Save Western Civilization => Save America => Topic started by: Trumpeldor on August 27, 2007, 08:02:58 PM
Too bad he can't move to a hilltop in Judea and Samaria ;D
Father's day must really suck for these people.
Father's day must really suck for these people.
My husband and I have 5 children. He had two before we met each other in his senior year in high school. Two different moms...yes he admits he should have waited but he dosen't regret that his daughters are here. In fact, we have custody of my stepdaughters until they graduate from high school and go off to college. He could have gone in any direction from the time of conception to the time they were born but he stayed a tried and true dad to them. I know a lot of dads who have 1 or 2 children who'd just assume walk passed their child in the street than spend time with them.
Father's day MUST suck for Travis, but at least he's in touch with his children.
What's the definition of 'total confusion'?..................
Fathers' Day in Harlem. ;D
What other hobbies does this 'gentleman' have. If he wants to take care of his 'children' so much why did the whore ran and get a court order. Be prepared for nine more useless 'adults' sponging off of 'you know who' in the near future.
That's a sick thing to do to the children of those whores... by a savage who has one thing on his mind besides football!!!
What would happen if the whore monger did not have a job where white fools pay him millions. He is a college grad, but so are the vast majority of gladiators. They are given phoney degrees in sports sociology, pt or black studies. Since he has a degree he could get a job in the post office, irs, or some other give-a-way civil service over paid job to blacks, who will soon be replaced by mexicraps. He still would not be able to manage paying for this self made 'village'. Whitey would come to the whores' rescue with the usual load of goodies, such as food stamps, aid to dependent children, clothing allowance, free school breakfest, free school lunch, child care, head start, pre-school, SSI (you can bet your bottom dollar that these creatures are plagued by an array of mental and physical aberations (whether true or imaginary), earned income taxed credit for the whole bunce which comes out to 2 grand a bastard whether you have worked or not and the list goes on and on. Whitey will pay for the mammies to go to some kind of job core garbage where they will learn 'how to dress for success', 'interpersonal skills', 'office proceedures', 'good work habits' and 'how to cry racism whenever the whime hits them'. Heaven help us because our politicians won't.
What would happen if the whore monger did not have a job where white fools pay him millions. He is a college grad, but so are the vast majority of gladiators. They are given phoney degrees in sports sociology, pt or black studies. Since he has a degree he could get a job in the post office, irs, or some other give-a-way civil service over paid job to blacks, who will soon be replaced by mexicraps. He still would not be able to manage paying for this self made 'village'. Whitey would come to the whores' rescue with the usual load of goodies, such as food stamps, aid to dependent children, clothing allowance, free school breakfest, free school lunch, child care, head start, pre-school, SSI (you can bet your bottom dollar that these creatures are plagued by an array of mental and physical aberations (whether true or imaginary), earned income taxed credit for the whole bunce which comes out to 2 grand a bastard whether you have worked or not and the list goes on and on. Whitey will pay for the mammies to go to some kind of job core garbage where they will learn 'how to dress for success', 'interpersonal skills', 'office proceedures', 'good work habits' and 'how to cry racism whenever the whime hits them'. Heaven help us because our politicians won't.
Come on now. This man is making millions and is perfectly able to take care of his team of children. Are you currently paying for any of them to attend school? Apparently not. Why worry about it? How is what he does with HIS time (and who he does...as well as the end result) end up being a problem for YOU?
What would happen if the whore monger did not have a job where white fools pay him millions. He is a college grad, but so are the vast majority of gladiators. They are given phoney degrees in sports sociology, pt or black studies. Since he has a degree he could get a job in the post office, irs, or some other give-a-way civil service over paid job to blacks, who will soon be replaced by mexicraps. He still would not be able to manage paying for this self made 'village'. Whitey would come to the whores' rescue with the usual load of goodies, such as food stamps, aid to dependent children, clothing allowance, free school breakfest, free school lunch, child care, head start, pre-school, SSI (you can bet your bottom dollar that these creatures are plagued by an array of mental and physical aberations (whether true or imaginary), earned income taxed credit for the whole bunce which comes out to 2 grand a bastard whether you have worked or not and the list goes on and on. Whitey will pay for the mammies to go to some kind of job core garbage where they will learn 'how to dress for success', 'interpersonal skills', 'office proceedures', 'good work habits' and 'how to cry racism whenever the whime hits them'. Heaven help us because our politicians won't.
Come on now. This man is making millions and is perfectly able to take care of his team of children. Are you currently paying for any of them to attend school? Apparently not. Why worry about it? How is what he does with HIS time (and who he does...as well as the end result) end up being a problem for YOU?
No it's a problem for you and other black people who don't do what he does.
The sluts had to run to court to get 'daddie' to pay. If he did not have a job that pays millions given to him by white fools, you bet we would be paying for this 'mistakes'.
What would happen if the whore monger did not have a job where white fools pay him millions. He is a college grad, but so are the vast majority of gladiators. They are given phoney degrees in sports sociology, pt or black studies. Since he has a degree he could get a job in the post office, irs, or some other give-a-way civil service over paid job to blacks, who will soon be replaced by mexicraps. He still would not be able to manage paying for this self made 'village'. Whitey would come to the whores' rescue with the usual load of goodies, such as food stamps, aid to dependent children, clothing allowance, free school breakfest, free school lunch, child care, head start, pre-school, SSI (you can bet your bottom dollar that these creatures are plagued by an array of mental and physical aberations (whether true or imaginary), earned income taxed credit for the whole bunce which comes out to 2 grand a bastard whether you have worked or not and the list goes on and on. Whitey will pay for the mammies to go to some kind of job core garbage where they will learn 'how to dress for success', 'interpersonal skills', 'office proceedures', 'good work habits' and 'how to cry racism whenever the whime hits them'. Heaven help us because our politicians won't.
Come on now. This man is making millions and is perfectly able to take care of his team of children. Are you currently paying for any of them to attend school? Apparently not. Why worry about it? How is what he does with HIS time (and who he does...as well as the end result) end up being a problem for YOU?
No it's a problem for you and other black people who don't do what he does.
How is it a problem for me? LOL Seriously. I'm not making a stink over how many kids a rich man has, you are. He's taking care of his kids and has said so in the article. Why can't you just let the man handle his own problems?
The sluts had to run to court to get 'daddie' to pay. If he did not have a job that pays millions given to him by white fools, you bet we would be paying for this 'mistakes'.
It's a good thing that those "white fools" have so many millions to pay him and others just like him.
Where do you get this "we" stuff from? How many millions do you make fjack? Are you jealous?
Dear kongo, I am not jealous you fool. I have a very good job as an engineer and architectural visualization expert. What McDonald's are you the night manager of. The history of these darkies making millions and winding up broke on welfare is as old as sports itself. Let us take you greatest big mouth, cassius clay. Cassius clay is broke, his daughter tries to support him and she is broke also. The white hater black muslim loser goes around now trying to sign autographs for a couple of bucks from white people. He went through millions. Look at iron mike, where be my coke, another one broke. There have been many black gladiators who have went broke opening fried chicken joints, rap labels, and some even opened up car washes. Between supporting there host of little illegitmate low IQ bastards they to are broke. It also goes to the Rap music biggies. Take bobbie brown, he can't even raise money for his child support. No, I am not jealous. I find this hilarious, that every stereotype they say about you slaves, excuse me, ex slaves is all true, every single word of it.
Dear kongo, I am not jealous you fool. I have a very good job as an engineer and architectural visualization expert. What McDonald's are you the night manager of. The history of these darkies making millions and winding up broke on welfare is as old as sports itself. Let us take you greatest big mouth, cassius clay. Cassius clay is broke, his daughter tries to support him and she is broke also. The white hater black muslim loser goes around now trying to sign autographs for a couple of bucks from white people. He went through millions. Look at iron mike, where be my coke, another one broke. There have been many black gladiators who have went broke opening fried chicken joints, rap labels, and some even opened up car washes. Between supporting there host of little illegitmate low IQ bastards they to are broke. It also goes to the Rap music biggies. Take bobbie brown, he can't even raise money for his child support. No, I am not jealous. I find this hilarious, that every stereotype they say about you slaves, excuse me, ex slaves is all true, every single word of it.
This entire post just proved how incredibly high your IQ is. Layla Ali isn't broke and neither is her dad> And since you want to talk about the guy with the 9 children...is HE broke? NO. But my guess is that you wish you were making as much money as he is. Instead of being angry that this man has 9 children, be happy you're not taking care of either one of them. And nothing you said is true...besides Bobby Brown is raising money for child support, Mike Tyson may either be broke..but the man in question isn't broke by a long shot...AND he's taking care of his children.
Breeding b@stard kids all over the place AND not hanging around are sadly, TNB....Typical Negro Behaviour.
Breeding b@stard kids all over the place AND not hanging around are sadly, TNB....Typical Negro Behaviour.
Judging black people because they live a separate life from you is TNB... Typical Newman Behavior. Before trying to tell everyone else how to live, Newman...fix the issues you have in YOUR life first.
Breeding b@stard kids all over the place AND not hanging around are sadly, TNB....Typical Negro Behaviour.
Judging black people because they live a separate life from you is TNB... Typical Newman Behavior. Before trying to tell everyone else how to live, Newman...fix the issues you have in YOUR life first.
Like what?
I have NO b@stard kids, I'm not on welfare or social security, I'm NOT a criminal and I don't blame the englishman for keepin' us po' micks down!
Breeding b@stard kids all over the place AND not hanging around are sadly, TNB....Typical Negro Behaviour.
Judging black people because they live a separate life from you is TNB... Typical Newman Behavior. Before trying to tell everyone else how to live, Newman...fix the issues you have in YOUR life first.
Like what?
I have NO b@stard kids, I'm not on welfare or social security, I'm NOT a criminal and I don't blame the englishman for keepin' us po' micks down!
You can't get into a good University .. GO! You blamed blacks for keeping YOU down. You're no better than evil blacks who do that.
Breeding b@stard kids all over the place AND not hanging around are sadly, TNB....Typical Negro Behaviour.
Judging black people because they live a separate life from you is TNB... Typical Newman Behavior. Before trying to tell everyone else how to live, Newman...fix the issues you have in YOUR life first.
Like what?
I have NO b@stard kids, I'm not on welfare or social security, I'm NOT a criminal and I don't blame the englishman for keepin' us po' micks down!
You can't get into a good University .. GO! You blamed blacks for keeping YOU down. You're no better than evil blacks who do that.
Are you stupid?
I posted an essay written by an American speaking in general terms!!
I never tried to enter university!!! much less blamed blacks (of which there are very few here).
Breeding b@stard kids all over the place AND not hanging around are sadly, TNB....Typical Negro Behaviour.
Judging black people because they live a separate life from you is TNB... Typical Newman Behavior. Before trying to tell everyone else how to live, Newman...fix the issues you have in YOUR life first.
Like what?
I have NO b@stard kids, I'm not on welfare or social security, I'm NOT a criminal and I don't blame the englishman for keepin' us po' micks down!
You can't get into a good University .. GO! You blamed blacks for keeping YOU down. You're no better than evil blacks who do that.
Are you stupid?
I posted an essay written by an American speaking in general terms!!
I never tried to enter university!!! much less blamed blacks (of which there are very few here).
You never cited anyone..not even an anonomyous person. And at any rate, even if those weren't your words, the white person is STILL blaming black people for his short-comings. Its HIS fault that he didn't get into a good University.
You never cited anyone..not even an anonomyous person. And at any rate, even if those weren't your words, the white person is STILL blaming black people for his short-comings. Its HIS fault that he didn't get into a good University.
It would be his fault IF there was NO AA.
But because colleges have to keep a number of places for blacks who can't compete academically, some whites ARE losing places at some colleges!!!
You never cited anyone..not even an anonomyous person. And at any rate, even if those weren't your words, the white person is STILL blaming black people for his short-comings. Its HIS fault that he didn't get into a good University.
It would be his fault IF there was NO AA.
But because colleges have to keep a number of places for blacks who can't compete academically, some whites ARE losing places at some colleges!!!
You are crazy if you believe that EVERY black person that attends a university are Affirmative Action. There are more colleges in America than one can shake a stick at and he's balling about not being able to get into ONE? LOL HIM blaming the blacks who are in college for his not being accepted is no different than some self-hating black person blaming YOU, newman, for their downfalls.
You never cited anyone..not even an anonomyous person. And at any rate, even if those weren't your words, the white person is STILL blaming black people for his short-comings. Its HIS fault that he didn't get into a good University.
It would be his fault IF there was NO AA.
But because colleges have to keep a number of places for blacks who can't compete academically, some whites ARE losing places at some colleges!!!
You are crazy if you believe that EVERY black person that attends a university are Affirmative Action. There are more colleges in America than one can shake a stick at and he's balling about not being able to get into ONE? LOL HIM blaming the blacks who are in college for his not being accepted is no different than some self-hating black person blaming YOU, newman, for their downfalls.
It is NOT the same. There is NO AA for whites!
You never cited anyone..not even an anonomyous person. And at any rate, even if those weren't your words, the white person is STILL blaming black people for his short-comings. Its HIS fault that he didn't get into a good University.
It would be his fault IF there was NO AA.
But because colleges have to keep a number of places for blacks who can't compete academically, some whites ARE losing places at some colleges!!!
You are crazy if you believe that EVERY black person that attends a university are Affirmative Action. There are more colleges in America than one can shake a stick at and he's balling about not being able to get into ONE? LOL HIM blaming the blacks who are in college for his not being accepted is no different than some self-hating black person blaming YOU, newman, for their downfalls.
It is NOT the same. There is NO AA for whites!
AA is evil and dumb and there's no need for it, Newman. But there are other colleges in America that this 'person' could have gone to instead of letting one unaccepted application go by. PLUS THIS GUY IS ONLY ASSUMING THAT HE CAN'T GET INTO A GOOD UNIVERSITY BECAUSE OF BLACK PEOPLE!!! Did the admissions person tell him ..."No, there's no room for you here...we just had to accept a black person . Gotta keep up that Quota!!!:D " Hell no.
AA is evil and dumb and there's no need for it, Newman. But there are other colleges in America that this 'person' could have gone to instead of letting one unaccepted application go by. PLUS THIS GUY IS ONLY ASSUMING THAT HE CAN'T GET INTO A GOOD UNIVERSITY BECAUSE OF BLACK PEOPLE!!! Did the admissions person tell him ..."No, there's no room for you here...we just had to accept a black person . Gotta keep up that Quota!!!:D " Hell no.
If a college has 10,000 places and 4,000 are 'reserved' for blacks because of AA, if he was number 6,500 whitey he'd miss out. But he WOULDN't miss out if there was NO AA. That's his point!! But YOU NEVER get points, do you?
You never cited anyone..not even an anonomyous person. And at any rate, even if those weren't your words, the white person is STILL blaming black people for his short-comings. Its HIS fault that he didn't get into a good University.
It would be his fault IF there was NO AA.
But because colleges have to keep a number of places for blacks who can't compete academically, some whites ARE losing places at some colleges!!!
You are crazy if you believe that EVERY black person that attends a university are Affirmative Action. There are more colleges in America than one can shake a stick at and he's balling about not being able to get into ONE? LOL HIM blaming the blacks who are in college for his not being accepted is no different than some self-hating black person blaming YOU, newman, for their downfalls.
Actually Erica, he's not crazy to think that ALMOST EVERY black person who attends a University is there because of Affirmative Action. Of course there are some black people who didn't try to go to competitive schools and they would have got in anyway, but most blacks don't do that because they are taught by their guidance counselors and teachers and professors that they will be able to shoot higher than their grades would indicate because they qualify for affirmative action. Most people who go to college will take advantage of a situation that will get them better scholarships and placement in higher quality schools. You obviously don't know how schools run in America, Erica.
I systematically went through a website that compiles GPAs and LSAT scores (the two criteria law schools look at) of people applying for law school and the site also shows which schools they applied to and if they were accepted or rejected.
Then there is a site where you can input your GPA and LSAT score to predict what kind of a chance you would have for entrance into a particular school.
I went through and did this for every black applicant I could find, and I found that none of them were over the 25% chance of getting in mark of the schools that they were accepted at. Most of them were at the 0-10% chance level, which basically means that if they were white they should definitely expect NOT to get into the school. I compiled the LSAT and GPAs of law students at MY school and I found that none of the black people who were accepted were over the 20% mark. If you go up to all the black people at my law school and ask them what sort of numbers they have, and then compare those numbers to some of the white people at my school, I guarantee you 100% that you'll find significant differences.
One of the black guys in my class was at the 50% percentile on his LSAT and he got in. The other blacks have similar score such as thing. The average LSAT scores of the students in my class are at the 90th%, (including the blacks)
Trust me, affirmative action exists, and it exists in a very explicit, and noticeably real way.
It's like this in 95% of the Universities and graduate schools across the U.S.
Also newman is right about some whites having their spots taken from whites. That's the inevitable result of these kinds of policies. Of course that doesn't mean that the white guy didn't go to a school, or even a very good school, but in some cases it could make the difference between getting in and not getting in for borderline cases.
Say you're applying to Harvard and you're at the bottom 10% of their applicant pool. Since they reserve around that much for affirmative action, that person won't get into Harvard. Why? Affirmative action.
I've done research on the law school site, looking at the numbers of the 2010 classes of the top law schools in the U.S. The black and other URM (under represented minorities) have lower numbers than many other students who went to lower ranked schools. That's not because those people didn't want to go to Harvard, it's because affirmative action exists. Input their numbers into the admissions calculators and you'll find that absent affirmative action there's no way they would have been admitted to the schools they were admitted to.
Dear kongo, I am not jealous you fool. I have a very good job as an engineer and architectural visualization expert. What McDonald's are you the night manager of. The history of these darkies making millions and winding up broke on welfare is as old as sports itself. Let us take you greatest big mouth, cassius clay. Cassius clay is broke, his daughter tries to support him and she is broke also. The white hater black muslim loser goes around now trying to sign autographs for a couple of bucks from white people. He went through millions. Look at iron mike, where be my coke, another one broke. There have been many black gladiators who have went broke opening fried chicken joints, rap labels, and some even opened up car washes. Between supporting there host of little illegitmate low IQ bastards they to are broke. It also goes to the Rap music biggies. Take bobbie brown, he can't even raise money for his child support. No, I am not jealous. I find this hilarious, that every stereotype they say about you slaves, excuse me, ex slaves is all true, every single word of it.
Too true!!!
If they have any type of money at all, they will spend it!!!
The mentality of LIVING FOR THE MOMENT is what they're all about... bling,bling,rims,cribs,and all that... IS what they speak about everyday and in every way try to demonstrate that on TV.
Dear kongo, I am not jealous you fool. I have a very good job as an engineer and architectural visualization expert. What McDonald's are you the night manager of. The history of these darkies making millions and winding up broke on welfare is as old as sports itself. Let us take you greatest big mouth, cassius clay. Cassius clay is broke, his daughter tries to support him and she is broke also. The white hater black muslim loser goes around now trying to sign autographs for a couple of bucks from white people. He went through millions. Look at iron mike, where be my coke, another one broke. There have been many black gladiators who have went broke opening fried chicken joints, rap labels, and some even opened up car washes. Between supporting there host of little illegitmate low IQ bastards they to are broke. It also goes to the Rap music biggies. Take bobbie brown, he can't even raise money for his child support. No, I am not jealous. I find this hilarious, that every stereotype they say about you slaves, excuse me, ex slaves is all true, every single word of it.
Too true!!!
If they have any type of money at all, they will spend it!!!
The mentality of LIVING FOR THE MOMENT is what they're all about... bling,bling,rims,cribs,and all that... IS what they speak about everyday and in every way try to demonstrate that on TV.
The whole idea of putting family needs, savings and a house purchase ahead of fancy clothes and pimped out autos is seen as a white idea and is foreign to the negro.
You never cited anyone..not even an anonomyous person. And at any rate, even if those weren't your words, the white person is STILL blaming black people for his short-comings. Its HIS fault that he didn't get into a good University.
It would be his fault IF there was NO AA.
But because colleges have to keep a number of places for blacks who can't compete academically, some whites ARE losing places at some colleges!!!
You are crazy if you believe that EVERY black person that attends a university are Affirmative Action. There are more colleges in America than one can shake a stick at and he's balling about not being able to get into ONE? LOL HIM blaming the blacks who are in college for his not being accepted is no different than some self-hating black person blaming YOU, newman, for their downfalls.
Actually Erica, he's not crazy to think that ALMOST EVERY black person who attends a University is there because of Affirmative Action. Of course there are some black people who didn't try to go to competitive schools and they would have got in anyway, but most blacks don't do that because they are taught by their guidance counselors and teachers and professors that they will be able to shoot higher than their grades would indicate because they qualify for affirmative action. Most people who go to college will take advantage of a situation that will get them better scholarships and placement in higher quality schools. You obviously don't know how schools run in America, Erica.
I systematically went through a website that compiles GPAs and LSAT scores (the two criteria law schools look at) of people applying for law school and the site also shows which schools they applied to and if they were accepted or rejected.
Then there is a site where you can input your GPA and LSAT score to predict what kind of a chance you would have for entrance into a particular school.
I went through and did this for every black applicant I could find, and I found that none of them were over the 25% chance of getting in mark of the schools that they were accepted at. Most of them were at the 0-10% chance level, which basically means that if they were white they should definitely expect NOT to get into the school. I compiled the LSAT and GPAs of law students at MY school and I found that none of the black people who were accepted were over the 20% mark. If you go up to all the black people at my law school and ask them what sort of numbers they have, and then compare those numbers to some of the white people at my school, I guarantee you 100% that you'll find significant differences.
One of the black guys in my class was at the 50% percentile on his LSAT and he got in. The other blacks have similar score such as thing. The average LSAT scores of the students in my class are at the 90th%, (including the blacks)
Trust me, affirmative action exists, and it exists in a very explicit, and noticeably real way.
It's like this in 95% of the Universities and graduate schools across the U.S.
I never said AA didn't exist. I never said it didn't exist in colleges, I 'm saying that not EVERY black person got into college because of AA, AND that there are more colleges than that guy probably had the nerve to apply for. He could have gotten in to ANY college he wanted. And still could if he didn't blame the black race for not being accepted into ONE college.
I never said AA didn't exist. I never said it didn't exist in colleges, I 'm saying that not EVERY black person got into college because of AA, AND that there are more colleges than that guy probably had the nerve to apply for. He could have gotten in to ANY college he wanted. And still could if he didn't blame the black race for not being accepted into ONE college.
Read Ze'ev's posts again. You're wrong.
I never said AA didn't exist. I never said it didn't exist in colleges, I 'm saying that not EVERY black person got into college because of AA, AND that there are more colleges than that guy probably had the nerve to apply for. He could have gotten in to ANY college he wanted. And still could if he didn't blame the black race for not being accepted into ONE college.
Read Ze'ev's posts again. You're wrong.
So his dreams of getting an education are pretty much shot because EVERY SINGLE BLACK PERSON in college, has taken over the Universities? LOL My husband and I are in college (Yes ME ME ME AGAIN, since you want to involve ALL blacks in your generalization)... I'm working on a 3.5 GPA and he has a 4.0 GPA. I'm actually pretty happy that no one asked what race I was when I applied online/ neither was it asked of my husband. Those colleges that do participate in the AA acceptance instead of accepting on merit, need to be closed down because LOTS of other people of different cultures want to attend school to. Its not right to monopolize an entire college with AA.
I never said AA didn't exist. I never said it didn't exist in colleges, I 'm saying that not EVERY black person got into college because of AA, AND that there are more colleges than that guy probably had the nerve to apply for. He could have gotten in to ANY college he wanted. And still could if he didn't blame the black race for not being accepted into ONE college.
Read Ze'ev's posts again. You're wrong.
So his dreams of getting an education are pretty much shot because EVERY SINGLE BLACK PERSON in college, has taken over the Universities? LOL My husband and I are in college (Yes ME ME ME AGAIN, since you want to involve ALL blacks in your generalization)... I'm working on a 3.5 GPA and he has a 4.0 GPA. I'm actually pretty happy that no one asked what race I was when I applied online/ neither was it asked of my husband. Those colleges that do participate in the AA acceptance instead of accepting on merit, need to be closed down because LOTS of other people of different cultures want to attend school to. Its not right to monopolize an entire college with AA.
"Also newman is right about some whites having their spots taken from whites. That's the inevitable result of these kinds of policies. Of course that doesn't mean that the white guy didn't go to a school, or even a very good school, but in some cases it could make the difference between getting in and not getting in for borderline cases.
Say you're applying to Harvard and you're at the bottom 10% of their applicant pool. Since they reserve around that much for affirmative action, that person won't get into Harvard. Why? Affirmative action."
I never said AA didn't exist. I never said it didn't exist in colleges, I 'm saying that not EVERY black person got into college because of AA, AND that there are more colleges than that guy probably had the nerve to apply for. He could have gotten in to ANY college he wanted. And still could if he didn't blame the black race for not being accepted into ONE college.
Read Ze'ev's posts again. You're wrong.
So his dreams of getting an education are pretty much shot because EVERY SINGLE BLACK PERSON in college, has taken over the Universities? LOL My husband and I are in college (Yes ME ME ME AGAIN, since you want to involve ALL blacks in your generalization)... I'm working on a 3.5 GPA and he has a 4.0 GPA. I'm actually pretty happy that no one asked what race I was when I applied online/ neither was it asked of my husband. Those colleges that do participate in the AA acceptance instead of accepting on merit, need to be closed down because LOTS of other people of different cultures want to attend school to. Its not right to monopolize an entire college with AA.
"Also newman is right about some whites having their spots taken from whites. That's the inevitable result of these kinds of policies. Of course that doesn't mean that the white guy didn't go to a school, or even a very good school, but in some cases it could make the difference between getting in and not getting in for borderline cases.
Say you're applying to Harvard and you're at the bottom 10% of their applicant pool. Since they reserve around that much for affirmative action, that person won't get into Harvard. Why? Affirmative action."
That's not a concern of mine, getting into Harvard. There are other law schools in America. I was turned down for colleges when I was in high school in my senior year because my GPA wasn't high enough. No big deal though, I found a college that would accept me after I took an entrance exam and they accepted me with my low GPA and the passing grade from the exam. My point is that I didn't just give up because someone turned me down. I didn't read statistics, I just applied myself more and more until I got what I wanted.
I never said AA didn't exist. I never said it didn't exist in colleges, I 'm saying that not EVERY black person got into college because of AA, AND that there are more colleges than that guy probably had the nerve to apply for. He could have gotten in to ANY college he wanted. And still could if he didn't blame the black race for not being accepted into ONE college.
Read Ze'ev's posts again. You're wrong.
So his dreams of getting an education are pretty much shot because EVERY SINGLE BLACK PERSON in college, has taken over the Universities? LOL My husband and I are in college (Yes ME ME ME AGAIN, since you want to involve ALL blacks in your generalization)... I'm working on a 3.5 GPA and he has a 4.0 GPA. I'm actually pretty happy that no one asked what race I was when I applied online/ neither was it asked of my husband. Those colleges that do participate in the AA acceptance instead of accepting on merit, need to be closed down because LOTS of other people of different cultures want to attend school to. Its not right to monopolize an entire college with AA.
"Also newman is right about some whites having their spots taken from whites. That's the inevitable result of these kinds of policies. Of course that doesn't mean that the white guy didn't go to a school, or even a very good school, but in some cases it could make the difference between getting in and not getting in for borderline cases.
Say you're applying to Harvard and you're at the bottom 10% of their applicant pool. Since they reserve around that much for affirmative action, that person won't get into Harvard. Why? Affirmative action."
That's not a concern of mine, getting into Harvard. There are other law schools in America. I was turned down for colleges when I was in high school in my senior year because my GPA wasn't high enough. No big deal though, I found a college that would accept me after I took an entrance exam and they accepted me with my low GPA and the passing grade from the exam. My point is that I didn't just give up because someone turned me down. I didn't read statistics, I just applied myself more and more until I got what I wanted.
It's not a very big deal to YOU, but it IS a very big deal to a person who wants to get into Harvard. Of course there are other schools in America, that's not the point. Harvard is one of the best law schools and that carries with it a prestige that will last you your entire lifetime. For people who are ultra-competitive and only want to go to the best school, it matters very much for them. Of course these people don't give up and they end up going to fantastic schools, but the point is that it infringes on the opportunities of white and asian and non URM people.
Since I estimate (conservatively) that about 15% of law school spots in each law school are taken up with affirmative action minorities, that essentially brings the rankings of the school you could possibly get into down. There are 200 law schools in the United States and if you will be taken down the rung by 15% by minorities who have similar numbers as you do but get into the higher ranked schools than you, that has the possibility of bringing down the rankings of your school by 30 ranks. That's a substantial difference. That's could be the difference in high paying jobs, judicial clerkships, internship opportunities and other things. We're talking a difference in the 10s of thousands of dollars and possibly the 100s of thousands of dollars in the long run. If you compare salaries at schools ranked 30 spots less, you'll find them to be a few thousand AT LEAST less per year. Although these things obviously don't matter much to you, they matter very much for law students. Ask how many law students wouldn't be extremely angry being demoted down 30 ranks to a different school than they'd be qualified to get into. They would not be happy about it, I'll tell you that. But that is in essence what affirmative action does.
I never said AA didn't exist. I never said it didn't exist in colleges, I 'm saying that not EVERY black person got into college because of AA, AND that there are more colleges than that guy probably had the nerve to apply for. He could have gotten in to ANY college he wanted. And still could if he didn't blame the black race for not being accepted into ONE college.
Read Ze'ev's posts again. You're wrong.
So his dreams of getting an education are pretty much shot because EVERY SINGLE BLACK PERSON in college, has taken over the Universities? LOL My husband and I are in college (Yes ME ME ME AGAIN, since you want to involve ALL blacks in your generalization)... I'm working on a 3.5 GPA and he has a 4.0 GPA. I'm actually pretty happy that no one asked what race I was when I applied online/ neither was it asked of my husband. Those colleges that do participate in the AA acceptance instead of accepting on merit, need to be closed down because LOTS of other people of different cultures want to attend school to. Its not right to monopolize an entire college with AA.
"Also newman is right about some whites having their spots taken from whites. That's the inevitable result of these kinds of policies. Of course that doesn't mean that the white guy didn't go to a school, or even a very good school, but in some cases it could make the difference between getting in and not getting in for borderline cases.
Say you're applying to Harvard and you're at the bottom 10% of their applicant pool. Since they reserve around that much for affirmative action, that person won't get into Harvard. Why? Affirmative action."
That's not a concern of mine, getting into Harvard. There are other law schools in America. I was turned down for colleges when I was in high school in my senior year because my GPA wasn't high enough. No big deal though, I found a college that would accept me after I took an entrance exam and they accepted me with my low GPA and the passing grade from the exam. My point is that I didn't just give up because someone turned me down. I didn't read statistics, I just applied myself more and more until I got what I wanted.
Erica I have been following this thread loosely so I may be wrong. I think the point newman and Zev are trying to make is that because of the AA program people who have better marks are displaced by AA people who have poorer marks in Ivy league schools. It doesn't make a difference that they then can then apply and get accepted by the schools lower down on the pecking order. Thats where the AA folks should be.
I never said AA didn't exist. I never said it didn't exist in colleges, I 'm saying that not EVERY black person got into college because of AA, AND that there are more colleges than that guy probably had the nerve to apply for. He could have gotten in to ANY college he wanted. And still could if he didn't blame the black race for not being accepted into ONE college.
Read Ze'ev's posts again. You're wrong.
So his dreams of getting an education are pretty much shot because EVERY SINGLE BLACK PERSON in college, has taken over the Universities? LOL My husband and I are in college (Yes ME ME ME AGAIN, since you want to involve ALL blacks in your generalization)... I'm working on a 3.5 GPA and he has a 4.0 GPA. I'm actually pretty happy that no one asked what race I was when I applied online/ neither was it asked of my husband. Those colleges that do participate in the AA acceptance instead of accepting on merit, need to be closed down because LOTS of other people of different cultures want to attend school to. Its not right to monopolize an entire college with AA.
"Also newman is right about some whites having their spots taken from whites. That's the inevitable result of these kinds of policies. Of course that doesn't mean that the white guy didn't go to a school, or even a very good school, but in some cases it could make the difference between getting in and not getting in for borderline cases.
Say you're applying to Harvard and you're at the bottom 10% of their applicant pool. Since they reserve around that much for affirmative action, that person won't get into Harvard. Why? Affirmative action."
That's not a concern of mine, getting into Harvard. There are other law schools in America. I was turned down for colleges when I was in high school in my senior year because my GPA wasn't high enough. No big deal though, I found a college that would accept me after I took an entrance exam and they accepted me with my low GPA and the passing grade from the exam. My point is that I didn't just give up because someone turned me down. I didn't read statistics, I just applied myself more and more until I got what I wanted.
It's not a very big deal to YOU, but it IS a very big deal to a person who wants to get into Harvard. Of course there are other schools in America, that's not the point. Harvard is one of the best law schools and that carries with it a prestige that will last you your entire lifetime. For people who are ultra-competitive and only want to go to the best school, it matters very much for them. Of course these people don't give up and they end up going to fantastic schools, but the point is that it infringes on the opportunities of white and asian and non URM people.
Since I estimate (conservatively) that about 15% of law school spots in each law school are taken up with affirmative action minorities, that essentially brings the rankings of the school you could possibly get into down. There are 200 law schools in the United States and if you will be taken down the rung by 15% by minorities who have similar numbers as you do but get into the higher ranked schools than you, that has the possibility of bringing down the rankings of your school by 30 ranks. That's a substantial difference. That's could be the difference in high paying jobs, judicial clerkships, internship opportunities and other things. We're talking a difference in the 10s of thousands of dollars and possibly the 100s of thousands of dollars in the long run. If you compare salaries at schools ranked 30 spots less, you'll find them to be a few thousand AT LEAST less per year. Although these things obviously don't matter much to you, they matter very much for law students. Ask how many law students wouldn't be extremely angry being demoted down 30 ranks to a different school than they'd be qualified to get into. They would not be happy about it, I'll tell you that. But that is in essence what affirmative action does.
I'll agree with you. A lot of people would be incredibly pissed off if they did what they had to do to be accepted into a prestigious university. And rightfully so, I can't dictate how one should feel about school so I apologize for being too optimistic for them.
I think AA needs to be scrapped. That's all. Its created more problems than its solved.
I never said AA didn't exist. I never said it didn't exist in colleges, I 'm saying that not EVERY black person got into college because of AA, AND that there are more colleges than that guy probably had the nerve to apply for. He could have gotten in to ANY college he wanted. And still could if he didn't blame the black race for not being accepted into ONE college.
Read Ze'ev's posts again. You're wrong.
So his dreams of getting an education are pretty much shot because EVERY SINGLE BLACK PERSON in college, has taken over the Universities? LOL My husband and I are in college (Yes ME ME ME AGAIN, since you want to involve ALL blacks in your generalization)... I'm working on a 3.5 GPA and he has a 4.0 GPA. I'm actually pretty happy that no one asked what race I was when I applied online/ neither was it asked of my husband. Those colleges that do participate in the AA acceptance instead of accepting on merit, need to be closed down because LOTS of other people of different cultures want to attend school to. Its not right to monopolize an entire college with AA.
"Also newman is right about some whites having their spots taken from whites. That's the inevitable result of these kinds of policies. Of course that doesn't mean that the white guy didn't go to a school, or even a very good school, but in some cases it could make the difference between getting in and not getting in for borderline cases.
Say you're applying to Harvard and you're at the bottom 10% of their applicant pool. Since they reserve around that much for affirmative action, that person won't get into Harvard. Why? Affirmative action."
That's not a concern of mine, getting into Harvard. There are other law schools in America. I was turned down for colleges when I was in high school in my senior year because my GPA wasn't high enough. No big deal though, I found a college that would accept me after I took an entrance exam and they accepted me with my low GPA and the passing grade from the exam. My point is that I didn't just give up because someone turned me down. I didn't read statistics, I just applied myself more and more until I got what I wanted.
Erica I have been following this thread loosely so I may be wrong. I think the point newman and Zev are trying to make is that because of the AA program people who have better marks are displaced by AA people who have poorer marks in Ivy league schools. It doesn't make a difference that they then can then apply and get accepted by the schools lower down on the pecking order. Thats where the AA folks should be.
A college is a college, to me. But I can't speak for everyone else..so you're not wrong.
I never said AA didn't exist. I never said it didn't exist in colleges, I 'm saying that not EVERY black person got into college because of AA, AND that there are more colleges than that guy probably had the nerve to apply for. He could have gotten in to ANY college he wanted. And still could if he didn't blame the black race for not being accepted into ONE college.
Read Ze'ev's posts again. You're wrong.
So his dreams of getting an education are pretty much shot because EVERY SINGLE BLACK PERSON in college, has taken over the Universities? LOL My husband and I are in college (Yes ME ME ME AGAIN, since you want to involve ALL blacks in your generalization)... I'm working on a 3.5 GPA and he has a 4.0 GPA. I'm actually pretty happy that no one asked what race I was when I applied online/ neither was it asked of my husband. Those colleges that do participate in the AA acceptance instead of accepting on merit, need to be closed down because LOTS of other people of different cultures want to attend school to. Its not right to monopolize an entire college with AA.
"Also newman is right about some whites having their spots taken from whites. That's the inevitable result of these kinds of policies. Of course that doesn't mean that the white guy didn't go to a school, or even a very good school, but in some cases it could make the difference between getting in and not getting in for borderline cases.
Say you're applying to Harvard and you're at the bottom 10% of their applicant pool. Since they reserve around that much for affirmative action, that person won't get into Harvard. Why? Affirmative action."
That's not a concern of mine, getting into Harvard. There are other law schools in America. I was turned down for colleges when I was in high school in my senior year because my GPA wasn't high enough. No big deal though, I found a college that would accept me after I took an entrance exam and they accepted me with my low GPA and the passing grade from the exam. My point is that I didn't just give up because someone turned me down. I didn't read statistics, I just applied myself more and more until I got what I wanted.
It's not a very big deal to YOU, but it IS a very big deal to a person who wants to get into Harvard. Of course there are other schools in America, that's not the point. Harvard is one of the best law schools and that carries with it a prestige that will last you your entire lifetime. For people who are ultra-competitive and only want to go to the best school, it matters very much for them. Of course these people don't give up and they end up going to fantastic schools, but the point is that it infringes on the opportunities of white and asian and non URM people.
Since I estimate (conservatively) that about 15% of law school spots in each law school are taken up with affirmative action minorities, that essentially brings the rankings of the school you could possibly get into down. There are 200 law schools in the United States and if you will be taken down the rung by 15% by minorities who have similar numbers as you do but get into the higher ranked schools than you, that has the possibility of bringing down the rankings of your school by 30 ranks. That's a substantial difference. That's could be the difference in high paying jobs, judicial clerkships, internship opportunities and other things. We're talking a difference in the 10s of thousands of dollars and possibly the 100s of thousands of dollars in the long run. If you compare salaries at schools ranked 30 spots less, you'll find them to be a few thousand AT LEAST less per year. Although these things obviously don't matter much to you, they matter very much for law students. Ask how many law students wouldn't be extremely angry being demoted down 30 ranks to a different school than they'd be qualified to get into. They would not be happy about it, I'll tell you that. But that is in essence what affirmative action does.
I'll agree with you. A lot of people would be incredibly pissed off if they did what they had to do to be accepted into a prestigious university. And rightfully so, I can't dictate how one should feel about school so I apologize for being too optimistic for them.
I think AA needs to be scrapped. That's all. Its created more problems than its solved.
Wow, great! :)
I never said AA didn't exist. I never said it didn't exist in colleges, I 'm saying that not EVERY black person got into college because of AA, AND that there are more colleges than that guy probably had the nerve to apply for. He could have gotten in to ANY college he wanted. And still could if he didn't blame the black race for not being accepted into ONE college.
Read Ze'ev's posts again. You're wrong.
So his dreams of getting an education are pretty much shot because EVERY SINGLE BLACK PERSON in college, has taken over the Universities? LOL My husband and I are in college (Yes ME ME ME AGAIN, since you want to involve ALL blacks in your generalization)... I'm working on a 3.5 GPA and he has a 4.0 GPA. I'm actually pretty happy that no one asked what race I was when I applied online/ neither was it asked of my husband. Those colleges that do participate in the AA acceptance instead of accepting on merit, need to be closed down because LOTS of other people of different cultures want to attend school to. Its not right to monopolize an entire college with AA.
"Also newman is right about some whites having their spots taken from whites. That's the inevitable result of these kinds of policies. Of course that doesn't mean that the white guy didn't go to a school, or even a very good school, but in some cases it could make the difference between getting in and not getting in for borderline cases.
Say you're applying to Harvard and you're at the bottom 10% of their applicant pool. Since they reserve around that much for affirmative action, that person won't get into Harvard. Why? Affirmative action."
That's not a concern of mine, getting into Harvard. There are other law schools in America. I was turned down for colleges when I was in high school in my senior year because my GPA wasn't high enough. No big deal though, I found a college that would accept me after I took an entrance exam and they accepted me with my low GPA and the passing grade from the exam. My point is that I didn't just give up because someone turned me down. I didn't read statistics, I just applied myself more and more until I got what I wanted.
It's not a very big deal to YOU, but it IS a very big deal to a person who wants to get into Harvard. Of course there are other schools in America, that's not the point. Harvard is one of the best law schools and that carries with it a prestige that will last you your entire lifetime. For people who are ultra-competitive and only want to go to the best school, it matters very much for them. Of course these people don't give up and they end up going to fantastic schools, but the point is that it infringes on the opportunities of white and asian and non URM people.
Since I estimate (conservatively) that about 15% of law school spots in each law school are taken up with affirmative action minorities, that essentially brings the rankings of the school you could possibly get into down. There are 200 law schools in the United States and if you will be taken down the rung by 15% by minorities who have similar numbers as you do but get into the higher ranked schools than you, that has the possibility of bringing down the rankings of your school by 30 ranks. That's a substantial difference. That's could be the difference in high paying jobs, judicial clerkships, internship opportunities and other things. We're talking a difference in the 10s of thousands of dollars and possibly the 100s of thousands of dollars in the long run. If you compare salaries at schools ranked 30 spots less, you'll find them to be a few thousand AT LEAST less per year. Although these things obviously don't matter much to you, they matter very much for law students. Ask how many law students wouldn't be extremely angry being demoted down 30 ranks to a different school than they'd be qualified to get into. They would not be happy about it, I'll tell you that. But that is in essence what affirmative action does.
I'll agree with you. A lot of people would be incredibly pissed off if they did what they had to do to be accepted into a prestigious university. And rightfully so, I can't dictate how one should feel about school so I apologize for being too optimistic for them.
I think AA needs to be scrapped. That's all. Its created more problems than its solved.
Wow, great! :)
I haven't JUST said this...I've been saying this since I was first a member here. You 'look' so surprised.
I never said AA didn't exist. I never said it didn't exist in colleges, I 'm saying that not EVERY black person got into college because of AA, AND that there are more colleges than that guy probably had the nerve to apply for. He could have gotten in to ANY college he wanted. And still could if he didn't blame the black race for not being accepted into ONE college.
Read Ze'ev's posts again. You're wrong.
So his dreams of getting an education are pretty much shot because EVERY SINGLE BLACK PERSON in college, has taken over the Universities? LOL My husband and I are in college (Yes ME ME ME AGAIN, since you want to involve ALL blacks in your generalization)... I'm working on a 3.5 GPA and he has a 4.0 GPA. I'm actually pretty happy that no one asked what race I was when I applied online/ neither was it asked of my husband. Those colleges that do participate in the AA acceptance instead of accepting on merit, need to be closed down because LOTS of other people of different cultures want to attend school to. Its not right to monopolize an entire college with AA.
"Also newman is right about some whites having their spots taken from whites. That's the inevitable result of these kinds of policies. Of course that doesn't mean that the white guy didn't go to a school, or even a very good school, but in some cases it could make the difference between getting in and not getting in for borderline cases.
Say you're applying to Harvard and you're at the bottom 10% of their applicant pool. Since they reserve around that much for affirmative action, that person won't get into Harvard. Why? Affirmative action."
That's not a concern of mine, getting into Harvard. There are other law schools in America. I was turned down for colleges when I was in high school in my senior year because my GPA wasn't high enough. No big deal though, I found a college that would accept me after I took an entrance exam and they accepted me with my low GPA and the passing grade from the exam. My point is that I didn't just give up because someone turned me down. I didn't read statistics, I just applied myself more and more until I got what I wanted.
It's not a very big deal to YOU, but it IS a very big deal to a person who wants to get into Harvard. Of course there are other schools in America, that's not the point. Harvard is one of the best law schools and that carries with it a prestige that will last you your entire lifetime. For people who are ultra-competitive and only want to go to the best school, it matters very much for them. Of course these people don't give up and they end up going to fantastic schools, but the point is that it infringes on the opportunities of white and asian and non URM people.
Since I estimate (conservatively) that about 15% of law school spots in each law school are taken up with affirmative action minorities, that essentially brings the rankings of the school you could possibly get into down. There are 200 law schools in the United States and if you will be taken down the rung by 15% by minorities who have similar numbers as you do but get into the higher ranked schools than you, that has the possibility of bringing down the rankings of your school by 30 ranks. That's a substantial difference. That's could be the difference in high paying jobs, judicial clerkships, internship opportunities and other things. We're talking a difference in the 10s of thousands of dollars and possibly the 100s of thousands of dollars in the long run. If you compare salaries at schools ranked 30 spots less, you'll find them to be a few thousand AT LEAST less per year. Although these things obviously don't matter much to you, they matter very much for law students. Ask how many law students wouldn't be extremely angry being demoted down 30 ranks to a different school than they'd be qualified to get into. They would not be happy about it, I'll tell you that. But that is in essence what affirmative action does.
I'll agree with you. A lot of people would be incredibly pissed off if they did what they had to do to be accepted into a prestigious university. And rightfully so, I can't dictate how one should feel about school so I apologize for being too optimistic for them.
I think AA needs to be scrapped. That's all. Its created more problems than its solved.
Wow, great! :)
I haven't JUST said this...I've been saying this since I was first a member here. You 'look' so surprised.
Well, I haven't seen you say it before.
I never said AA didn't exist. I never said it didn't exist in colleges, I 'm saying that not EVERY black person got into college because of AA, AND that there are more colleges than that guy probably had the nerve to apply for. He could have gotten in to ANY college he wanted. And still could if he didn't blame the black race for not being accepted into ONE college.
Read Ze'ev's posts again. You're wrong.
So his dreams of getting an education are pretty much shot because EVERY SINGLE BLACK PERSON in college, has taken over the Universities? LOL My husband and I are in college (Yes ME ME ME AGAIN, since you want to involve ALL blacks in your generalization)... I'm working on a 3.5 GPA and he has a 4.0 GPA. I'm actually pretty happy that no one asked what race I was when I applied online/ neither was it asked of my husband. Those colleges that do participate in the AA acceptance instead of accepting on merit, need to be closed down because LOTS of other people of different cultures want to attend school to. Its not right to monopolize an entire college with AA.
"Also newman is right about some whites having their spots taken from whites. That's the inevitable result of these kinds of policies. Of course that doesn't mean that the white guy didn't go to a school, or even a very good school, but in some cases it could make the difference between getting in and not getting in for borderline cases.
Say you're applying to Harvard and you're at the bottom 10% of their applicant pool. Since they reserve around that much for affirmative action, that person won't get into Harvard. Why? Affirmative action."
That's not a concern of mine, getting into Harvard. There are other law schools in America. I was turned down for colleges when I was in high school in my senior year because my GPA wasn't high enough. No big deal though, I found a college that would accept me after I took an entrance exam and they accepted me with my low GPA and the passing grade from the exam. My point is that I didn't just give up because someone turned me down. I didn't read statistics, I just applied myself more and more until I got what I wanted.
It's not a very big deal to YOU, but it IS a very big deal to a person who wants to get into Harvard. Of course there are other schools in America, that's not the point. Harvard is one of the best law schools and that carries with it a prestige that will last you your entire lifetime. For people who are ultra-competitive and only want to go to the best school, it matters very much for them. Of course these people don't give up and they end up going to fantastic schools, but the point is that it infringes on the opportunities of white and asian and non URM people.
Since I estimate (conservatively) that about 15% of law school spots in each law school are taken up with affirmative action minorities, that essentially brings the rankings of the school you could possibly get into down. There are 200 law schools in the United States and if you will be taken down the rung by 15% by minorities who have similar numbers as you do but get into the higher ranked schools than you, that has the possibility of bringing down the rankings of your school by 30 ranks. That's a substantial difference. That's could be the difference in high paying jobs, judicial clerkships, internship opportunities and other things. We're talking a difference in the 10s of thousands of dollars and possibly the 100s of thousands of dollars in the long run. If you compare salaries at schools ranked 30 spots less, you'll find them to be a few thousand AT LEAST less per year. Although these things obviously don't matter much to you, they matter very much for law students. Ask how many law students wouldn't be extremely angry being demoted down 30 ranks to a different school than they'd be qualified to get into. They would not be happy about it, I'll tell you that. But that is in essence what affirmative action does.
I'll agree with you. A lot of people would be incredibly pissed off if they did what they had to do to be accepted into a prestigious university. And rightfully so, I can't dictate how one should feel about school so I apologize for being too optimistic for them.
I think AA needs to be scrapped. That's all. Its created more problems than its solved.
Wow, great! :)
I haven't JUST said this...I've been saying this since I was first a member here. You 'look' so surprised.
Well, I haven't seen you say it before.
I say it all of the time.
I never said AA didn't exist. I never said it didn't exist in colleges, I 'm saying that not EVERY black person got into college because of AA, AND that there are more colleges than that guy probably had the nerve to apply for. He could have gotten in to ANY college he wanted. And still could if he didn't blame the black race for not being accepted into ONE college.
Read Ze'ev's posts again. You're wrong.
So his dreams of getting an education are pretty much shot because EVERY SINGLE BLACK PERSON in college, has taken over the Universities? LOL My husband and I are in college (Yes ME ME ME AGAIN, since you want to involve ALL blacks in your generalization)... I'm working on a 3.5 GPA and he has a 4.0 GPA. I'm actually pretty happy that no one asked what race I was when I applied online/ neither was it asked of my husband. Those colleges that do participate in the AA acceptance instead of accepting on merit, need to be closed down because LOTS of other people of different cultures want to attend school to. Its not right to monopolize an entire college with AA.
"Also newman is right about some whites having their spots taken from whites. That's the inevitable result of these kinds of policies. Of course that doesn't mean that the white guy didn't go to a school, or even a very good school, but in some cases it could make the difference between getting in and not getting in for borderline cases.
Say you're applying to Harvard and you're at the bottom 10% of their applicant pool. Since they reserve around that much for affirmative action, that person won't get into Harvard. Why? Affirmative action."
That's not a concern of mine, getting into Harvard. There are other law schools in America. I was turned down for colleges when I was in high school in my senior year because my GPA wasn't high enough. No big deal though, I found a college that would accept me after I took an entrance exam and they accepted me with my low GPA and the passing grade from the exam. My point is that I didn't just give up because someone turned me down. I didn't read statistics, I just applied myself more and more until I got what I wanted.
It's not a very big deal to YOU, but it IS a very big deal to a person who wants to get into Harvard. Of course there are other schools in America, that's not the point. Harvard is one of the best law schools and that carries with it a prestige that will last you your entire lifetime. For people who are ultra-competitive and only want to go to the best school, it matters very much for them. Of course these people don't give up and they end up going to fantastic schools, but the point is that it infringes on the opportunities of white and asian and non URM people.
Since I estimate (conservatively) that about 15% of law school spots in each law school are taken up with affirmative action minorities, that essentially brings the rankings of the school you could possibly get into down. There are 200 law schools in the United States and if you will be taken down the rung by 15% by minorities who have similar numbers as you do but get into the higher ranked schools than you, that has the possibility of bringing down the rankings of your school by 30 ranks. That's a substantial difference. That's could be the difference in high paying jobs, judicial clerkships, internship opportunities and other things. We're talking a difference in the 10s of thousands of dollars and possibly the 100s of thousands of dollars in the long run. If you compare salaries at schools ranked 30 spots less, you'll find them to be a few thousand AT LEAST less per year. Although these things obviously don't matter much to you, they matter very much for law students. Ask how many law students wouldn't be extremely angry being demoted down 30 ranks to a different school than they'd be qualified to get into. They would not be happy about it, I'll tell you that. But that is in essence what affirmative action does.
I'll agree with you. A lot of people would be incredibly pissed off if they did what they had to do to be accepted into a prestigious university. And rightfully so, I can't dictate how one should feel about school so I apologize for being too optimistic for them.
I think AA needs to be scrapped. That's all. Its created more problems than its solved.
Wow, great! :)
I haven't JUST said this...I've been saying this since I was first a member here. You 'look' so surprised.
Well, I haven't seen you say it before.
I say it all of the time.
Great, I wish all blacks did.