General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Wayne Jude on October 02, 2007, 12:59:44 PM
What do you all think?
Sorry but it's not dating or society club side; besides breaching the rules of conspiracy I doubt that mayority of our members will be able to find time and resources to meet in one time and one place; those profiling threads made me nervous enough. ::) I won't swim with sharks. ;)
The sharks always come but there are alot of us like myself who could provide security and make sure no one harms us.I have none white children as well as White Children.Yet I would never let any get hurt!
wayne jude
It will change society forever by our boldness!
Sure I'd love to meet you guys in person over a beer or a barbequed burger, who is bringing the potato salad? :)
Lets do it and invite our fearless leader!From my heart I will provide Security.Ive been military since 1980-.I can handle that!
Not all could attend but this is a good way for us to gain publicity,and grow.I have no fear of our enemies.We can handle them and still have a good time.Someone who knows our leader,ask what he thinks .I will submit to what ever he decides....
how bro?
Well if you're paraniod about bad people messing things up, I'd suggest sending out the details by private email and not post it on the public forum.
Yes you are right and no Its not necessary for him to attend!I meant just to bond.We are somewhat different and I thought it could be good.
Just relax. We'll have a meeting eventually, probably for the next Israel day parade. Chaim is very busy with his videos and Aliya campaign, so he doesn't have time to meet us.
Why are you being so hostile, he was merely trying to get to know people from JTF in person. I happen to think that's a great idea. I like coming on the forum but I want to be able to look people in the eye and talk about our agenda face to face.
I wasn't expecting to meet Chaim anyway, I was thinking it'd be fun just to meet some of you characters in person. :D
Who is talking about being official? aren't we just talking about meeting up? Just to Say hi, meet up and have some laughs with you shmucks without all the typing on the keyboard. :laugh:
Yes new yorker .Not official,Just a bunch of us shmucks,meeting to strengthen our bond.I live in northern Virginia
.not far from Washington...
Are you originally from America Wayne? Something in me tells me that you're not originally from the states.. but I could be completely wrong, just curious.
first from a pragmatic stand it isnt realistic for all of us to get together in one place.
second anyone who doesnt think the FBI has people all over this forum, we would have more FBI informants than true Jewish patriots. In addition I doubt we would succeed in getting a permit to meet on any public ground because we would "disturb the peace"
Well its a good thing that the FBI is keeping an eye on US....and the koranimal sites get left alone, I mean really now that would be PROFILING :laugh:
I would love to meet up with you guys! Sadly I don't really have the time and I don't think any of you live in Indiana. :(
first from a pragmatic stand it isnt realistic for all of us to get together in one place.
second anyone who doesnt think the FBI has people all over this forum, we would have more FBI informants than true Jewish patriots. In addition I doubt we would succeed in getting a permit to meet on any public ground because we would "disturb the peace"
FBI? Come on now Lou.. why would the FBI have informants for this forum? It's a public forum anyway..
first from a pragmatic stand it isnt realistic for all of us to get together in one place.
second anyone who doesnt think the FBI has people all over this forum, we would have more FBI informants than true Jewish patriots. In addition I doubt we would succeed in getting a permit to meet on any public ground because we would "disturb the peace"
FBI? Come on now Lou.. why would the FBI have informants for this forum? It's a public forum anyway..
Because the FBI is scared to s*** of the change we would bring to this country and the world. The FBI is a tool of those in power to stay in power
first from a pragmatic stand it isnt realistic for all of us to get together in one place.
second anyone who doesnt think the FBI has people all over this forum, we would have more FBI informants than true Jewish patriots. In addition I doubt we would succeed in getting a permit to meet on any public ground because we would "disturb the peace"
FBI? Come on now Lou.. why would the FBI have informants for this forum? It's a public forum anyway..
Because the FBI is scared to s*** of the change we would bring to this country and the world. The FBI is a tool of those in power to stay in power
Well the argument makes sense in theory... but we're nowhere near big enough to have a significant influence just yet.
It will be impossible for alot of our members who don't live in USA...
A lot of our great members live in England, Australia and a couple of people in India South Africa and elsewhere..
When we get stronger it would be a good idea but at the moment i cant see it happening yet
Sorry but it's not dating or society club side; besides breaching the rules of conspiracy I doubt that mayority of our members will be able to find time and resources to meet in one time and one place; those profiling threads made me nervous enough. ::) I won't swim with sharks. ;)
Here, Here!
Because the FBI is scared to s*** of the change we would bring to this country and the world. The FBI is a tool of those in power to stay in power
Well if they're going to buy a round of drinks the agents can come too. :laugh:
Those who can,mabey will .It would be fun and enlightening.For those in Europe they can do the same.What would the negatives be to say hello in person?The FBI can come ,I will buy them a drink...LOL
Dam Im good!LOL
I don't really meet people unless I know them extremely well, plus i'm not a social guy in real life.
I'll come to a meeting/picnic/drink and I'm sure others who live in the NYC area would love to come... If you're scared, frightened, or just a bit paranoid that's your problem!
Let's a make a list and get real numbers on who's coming and when is the best time...
Lets give this some thought.And again a social activity is not a march or mass meeting.
wayne jude
I agree with New Yorker. I would love to meet more of my fellow JTF'ers in person. It doesn't have to be anything official. Maybe we could go get a bite to eat or something.
Vito I was born in New York.Three of my grandpaarents were born in Italy.
Sorry but it's not dating or society club side; besides breaching the rules of conspiracy I doubt that mayority of our members will be able to find time and resources to meet in one time and one place; those profiling threads made me nervous enough. ::) I won't swim with sharks. ;)
Chicken LMAO!
Come on Ultra, we will all pile up outside your door.
I hear Poland is nice this time of year ;D
Fear is Erika and his way to stop us from our strenth.
Fear is Erika and his way to stop us from our strenth.
You type as if you're on drugs. What does that post mean, exactly?
I think having several meetings within the communities in which we live would be a good idea, but I cant see all of us getting together at one place. We just live in too many places.
For anyone in Chicago, get in touch with me!
YO are right lou!Erika why should a bunch of gather ? why ?erika why?
yea I just think we would get more people and it would be less of a hassle if we met within are local areas. I know that there is no way I'm gonna buy a ticket to NY to go to a meeting so why not just have multiple meetings in various localities.
Erika is right Jews and mostly Christian whites should never gather .AS she said Hear Hear!Why Erika?
Erika is right Jews and mostly Christian whites should never gather .AS she said Hear Hear!Why Erika?
Because I agreed with what ultra said about the profiling threads...what color are your eyes, texture of hair, how much do you weigh...it seemed a little creepy...That's what I meant by Here,Here! Nothing cryptic.
YOu need to stop going off of your meds. Always thinking that somethings afoot. Is someone after you?
Oh, and you still didn't post those sites where you saw me post... Post them already, stop stalling.
let others judge for themselves!
let others judge for themselves!
How are they going to judge for themselves if you're not going to produce the 'evidence ::)' of me posting in other sites. lol You crack me up!
let them decide on there own.why so shakey Erika?they have the same web!
let them decide on there own.why so shakey Erika?they have the same web!
No, you're the one shakey. You never named the websites you said I am on you idiot. I HATE it when people lie. You have no honor whatsoever. When you have to make sh8t up to make someone look more evil than YOU are , you're a sad puppy. Your life must be plenty empty to lie about me being on other sites.
just check out her web site on my space and on you tube remember Imemrika.And I do remember you from A/C website.Us whites and Jews ,we aint as smart as you!YOU birthed our races .LOL!
just check out her web site on my space and on you tube remember Imemrika.And I do remember you from A/C website.Us whites and Jews ,we aint as smart as you!YOU birthed our races .LOL!
A/C...what is A/C? Check out my myspace, everyone...its http://www.myspace.com/semperwifey (http://www.myspace.com/semperwifey)
I just posted a video about the Jena 6 on youtube...I'll post that link willingly for you too! http://youtube.com/watch?v=ZuvingvEKxc (http://youtube.com/watch?v=ZuvingvEKxc) And another thing, you... there is more than just ONE Erica in the world! (edit)
YES ,Why do mind us meeting?
Ps Is for our protection right or do you fear us gathering?
YES ,Why do mind us meeting?
Ps Is for our protection right or do you fear us gathering?
I'm seeing the way you act, and I'm sure that if you saw me, you'd try to kill me simply because you aren't 'all there' and feel like someone is watching your every move. I don't care to meet you. I wouldn't mind meeting bullcat, Daniel, Dannycookie, or even CF for that matter but you are a special headcase. Why don't you try proofreading before you post again.
Yes and If you saw my family you would strap on a bomb and attack us .PLease, nice try girl!LOL Yea thats me waiting to off you and your Marine Hubby .Pathetic,LOL
Are you weird or what?
just check out her web site on my space and on you tube remember Imemrika.And I do remember you from A/C website.Us whites and Jews ,we aint as smart as you!YOU birthed our races .LOL!
A/C...what is A/C? Check out my myspace, everyone...its http://www.myspace.com/semperwifey (http://www.myspace.com/semperwifey)
I just posted a video about the Jena 6 on youtube...I'll post that link willingly for you too! http://youtube.com/watch?v=ZuvingvEKxc (http://youtube.com/watch?v=ZuvingvEKxc) And another thing, you... there is just ONE Erica in the world!
Nice myspace page. You have a beautiful family.
just check out her web site on my space and on you tube remember Imemrika.And I do remember you from A/C website.Us whites and Jews ,we aint as smart as you!YOU birthed our races .LOL!
A/C...what is A/C? Check out my myspace, everyone...its http://www.myspace.com/semperwifey (http://www.myspace.com/semperwifey)
I just posted a video about the Jena 6 on youtube...I'll post that link willingly for you too! http://youtube.com/watch?v=ZuvingvEKxc (http://youtube.com/watch?v=ZuvingvEKxc) And another thing, you... there is more than just ONE Erica in the world!
Nice myspace page. You have a beautiful family.
Thank you bullcat. :)
Yes and If you saw my family you would strap on a bomb and attack us .PLease, nice try girl!LOL Yea thats me waiting to off you and your Marine Hubby .Pathetic,LOL
Are you weird or what?
Actually its you who are weird and derranged. I'd never kill myself over you nor would I threaten you or your family. lol I have a lot of love for life and my family...too much to take it for granted by pulling a stunt like that.
OK ,sure good girl!You are here to oppose us but deep down ,you love us.And wish you could help us more...
OK ,sure good girl!You are here to oppose us but deep down ,you love us.And wish you could help us more...
You bi-polar so-and-so! I love everyone in the world who has a good heart. I love those who disagree with me, this includes CF, Bullcat, and DWI and I'd gladly stand up for their right to speak their minds (althought they don't need me to) but I'll be damned if I stand up for someone with the mental capacity of a sardine can; YOU. America will heal from all of the crap that she and her people are going through (and taking each other through) one day, but I'm afraid that there's not a band aid in the world that will cover up the pain you must be feeling in life about yourself and your failures. Get yourself together.
ME too .Cant we all just get along!Love you wifey!
ME too .Cant we all just get along!Love you wifey!
Also, bullcat just proved that you lied. She visited my myspace and gave me a beautiful compliment on my page. YOU are stupid.
Yes I was so wrong.And your here because?
Yes I was so wrong.And your here because?
I'm here because I want to be and our moderators don't mind me being here.
Haverim , yesh halachot neged achila im goyim beseuda , ze yachol ligrom le hitbolelut ve dvarim aherim , tahshevu al ze