol

You are discriminating yourself or "casting aspersions" -yes Massuh!:)- that everyone ignores you.
It was a joke, Sarah... I'm often told to lighten up here. I am a black woman though.

Isn't it racist to tell a black girl to 'lighten up'? ;)
NO its racist to call a black girl a welfare whore.

Nobody called YOU that, did they?
Title: Re: Allen-T deleted his own account. He was not banned.
Post by: Imerica on July 02, 2007, 02:49:21 PM
That guy is an absolute psychopath.
Didn't I say this almost ALL of the time I've been here??? Nobody listens to the black girl. lol

You are discriminating yourself or "casting aspersions" -yes Massuh!:)- that everyone ignores you.
It was a joke, Sarah... I'm often told to lighten up here. I am a black woman though.

Isn't it racist to tell a black girl to 'lighten up'? ;)
NO its racist to call a black girl a welfare whore.

Nobody called YOU that, did they?
Yes, they did. A couple of people here did, actually. I was just giving you the difference between racist and not-racist. I don't think "lighten up" is a racist statement... however being called a welfare whore is though.
Title: Re: Allen-T deleted his own account. He was not banned.
Post by: ftf on July 02, 2007, 03:00:54 PM
That guy is an absolute psychopath.
Didn't I say this almost ALL of the time I've been here??? Nobody listens to the black girl. lol

You are discriminating yourself or "casting aspersions" -yes Massuh!:)- that everyone ignores you.
It was a joke, Sarah... I'm often told to lighten up here. I am a black woman though.

Isn't it racist to tell a black girl to 'lighten up'? ;)
NO its racist to call a black girl a welfare whore.

Nobody called YOU that, did they?
Yes, they did. A couple of people here did, actually. I was just giving you the difference between racist and not-racist. I don't think "lighten up" is a racist statement... however being called a welfare whore is though.
Now that depends, if you were a "welfare whore" it wouldn't be prejudice for someone to say it, but as you are not it would just be an evil viscous lie.
Title: Re: Allen-T deleted his own account. He was not banned.
Post by: Imerica on July 02, 2007, 03:07:59 PM
That guy is an absolute psychopath.
Didn't I say this almost ALL of the time I've been here??? Nobody listens to the black girl. lol

You are discriminating yourself or "casting aspersions" -yes Massuh!:)- that everyone ignores you.
It was a joke, Sarah... I'm often told to lighten up here. I am a black woman though.

Isn't it racist to tell a black girl to 'lighten up'? ;)
NO its racist to call a black girl a welfare whore.

Nobody called YOU that, did they?
Yes, they did. A couple of people here did, actually. I was just giving you the difference between racist and not-racist. I don't think "lighten up" is a racist statement... however being called a welfare whore is though.
Now that depends, if you were a "welfare whore" it wouldn't be prejudice for someone to say it, but as you are not it would just be an evil viscous lie.
As well as insulting. I don't think its necessary to have to THINK you're a welfare whore in order to be insulted by the comment. I know I'm not one, but I have every right to feel insulted by it.
Title: Re: Allen-T deleted his own account. He was not banned.
Post by: newman on July 02, 2007, 03:18:45 PM
That guy is an absolute psychopath.
Didn't I say this almost ALL of the time I've been here??? Nobody listens to the black girl. lol

You are discriminating yourself or "casting aspersions" -yes Massuh!:)- that everyone ignores you.
It was a joke, Sarah... I'm often told to lighten up here. I am a black woman though.

Isn't it racist to tell a black girl to 'lighten up'? ;)
NO its racist to call a black girl a welfare whore.

Nobody called YOU that, did they?
Yes, they did. A couple of people here did, actually. I was just giving you the difference between racist and not-racist. I don't think "lighten up" is a racist statement... however being called a welfare whore is though.
Now that depends, if you were a "welfare whore" it wouldn't be prejudice for someone to say it, but as you are not it would just be an evil viscous lie.
As well as insulting. I don't think its necessary to have to THINK you're a welfare whore in order to be insulted by the comment. I know I'm not one, but I have every right to feel insulted by it.

Absolutely nobody should call Imerica that.It's not only insulting to her but insulting to her husband who's spent 16 years serving his country and supporting his family.
Title: Re: Allen-T deleted his own account. He was not banned.
Post by: Sarah on July 02, 2007, 04:25:04 PM
That guy is an absolute psychopath.
Didn't I say this almost ALL of the time I've been here??? Nobody listens to the black girl. lol

You are discriminating yourself or "casting aspersions" -yes Massuh!:)- that everyone ignores you.
It was a joke, Sarah... I'm often told to lighten up here. I am a black woman though.
Yes, well i wasn't being serious myself. You never seem to understand what i try to suggest in my writing. :D Guess its the US and UK literal differences.

Title: Re: Allen-T deleted his own account. He was not banned.
Post by: angryChineseKahanist on July 02, 2007, 04:30:29 PM

So, is AllenT banned now?

Title: Re: Allen-T deleted his own account. He was not banned.
Post by: Imerica on July 02, 2007, 04:30:45 PM
That guy is an absolute psychopath.
Didn't I say this almost ALL of the time I've been here??? Nobody listens to the black girl. lol

You are discriminating yourself or "casting aspersions" -yes Massuh!:)- that everyone ignores you.
It was a joke, Sarah... I'm often told to lighten up here. I am a black woman though.
Yes, well i wasn't being serious myself. You never seem to understand what i try to suggest in my writing. :D Guess its the US and UK literal differences.

Dangged language barrier! :D
Title: Re: Allen-T deleted his own account. He was not banned.
Post by: Sarah on July 02, 2007, 04:32:52 PM

So, is AllenT banned now?

AngryChineseManiac, you aren't too up to date with the drama that has been going on. Yes, Allen-T has been banned, quit, resigned, flew off in anger..........whatever your perspective would like to choose. In more simple terms; he has gone. I wished this hadn't happened because Allen-T was a very nice person at heart.
Title: Re: Allen-T deleted his own account. He was not banned.
Post by: mord on July 02, 2007, 04:33:56 PM
Sarah i  think we need Fruit to getaway from subject unban fruit
Title: Re: Allen-T deleted his own account. He was not banned.
Post by: angryChineseKahanist on July 02, 2007, 04:37:10 PM

So, is AllenT banned now?

AngryChineseManiac, you aren't too up to date with the drama that has been going on. Yes, Allen-T has been banned, quit, resigned, flew off in anger..........whatever your perspective would like to choose. In more simple terms; he has gone.

Who? What? Where? Why? How?
You'd have to admit, it's quite a mess here.
No, I haven't really been keeping track. I know that he said he was
banned, then jsullivan said he's not. And the title suggests that
he's not banned - that he just left.
so you say that he has definitly been banned?

Oregano, n.:
    The ancient Italian art of pizza folding.
Title: Re: Allen-T deleted his own account. He was not banned.
Post by: ftf on July 02, 2007, 04:39:45 PM
He's been ip banned, he did a video in which he had a photograph of his screen showing the message that he's been banned, he has most definately been banned.
Title: Re: Allen-T deleted his own account. He was not banned.
Post by: Shlomo on July 02, 2007, 05:47:32 PM
He left on his own, tried to make some new accounts on the forum and cause trouble, then his IP was later banned.
Title: Re: Allen-T deleted his own account. He was not banned.
Post by: Sarah on July 02, 2007, 05:51:55 PM
He left on his own, tried to make some new accounts on the forum and cause trouble, then his IP was later banned.

If he uses another computer he could still access JTF.
Title: Re: Allen-T deleted his own account. He was not banned.
Post by: angryChineseKahanist on July 02, 2007, 09:26:23 PM
He left on his own, tried to make some new accounts on the forum and cause trouble, then his IP was later banned.

so folks, admins, anyone, all the fake users came from one source?