Author Topic: High school kid named Osama  (Read 39287 times)

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Re: High school kid named Osama
« Reply #25 on: June 12, 2007, 10:12:02 AM »
What??? and further ???...

First of all, leave the “What???” for those on whom it works. Lower your tone. One question mark is quite enough.

First of all, Osama Bin Laden wasn't the FIRST OSAMA EVER BORN.

I hope, he is the last one.

... Chaim Ben Pechach (sp?) , a man who spent time in jail for something horrible. What would you say?

I would say that comparing the activities of Chaim and those of Osama is spitting in the graves of 3,000 Americans who died on 9/11.

Obviously, I must not add that I disrespect you for that.
The high schooler Osama didn't kill anyone... Osama Bin Laden DID. And we're talking about namesakes. Since you want to demonize an innocent teenager and compare him to a terrorist, wouldn't it be just as wrong to demonize  anyone named Chaim because of what Ben Pesach did, it would be just as unfair.

Imerica, that just sounds like really dumb logic!

Osama got a bunch of muslims to hijack a bunch of planes with the intention of killing man, woman, child all innocent into two very large towers...Osama we all know is a horrible if some poor unfortunate kid just happens to be named Osama...then that sucks for him...bad's sad, yes..but it's bad luck

But you can't compare Chaim to's like comparing absolute darkness with refrigerators. Doesn't sound logical that comparison does it?
Bad is bad anyway you slice it, dannycookie... Osama is evil upon evil and what Chaim did got him kicked out of a country. At any rate they both have done wrong..the HUGE difference is that Chaim served his time for his crime... Osama has yet to be captured and tortured the way I'd like to see it happen for his attrocities. My point is that a name is just a name. This teenaged boy shouldn't be demonized because of what Osama Bin Laden did on 9/11. That would be like a child named Chaim being demonized because of what Chaim served his time for.

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Re: High school kid named Osama
« Reply #26 on: June 12, 2007, 10:20:21 AM »
Chaim never killed anyone or even tried to cause injuries
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Re: High school kid named Osama
« Reply #27 on: June 12, 2007, 10:27:38 AM »
Chaim never killed anyone or even tried to cause injuries
I'm happy that he never killed anyone, but his actions had the ability to do that and worse. At any rate he's served his time and I have no intention of bringing it up again. I used his history as a reference because of the fact that people compared an innocent teenager's name to a terrible person. My comment was only to make the distinction that a rose by any other name is still a rose.

Offline pbc

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Re: High school kid named Osama
« Reply #28 on: June 12, 2007, 11:26:21 AM »
1. In my opinion it's pretty stupid to bully someone just because of his name, but I believe it would 
    happen if he had a different name which would be strange to americans (eg. Hanz, Gideon, laetitia).
2. Although he was named Osama before the 9/11 bombing, I would expect him to change his name just
    in order to avoid things like this, because clearly Osama Bin Laden is considered #1 enemy of the US.
3. Many german jews named their sons Adolph prior to the 2nd world war, but after the holocaust, for 
    obvious reasons, they stoped. I would expect the same from muslims, even if they support him, they 
    should have some respect to the national american majority.
This is all folks!

Offline MassuhDGoodName

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Re: High school kid named Osama
« Reply #29 on: June 12, 2007, 12:53:43 PM »
Imerica:  "... I used his history as a reference because of the fact that people compared an innocent teenager's name to a terrible person. My comment was only to make the distinction that a rose by any other name is still a rose..."

Accepting Imerica's contention as true, it then stands to reason that The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., was jailed in Birmingham, AL, for the simple reason that he was a common criminal caught while intentionally breaking the law.

Same for the demonstrating negroes who were attacked by German shepherd police dogs, forced off their feet by city fire hoses turned on them, and then beaten with billy clubs by the police, arrested, and jailed.  Commissioner of Public Safety, Eugene "Bull" Connor, sat in his wheelchair on a rooftop supervising the situation, and gleefully shouted loudly "Look at 'them n***rs run!"

Anyone who today claims that those lawbreakers were simply breaking unjust laws which were written to oppress them and deprive them of their Constitutional rights, is simply wrong.

They are to be remembered as criminals; nothing more, and nothing less.

This is because the Law is the Law, and anyone breaking any Law for any reason whatsoever, is a criminal and an enemy of society.  They must be prosecuted and punished to the full extent of the Law.

This is Imerica's position on Chaim's arrest and incarceration.   


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Re: High school kid named Osama
« Reply #30 on: June 12, 2007, 03:29:20 PM »
At one time, it looked like Erica was at least slightly interested in learning about us and why we believe what we do. This latest jewel from her dung-covered fingers shows her true colors for all to see.

The question will be what the admins do now.
Wow, that's clever.. "her dung covered fingers." You're just angry because I disagree with you and your well as your negativity. You haven't been very cool with me at all on some subjects, and you talk about my 'dirty hands.' Go and wash yours.

Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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Re: High school kid named Osama
« Reply #31 on: June 12, 2007, 03:55:55 PM »
I am the negative one? You are the one who maliciously slandered Chaim and accused him of doing a very awful thing. Get the camel pie out of your mouth before you accuse others of having bad breath, dimwit.


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Re: High school kid named Osama
« Reply #32 on: June 12, 2007, 03:56:04 PM »
Imerica:  "... I used his history as a reference because of the fact that people compared an innocent teenager's name to a terrible person. My comment was only to make the distinction that a rose by any other name is still a rose..."

Accepting Imerica's contention as true, it then stands to reason that The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., was jailed in Birmingham, AL, for the simple reason that he was a common criminal caught while intentionally breaking the law.

Same for the demonstrating negroes who were attacked by German shepherd police dogs, forced off their feet by city fire hoses turned on them, and then beaten with billy clubs by the police, arrested, and jailed.  Commissioner of Public Safety, Eugene "Bull" Connor, sat in his wheelchair on a rooftop supervising the situation, and gleefully shouted loudly "Look at 'them n***rs run!"

Anyone who today claims that those lawbreakers were simply breaking unjust laws which were written to oppress them and deprive them of their Constitutional rights, is simply wrong.

They are to be remembered as criminals; nothing more, and nothing less.

This is because the Law is the Law, and anyone breaking any Law for any reason whatsoever, is a criminal and an enemy of society.  They must be prosecuted and punished to the full extent of the Law.

This is Imerica's position on Chaim's arrest and incarceration.   

During MLK's time in the Civil Rights movement, he exerted no violence toward the people who wanted to keep blacks in the background. The whole 'hosing down' of blacks back then was the police's assumption that it would stop them dead in their tracks from wanting any kind of equality. The police wasn't advanced upon. The protestors marched quietly... I saw the movie and read the accounts. They did absolutely nothing to deserve having German Shepard dogs attack them.

Another question, did this happen to the white women during sufferage, when they protested in the streets for their right to vote just like the white man? Were they hosed down, attacked by dogs, or beaten down with policemen's clubs? I can answer that for you... "hell no. " White women, at that time had sexism against them but they were still thought to be better than black men and women who didn't get a chance to vote until the late 1960's.

And another thing. My bringing up Chaim's past was merely to put an inkling of a thought into someone's head about how unimportant your name is. My husband's name is Charles, he's 34 years old. He was born after the Manson Family killed Sharon Tate  and 5 other people under Charles Manson's orders. Now since my husband's parents named him Charles, do you think he was named for Charles Manson? NO. Its a family name and he happened to be a namesake. With that said, just because Chaim was sent to jail for his misdeeds doesn't mean that any male Jewish child born after his stint in jail should be demonized for being the recipient of the same name. I wasn't attempting to go any deeper than that.

Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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Re: High school kid named Osama
« Reply #33 on: June 12, 2007, 03:58:01 PM »
And another thing. My bringing up Chaim's past was merely to put an inkling of a thought into someone's head about how unimportant your name is. My husband's name is Charles, he's 34 years old. He was born after the Manson Family killed Sharon Tate  and 5 other people under Charles Manson's orders. Now since my husband's parents named him Charles, do you think he was named for Charles Manson? NO. Its a family name and he happened to be a namesake. With that said, just because Chaim was sent to jail for his misdeeds doesn't mean that any male Jewish child born after his stint in jail should be demonized for being the recipient of the same name. I wasn't attempting to go any deeper than that.
You can't save your ass now, ho. You said exactly what you meant and it was very clear to everybody. You think Chaim is a terrible person because he decided to sacrifice everything to fight Russian Nazis and save Soviet Jews.


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Re: High school kid named Osama
« Reply #34 on: June 12, 2007, 04:14:36 PM »
And another thing. My bringing up Chaim's past was merely to put an inkling of a thought into someone's head about how unimportant your name is. My husband's name is Charles, he's 34 years old. He was born after the Manson Family killed Sharon Tate  and 5 other people under Charles Manson's orders. Now since my husband's parents named him Charles, do you think he was named for Charles Manson? NO. Its a family name and he happened to be a namesake. With that said, just because Chaim was sent to jail for his misdeeds doesn't mean that any male Jewish child born after his stint in jail should be demonized for being the recipient of the same name. I wasn't attempting to go any deeper than that.
You can't save your ass now, ho. You said exactly what you meant and it was very clear to everybody. You think Chaim is a terrible person because he decided to sacrifice everything to fight Russian Nazis and save Soviet Jews.
"Ho" ? Wow, you're full of it CF. You really are. And since you want to get pissy about it, I think that other things could have been done in place of Chaim's actions. Things that could have kept him out of jail. Things that would have allowed him to imigrate back to Israel. He chose to be militant and that's never a good thing. NEVER. I'm not trying to save ANYTHING, but I can tell you what YOU can save. Save the negativity for someone who thrives on it.

Chaim isn't a saint. He knows he isn't perfect and even admits when he's made mistakes (not that I've ever heard him say that his actions were a mistake) but I can respect that about him. This thread was about demonizing a child because he carries the same name a terrorist has. That's no difference than someone naming a child Chaim, then assuming that that family named him after JTF's Chaim (just in case you didn't realize it, Chaim isn't liked by everyone). Would you be okay with someone bullying a child because he and Chaim have the same name?

Offline MasterWolf1

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Re: High school kid named Osama
« Reply #35 on: June 12, 2007, 05:04:51 PM »
I really do not give a damn if this Muzzie is offended.  Who the hell is he?? A nothing, his people have caused enough damage around the world for the last 1400 years. And yes with a name like "Osama" let him be mocked.  Erica, you won't find Jimmys and Bobbys screaming jihad and their hate towards all non Muslims.  But you will see the Osamas and Mohammeds do that.  They are such nasty hiddeous people.  First of all, not every country belongs to them.  If he is complaining about people mocking his name, then he can go back to Mecca and bury his head in the sand.  By the way, I figured it out why Muzzie pigs bury their heads in the sand when they pray to Allah Snackbar and their butts are in the air.  They ripple one of their personal WMDs and their faces are facing the bottom of the grounds where they are going.  It is called hellfire in the next world.  They are evil, nasty insects. 


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Re: High school kid named Osama
« Reply #36 on: June 12, 2007, 06:13:05 PM »
I would like to state  that I am opposed to the using of words such as "ho" as insults, say what you mean, don't use derogatory lies, it defames you as well as the person that you describe with them.


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Re: High school kid named Osama
« Reply #37 on: June 12, 2007, 07:01:39 PM »
I am the negative one? You are the one who maliciously slandered Chaim and accused him of doing a very awful thing. Get the camel pie out of your mouth before you accuse others of having bad breath, dimwit.
Maliciously slandered? This is all true, about Chaim. He didn't go to jail for being a boy scout. He did something that warranted him going to jail. Cut the crap C.F. Are you saying that he didn't do the things discribed in the article AND link I posted?


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Re: High school kid named Osama
« Reply #38 on: June 12, 2007, 07:09:24 PM »
I really do not give a damn if this Muzzie is offended.  Who the hell is he?? A nothing, his people have caused enough damage around the world for the last 1400 years. And yes with a name like "Osama" let him be mocked.  Erica, you won't find Jimmys and Bobbys screaming jihad and their hate towards all non Muslims.  But you will see the Osamas and Mohammeds do that.  They are such nasty hiddeous people.  First of all, not every country belongs to them.  If he is complaining about people mocking his name, then he can go back to Mecca and bury his head in the sand.  By the way, I figured it out why Muzzie pigs bury their heads in the sand when they pray to Allah Snackbar and their butts are in the air.  They ripple one of their personal WMDs and their faces are facing the bottom of the grounds where they are going.  It is called hellfire in the next world.  They are evil, nasty insects. 
Do you say this about babies also? Babies who will probably be born with names like Osama, Muhammed, or Kaliq, for that matter? You assume that children with muslim names are terrorists. How dare you? If I had a son and named him Louis, would you assume that I'd named him after Farrakhan? How about Angela? Would you assume that I'd named her after Angela Davis? And what about Maya... would the assumption then be that she'd be named for Maya Angelou?  *These people I listed are those you hate. * To bully someone because they bare a name you hate is just stupid.

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Re: High school kid named Osama
« Reply #39 on: June 12, 2007, 07:27:17 PM »
Instead of wasting his time suing people, he should just save his time and effort and legally change his name.  Then he should change his religion.

Maybe he shouldn't change his name.

There is a story about an American sergeant named Hitler during the Second World War. His buddies suggested that he change his name. He said, "Why should I change my name? If he doesn't like it, that (*!#!_P**!!~ in Berlin can change his!"


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Re: High school kid named Osama
« Reply #40 on: June 12, 2007, 07:30:15 PM »
I really do not give a damn if this Muzzie is offended.  Who the hell is he?? A nothing, his people have caused enough damage around the world for the last 1400 years. And yes with a name like "Osama" let him be mocked.  Erica, you won't find Jimmys and Bobbys screaming jihad and their hate towards all non Muslims.  But you will see the Osamas and Mohammeds do that.  They are such nasty hiddeous people.  First of all, not every country belongs to them.  If he is complaining about people mocking his name, then he can go back to Mecca and bury his head in the sand.  By the way, I figured it out why Muzzie pigs bury their heads in the sand when they pray to Allah Snackbar and their butts are in the air.  They ripple one of their personal WMDs and their faces are facing the bottom of the grounds where they are going.  It is called hellfire in the next world.  They are evil, nasty insects. 
Bold, mine... But you will find some Jimmys and Bobbys in the KKK yelling "White Power! KILL BLACKIE!" This doesn't mean that everytime I see or hear someone named Bobby or Jimmy talk or being called I'm going to think KKK. My 4 year old nephew's name is Bobby.

Honestly, the way you talk about this boy who has done absolutely nothing to deserve the bullying he's getting. Do you think anyone named David was named after David Duke?

Offline Zvulun Ben Moshe

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Re: High school kid named Osama
« Reply #41 on: June 12, 2007, 08:11:35 PM »
David is a common name in 90% of the world. Originating from King David of Israel, it has not been desecrated by anyone. That is no one, including David Duke, have not done things so bad that the name David would be associated with evil.

Now, Osama is not a common Arabic name. You can ask any Arab about that.

Additionally, the world for the first time heard of this name from the breaking news on 9/11.

Osama bin Laden has done enough to become an association with evil not only through his name, but also religion, and even dress code.

Therefore, Erica, if your son’s name was Osama, I would surely recommend you to change it to Ali, for example.
« Last Edit: June 12, 2007, 08:13:56 PM by Zvulun ben Moshe »
I am Zvulun ben Moshe and I approve this message.

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Re: High school kid named Osama
« Reply #42 on: June 12, 2007, 08:59:24 PM »
What??? and further ???...

First of all, leave the “What???” for those on whom it works. Lower your tone. One question mark is quite enough.

First of all, Osama Bin Laden wasn't the FIRST OSAMA EVER BORN.

I hope, he is the last one.

... Chaim Ben Pechach (sp?) , a man who spent time in jail for something horrible. What would you say?

I would say that comparing the activities of Chaim and those of Osama is spitting in the graves of 3,000 Americans who died on 9/11.

Obviously, I must not add that I disrespect you for that.
The high schooler Osama didn't kill anyone... Osama Bin Laden DID. And we're talking about namesakes. Since you want to demonize an innocent teenager and compare him to a terrorist, wouldn't it be just as wrong to demonize  anyone named Chaim because of what Ben Pesach did, it would be just as unfair.

Imerica, that just sounds like really dumb logic!

Osama got a bunch of muslims to hijack a bunch of planes with the intention of killing man, woman, child all innocent into two very large towers...Osama we all know is a horrible if some poor unfortunate kid just happens to be named Osama...then that sucks for him...bad's sad, yes..but it's bad luck

But you can't compare Chaim to's like comparing absolute darkness with refrigerators. Doesn't sound logical that comparison does it?
Bad is bad anyway you slice it, dannycookie... Osama is evil upon evil and what Chaim did got him kicked out of a country. At any rate they both have done wrong..the HUGE difference is that Chaim served his time for his crime... Osama has yet to be captured and tortured the way I'd like to see it happen for his attrocities. My point is that a name is just a name. This teenaged boy shouldn't be demonized because of what Osama Bin Laden did on 9/11. That would be like a child named Chaim being demonized because of what Chaim served his time for.

I understand the point you are getting at. I think that you agree that chaim and osama are apples and oranges...two compeltely different people...but i know what you are saying...

Ok...this kid's name is Osama..and then after 9/11 kids teased him like crazy...You know what? That's what children do. Welcome to the club!  If he is suing, then i should ahve done it done it too...

But honestly, he and his family are being like tattle tails...suck it up and deal with it!
If someone says something bad about you, say something nice about them. That way, both of you would be lying.

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Re: High school kid named Osama
« Reply #43 on: June 12, 2007, 09:12:46 PM »
Hey!!!  Could we please clean up the comments that are posted here!  These are the most vicious comments I've ever read since I took part on this fourm.  If this doesn't stop, I wlll start reporting people and asking that they will be banned!!

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Re: High school kid named Osama
« Reply #44 on: June 12, 2007, 09:46:46 PM »
You blacks kill me. You complain and moan about the white man keeping you as slaves but you won't say a word about the muslims who practiced slavery for over 1400 years. You know that you won't get a penny out of them so you try and shake down the white man. The arabs are still practicing slavery today and your 'leaders' are not doing a damn thing except trying to shake down banks, insurance compainies and burger king. Muslims have no place in western society. They should be placed back into their hovels where they can rot in ignorance and depravity. If you love this child so much why not pay his one way ticket back to camel land where he can become a slaver and maybe enslave you.
All very true!!
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Re: High school kid named Osama
« Reply #45 on: June 12, 2007, 10:14:31 PM »
Imerica:  "... I used his history as a reference because of the fact that people compared an innocent teenager's name to a terrible person. My comment was only to make the distinction that a rose by any other name is still a rose..."

Accepting Imerica's contention as true, it then stands to reason that The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., was jailed in Birmingham, AL, for the simple reason that he was a common criminal caught while intentionally breaking the law.

Same for the demonstrating negroes who were attacked by German shepherd police dogs, forced off their feet by city fire hoses turned on them, and then beaten with billy clubs by the police, arrested, and jailed.  Commissioner of Public Safety, Eugene "Bull" Connor, sat in his wheelchair on a rooftop supervising the situation, and gleefully shouted loudly "Look at 'them n***rs run!"

Anyone who today claims that those lawbreakers were simply breaking unjust laws which were written to oppress them and deprive them of their Constitutional rights, is simply wrong.

They are to be remembered as criminals; nothing more, and nothing less.

This is because the Law is the Law, and anyone breaking any Law for any reason whatsoever, is a criminal and an enemy of society.  They must be prosecuted and punished to the full extent of the Law.

This is Imerica's position on Chaim's arrest and incarceration.   

During MLK's time in the Civil Rights movement, he exerted no violence toward the people who wanted to keep blacks in the background. The whole 'hosing down' of blacks back then was the police's assumption that it would stop them dead in their tracks from wanting any kind of equality. The police wasn't advanced upon. The protestors marched quietly... I saw the movie and read the accounts. They did absolutely nothing to deserve having German Shepard dogs attack them.

Another question, did this happen to the white women during sufferage, when they protested in the streets for their right to vote just like the white man? Were they hosed down, attacked by dogs, or beaten down with policemen's clubs? I can answer that for you... "hell no. " White women, at that time had sexism against them but they were still thought to be better than black men and women who didn't get a chance to vote until the late 1960's.

And another thing. My bringing up Chaim's past was merely to put an inkling of a thought into someone's head about how unimportant your name is. My husband's name is Charles, he's 34 years old. He was born after the Manson Family killed Sharon Tate  and 5 other people under Charles Manson's orders. Now since my husband's parents named him Charles, do you think he was named for Charles Manson? NO. Its a family name and he happened to be a namesake. With that said, just because Chaim was sent to jail for his misdeeds doesn't mean that any male Jewish child born after his stint in jail should be demonized for being the recipient of the same name. I wasn't attempting to go any deeper than that.
No violence Imerica? I watched the news each night back then and watched that black animal MLK spur up black beasts at rallies all day and then at night  they would burn half the city down and loot everything they could get their hands on. Dogs and fire hoses your right they should not have used that, they should have sent the army in and quelled the unrest in a more permanent way. Chaim did what he did to help Russian Jews that were being oppressed. No one was hurt in what Chaim did. Can you say the same for the antics if your great late MLK?
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Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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Re: High school kid named Osama
« Reply #46 on: June 12, 2007, 10:27:06 PM »
Maliciously slandered? This is all true, about Chaim. He didn't go to jail for being a boy scout. He did something that warranted him going to jail. Cut the crap C.F. Are you saying that he didn't do the things discribed in the article AND link I posted?
Go to hell, Muslim-loving slut. You know full well that Chaim's prosecution was politically motivated. When Panther members threw tear gas at white cops during their "civil rights" demonstrations they never got anything more than a couple nights in the local pokey. You are full of camel dreck and a patch of mold on our forum.

Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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Re: High school kid named Osama
« Reply #47 on: June 12, 2007, 10:29:32 PM »
Bold, mine... But you will find some Jimmys and Bobbys in the KKK yelling "White Power! KILL BLACKIE!" This doesn't mean that everytime I see or hear someone named Bobby or Jimmy talk or being called I'm going to think KKK. My 4 year old nephew's name is Bobby.

Honestly, the way you talk about this boy who has done absolutely nothing to deserve the bullying he's getting. Do you think anyone named David was named after David Duke?
Get real, numbskull. Honestly what percentage of whites admire David Duke?  What percentage of Muslims admire bin Laden?

Offline DownwithIslam

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Re: High school kid named Osama
« Reply #48 on: June 12, 2007, 10:43:25 PM »
Wow we were right all along that this kurva supports Islam. She calls Chaim a criminal and lectures us on violence. Most of her bros and hos from the project are converting to Islam so i guess she feels a certain connection with this satanic religion.
I am urinating on a Koran.

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Re: High school kid named Osama
« Reply #49 on: June 12, 2007, 10:55:08 PM »
Does she knows that in Saudi Arabia and other Muslim Nazi countries to this day engage in slavery?  Yes, Erica to this day they are taking slaves from Sub Sahara Africa.  This is what Islam is.  Anywhere Islam is in the world there is nothing but the most horrific nightmares that any normal human being can ever comprehend.  As we know what they already do to women and children.  And not everyone named Bobby or Jimmy is going to be related in the KKK.  But Mohammed and Osama is related to Islam the most evil satanic cult.  I don't call it a religion.  Cause religion is based on beauty and philosophy.  The Nazi Islamic cult is the complete opposite.