General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: admin on October 14, 2007, 11:45:05 PM
I do.
I try to. If I have a choice between kosher and unkosher I'll eat kosher, but sometimes I eat unkosher. I don't eat any pork, but sometimes I eat meat and cheese together.
There is no option for me to vote. I cannot get kosher meat here. If I could, I'd prefer it to avoid the slightest possibility of Ever Min HaChai.
I avoid pork and shellfish, because even they are alllowed to a goy, they are still filthy.
I avoid pork and shellfish, because even they are alllowed to a goy, they are still filthy.
Yeah, Chaim has said that Gentiles should avoid it for health reasons.
What's wrong with shrimp, lobster, clams, or mussels? They are all low in fat and high in protein and they don't have any demonstrated negative health effects that I know of. Is there anything I'm missing?
I heard shellfish were very unhealthy.
I know that they cause allergic reactions in many people, so many that is a sign that they aren't meant to be eaten.
no. I'm a gentile.
I don't even touch pork. (if touch it by accident, I wash my hands with lots of soap) And I don't mind if someones is offended, if I am served pork, I shall reject it, just to be an example to Jews. Many Jews claim that it's unpolite to reject it, and eat Tumah.
Regarding pork and shellfish, I don't know if they are unhealthy, but the Torah says they are filthy. Only that a goy is not bound to avoid filthiness. But would you eat something dirty even if it is no sin?
but i'm not shomer...
and in the tradition of my family, poultry is parve...i know that it isn't rabbinically
but I'm not shomer...
and in the tradition of my family, poultry is parve...i know that it isn't rabbinically
So you keep kosher other than that?
I've heard of Iranian Jews that do that. But what tradition do they have to base it on?
I have heard that Yemenite Jews eat fish with meat while other Jews don't. But that's only a Rabbinic prohibition for health reasons, not a fence around The Torah. Poultry was changed to meat by the rabbis because people might mistake it for red meat.
I don't know that answer. I do know, however, that a lot of Persians today consider poultry to be meat.
My understanding of the Torah word is that a calf shoudl not be cooked in its mother's milk. But poultry is not a calf. The Rabbis decided that since poultry coudl have a similar taste to meat, that one should be prohibited to have poultry with dairy. Therefore it is a fence..which is fine by me.
The fish with meat prohibition...it might be another fence since fish can very often be served wtih dairy and therefore, teh fish may remind people of dairy and therefore cannot be served wtih poultry...dunno...just a guess.
I have read in the Shulchan Aruch, that while Kashrut is very important, health is even more important, so it is forbidden to mix meat with fish, or destroy an olive tree in one's garden.
Fish and meat together.... perhaps dangerous or toxic. But destroying an olive tree.... How can it endanger health? Anyone has the answer?
I am a Gentile, but I don't eat pork or shellfish.
I have read in the Shulchan Aruch, that while Kashrut is very important, health is even more important, so it is forbidden to mix meat with fish, or destroy an olive tree in one's garden.
Fish and meat together.... perhaps dangerous or toxic. But destroying an olive tree.... How can it endanger health? Anyone has the answer?
Raul are you Jewish? Where does that flag represent?
Raul are you Jewish? Where does that flag represent?
I'm not Jewish. I read the Shulchan Aruch years ago when I was considering the possiblity of converting.
That flag is the Letbelandic one. A virtual State founded originally to protest against Argentina for having its Embassy outside Jerusalem. We are 16 persons at the time, but nearly all Gentiles, (Christians, Noahides, Catholics, Non-Religious). Perhaps one or two of us are Jewish.
I eat kosher.
Depends on what you mean by kosher, for some people Kosher means no mixing meat n milk, no pork, no shellfish, easy enough right? Using that definition I'm 90% kosher because I do slip from time to time on the shell fish when I go for sushi. No interest in pork, and no cheese burgers.
But even if I was 100% by that definition, some people would still say I'm not kosher because my pots, plates and pans had commited the sin of once being in contact with dairy in the past then meat in the past. I think this is ridiculous, no offense. Especially since I have a state of the art dishwashing machine. ;D
Shrimps, although low in calories and high in protein are bottom feeders.
Many Bishul Yisrael restaurants have Gentiles working there, but a Shomer Shabbat Jew turned on the oven.
For Sephardim this isnt acceptable. We need a Jew to actually cook it, or at least place the food in the oven, or on the grill.
I eat non Kosher, I am a gentile but as far as meats in general goes, I will eat red meat that is trimmed a bit, as far as pork goes it has to be cut in the center where there is no fat. I will eat seafood when its cooked right. With fish and shellfish you HAVE got to be very carefull how it is cooked if not you have a trip to the ER to get your stomach pumped.
I keep kosher at home and vegetarian when I eat out.
Yes, now 100%. We buy and eat Glatt Kosher.
Nope...bacon, sausage, pork chops and ham are all part of my menu O0
Nope...bacon, sausage, pork chops and ham are all part of my menu O0
Why the thumbs up? your a proud criminal? If your going to do that at least feel bad and ashamed. Your like a gay man marching in a fag parade.
Why the thumbs up? your a proud criminal? If your going to do that at least feel bad and ashamed. Your like a gay man marching in a fag parade.
Whoa Mr.Tzvi Bin Roshel....thats personal choice. Thumbs up because its tasty.
Why the thumbs up? your a proud criminal? If your going to do that at least feel bad and ashamed. Your like a gay man marching in a fag parade.
Whoa Mr.Tzvi Bin Roshel....thats personal choice. Thumbs up because its tasty.
I assumed your Jewish, am I right?
If you are then, how can you feel good about that knowing that its against G-d's will and sooner or later you will experience pain for doing bad things. You can run away and lie in a human court but who can run from G-d?
I assumed your Jewish, am I right?
If you are then, how can you feel good about that knowing that its against G-d's will and sooner or later you will experience pain for doing bad things. You can run away and lie in a human court but who can run from G-d?
Yes I am Jewish
What I eat and the consequeces of it are my business...plus what are you doing on the forum on Friday night ? Its Shabb--at.
Your like a gay man marching in a fag parade.
Very grown up ! Even one of the butchered pigs can come up with a better sentence than that :D
1. The actions of one Jew (aka eating pork etc..) affect other Jews as well. It's mutual responsability:
Don't mean to be rude but how can eating pork possibly affect you or a fellow Jew who is climbing the Himalayas 30,000 miles away ?
So in my opinion, it is accurate, admirable and perfectly normal for Tzvi Ben Roshel to care.
He could express his concern in a more positive way.....no need for Mr. Tzvi Bin Roshel to be insulting.
1. The actions of one Jew (aka eating pork etc..) affect other Jews as well. It's mutual responsability:
Don't mean to be rude but how can eating pork possibly affect you or a fellow Jew who is climbing the Himalayas 30,000 miles away ?
So in my opinion, it is accurate, admirable and perfectly normal for Tzvi Ben Roshel to care.
He could express his concern in a more positive way.....no need for Mr. Tzvi Bin Roshel to be insulting.
Well, I will say the following:
1. You shouldn't do it, but you do it anyway.
2. Don't encourage other Jews to do it. If anything, say that even though you do it, it's not right.
3. The consequences of eating such things: between you and Gd and your body...just don't set an example that it is ok for a Jew to eat that kind of stuff.
I assumed your Jewish, am I right?
If you are then, how can you feel good about that knowing that its against G-d's will and sooner or later you will experience pain for doing bad things. You can run away and lie in a human court but who can run from G-d?
Yes I am Jewish
What I eat and the consequeces of it are my business...plus what are you doing on the forum on Friday night ? Its Shabb--at.
Your like a gay man marching in a fag parade.
Very grown up ! Even one of the butchered pigs can come up with a better sentence than that :D
Just to clarify, It was 04:22:40 PM - NY time. Shabb--t started around 5:45 , for sure by 5, I left the forum and then welcomed and kept Shabb--t.
I invite you to read an interesting article about mutual responsibility from aish.com You may not have to agree with it but it is there for anyone to read: http://www.aish.com/literacy/concepts/Mutual_Responsibility.as
Good article. Makes sense to me. Thanks for sharing.
Maybe good if Tzvi read this:
When first correcting a person, one should begin as politely and gently as possible, speaking to him privately, so as not to shame him in any way. If one knows that the person will be ashamed at the mention of the sin, he should not even correct him privately, but should merely hint at the sin and try to draw the person away from it.
You wouldnt want me to post to you about someone who is sinning and publicly announcing it as if its some sort of celebration, soo dont start. I wouldnt have criticized you if I saw you privatly, but what you post here and how you conduct yourself is shamefull and the sad part is that you not only feel bad about it, but make it into a joke which can influence others in sensing that the Mitzvot are light and not important (G-d forbid). Anyway I dont even see what I wrote to be offensive, so calm yourself and correct your wronge-doing.
I kind of keep kosher. I have never ate pork purposefully.
Eat only vegetarian food out and sometimes kosher meat or food products. I don’t eat prawns because they make me puke.
I know i'm not mean't to, but thats how it goes in my family.
You wouldnt want me to post to you about someone who is sinning and publicly announcing it as if its some sort of celebration, soo dont start.
1) Celebration ? Right ! I better stop throwing those pork chop & bacon parties that I throw on Saturday nights. I said they were tasty. BIG DIFFERENCE
2) I accept. I was ignorant that we have an audience that are in a impressionable stage. I didn't mean for my opinion to encourage anyone else to undermine the Mitzvot.
3) Anyway I dont even see what I wrote to be offensive,
Posted by: Tzvi Ben Roshel
Your like a gay man marching in a fag parade.
I don't think you would appreciate someone making a similar remark. This is insulting. Does Mitzvot 501 not mean anything ?
No Yacov, muslims are allowed to eat Kosher Food. They were allowed to eat christian kosher food in the past but it has changed, so now Jewish Kosher food is only permitted.
In the supermarket they sell Kosher food so we buy it, if there isn’t any halal food to buy. Halal isn’t just being slaughtered by a muslim, its slaughtering it in the name of God and in a certain way by the neck.
muslims are allowed to eat Kosher Food.
Hey more money for us ;)
I kind of keep kosher. I have never ate pork purposefully.
Eat only vegetarian food out and sometimes kosher meat or food products. I don't eat prawns because they make me puke.
I know I'm not meant to, but thats how it goes in my family.
Halal is not kosher and kosher is not Halal. If your Muslim family eats kosher meat, they are breaking Islamic dietary laws. Halal means the meat was slaughtered by a Muslim, any Muslim. Kosher means it was slaughtered by a specially trained Jew.
Actually, Muslims can eat kosher and Halal
Jews can only eat kosher, but not Halal.
Yacov Muslims do eat kosher meat. For meat to be halal one as to kill it by the neck and say that its for G-d. I dont think they eat christian meat becuase of the trinity issue, and I heard a muslim complaining about even avoiding kosher meat becuase according to him as each animal is killed they have to say "Its for Allah", or G-d, and not on the group as a whole.
Anyway througout the ages muslims brought meat from Jews. When meat wasnt Kosher in accorince to the rules of the Sefardim (has to be Glatt Kosher only) it was sold to muslims. I also belive that today the part of the leg that has some vein were not allowed to eat, might be sold to muslims or maybe just to any non-jewish group of people because its not allowed for us but allowed for them.
Just to clarify - muslims can and do eat kosher food, but Jews CANT eat Halal, becuase the rules of Halaha (Jewish law) is a lot more stringent, so Jews must eat Glatt Kosher, and according to very few can eat just kosher. By the way even soo called kosher resturants should be watched out for expecially at saturday nights, becuase some of them claim to be kosher, but cook and turn on the heat during Shabb---t ( I have a friend who told me that, and its not doubtfull becuase by just calling it kosher without the proper Hasgafa and without it being Glatt, can and does cause a lot of problems and they cant be trusted.
I always look for the K or the circled U.
regular K is definitly not allways kosher , unless kelloge cereal.
I need a refresher course on the kashrut dietary laws, then I can start keeping kosher as best as I can in my environment. Does anyone have a link to a site detailing the laws of kashrut?
I need a refresher course on the kashrut dietary laws, then I can start keeping kosher as best as I can in my environment. Does anyone have a link to a site detailing the laws of kashrut?
I need a refresher course on the kashrut dietary laws, then I can start keeping kosher as best as I can in my environment. Does anyone have a link to a site detailing the laws of kashrut?
Thanks Tzvi.
An Arab in Israel told me that any Muslim kill slaughter for it to be Halal and that he could too. But I don't think he was a real Muslim though unless he was practicing taqiyya. He was a contractor building an addition to my uncle's house.
Why is your uncle hiring arabs? If people stopped hiring them and there were no jobs for them to do, they would emigrate.
Kashrut and halal are similar but definitely not the same. No non muslim should eat anything that is halal
halal markings are different but the arabic writing on them are the same. Everyone would do well to remember it. muslims are filthy and their food processing plants are no better. To make matters worse, meat slaughtered is in the name of their false satanic g o d. With kosher products, you can be sure that there are no ground human meat or anything else disgusting will not be in it. And the animals have not had beastality committed against them either.
Kashrut and halal are similar but definitely not the same. No non muslim should eat anything that is halal
halal markings are different but the arabic writing on them are the same. Everyone would do well to remember it. muslims are filthy and their food processing plants are no better. To make matters worse, meat slaughtered is in the name of their false satanic g o d. With kosher products, you can be sure that there are no ground human meat or anything else disgusting will not be in it. And the animals have not had beastality committed against them either.
Actually a halal butcher near us, has more non-muslim customers then muslim ones. The meat isn't too expensive and tastes the same if not fresher.
Yacov Christians after the time of Jesus did have dietry laws they followed but those have been neglected. They used to follow similar laws as that of Jews but not to your extent.
Any muslim can slaughter an animal to eat, but only if they do so in the name of God and by the neck. It isn't for certain people to only do.
Normal meat in Christian countries such as America/U.K is usually a result of animals being shot etc. Without the blood being drained properly. Instead being left inside the animal for a while. Cutting by the neck, releases the blood and the heart cannot pump a whole length along the body because of the circulation cut. When an animal is shot it can.