General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Sarah on July 05, 2007, 05:49:35 PM

Title: Scotch is a Nazi
Post by: Sarah on July 05, 2007, 05:49:35 PM
Scotch, i have seen many of your posts containing this:

Sieg: German for victory of white men over all others that have been his servants!

Sieg Heil is a German phrase, which literally means "Hail [to] Victory." During the Nazi era, it was a common chant at political rallies. When meeting someone, it was customary in Nazi Germany to give the Hitler salute and say the words "Heil Hitler". "Sieg Heil" was reserved for mass meetings such as the ones at Nuremberg where "Sieg Heil" was shouted in unison by thousands. Often a Nazi official would shout into a microphone "Sieg" and the crowd would answer with "Heil," and there might be several repetitions of this at times in ever-increasing volume. At such rallies there was often a display of banners carrying the slogan "Sieg Heil" along with the swastika. The NSDAP (Nazi Party) made a pin badge in 1933 displaying a victory wreath, the Swastika, and the words "Sieg Heil".

Why do you post this, yet at the same time call yourself a True zionist? You are definitly a white supremacist but what does this mean?
Title: Re: Scotch is a Nazi
Post by: Dexter on July 05, 2007, 06:19:14 PM
Ban him.
Title: Re: Scotch is a Nazi
Post by: shlomo122 on July 05, 2007, 06:20:49 PM
Ban this idiot
Title: Re: Scotch is a Nazi
Post by: ScotcH on July 05, 2007, 06:21:17 PM
Do not judge my code of Ethnics: Pun INTENDED !  I will implement any means necessary to defend the Chosen People's Homeland !
Those LIBERALS amongst us and their tolerant Black Muslim-Loving Principles make them the True Traitors !

I remember you Sarah and your Black Male apologist ways, standing up for the White Lady who fornicated with a Beast !
I fight for RIGHTEOUSNESS, HUMAN Decency, and I must believe those who are NOT followers of the POSITIVELY JEWISH Message are the Traitors amongst us !
You further strain your dubious reputation by attacking a Right-Wing Supporter of Israel !  My inner core remains Undaunted ! ;) 

Title: Re: Scotch is a Nazi
Post by: Sarah on July 05, 2007, 06:27:51 PM
Do not judge my code of Ethnics: Pun INTENDED !  I will implement any means necessary to defend the Chosen People's Homeland !
Those LIBERALS amongst us and their tolerant Black Muslim-Loving Principles make them the True Traitors !

I remember you Sarah and your Black Male apologist ways, standing up for the White Lady who fornicated with a Beast !
I fight for RIGHTEOUSNESS, HUMAN Decency, and I must believe those who are NOT followers of the POSITIVELY JEWISH Message are the Traitors amongst us !
You further strain your dubious reputation by attacking a Right-Wing Supporter of Israel !  My inner core remains Undaunted ! ;) 

I am merely questioning you Scotch, i wondered why you repeatedly posted that phrase. You are very discriminate.
Fornication is an evil sinful act, i would never stand up for it, neither for a Black man. If you are refferring to interracial relationships, i said it is not wrong as long as the couple are married. No where does it say interracial relationships are forbidden in the Torah or any book as such.

Title: Re: Scotch is a Nazi
Post by: ScotcH on July 05, 2007, 06:33:26 PM
Belief in the historical superiority of RIGHTEOUS White Males is not being NAZI !

Nazis who joined Hitler's FRAUD calling where angry about their Defeat after WWI and envied the DECENT Jews, whom were maintaining success after the War.

Sarah, Obviously you have not read the Majority of my Posts or you would know that I deem the Nazis COWARDS for blaming all of Germany's Failure on the DECENT Jews among them !

Let us move on and save Israel from the true ISLAMIC FOE !
I am willing to stand with you !

I encourage those who question my record to review my posts !

Can't believe all this started because I trashed a Woman of Colour who supports OPRAH  :o
Title: Re: Scotch is a Nazi
Post by: Sarah on July 05, 2007, 06:46:14 PM
You are relating and linking such "historical" beliefs in the superiority of righteous white males with that of germany and using a term which was used by the NAZI's to hail a victory.....

I have in fact read a post where you denounce the Nazi's and so was wondering why you posted the german phrase.

It did not start because you trashed Imerica, it started because you posted that horrible link of a website in which people had been lynched, beaten and tortured. It was vile.
Title: Re: Scotch is a Nazi
Post by: Maccabi on July 05, 2007, 06:49:06 PM
I don't like the word seig either.

not sure about scotch.
Title: Re: Scotch is a Nazi
Post by: Lisa on July 05, 2007, 06:55:30 PM
I don't like the word seig either. 
Title: Re: Scotch is a Nazi
Post by: Sarah on July 05, 2007, 06:58:47 PM
I have just noticed something. I myself when typing such a filthy word, spelt in as seig and then realised i had made a mistake after defining it through google. So corrected it to sieg.

Both of you, Lisa and Mackab spelt it seig....maybe it is a natural inclination not to want to spell such a word right, since it is evil!
Title: Re: Scotch is a Nazi
Post by: Dr. Dan on July 05, 2007, 06:59:22 PM
Belief in the historical superiority of RIGHTEOUS White Males is not being NAZI !

Nazis who joined Hitler's FRAUD calling where angry about their Defeat after WWI and envied the DECENT Jews, whom were maintaining success after the War.

Sarah, Obviously you have not read the Majority of my Posts or you would know that I deem the Nazis COWARDS for blaming all of Germany's Failure on the DECENT Jews among them !

Let us move on and save Israel from the true ISLAMIC FOE !
I am willing to stand with you !

I encourage those who question my record to review my posts !

Can't believe all this started because I trashed a Woman of Colour who supports OPRAH  :o

Get the Hell out of here, Scotch....You belong on a Neo-Nazi group...not this one.. we do not discriminate simply because of race or color...only by actions...
Title: Re: Scotch is a Nazi
Post by: ScotcH on July 05, 2007, 07:04:19 PM
"Victory Welfare" is a Slogan of Unity, all I seek is to galvanize Union amongst US !

The Germanic people must come to realize that the true threat to their Existence, along with Any SANE HUMAN's is the Islamic Enemy which Western Civilization continually contributes to with it's powerful dollar !

Stop OILING the PIG Terrorist Machine that has killed the Western BRETHREN !

Title: Re: Scotch is a Nazi
Post by: mord on July 05, 2007, 07:11:58 PM
Belief in the historical superiority of RIGHTEOUS White Males is not being NAZI!

Now you are a sexist like Adam613.

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
Title: Re: Scotch is a Nazi
Post by: Sarah on July 05, 2007, 07:14:05 PM
Belief in the historical superiority of RIGHTEOUS White Males is not being NAZI!

Now you are a sexist like Adam613.

 :DQuite right.
Title: Re: Scotch is a Nazi
Post by: ScotcH on July 05, 2007, 07:23:13 PM
Get the Hell out of here, Scotch....You belong on a Neo-Nazi group...not this one.. we do not discriminate simply because of race or color...only by actions...

I base my sectionalism on those who are HUMAN and NOT Human amongst US !
Title: Re: Scotch is a Nazi
Post by: ScotcH on July 05, 2007, 07:26:15 PM
I'm glad you guys find HUMOR in Satirizing Me !

I however believe WE have Higher Missions which need Tending to ! 8)
Title: Re: Scotch is a Nazi
Post by: Sarah on July 05, 2007, 07:27:56 PM
Get the Hell out of here, Scotch....You belong on a Neo-Nazi group...not this one.. we do not discriminate simply because of race or color...only by actions...

I base my sectionalism on those who are HUMAN and NOT Human amongst US !

A black person is still a human despite how evil they maybe, God created ALL HUMANS and all Beings.
Title: Re: Scotch is a Nazi
Post by: cjd on July 05, 2007, 07:32:40 PM
I was going to write about this an hour ago but it was dinner time. I have come back to see that I was not the only one that was disturbed by Scotch's posts. Scotch despite what it seems JTF does not hate all blacks. You on the other hand  seem to. The lynching link in your post by that left wing group was disgusting. What you wrote in that post shows your true colors. I myself have also been outspoken about blacks but my problem is with  evil blacks only and even then I would not want them to be harmed in the way that link describes.  I don't know what brethren you are trying to associate us with but you are sadly mistaken. JTF does not subscribe to KKK tactics and I don't either. This was a vile post and along with the many others you have posted almost as bad tells me that you really are nothing but a Storm Frontier, KKK, or some other form of racist that hates people for no other reason other than the color of their skin.  I seldom call for the banning of a member however in this case I really don't see what the point is of having a loose canon like you around is.   
« Reply #73 on: Today at 04:18:24 PM »
Post by ScotcH

Feast your eyes on an Old Southern Ritual our BRETHREN used in ceremonies on you APES: See what 'Whitey' do to yo peepz  http://aztlan.net/condi_vs_minutemen.htm
Btw Great LIGHTING for such an old Photo, don't you think ??  Shocked Smiley   

Afterwards, they would sing the Glorious Christian hymn "AMAZING GRACE" !  Wink

Stop going BANANAS !!
We've all seen your kind that can't take criticism, EVEN if it's true !!

Stop supporting Martin Luther COON and Malcolm HEX and tell your BROS to give 'Whitey' back his TAX dollars !!

P.S. Stop wearing Shoe Polish on your face !
Title: Re: Scotch is a Nazi
Post by: nessuno on July 05, 2007, 07:57:09 PM
I agree CJD - I'm very proud of Sarah for calling ScotcH on this- I'm not sure he has a place on the forum.
Title: Re: Scotch is a Nazi
Post by: MasterWolf1 on July 05, 2007, 07:57:56 PM
I don't like the Seig quote either.
Title: Re: Scotch is a Nazi
Post by: Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks on July 05, 2007, 08:36:18 PM
You all are probably not going to believe I am saying this, but I don't see any direct evidence that he is a Nazi. The use of "sieg" is odd, needless to say, but if he is a philo-Semitic white German nationalist, I don't see what grounds we have to attack him.

Has he attacked Jewry or Israel in any way? Not that I have seen. You know I tend to be quite liberal with the above epithet, as soon as somebody proves that they are Jew-haters, but so far all I am seeing is that Scotch is an immature kid like Tonycali or possibly early Sarah.

The user Azrom has "Negroes have diseased blood" and an argument that blacks are in evolutionary terms 200,000 years behind whites, but he has not faced attack for this.

I say we back off and wait until Scotch says something truly Hitlerlike.
Title: Re: Scotch is a Nazi
Post by: Alexander on July 05, 2007, 08:44:41 PM
I was going to write about this an hour ago but it was dinner time. I have come back to see that I was not the only one that was disturbed by Scotch's posts. Scotch despite what it seems JTF does not hate all blacks. You on the other hand  seem to. The lynching link in your post by that left wing group was disgusting. What you wrote in that post shows your true colors. I myself have also been outspoken about blacks but my problem is with  evil blacks only and even then I would not want them to be harmed in the way that link describes.  I don't know what brethren you are trying to associate us with but you are sadly mistaken. JTF does not subscribe to KKK tactics and I don't either. This was a vile post and along with the many others you have posted almost as bad tells me that you really are nothing but a Storm Frontier, KKK, or some other form of racist that hates people for no other reason other than the color of their skin.  I seldom call for the banning of a member however in this case I really don't see what the point is of having a loose canon like you around is.   
« Reply #73 on: Today at 04:18:24 PM »
Post by ScotcH

Feast your eyes on an Old Southern Ritual our BRETHREN used in ceremonies on you APES: See what 'Whitey' do to yo peepz  http://aztlan.net/condi_vs_minutemen.htm
Btw Great LIGHTING for such an old Photo, don't you think ??  Shocked Smiley   

Afterwards, they would sing the Glorious Christian hymn "AMAZING GRACE" !  Wink

Stop going BANANAS !!
We've all seen your kind that can't take criticism, EVEN if it's true !!

Stop supporting Martin Luther COON and Malcolm HEX and tell your BROS to give 'Whitey' back his TAX dollars !!

P.S. Stop wearing Shoe Polish on your face !

I am too new here to call for anyone's banning but I really didn't join this forum to be associated with people that have Scotch's views. I've been listening to Chaim for over 12 years and I know he has always based his anger on people's actions not their color or ethnicity.
Title: Re: Scotch is a Nazi
Post by: Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks on July 05, 2007, 08:51:13 PM
How do we know Scotch was calling for all blacks to be lynched, and not just the evil ones?

Chaim, myself, and all of us would agree that EVIL blacks deserve to be lynched. I think evil whites, Hispanics, and all other abominable humans should be lynched too?
Title: Re: Scotch is a Nazi
Post by: nessuno on July 05, 2007, 09:00:42 PM
I don't believe that scotcH thinks much of women either -  ;)...just a feeling I get.
Would he like to lynch us too? ???
Title: Re: Scotch is a Nazi
Post by: cjd on July 05, 2007, 09:05:09 PM
You all are probably not going to believe I am saying this, but I don't see any direct evidence that he is a Nazi. The use of "sieg" is odd, needless to say, but if he is a philo-Semitic white German nationalist, I don't see what grounds we have to attack him.

Has he attacked Jewry or Israel in any way? Not that I have seen. You know I tend to be quite liberal with the above epithet, as soon as somebody proves that they are Jew-haters, but so far all I am seeing is that Scotch is an immature kid like Tonycali or possibly early Sarah.

The user Azrom has "Negroes have diseased blood" and an argument that blacks are in evolutionary terms 200,000 years behind whites, but he has not faced attack for this.

I say we back off and wait until Scotch says something truly Hitlerlike.
Well I for one really don't care to be brethren to anyone that holds the view that lynching blacks or anyone else is the way to go. Saying blacks have deceased blood is one thing. Thats a view point that can be debated.  Advocating that we should string people up is quite another. JTF is not a vigilante group. As crazy as it sounds if tomorrow all black folks decided to be law abiding folks that would be good enough for me. My complaints would at that point be over. I have been know to post some strong view points about blacks and other minorities however I always like to think that my views are based on evil behavior that they display. ScotcH has been given his warning he can do as he wishes.   
Title: Re: Scotch is a Nazi
Post by: cjd on July 05, 2007, 09:21:53 PM
How do we know Scotch was calling for all blacks to be lynched, and not just the evil ones?

Chaim, myself, and all of us would agree that EVIL blacks deserve to be lynched. I think evil whites, Hispanics, and all other abominable humans should be lynched too?
Lynching people is a tricky business who's to say who ends up on the end of the rope. Lynch mobs don't always have the best judgement.  I sort of like people to get a fair trial and then be executed by due process. Lesser offences deportation and jail would suffice. That stringing people up  business could get out of hand. I really cant say I have ever heard Chaim call for Lynching anyone despite what you say.
Title: Re: Scotch is a Nazi
Post by: Lisa on July 05, 2007, 09:27:34 PM
I agree with CJD.  I don't care for lynching.  If someone is found guilty of murder after a fair trial by jury, then I am for the death penalty.  But I'm against lynch mobs.
Title: Re: Scotch is a Nazi
Post by: Imerica on July 05, 2007, 09:55:24 PM
I'm glad you guys find HUMOR in Satirizing Me !

I however believe WE have Higher Missions which need Tending to ! 8)
And they certainly dont' include tearing down people who have done no wrong to us.

People of JTF... I actually saw a commercial / infomercial where Christians are helping Jews escape Russia. If I had $350 right now, I'd help to free a Jewish person from the madness going on in Russia (Former Soviet Union). I hate seeing anyone in dire straits especially when there is something we can all do.

Scotch, you're not helping the cause at all. You're useless and uninformed.
Title: Re: Scotch is a Nazi
Post by: cjd on July 05, 2007, 10:00:51 PM
I'm glad you guys find HUMOR in Satirizing Me !

I however believe WE have Higher Missions which need Tending to ! 8)
And they certainly dont' include tearing down people who have done no wrong to us.

People of JTF... I actually saw a commercial / infomercial where Christians are helping Jews escape Russia. If I had $350 right now, I'd help to free a Jewish person from the madness going on in Russia (Former Soviet Union). I hate seeing anyone in dire straits especially when there is something we can all do.

Scotch, you're not helping the cause at all. You're useless and uninformed.
Imerica be sure you sitting down for this.........
 On this post I agree with you 100%
Title: Re: Scotch is a Nazi
Post by: Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks on July 05, 2007, 10:18:45 PM
I never said Chaim calls for lynchings. I said Chaim would AGREE with lynching EVIL blacks who are guilty of what they are accused of.

In any case I think we can kindly ask Scotch to no longer call for lynchings and to not use the cry "Sieg!" anymore, and see how he reacts to that, before we ban him.
Title: Re: Scotch is a Nazi
Post by: Zvulun Ben Moshe on July 05, 2007, 10:19:11 PM
I'm glad you guys find HUMOR in Satirizing Me !

I however believe WE have Higher Missions which need Tending to ! 8)
And they certainly dont' include tearing down people who have done no wrong to us.

People of JTF... I actually saw a commercial / infomercial where Christians are helping Jews escape Russia. If I had $350 right now, I'd help to free a Jewish person from the madness going on in Russia (Former Soviet Union). I hate seeing anyone in dire straits especially when there is something we can all do.

Scotch, you're not helping the cause at all. You're useless and uninformed.

Imerica, I can't believe this! Are you a proud JTFer now?  :D
Title: Re: Scotch is a Nazi
Post by: Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks on July 05, 2007, 10:26:22 PM
Erica, how do you feel about blacks who say similar things to Scotch?

In case you want examples, I'll list five: Professor Griff, Al Sharpton, Farrakhan, Jesse Jackson, and Robert Mugabe.

You can spin and twist and turn and evade all you want, but one thing is for certain: you have never made an unqualified and absolute denunciation of a black racist on this forum. The most you have ever said of them is "they don't speak for me" or "I don't agree with their racial views".

I think the fact that so many blacks who obviously know better either stand with, or refuse to condemn, racist animals like those I mentioned above is what makes people like Scotch so angry at the black race.
Title: Re: Scotch is a Nazi
Post by: cosmokramer on July 06, 2007, 01:03:27 AM
This forum attracts alot of nazis. Think of the bright side though, It means we are growing.
Title: Re: Scotch is a Nazi
Post by: ScotcH on July 06, 2007, 07:53:31 AM
I have to say I strongly disagree with this adamant concession of ground to the barbarians beneath us.
"The chairman" himself on occasion has stated his support for the ideal of the Confederate States of America.  In fact he's stated that next to the Israel flag on the original broadcasts, a Confederate flag should have been next to it.

"The chairman" has also shown his support for ANN COULTER who called the Iranian President AhmedDREKajad a Sand APE !
Perhaps this doesn't come across as Racist to you !! ;D

Btw I'm Glad Flower-Girl HIPPIE Sarah and Her TOKEN BLACK Friend America have gotten back to their MULTI-Cultural Jargon about how we are all equal.

Disgraceful White Women like you where stoned before the "Rosa Park-N-Ride" Affirmative Action days for dishonoring White's SUPREME Status !

I don't care what any of you MULTI-Cultural Sympathizing LIBERALS have to say, JTF endorses WHITE Western CULTURE above All OTHERS !

Heads High BRETHREN !
It's Still OUR Country !
Do you honestly like the idea of having BABOONS chase your Wives and Daughters around town ?
You are lying to yourselves.
Honesty is something that White Culture has suppressed.
"The chairman" has stated that if the truth came out the MAGGOT MINORITIES would know they were SCUM ! ... Plz Believe It !
Title: Re: Scotch is a Nazi
Post by: ScotcH on July 06, 2007, 07:57:25 AM
I have to state "The chairman" would be displeased with such Slander of a Right-Wing Supporter of ISRAEL !

WHITE HUMANS Don't Attack their OWN !
Title: Re: Scotch is a Nazi
Post by: Kananga on July 06, 2007, 10:09:22 AM

WHITE HUMANS Don't Attack their OWN !

Title: Re: Scotch is a Nazi
Post by: Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks on July 06, 2007, 12:30:44 PM
Scotch, do please try to calm down. I more or less took your side here--please don't embarass me.

Title: Re: Scotch is a Nazi
Post by: WhiteHawk on July 06, 2007, 03:07:22 PM
I heard a rumor Sarah was an ex-muslim. if anything, Ban this idiot.
Title: Re: Scotch is a Nazi
Post by: MarZutra on July 06, 2007, 03:08:02 PM
I have to state "The chairman" would be displeased with such Slander of a Right-Wing Supporter of ISRAEL !

WHITE HUMANS Don't Attack their OWN !

White Humans Don't attack their own?  Might you explain the, what 25 million, that were murdered in Russia? Starved to death in engineered starvations in the Ukrane....  One cannot make a blanket statement like this.  NOT all whites are good people as not all blacks are bad people.  

There are righteous of all races.  There are some good Arabs....albeit the ones that partake in the vile ideology of Islam classify them as drek like Whites who partake in Nazism or Communism.....which too includes the Judenrot like Bobby Fischer for example...
Title: Re: Scotch is a Nazi
Post by: Sarah on July 06, 2007, 03:08:41 PM
By the standards of the Torah it humans are not judged on the colour of their skin but their actions carried out!!! You don't even refer to the evil schvartzas as being bad, you just call blacks beasts, and call for their extermination.

If you think you are "special" for being WHITE, and that will earn your place in the world to come then think again, scotch!

JTF endorses white western culture because it is civilised and isn't murderous, not because it is merely racially WHITE but because of its characteristics!

I am not a flower girl hippie scotch, i just don't believe in discriminating without the contemplation of good and bad. If a black man is good and fighting a worthy cause, while a white person, is blowing his brains out with drugs and commiting acts of crime, i WILL not stick up for the white person.

Not all cultures are equal, i never said that but all humans are brought into this world equal and free will determines the rest.

I do not wish for you to be banned scotch, i just didn't think a lot of what you posted was appropriate and believed you were suggesting other things within your posts. I cannot fully judge you and i'm sorry if i have angered you a great deal but a lot of what you said angered me.

White zionist humans attack nazism and their disgustings ways of filth.

Title: Re: Scotch is a Nazi
Post by: Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks on July 06, 2007, 03:10:00 PM
Sarah, I do think you provoked some of this by just up and calling him a Nazi. That wasn't warranted at all.
Title: Re: Scotch is a Nazi
Post by: Kananga on July 06, 2007, 03:13:58 PM
Scotch brought it upon himself with all of his "master race" and "Seig" references.  I got the impression that you guys didn't care about having Nazi's on the board.
Title: Re: Scotch is a Nazi
Post by: WhiteHawk on July 06, 2007, 03:15:29 PM
Sarah anyone with a brain can read through that propaganda you posted. Go back to Arabsforislam.com :)) and leave the big boys alone.
Title: Re: Scotch is a Nazi
Post by: ScotcH on July 06, 2007, 03:17:27 PM
White Humans Don't attack their own?  Might you explain the, what 25 million, that were murdered in Russia? Starved to death in engineered starvations in the Ukrane....  One cannot make a blanket statement like this.  NOT all whites are good people as not all blacks are bad people. 

There are righteous of all races.  There are some good Arabs....albeit the ones that partake in the vile ideology of Islam classify them as drek like Whites who partake in Nazism or Communism.....which too includes the Judenrot like Bobby Fischer for example...

This is specifically why I used the "WHITE HUMANS" together.
Whites who murdered their Brethren were not showing Humanity !
They were worthy of Execution for their Crimes: which many Nazis received, though NOT Nearly Enough !
Title: Re: Scotch is a Nazi
Post by: nessuno on July 06, 2007, 03:21:42 PM
I heard a rumor Sarah was an ex-muslim. if anything, Ban this idiot.
I'm going to do some fortunetelling...I see no banning in Sarah's future...I can't say the same for you.   ;)
Title: Re: Scotch is a Nazi
Post by: Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks on July 06, 2007, 03:22:27 PM
They were worthy of Execution for their Crimes: which many Nazis received, though NOT Nearly Enough [/u]!
So you are against German Nazis who murdered Jews?
Title: Re: Scotch is a Nazi
Post by: WhiteHawk on July 06, 2007, 03:23:17 PM
If your serious in the fight against islam then you wouldn't allow these muslims on to this forum. Sarah is obviously using liberal propaganda saying how whites are always guilty and minoritys are victims. I am a conservative first and foremost.
Title: Re: Scotch is a Nazi
Post by: Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks on July 06, 2007, 03:24:44 PM
Hawk, she is not a Muslim anymore, and you can see that I let her know I was displeased with her flippantly calling somebody a Nazi.
Title: Re: Scotch is a Nazi
Post by: nessuno on July 06, 2007, 03:25:20 PM
Sarah, I do think you provoked some of this by just up and calling him a Nazi. That wasn't warranted at all.
Oh stop it C.F. - the problem with Sarah is that she is too diplomatic!
Who does scotcH mean by OUR BRETHRENS.
Title: Re: Scotch is a Nazi
Post by: Sarah on July 06, 2007, 03:26:57 PM
Sarah, I do think you provoked some of this by just up and calling him a Nazi. That wasn't warranted at all.

I know, i over reacted to it however it wasn't nice seeing, those images that he posted of a deceased tortured mexican and lynched blacks. And white hawk if enjoying those images means being a "big boy" then i pity you.

I never said whites are always guilty. I never said minorities are victims, show me even ONE of my posts that says this and contradicts the teachings of the torah.

Thank you Bullcat. :)

Title: Re: Scotch is a Nazi
Post by: Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks on July 06, 2007, 03:27:29 PM
Bullcat, I normally like all of your posts but why do you hate Scotch so much, and why are you defending an inappropriate and over-the-top remark?

I have faced criticism when I have stepped over the line here--why shouldn't Sarah? I am not saying Sarah is a bad person, just that calling somebody a Nazi without a lot of evidence is not appropriate.
Title: Re: Scotch is a Nazi
Post by: ScotcH on July 06, 2007, 03:41:19 PM
They were worthy of Execution for their Crimes: which many Nazis received, though NOT Nearly Enough [/u]!
So you are against German Nazis who murdered Jews?

This question is merely rhetorical.  And I believe I have already given the answer to that ! ;)
Title: Re: Scotch is a Nazi
Post by: Lisa on July 06, 2007, 03:41:58 PM
Ok folks, calm down. 

Sarah is not a trouble maker, and I am not banning her.  She's a nice girl.  She was only troubled by Scotch constantly saying "sieg" in his posts, and referring to "great white masters dominating inferior races" or something to that effect. 

Let me remind everyone here that JTF does not hate people simply for the color of their skin.  Chaim hates many blacks for their evil actions, and he believes that all people have free will, regardless of their race.  Therefore, they can either choose to be good or evil.  Chaim believes that many blacks and Third World peoples choose to be evil. 

Also, I don't think this is the place for photos of lynchings.  We are law abiding people here, and lynching is totally repulsive.  If someone has committe a capital crime, and is then found guilty by a jury of his peers, then I am for the death penalty.  But no lynchings. 

So everybody make nice, or I will lock this thread. 
Title: Re: Scotch is a Nazi
Post by: Sarah on July 06, 2007, 03:52:26 PM
Bullcat, I normally like all of your posts but why do you hate Scotch so much, and why are you defending an inappropriate and over-the-top remark?

I have faced criticism when I have stepped over the line here--why shouldn't Sarah? I am not saying Sarah is a bad person, just that calling somebody a Nazi without a lot of evidence is not appropriate.

Ok chaimfan, the only place where i have called scotch that is on the topic name i will change it.

Scotch, read Lisa's comment it  represents the true "chairmans" views.
Title: Re: Scotch is a Nazi
Post by: Alexander on July 06, 2007, 03:56:39 PM
Thank you Lisa for being the voice of reason and for cleary stating the views of JTF.
Title: Re: Scotch is a Nazi
Post by: cjd on July 06, 2007, 03:59:20 PM
Sarah only said exactly what need to be said. The post with Lynchings was the final straw he has had some other winners as well. Sarah in no way went over any line. Nobody detests evil blacks more than I do but I would never advocate stringing anyone up. This is a country of laws and we need to be better then the evil  people we condemn. Scotch if you want to be an accepted member of JTF you need to realize that JTF can not align itself with KKK good old boys. I am really surprised with the level of story twisting trying to put this on Sarah.
Title: Re: Scotch is a Nazi
Post by: ScotcH on July 06, 2007, 04:28:49 PM
Sarah only said exactly what need to be said. The post with Lynchings was the final straw he has had some other winners as well. Sarah in no way went over any line. Nobody detests evil blacks more than I do but I would never advocate stringing anyone up. This is a country of laws and we need to be better then the evil  people we condemn. Scotch if you want to be an accepted member of JTF you need to realize that JTF can not align itself with KKK good old boys. I am really surprised with the level of story twisting trying to put this on Sarah.

I was only attempting to eduMAcate the Sista on the Forum about the ways White American Men treated her people !

Then she was kind enough to show her TRUE Colours. ::)

Title: Re: Scotch is a Nazi
Post by: ScotcH on July 06, 2007, 04:35:10 PM
Hawk, she is not a Muslim anymore, and you can see that I let her know I was displeased with her flippantly calling somebody a Nazi.

Are you to tell me that I have a Recovering Muslim NAZI attacking me !

You learn something New everyday !
I advise you to remove what you have ... HASTILY !
Title: Re: Scotch is a Nazi
Post by: nessuno on July 06, 2007, 04:35:33 PM
Bullcat, I normally like all of your posts but why do you hate Scotch so much, and why are you defending an inappropriate and over-the-top remark?

I have faced criticism when I have stepped over the line here--why shouldn't Sarah? I am not saying Sarah is a bad person, just that calling somebody a Nazi without a lot of evidence is not appropriate.

Sorry C.F.  I don't have time right now...I'm in the middle of a big land deal... I'm purchasing property on the NorthFork of Long Island - from the BlackFoot Indian tribe for 50 Guineas  ;)
Please read over ScotcH's posts and get back to me...
For example ScotcH said
Re: 21 Ways To Be A Good Liberal
« Reply #11 on: July 04, 2007, 09:36:13 AM »
   Reply with quoteQuote
"Columbus is on the Santa Maria; the crew's Italian.  Columbus walk down the gang plank and waiting at the bottom is a middle-aged Indian.  Columbus knocks the Indian on his as- and sticks the Spanish flag in the ground; and out of the bushes comes a seventy-five year old squaw with a cleft head and an ax in her back, but the Indian starts to cry Cry because he knows he's going to be exploited.  Columbus puts his arm around the Indian, points to the crew and says, 'In exchange for your land I'll give you fifty Guineas.'  Cut to a shot of a get-out-of-here Mouse trap; tell them how much it costs, where you buy it and that's it."     
Title: Re: Scotch is a Nazi
Post by: ScotcH on July 06, 2007, 04:39:55 PM
You have until 17:00 !

Can you figure that one out ?  :P
Title: Re: Scotch is a Nazi
Post by: Imerica on July 06, 2007, 04:57:08 PM
I'm glad you guys find HUMOR in Satirizing Me !

I however believe WE have Higher Missions which need Tending to ! 8)
And they certainly dont' include tearing down people who have done no wrong to us.

People of JTF... I actually saw a commercial / infomercial where Christians are helping Jews escape Russia. If I had $350 right now, I'd help to free a Jewish person from the madness going on in Russia (Former Soviet Union). I hate seeing anyone in dire straits especially when there is something we can all do.

Scotch, you're not helping the cause at all. You're useless and uninformed.

Imerica, I can't believe this! Are you a proud JTFer now?  :D
No, I'm no JTF'er by any stretch of the imagination. lol I'm someone who is moved to help people who need it. It broke my heart to see what I saw in that commercial; its just a shame that it only comes on at 2 am when most of our country is asleep. Why not show it during the day like the "Save the Children" commercials?
Title: Re: Scotch is a Nazi
Post by: nessuno on July 06, 2007, 05:09:18 PM
You have until 17:00 !

Can you figure that one out ?  :P
Go scratch ...ScotcH
Title: Re: Scotch is a Nazi
Post by: Dexter on July 06, 2007, 05:09:55 PM
You have until 17:00 !

Can you figure that one out ?  :P
Go scratch ...ScotcH
Title: Re: Scotch is a Nazi
Post by: WhiteHawk on July 06, 2007, 05:10:15 PM
well all i am saying is a muslim accusing somone of nazism is trouble making and uncalled for.
Title: Re: Scotch is a Nazi
Post by: Dexter on July 06, 2007, 05:14:57 PM
well all i am saying is a muslim accusing somone of nazism is trouble making and uncalled for.
She isnt muslim .
Title: Re: Scotch is a Nazi
Post by: nessuno on July 06, 2007, 05:15:50 PM
well all i am saying is a muslim accusing somone of nazism is trouble making and uncalled for.
She did nothing of the sort you better get your facts straight before you make accusations.
Title: Re: Scotch is a Nazi
Post by: WhiteHawk on July 06, 2007, 05:17:58 PM
I've met my fair share of ex-muslims from Yahoo! chatrooms. Almost all of them have subscribed to the Protocols of the Elders of Zion and other anti-semetic propaganda. Once you are a muslim it warps your mind as Mazurta said here on these forums. Islam causes unintelligence and is a disease. I am very weary of these who claim to be ex-muslim.

nothing of the sort

Scotch is a Nazi
Title: Re: Scotch is a Nazi
Post by: Imerica on July 06, 2007, 05:18:30 PM
well all i am saying is a muslim accusing somone of nazism is trouble making and uncalled for.
I have a feeling that some of you NOT ALL OF YOU but some have a problem understanding that when someone isn't a muslim anymore, THEY ARE NO LONGER A MUSLIM! (If that was the case with Sarah...because I wasn't here when she first came here). Chaim is no longer in jail, should I or anyone else who dosen't agree with him call him a criminal all his life because of something he did when I was in 4th grade? Sure, I bring it up in his videos when he talks about Obama being muslim and going to a Madrassa when he was 6 years old but there is no need to keep calling him a Muslim if he wasn't that deep into the religion in the first place... his mom and dad separated, I believe so he was raised by his mom who definately wasn't a Muslim. At any rate...this was in his past..not in his present. Just like Sarah's past (and she's 15 years old by the way and wise for her age) is her past.
Title: Re: Scotch is a Nazi
Post by: Sarah on July 06, 2007, 05:24:23 PM
I've met my fair share of ex-muslims from Yahoo! chatrooms. Almost all of them have subscribed to the Protocols of the Elders of Zion and other anti-semetic propaganda. Once you are a muslim it warps your mind as Mazurta said here on these forums. Islam causes unintelligence and is a disease. I am very weary of these who claim to be ex-muslim.

nothing of the sort

Scotch is a Nazi

I am weary of those who use Nazi terms and phrases.

Title: Re: Scotch is a Nazi
Post by: Imerica on July 06, 2007, 05:24:40 PM
I've met my fair share of ex-muslims from Yahoo! chatrooms. Almost all of them have subscribed to the Protocols of the Elders of Zion and other anti-semetic propaganda. Once you are a muslim it warps your mind as Mazurta said here on these forums. Islam causes unintelligence and is a disease. I am very weary of these who claim to be ex-muslim.

nothing of the sort

Scotch is a Nazi
You and Scotch need to deal in reality. You dont' know what sort of person Sarah is because you don't know her. But it dosen't take a rocket scientist to figure out that Sarah is harmless, whether she was Muslim or not. Its people like you and Scotch that we have to watch out for, which is not unlike the attitude that some evil "so-called" muslims carry. "The way I think is the only way to think therefore you are wrong and insignificant and must be dealt with." Pft, whatever.
Title: Re: Scotch is a Nazi
Post by: ScotcH on July 06, 2007, 05:40:46 PM

A Recovering Muslim NAZI is still an INFESTED NAZI

You have been your ISLAMIC Bed now roll over in your filthy MUSLIM Pigsty !   :-X
Title: Re: Scotch is a Nazi
Post by: Sarah on July 06, 2007, 05:45:53 PM

A Recovering Muslim NAZI is still an INFESTED NAZI

You have been your ISLAMIC Bed now roll over in your filthy MUSLIM Pigsty !   :-X

Eat the pigsty.
Title: Re: Scotch is a Nazi
Post by: Alexander on July 06, 2007, 05:50:04 PM

A Recovering Muslim NAZI is still an INFESTED NAZI

You have been your ISLAMIC Bed now roll over in your filthy MUSLIM Pigsty !   :-X

Are you for real? I'm starting to think this is a put on. If you are serious, may G-d help you. I'll stay out of these rants from now on.
Title: Re: Scotch is a Nazi
Post by: Shlomo on July 06, 2007, 05:50:36 PM
ScotcH is banned and this thread is locked. Attacking posters is completely inappropriate and against the rules.

Furthermore, garbage like this is distracting us from the mail goal. We need to be concentrating on making JTF a mass movement.