General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: christians4jews on February 04, 2013, 06:09:49 PM

Title: America and the Superbowl are a joke
Post by: christians4jews on February 04, 2013, 06:09:49 PM
European boxers dominate USA boxers, Tennis dominated by Europe, both the long jump and hig jump won by European men. Rugby, soccer, golf the same...

I saw the NFL game, and it was like i was in Africa. Black hosts, 95 black players, even the disgustingly trashy beyonce as halftime singer and Alicia keys opening ceremony.

Is the Superbowl just a extension on black history month? Have White America been been brainwashed so much that it not only thinks Black Americans are more Athletic(a thing that Europeans disprove time and time again), but now you have bent over and taken black culture fully on???

Am i being to harsh on you guys, but to me there is no way your country can be saved with this level moral decay. PLus you have another 4 years of Obama.

Plus im from Britain where things are woeful here..but by goodness America seems finished :(
Title: Re: America and the Superbowl are a joke
Post by: TruthSpreader on February 04, 2013, 06:15:04 PM
I agree. We've given them tens of millions of dollars and they still aren't happy. They still act like wild apes. Actually wild apes behave better than this.
Title: Re: America and the Superbowl are a joke
Post by: Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks on February 04, 2013, 06:22:22 PM
But you also have an Islamic invasion to a much greater degree than America.
Title: Re: America and the Superbowl are a joke
Post by: christians4jews on February 04, 2013, 06:24:52 PM
I agree. We've given them tens of millions of dollars and they still aren't happy. They still act like wild apes. Actually wild apes behave better than this.

and i hope you dont i mocking the great American Jews on here and the old tradiotnal America, as im not. I love some of the American sportmen, the mickleson, phelps, larry birds etc, but the NFL just seems a glorification of all things "rap".

Rugby imo is a far faster more skillful game, played by the rest of the world, and doesnt have a 80 percent plus black roosters.

Perhaps Chaim should do a video on this???
Title: Re: America and the Superbowl are a joke
Post by: cjd on February 04, 2013, 06:28:30 PM
European boxers dominate USA boxers, Tennis dominated by Europe, both the long jump and hig jump won by European men. Rugby, soccer, golf the same...

I saw the NFL game, and it was like i was in Africa. Black hosts, 95 black players, even the disgustingly trashy beyonce as halftime singer and Alicia keys opening ceremony.

Is the Superbowl just a extension on black history month? Have White America been been brainwashed so much that it not only thinks Black Americans are more Athletic(a thing that Europeans disprove time and time again), but now you have bent over and taken black culture fully on???

Am i being to harsh on you guys, but to me there is no way your country can be saved with this level moral decay. PLus you have another 4 years of Obama.

Plus im from Britain where things are woeful here..but by goodness America seems finished :(
Well I am here in the United States and I did not spend a moment watching any of that cr-p... You should make better use of your time :::D
Title: Re: America and the Superbowl are a joke
Post by: christians4jews on February 04, 2013, 06:29:35 PM
But you also have an Islamic invasion to a much greater degree than America.

I for one do not think things are all rosy in England far from it, we have a Horrible system. But at least the Home British people are not all self hating wite people. We do have hope(although not perfect), we have the UKIP , whom are pro Israel and more Right wing than Mitt Romney's of the world, whom who dominate the republican rooster

We have a Muslim problem, but there are marches against it..i very much doubt that would be the case in the US now
Title: Re: America and the Superbowl are a joke
Post by: christians4jews on February 04, 2013, 06:31:06 PM
Well I am here in the United States and I did not spend a moment watching any of that cr-p... You should make better use of your time :::D

i didn't watch it mate, i just happen to flick it on. I probably watched 5 minute of it. But read up to the opening and mid session ceremonies...
Title: Re: America and the Superbowl are a joke
Post by: Zelhar on February 04, 2013, 06:36:14 PM
But what exactly are you saying regarding to professional sport ?

Do you think coaches and general managers prefer inferior players due to their race ? I don't think so.
Title: Re: America and the Superbowl are a joke
Post by: christians4jews on February 04, 2013, 06:39:57 PM
But what exactly are you saying regarding to professional sport ?

Do you think coaches and general managers prefer inferior players due to their race ? I don't think so.

i dont think anyones inferior, i believe in GOD, therefore it would be a sin for me to thi k that we are not all equal.

However, with a population of 12/13 percent, and yet make up over 80 percent of the NFL AND NBA roosters, they has to be some form of Affirmative action It can be Athleticism as Current boxing, Rugby, soccer, tennis, swimming and Cycling all debunk this.

Title: Re: America and the Superbowl are a joke
Post by: Zelhar on February 04, 2013, 06:45:27 PM
You assume that the distribution of a particular sport's players is uniform across the population. It's not. There are allot of urban blacks who play basket ball and football. But very few of them play hockey, and almost 0% of them ski. There are allot of small town Canadians who play Ice Hockey. There are relatively few people who live near high mountains but I suppose most of the skiers come from such places.
Title: Re: America and the Superbowl are a joke
Post by: cjd on February 04, 2013, 06:46:22 PM
i didn't watch it mate, i just happen to flick it on. I probably watched 5 minute of it. But read up to the opening and mid session ceremonies...
I don't want to know a thing about it... The entire sport along with most others went down the tubes about 20 years ago... The little I have heard about it over the news was quite enough... In my opinion they should broadcast that garbage over the animal planet network.
Title: Re: America and the Superbowl are a joke
Post by: USAReturn2GodNow1776 on February 04, 2013, 07:31:44 PM
i believe in GOD, therefore it would be a sin for me to think that we are not all equal.

God makes it clear in the Bible that people are not all equal since equal means not different. Using terms like 'inferior' only enflames and poisons a healthy conversation about differences. Take people born with Downs Syndrome for example. The great 20th century sage the Chazon Ish used to stand up in respect when a person with Downs Syndrome came into the room. He explained that to have been given such limitations, the soul of this person must be very great, having come into this world to complete the process of perfection in this unique way.

Title: Re: America and the Superbowl are a joke
Post by: Rubystars on February 04, 2013, 09:37:15 PM
When you say the word equal then you have to ask "equal in what way?". No two people are exactly equal in intelligence, strength, ability at various pursuits, etc. The subset of the population that could be labeled "People with Down Syndrome" for example are not equal in intelligence to the subset of the population that could be labeled "Currenly employed astrophysicists". It doesn't mean that the first group is inherently less worthy of respect or human dignity than the second group. It just means that in that one aspect, they are not equal.

I think there are ways in which all human beings are equal.

We are all created in God's image. We all have inherent worth as human beings. We all have the same basic human rights.

Beyond that, for the most part, people can be very unequal in many ways.
Title: Re: America and the Superbowl are a joke
Post by: drlmg on February 04, 2013, 10:00:46 PM
We are all created in God's image.

The key word here is CREATED..... after that it is up to us what we do with our self.

For example, I was created equally to Jesse Jackson...... :yuck:

On second thought...... never mind!!
Title: Re: America and the Superbowl are a joke
Post by: muman613 on February 04, 2013, 10:09:56 PM
What is meant by being created equal? It means that all humanity is created with the potential to be great. It is up to the individual to improve his character and his skills from the day he or she is born. We are certainly not equal in terms of these skills and character since each person has free will to do with his or her life as they see fit.

Judaism affirms both the created equality of all, and the differences of an individual. Thus the word for 'Holy' in Hebrew which technically means 'special or different' is used to distinguish the Jewish people (We are called a 'Goy Kadosh' or a 'Holy Nation'). Within the Jewish faith we recognize three tribes, the Kohain (Priest), the Levite and the Yisraeli... This distinction is kept to this day, and the descendants of these tribes have special responsibilities in the Jewish prayer rituals. A person born a Levite can never be a Kohain, nor can a Yisraeli ever be either a Levite or a Kohain... We are not equal, we are born for a particular task...

Title: Re: America and the Superbowl are a joke
Post by: drlmg on February 04, 2013, 10:12:55 PM
Great words of realistic and useful wisdom muman613.
Title: Re: America and the Superbowl are a joke
Post by: Dr. Dan on February 05, 2013, 06:34:12 AM
All due respect, but in England will be long gone and finished before the USA. Your country is infested with the most rabid Muslims. At least we have half our country sane enough to know what Muslims really are and the includes a tiny minority of blacks.
Title: Re: America and the Superbowl are a joke
Post by: cjd on February 05, 2013, 06:48:58 AM
All due respect, but in England will be long gone and finished before the USA. Your country is infested with the most rabid Muslims. At least we have half our country sane enough to know what Muslims really are and the includes a tiny minority of blacks.
Yes quite true... I have an aunt that has lived there all her adult life... She lived in the outskirts of London for years but recently had to move because the neighborhood became infested by muslims and blacks making it dangerous and uninhabitable for normal people... It seems the commonwealth status England had with many places years ago has now left the door open for invaders with legal status to settle in... The picture is far worse that anything we have here in the U.S. ... The sad part of the picture for us is the shvartza President is trying everything in his power to erase any lead on the situation England has.
Title: Re: America and the Superbowl are a joke
Post by: realist26 on February 05, 2013, 08:15:33 AM
I am a huge sports fan but simply cannot tolerate NFL and NBA because of the black rap tatoo culture.  It is quite disgusting and young kids are being brainwashed into thinking it is cool
Title: Re: America and the Superbowl are a joke
Post by: IsraeliGovtAreKapos on February 05, 2013, 11:45:09 AM
Whorope is filled up to the arse with negroes arabs and pakis who rain your daughters with sperm and all you do is whine about the yankees rofl... edomite brains

Title: Re: America and the Superbowl are a joke
Post by: Rubystars on February 05, 2013, 12:04:15 PM
The superbowl is just plain stupid in my opinion.
Title: Re: America and the Superbowl are a joke
Post by: ChabadKahanist on February 05, 2013, 12:17:56 PM
Why do they import schvartzers from America for the Israeli basketball teams?
Title: Re: America and the Superbowl are a joke
Post by: christians4jews on February 05, 2013, 01:16:46 PM
Why do they import schvartzers from America for the Israeli basketball teams?

As mentioned whites won the long jump at the Olympics and high jump, and Jonathan Edwards has never been touched on the triple jump.

So why in America they discriminate against whites is beyond me, but its the most blatant discrimination ive eve seen. Thats the NFL.
Title: Re: America and the Superbowl are a joke
Post by: christians4jews on February 05, 2013, 01:26:47 PM
All due respect, but in England will be long gone and finished before the USA. Your country is infested with the most rabid Muslims. At least we have half our country sane enough to know what Muslims really are and the includes a tiny minority of blacks.

I said Britain, Scotland, wales included, hardly Islamic hardcore areas.

Also Haven't the USA technically voted in a Muslim????

As i say, the UK is in a woeful position, no way am i telling you to move here. But you guys have a black muslim president, a black hip hop culture and 16.5 trillion dollars debt.
Title: Re: America and the Superbowl are a joke
Post by: Dr. Dan on February 05, 2013, 02:27:40 PM
And look how openly and obviously anti Israel the white English parliament has become v
Title: Re: America and the Superbowl are a joke
Post by: christians4jews on February 05, 2013, 02:50:00 PM
And look how openly and obviously anti Israel the white English parliament has become v

i agree, but again your president trumps that being a Muslim that is plotting to wipe little Israel off the map.

Plus we have UKIP(Pro Israel) on the rise and in 10 years could be a major player.

Whereas you have a republican party tying to go so left wing its not even funny.

As i say, UK is a sinking ship, but US judging by your biggest spectacle is a faster sinking ship.
Title: Re: America and the Superbowl are a joke
Post by: cjd on February 05, 2013, 06:17:32 PM
I said Britain, Scotland, wales included, hardly Islamic hardcore areas.

Also Haven't the USA technically voted in a Muslim????

As i say, the UK is in a woeful position, no way am i telling you to move here. But you guys have a black muslim president, a black hip hop culture and 16.5 trillion dollars debt.
The debt is only about 12 trillion and England has the same hip hop culture if not worse... England has a one trillion dollar debt which is massive for a country its size and unlike the United States has little resources to ever close a debt even that small... The United States on the other hand  has the resources and ability to close even the massive debt it has over time under the correct leadership... I am not so sure that is ever going to be  the case for England.
Title: Re: America and the Superbowl are a joke
Post by: christians4jews on February 05, 2013, 07:22:39 PM
The debt is only about 12 trillion and England has the same hip hop culture if not worse... England has a one trillion dollar debt which is massive for a country its size and unlike the United States has little resources to ever close a debt even that small... The United States on the other hand  has the resources and ability to close even the massive debt it has over time under the correct leadership... I am not so sure that is ever going to be  the case for England.

I think your nationaldebt is 16.5 trillion, and projected to reach 22 trillion at the end of Obamas next 4 years, and you Overall debt including public and private is 58 trillion mate.


Plus most of our sporting Athletes are not hippity hoppy compared to yours. Ronnie osulivan, Andy murray, David beckham, chis hoy, boxers like carl froch, joe calzaghe, and the whole England ruby team is white. Our

The NFL and NBA which America literally worships over(in the media) is Predominately black. All of your boxers are black, and America worships racists such as bernard hopkins and floys mayweather. Also the USA worshipped the williams bother and tiger woods.

Which country produces films such as the help, django unchained and white chicks..not the uk.

The uk is rubbish mate, ill admit that, but i think unless something drastic happens, you US could be finished. Culturally and economically.

Title: Re: America and the Superbowl are a joke
Post by: GreenLightToGo on February 06, 2013, 12:02:17 AM
If I may enter this discussion, I think that Britain & America have common interests & problems that need to be resolved.  I don't think that Britain or America will "sink".  Western civilization has been around for thousands of years, and I think it will be around for many years more.

I think the issue is how the West's issues will be solved, not whether they will be.  In times of crisis, better and worse leaders have solved the West's problems.  What we want to do is to prevent the worse leaders from coming to power (David Duke, for example).

Political correctness in the Republican Party could possibly lead to less desirable leaders coming to the fore who make no distinction between left-wing & right-wing Jews, and think they are all part of a Zionist conspiracy.  I think that's what we want to prevent, especially on a forum like this with a lot of emphasis on Judaism & the Jewish people.
Title: Re: America and the Superbowl are a joke
Post by: briann on February 06, 2013, 12:57:25 AM
ummmm....   sorry, but European 'Football' is just plain boring.
Title: Re: America and the Superbowl are a joke
Post by: cjd on February 06, 2013, 05:33:15 AM
I think your nationaldebt is 16.5 trillion, and projected to reach 22 trillion at the end of Obamas next 4 years, and you Overall debt including public and private is 58 trillion mate.


Plus most of our sporting Athletes are not hippity hoppy compared to yours. Ronnie osulivan, Andy murray, David beckham, chis hoy, boxers like carl froch, joe calzaghe, and the whole England ruby team is white. Our

The NFL and NBA which America literally worships over(in the media) is Predominately black. All of your boxers are black, and America worships racists such as bernard hopkins and floys mayweather. Also the USA worshipped the williams bother and tiger woods.

Which country produces films such as the help, django unchained and white chicks..not the uk.

The uk is rubbish mate, ill admit that, but i think unless something drastic happens, you US could be finished. Culturally and economically.
Personally speaking I never watch sports of any type or modern entertainment... The though of spending a few hours watching primates running around on the field or screeching schvartza entertainers has about as much appeal as a visit to the dentist... They can keep their half time shows and degenerate TV commercials for the weak minded who watch cr=p like that... Europe as well as England went down the path of miscegenation decades before it has become trendy here in the United States... I will go as far as to say it was instigated here by the entertainment industry on your side of the pond as they say... I have watched your Rugby a few times and I must agree the players for the most part are still humans... Football and basket ball here have become a joke... American blacks were breed for size and when in games like that the biggest and the tallest will always have a slight advantage... It's actually hocked the sport to a great extent... At least in the crazy sport of boxing they still don't toss a light weight into the ring with a heavy weight... They just rig the outcome to what the odds demand :::D ... Anyway I don't  believe the debt is as high as your claiming for the United States... I have checked around and every site reports a number that fits the political angle they are pushing for... Needless to say it's far higher that it should be and in most cases will never be paid off in anyone alive now's lifetime... As far as America being finished.... Possibly... Most likely for people like me it is... Younger people are use to things as they are and really don't see a problem with the social settings of today... Younger folks seem to adapt to the smaller cars, smaller homes, higher energy and food prices doing with less in general far easier than someone like myself... As long as they are willing to absorb the change of needing two paycheck families, longer work hours and the government digging deeper into their pockets things will continue on for some time to come here in the United States despite the trillions in debt mounting up.. The bottom line is as bad as it is here the same situations for the most part are far worse in most other places.   
Title: Re: America and the Superbowl are a joke
Post by: USAReturn2GodNow1776 on February 06, 2013, 06:23:22 AM
Of course most people don't miscegenate and never will unless, perhaps, they are coerced or heavily propagandized. Like attracts like in general. Even within what we call 'races' people of similar features tend to find their way to each other when it comes time to marry and procreate. Blonds have not gone extinct in Brazil and other such heavily multiracial countries. And among 'whites', women are less likely to miscegenate than men are. So to those who dislike miscegenation, it is a good thing that women are no longer owned and traded like property, that arranged marriages are done away with, and that women are free to select.
Title: Re: America and the Superbowl are a joke
Post by: The One and Only Mo on February 06, 2013, 12:38:39 PM
Just because you people aren't into sports doesn't give you a right to criticize it. It's a hobby for a lot of people. I'm sure you all have hobbies which other people think is a waste of time and stupid. It's an acquired taste, and to each his own.
Title: Re: America and the Superbowl are a joke
Post by: christians4jews on February 06, 2013, 12:58:03 PM
Of course most people don't miscegenate and never will unless, perhaps, they are coerced or heavily propagandized. Like attracts like in general. Even within what we call 'races' people of similar features tend to find their way to each other when it comes time to marry and procreate. Blonds have not gone extinct in Brazil and other such heavily multiracial countries. And among 'whites', women are less likely to miscegenate than men are. So to those who dislike miscegenation, it is a good thing that women are no longer owned and traded like property, that arranged marriages are done away with, and that women are free to select.

i agree mate, i showed Chaim that its actually white men that date outside the race more than white women. The highest percentage divorce rate is between black males and white females...once they go black ha.
Title: Re: America and the Superbowl are a joke
Post by: christians4jews on February 06, 2013, 01:10:54 PM
Personally speaking I never watch sports of any type or modern entertainment... The though of spending a few hours watching primates running around on the field or screeching schvartza entertainers has about as much appeal as a visit to the dentist... They can keep their half time shows and degenerate TV commercials for the weak minded who watch cr=p like that... Europe as well as England went down the path of miscegenation decades before it has become trendy here in the United States... I will go as far as to say it was instigated here by the entertainment industry on your side of the pond as they say... I have watched your Rugby a few times and I must agree the players for the most part are still humans... Football and basket ball here have become a joke... American blacks were breed for size and when in games like that the biggest and the tallest will always have a slight advantage... It's actually hocked the sport to a great extent... At least in the crazy sport of boxing they still don't toss a light weight into the ring with a heavy weight... They just rig the outcome to what the odds demand :::D

Boxing is now dominated by eastern Europeans. The USA have you that its regressed, but since the fall of communism the eastern Europeans such as the poles, Ukraine, and Russians etc have Gone over to the USA 's "Athletic blacks" that are supposidly super men. Plus the Dutch are the tallest people, its an Urban myth, just like others parts of their bodies, that black people are taller.

Heres a vid of the K bros kncoking out DEM USA Athletes.


And uks Carl Froch(hes actually quater polish)


. Anyway I don't  believe the debt is as high as your claiming for the United States... I have checked around and every site reports a number that fits the political angle they are pushing for... Needless to say it's far higher that it should be and in most cases will never be paid off in anyone alive now's lifetime... As far as America being finished.... Possibly... Most likely for people like me it is... Younger people are use to things as they are and really don't see a problem with the social settings of today... Younger folks seem to adapt to the smaller cars, smaller homes, higher energy and food prices doing with less in general far easier than someone like myself... As long as they are willing to absorb the change of needing two paycheck families, longer work hours and the government digging deeper into their pockets things will continue on for some time to come here in the United States despite the trillions in debt mounting up.. The bottom line is as bad as it is here the same situations for the most part are far worse in most other places.   


No it really is 16.5 trillion mate, with a public and private debt of 58 trillion. You have a far higher debt per tax payer the UK.

I think that the fact that the great JTFERS on here children are writing about black history month as there assignments adds to my debate. Mind you the UK has some incredibly vile propaganda in our education system, so i cant talk to be honest.

Title: Re: America and the Superbowl are a joke
Post by: HiWarp on February 06, 2013, 02:27:45 PM
Just because you people aren't into sports doesn't give you a right to criticize it. It's a hobby for a lot of people. I'm sure you all have hobbies which other people think is a waste of time and stupid. It's an acquired taste, and to each his own.

Regarding the waste of time and stupidity of peoples' hobbies, if you are referring to people that are into PLAYING sports, yes, no problem with that. If you are referring to people whose hobbies include sitting in their living room for 10 hours every Sunday, eating crappy food, drinking beer, and yelling at their TV, I'd have to say that falls into the waste of time and stupid category.
Title: Re: America and the Superbowl are a joke
Post by: The One and Only Mo on February 06, 2013, 03:52:06 PM
Regarding the waste of time and stupidity of peoples' hobbies, if you are referring to people that are into PLAYING sports, yes, no problem with that. If you are referring to people whose hobbies include sitting in their living room for 10 hours every Sunday, eating crappy food, drinking beer, and yelling at their TV, I'd have to say that falls into the waste of time and stupid category.
And you're entitled to your opinion.
Title: Re: America and the Superbowl are a joke
Post by: Super Mentalita on February 06, 2013, 04:18:51 PM
ummmm....   sorry, but European 'Football' is just plain boring.

It's the greatest sport ever! ;D
Title: Re: America and the Superbowl are a joke
Post by: Dr. Dan on February 06, 2013, 05:52:25 PM
Here is your answer about English Football

Title: Re: America and the Superbowl are a joke
Post by: HiWarp on February 07, 2013, 06:33:25 AM
And you're entitled to your opinion.

Of course I am as is everyone else. I used to be an avid sports fan a long time ago until I got sick of very well paid unionized athletes going on strike. I basically wrote off all sports after that.
Title: Re: America and the Superbowl are a joke
Post by: christians4jews on February 08, 2013, 01:30:09 PM
Here is your answer about English Football


it always amazses me how Americans call football(sorry soccer) boring when American football is a game that playing time is 45 minutes but lasts 3 hours due to all of the stoppages. The ref has to explain every play thats going on. Its a joke. Rugby is far more althetic sport as it actually has endurance.

In fact Nascar is a poor mans Formula 1, American pool is a very poor mans snooker...but how you guys can find this boring is beyond me..

Title: Re: America and the Superbowl are a joke
Post by: The One and Only Mo on February 08, 2013, 05:07:46 PM
football is like chess: it's mostly thinking about strategy. In soccer, you just wait and wait for a goal to scored, but it hardly ever happens. Football at least contains action on every play. I fall asleep watching soccer. To each his own.
Title: Re: America and the Superbowl are a joke
Post by: Zelhar on February 08, 2013, 05:42:28 PM
it always amazses me how Americans call football(sorry soccer) boring when American football is a game that playing time is 45 minutes but lasts 3 hours due to all of the stoppages. The ref has to explain every play thats going on. Its a joke. Rugby is far more althetic sport as it actually has endurance.

In fact Nascar is a poor mans Formula 1, American pool is a very poor mans snooker...but how you guys can find this boring is beyond me..

NBA games are also stretched for 3 hours. And so do NHL games. I suppose it is also true for baseball. They do that so they could broadcast as many commercials as possible. I think Football can be played allot faster if it wasn't all about trying to broadcast as many commercials as their viewers would tolerate.
Title: Re: America and the Superbowl are a joke
Post by: christians4jews on February 09, 2013, 06:46:06 AM
NBA games are also stretched for 3 hours. And so do NHL games. I suppose it is also true for baseball. They do that so they could broadcast as many commercials as possible. I think Football can be played allot faster if it wasn't all about trying to broadcast as many commercials as their viewers would tolerate.

actually football is soccer, soccer is what Americans call football, football is alot older than American football.

Plus i find it Amusing that you say you have to wait, when the NFL has 100000000000000000000 stoppages. Horrible spot to watch, which is why the rest of the wold do not play it. RUgby league is far more Athletic, faster, no padding and far more endurance.


btw Soccer sorry i mean football is the most popular spot in the world... lionel messi>NFL
