Author Topic: Bishop Irinej is new Serbian patriarch  (Read 57568 times)

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Re: Bishop Irinej is new Serbian patriarch
« Reply #25 on: November 12, 2010, 12:57:22 AM »
Good. At least some people will have a way of distancing themselves from Rome. My heart cries out to the Serbian people to start reading the Bible again and reading Christ's words in particular. Having a deep personal relationship with Him is far more important than any patriarch or pope or icon or liturgy.

 ;D Yes according to you and some other ''Serbs'' from this forum, Serbs should become protestants. LoL...

Right now under these hard circumstances some people want to take advantage of the situation to convert Serbs into protestants?
Nemoj da mislis ako se cita biblija i da se pronalzi po neka sitnica koja je losa u pravoslavlju da to znaci da postaje protestant! Svi protestanti su skoro svi pod papinom sapom tako da su oni otisli u nepovrat!

Offline Novakovic

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Re: Bishop Irinej is new Serbian patriarch
« Reply #26 on: November 12, 2010, 01:00:52 AM »
Nemoj da mislis ako se cita biblija i da se pronalzi po neka sitnica koja je losa u pravoslavlju da to znaci da postaje protestant! Svi protestanti su skoro svi pod papinom sapom tako da su oni otisli u nepovrat!

Ma da.. Sve je jasno.. Inace ne mozes ti tu davati lekcije o svetom pismu i moralu a usporediti patriarha sa zivotinjom.. Ne moze to tako.
Odluci se dali ces biti Srbin pravoslavac ili protestanta..

Offline crnitrn

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Re: Bishop Irinej is new Serbian patriarch
« Reply #27 on: November 12, 2010, 05:08:58 AM »
Nemoj da mislis ako se cita biblija i da se pronalzi po neka sitnica koja je losa u pravoslavlju da to znaci da postaje protestant! Svi protestanti su skoro svi pod papinom sapom tako da su oni otisli u nepovrat!

Ma da.. Sve je jasno.. Inace ne mozes ti tu davati lekcije o svetom pismu i moralu a usporediti patriarha sa zivotinjom.. Ne moze to tako.
Odluci se dali ces biti Srbin pravoslavac ili protestanta..
Brate evo pitanja da li ti je drazi pop pijanica i razvtnik  u npr. tvom selu  ili pobozan domaci koji nece da ide kod tog popa zato sto ne postuje to sto sam propoveda i uz to dere narod (u novcanom smislu) koji ti je drazi?? Sta mislis koji od ove dvojice je drazi Bogu. Nasi svestenici ako se ovako nastavi postaju isti kao katolicki i protestantski. To sto je Irinej Patrijarh zaci on moze da menja Bogosluzenje u pravoslavnim hramovima kao mu je volja i da da se ekumenise a ja da idem na te iste liturgije i da gledam kako su se nasi udruzili sa ovima iz Svejeresi (kako Justin Popovic zvao rimokatoike). Sve sto se zna o Bogu potice iz biblije citaj te bibliju ljudi! To sto sam ga ja tako nazvo nije da bih ga unio od ljudske vrste nego da bih docarao njegovu prevtljivost i delovanje iz senke to je bilo metaforicno. Ta poredjenja imas i u bibliji ako bas hoces. On je mudar kao lisica a otrovan ko zmija a kidise ko besan pas kad zatreba! Znasi irinej je jezuita ili nesto slicno a znas li kakvi su oni?? Evo procitaj njihovu zakletvu pa C.E. neke stvari da ti budu jasne!

„Sine moj, i do sada si učio da se pretvaraš da si tobože na njihovoj strani, a zapravo nisi.
Među rimokatolicima da budeš rimokatolik i čak da budeš špijun među svojom vlastitom braćom. Učio si da ne veruješ ljudima, da se ne uzdaš u ljude; među reformatorima da budeš reformator, među hugenotima hugenot, među kalvinistima kalvinist, među protestantima da budeš protestant i stekneš njihovo poverenje.
Traži da propovedaš sa njihovih propovedaonica i da svom žestinom svoje prirode objaviš našu svetu religiju i papu; čak siđi tako nisko, da postaneš Jevrejin među Jevrejima, da bi se mogao osposobiti da skupiš sve informacije u korist tvog reda, kao veran papin vojnik. Učio si da tajno seješ seme neprijateljstva i zavisti među državama koje su u miru i huškaš ih da prolivaju krv. Uvuci ih u rat i stvaraj revolucije, građanske ratove u zajednicama, provincijama i zemljama koje su nezavisne i pune prosperiteta, koje uživaju blagoslove u kulturi, umetnosti i naukama. Budi na strani onih koji se bore u ratu i radi potajno sa svojom braćom jezuitima, koji su možda na drugoj strani i otvoreno se suprostavljaju onoj s kojom si ti povezan. Samo tako crkva može uspešno, u tim neugodnim uslovima, privesti kraju pregovore za mir... s tim da cilj opravdava sredstva.
Učio si šta je dužnost špijuna: da sakupljaš činje nice i informacije iz svih mogućih izvora. Trudi se da dobiješ poverenje porodica protestanata i jeretika svih klasa, kako trgovaca, tako i bankara, pravnika, zatim u školama i univerzitetima, parlamentima, zakonodavnim telima, sudovima i saborima. Da budeš sve za sve ljude, za papinu volju čije smo mi sluge sve do smrti.
Primio si sve instrukcije još kao novajlija, pa kao novozaređeni sveštenik i kao pomoćnik biskupa, kao ispovednik i kao sveštenik, ali se još nisi opremio svime što je potrebno, da komanduješ armijom „Lojola” u službi pape. Ti moraš da služiš u pravo vreme kao instrument i izvršitelj kazne, kao što su naredili tvoji pretpostavljeni, jer ovde niko ne može raditi ko nije osvetio svoj rad krvlju jeretika, jer bez prolivanja krvi nijedan čovek ne može biti spasen. Zato, naoružajte se za svoj posao i učinite svoje spasenje sigurnim. Ti ćeš pored svoje prethodne zakletve pokornosti svom redu i odanosti papi, ponoviti za mnom:
Ja (ime i prezime) sada u prisutnosti svemogućeg Boga, svete device Marije, svetog
Mihajla arhanđela, svetog Jovana Krstitelja, svetih apostola, svetog Petra i svetog Pavla i svih svetaca i sakralnih hostija neba, obećavam i izjavljujem da ću, kada bude povoljna prilika, voditi nemilosrdan rat, potajno i javno, protiv svih jeretika, protestanata i liberala, kao što sam usmeren i upućen, da ću ih istrebiti sa lica zemlje i da neću poštedeti nikoga, bez obzira na starost, pol i uslove; da ću ih vešati i paliti, pustošiti, guliti kožu, daviti i pokopavati žive, parati stomake i utrobe njihovih žena i razbijati glave njihove dece o zidove, da satrem zauvek njihovu odvratnu rasu. Pošto se to ne može činiti javno, ja ću potajno upotrebljavati otrovni pehar, stisnuti konopac, čelični bodež ili olovni metak, bez obzira na čast, rang, dostojanstvo ili autoritet osobe ili osoba, ma kakvi bili njihovi uslovi života, javni ili privatni, onako kako budem u bilo koje vreme upućen od bilo kog zastupnika pape ili starešine braće po svetoj veri, po društvu jezuitskom.”

I sad ja treba takvog coveka da slusam samo zato sto on ima tu titulu koju ima a ne zasluzuje je. Mislis li da bise Justin i Velimirovic da su zivi slozili sa ovim sto on radi. Sta mislis sto je artemije proteran? Sto se  Irinej nije pobunio kad je trebala da bude gej  parada tesko ruganje pravoslavlju a to je bila njeova duznost i obaveza i logican postupak!! U mesto toga on  ispija kafu sa Borisom Tadeicem jer su  u dilu i dogovorili se da crkva ne reaguje a da je crkva reagovala parade ne bi ni bilo ! To da imas na umu kad ga budes ponovo  branio. On bre javno istupa da je unijat!!

Offline voo-yo

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Re: Bishop Irinej is new Serbian patriarch
« Reply #28 on: November 12, 2010, 05:15:54 AM »
Hehe, smesan si ti trol, Novakovicu. Od pocetka zastupas tezu da su Turci srpskog porekla nasa "braca", a ako neki Srbin ne nosi brojanicu oko ruke, taj je "stranac".
Uskoro ces se ti razotkriti, ponovo ces napisati neki antisemitski post, a onda letis odavde.

Offline Novakovic

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Re: Bishop Irinej is new Serbian patriarch
« Reply #29 on: November 12, 2010, 08:03:51 AM »
Hehe, smesan si ti trol, Novakovicu. Od pocetka zastupas tezu da su Turci srpskog porekla nasa "braca", a ako neki Srbin ne nosi brojanicu oko ruke, taj je "stranac".
Uskoro ces se ti razotkriti, ponovo ces napisati neki antisemitski post, a onda letis odavde.

Ја то никад нисам говорио.. Извукао си ствари из реалног контекста.


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Re: Bishop Irinej is new Serbian patriarch
« Reply #30 on: November 13, 2010, 08:35:28 PM »
Good. At least some people will have a way of distancing themselves from Rome. My heart cries out to the Serbian people to start reading the Bible again and reading Christ's words in particular. Having a deep personal relationship with Him is far more important than any patriarch or pope or icon or liturgy.

 ;D Yes according to you and some other ''Serbs'' from this forum, Serbs should become protestants. LoL...

Right now under these hard circumstances some people want to take advantage of the situation to convert Serbs into protestants?

All I said was that Serbs should know what their faith is about. They resisted Islamic and Catholic attempts to convert them, many times were killed because they refused, and I think they should know what Christianity is all about.

Celebrating a few holidays and slavas is not Christianity. Read what Christ said in the New Testament and you will begin to better understand what Christianity is all about.

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Re: Bishop Irinej is new Serbian patriarch
« Reply #31 on: November 13, 2010, 08:36:36 PM »
Good. At least some people will have a way of distancing themselves from Rome. My heart cries out to the Serbian people to start reading the Bible again and reading Christ's words in particular. Having a deep personal relationship with Him is far more important than any patriarch or pope or icon or liturgy.

 ;D Yes according to you and some other ''Serbs'' from this forum, Serbs should become protestants. LoL...

Right now under these hard circumstances some people want to take advantage of the situation to convert Serbs into protestants?
Nemoj da mislis ako se cita biblija i da se pronalzi po neka sitnica koja je losa u pravoslavlju da to znaci da postaje protestant! Svi protestanti su skoro svi pod papinom sapom tako da su oni otisli u nepovrat!

I grew up in a Protestant church and I am not "under the Pope's hand," I completely and utterly reject anything to do with the Catholic church.

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Re: Bishop Irinej is new Serbian patriarch
« Reply #32 on: November 13, 2010, 08:39:43 PM »
Nemoj da mislis ako se cita biblija i da se pronalzi po neka sitnica koja je losa u pravoslavlju da to znaci da postaje protestant! Svi protestanti su skoro svi pod papinom sapom tako da su oni otisli u nepovrat!

Ma da.. Sve je jasno.. Inace ne mozes ti tu davati lekcije o svetom pismu i moralu a usporediti patriarha sa zivotinjom.. Ne moze to tako.
Odluci se dali ces biti Srbin pravoslavac ili protestanta..

Why shouldn't a Serb attend a Protestant church. Ethnicity and religion are not the same. If you consider Muslims in Bosnia to be originally Serbs who converted to Islam, of which only a few consider themselves Serbs anymore (i.e. Selimovic and Kusturica), why do you have a problem with Protestant Serbs?

I don't consider the SOC patriarch to be an animal. I think it is wrong for him to make any relationship with the Vatican/Ratzinger, and I do not respect his position so much that I am prevented from criticizing his behavior.

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Re: Bishop Irinej is new Serbian patriarch
« Reply #33 on: November 14, 2010, 12:48:58 AM »
All I said was that Serbs should know what their faith is about.

You also said something about the holy liturgy, icons which is not appropriate.

All I said was that Serbs should know what their faith is about. They resisted Islamic and Catholic attempts to convert them, many times were killed because they refused, and I think they should know what Christianity is all about. Celebrating a few holidays and slavas is not Christianity. Read what Christ said in the New Testament and you will begin to better understand what Christianity is all about.

Look you do not have to teach me about Christianity in that way. Suggesting to me that icons, the holy liturgy and the patriarch are not that important, please we do not need that kind teachings. Right now the Serbian Orthodox Church is under attack. The Church is facing problems. So, many people are confused and easy to manipulate. If you want to help the Serbs, you should not preach against icon, holy liturgy and the patriarch. I agree that the Serbs in general do not go to the church. I also do not go often to the church. I admit. That is a consequence of the communist system which ruled over Serbia. The problem can be restored, if the Serbs return to the ways of their ancestors. The Serbian ancestors were Orthodox Christians, who belonged to the Serbian Orthodox Church, and not protestants.

I appreciate your concern and maybe you have good intentions. But if you want to help the Serbs, you should say to them that they must return to the way of their ancestors. Suggesting to them that icons, the holy liturgy and the patriarch are not that important, is not doing them any good.   

Read what Christ said in the New Testament and you will begin to better understand what Christianity is all about.

If you would read the new testament, you would know that you can not have a relationship with Christ without the Church. Christ says in the new Testament that they who do not drink my blood and eat my flesh will not enter my Father's kingdom. If you do not fast and do not confess, you will can not have a personal relationship with Christ. Christ left instructions how to serve G-d.
The protestants do not have any of that, so you can not tell me that I can maintain a personal relationship with G-d (Christ) outside His Church. That is according to our Orthodox Christian perspective heresy, sectarian teaching. Serbs should read more the bible, but they should use the interpretation of the Orthodox Church and the Church fathers, not interpretation which are used outside the Church.
« Last Edit: November 14, 2010, 12:56:52 AM by Novakovic »

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Re: Bishop Irinej is new Serbian patriarch
« Reply #34 on: November 14, 2010, 01:13:08 AM »
I don't consider the SOC patriarch to be an animal.

That was not addressed to you.

Why shouldn't a Serb attend a Protestant church.

Ask a Jew why he should not go to a protestant church?

Why should not the Serbs go to a protestant church? The same reason why Serbs should not attend a Roman Catholic church, mosque or something else. The protestants are according to the Orthodox point of view in heresy. They separated them selves from the Catholics and in stead of going back to the original Christian Church, they entered in an other level of heresy.
They switched from one heresy to an other form of heresy.

If you consider Muslims in Bosnia to be originally Serbs who converted to Islam, of which only a few consider themselves Serbs anymore (i.e. Selimovic and Kusturica), why do you have a problem with Protestant Serbs?

I did not say that Serbs who convert to protestantism are not genetically Serbs.
You can change your religion and nation, but not your past. If I am aware of the fact that some Serbs were converted during the occupation by Roman Catholic Empires (Republic Venice, Hungary and Austria) and the Islamic Turkish Empire, it does not mean that I think that those convertions were good. No. It is not good to accept the religion of the occupying forces. The protestant countries (America, UK, etc) participated into the biological extermination of the Serbs, by giving green light [support] to fascist and separatist forces, which conducted crimes of genocide against the Serbian people. They did not give an example of how to behave as Christians.

I don't consider the SOC patriarch to be an animal. I think it is wrong for him to make any relationship with the Vatican/Ratzinger, and I do not respect his position so much that I am prevented from criticizing his behavior.

I already said that we must separate the Patriarch as a person and his position. The patriarch as a person is something else. I agree that he also makes mistakes, but some people want to misuse the current hard circumstances to attack the Church and Orthodoxy as a whole.
« Last Edit: November 14, 2010, 01:19:07 AM by Novakovic »

Offline crnitrn

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Re: Bishop Irinej is new Serbian patriarch
« Reply #35 on: November 14, 2010, 06:30:19 AM »
Good. At least some people will have a way of distancing themselves from Rome. My heart cries out to the Serbian people to start reading the Bible again and reading Christ's words in particular. Having a deep personal relationship with Him is far more important than any patriarch or pope or icon or liturgy.

 ;D Yes according to you and some other ''Serbs'' from this forum, Serbs should become protestants. LoL...

Right now under these hard circumstances some people want to take advantage of the situation to convert Serbs into protestants?
Nemoj da mislis ako se cita biblija i da se pronalzi po neka sitnica koja je losa u pravoslavlju da to znaci da postaje protestant! Svi protestanti su skoro svi pod papinom sapom tako da su oni otisli u nepovrat!

I grew up in a Protestant church and I am not "under the Pope's hand," I completely and utterly reject anything to do with the Catholic church.
Ti nisi ali crkva  verovatno jeste mozda ima po neka omanja da nije ali gro jeste!1

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Re: Bishop Irinej is new Serbian patriarch
« Reply #36 on: November 14, 2010, 06:37:46 AM »
All I said was that Serbs should know what their faith is about.

You also said something about the holy liturgy, icons which is not appropriate.

All I said was that Serbs should know what their faith is about. They resisted Islamic and Catholic attempts to convert them, many times were killed because they refused, and I think they should know what Christianity is all about. Celebrating a few holidays and slavas is not Christianity. Read what Christ said in the New Testament and you will begin to better understand what Christianity is all about.

Look you do not have to teach me about Christianity in that way. Suggesting to me that icons, the holy liturgy and the patriarch are not that important, please we do not need that kind teachings. Right now the Serbian Orthodox Church is under attack. The Church is facing problems. So, many people are confused and easy to manipulate. If you want to help the Serbs, you should not preach against icon, holy liturgy and the patriarch. I agree that the Serbs in general do not go to the church. I also do not go often to the church. I admit. That is a consequence of the communist system which ruled over Serbia. The problem can be restored, if the Serbs return to the ways of their ancestors. The Serbian ancestors were Orthodox Christians, who belonged to the Serbian Orthodox Church, and not protestants.

I appreciate your concern and maybe you have good intentions. But if you want to help the Serbs, you should say to them that they must return to the way of their ancestors. Suggesting to them that icons, the holy liturgy and the patriarch are not that important, is not doing them any good.   

Read what Christ said in the New Testament and you will begin to better understand what Christianity is all about.

If you would read the new testament, you would know that you can not have a relationship with Christ without the Church. Christ says in the new Testament that they who do not drink my blood and eat my flesh will not enter my Father's kingdom. If you do not fast and do not confess, you will can not have a personal relationship with Christ. Christ left instructions how to serve G-d.
The protestants do not have any of that, so you can not tell me that I can maintain a personal relationship with G-d (Christ) outside His Church. That is according to our Orthodox Christian perspective heresy, sectarian teaching. Serbs should read more the bible, but they should use the interpretation of the Orthodox Church and the Church fathers, not interpretation which are used outside the Church.
Crkva nije bitna ! Hrist kaze gde se dvojica sloze u moje ime tu je crkva! U pitanju je los prevod sa grckog i hebrejskog termin koji se koristi u originalu ne pominje crkvu u bukvalnom smislu vec  u smislu skupstine zajednice. A jedini Hristov tj. Boziji Hram je u Izraelu a on je srusen, Solomonov hram!!

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Re: Bishop Irinej is new Serbian patriarch
« Reply #37 on: November 14, 2010, 06:41:46 AM »
Ali srpska pravoslavna crkva je jedina u kojoj postoji zdravo tkivu ! Unutar nje sada besni rad izmedju unijata i pravih pravoslavaca uz Boziju pomoc pobedicemo i po ko zna koji put dici se iz pepela ,za slavu Gospodu!

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Re: Bishop Irinej is new Serbian patriarch
« Reply #38 on: November 14, 2010, 06:55:51 AM »
Gospodine crnitrn mali mi zbunjeno delujete..
« Last Edit: November 14, 2010, 08:04:53 AM by Novakovic »

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Re: Bishop Irinej is new Serbian patriarch
« Reply #39 on: November 14, 2010, 07:18:39 AM »
Covece, ti ne znas srpski, a ovde nekome solis pamet.

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Re: Bishop Irinej is new Serbian patriarch
« Reply #40 on: November 14, 2010, 08:06:01 AM »
Covece, ti ne znas srpski, a ovde nekome solis pamet.

Ti ne znas srpski, inace ne bi ovo rekao. Znaci ko ne zna srpski.  :) ?

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Re: Bishop Irinej is new Serbian patriarch
« Reply #42 on: November 14, 2010, 08:20:52 AM »
Gospodine crnitrn mali mi zbunjeno delujete..
Lol, pokusao si da izmenis post da ispadnes pismen, al' opet si se zajebo.
Samo ti srbuj iz svoje Nemacke.

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Re: Bishop Irinej is new Serbian patriarch
« Reply #43 on: November 14, 2010, 08:25:33 AM »
Lol, pokusao si da izmenis post da ispadnes pismen, al' opet si se zajebo.
Samo ti srbuj iz svoje Nemacke.

Lol.. Nemas nikakve dokaze ti mali.. haha..

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Re: Bishop Irinej is new Serbian patriarch
« Reply #44 on: November 14, 2010, 08:26:03 AM »
E to su srbska posla svadja te se oko lapsusa  a sto nas dave za gusu to je sporedno, sto su nam deca zaglupila, zene razuzdane, sto je sve vise kurvanja i abortusa, muskarci kao zene i pedercici , svestenici ekumenisti sto su satanisti svuda oko nas da li vas to malo zanima!!??    :nuke:

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Re: Bishop Irinej is new Serbian patriarch
« Reply #45 on: November 14, 2010, 08:30:50 AM »
Kako nece da vam se zene kurvaju i tako dalje kad se ponasate kao picke...
Pogledaj da ovdje ima svakakvih jeretika kojima smetaju pravoslavni obicaji?
Kako nece to biti kada se sluzite sa jeretickim stvarima?
E moji ljudi vratite se u period Nemanjica i sve ce biti bolje...

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Re: Bishop Irinej is new Serbian patriarch
« Reply #46 on: November 14, 2010, 08:31:55 AM »
Lol, pokusao si da izmenis post da ispadnes pismen, al' opet si se zajebo.
Samo ti srbuj iz svoje Nemacke.

Lol.. Nemas nikakve dokaze ti mali.. haha..

Šta će mi dokazi, ja s tobom više ne vodim ozbiljne razgovore. Ti si imbecil, i tako ću te i tretirati.

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Re: Bishop Irinej is new Serbian patriarch
« Reply #47 on: November 14, 2010, 08:34:43 AM »
Šta će mi dokazi, ja s tobom više ne vodim ozbiljne razgovore. Ti si imbecil, i tako ću te i tretirati.

Pa opet su vam usta puna govana? Sta da vam kazem. Ovo sta vam izlazi iz vasih usta, govori vise o vama nego o meni. Ja ti kazem kad vec nemas ni za hleb, onda nastavi ovako da seres i jedi govna..

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Re: Bishop Irinej is new Serbian patriarch
« Reply #48 on: November 14, 2010, 08:40:38 AM »
Šta će mi dokazi, ja s tobom više ne vodim ozbiljne razgovore. Ti si imbecil, i tako ću te i tretirati.

Pa opet su vam usta puna govana? Sta da vam kazem. Ovo sta vam izlazi iz vasih usta, govori vise o vama nego o meni. Ja ti kazem kad vec nemas ni za hleb, onda nastavi ovako da seres i jedi govna..
Hvala sto dokazujes moju tvrdnju da si neozbiljni imbecil. Iz Nemacke.

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Re: Bishop Irinej is new Serbian patriarch
« Reply #49 on: November 14, 2010, 08:42:51 AM »
Vase tvrdnje vise govore o vama nego o meni. Uzivajte!  :)