/sorry for the wrong spelling - English is not my native tongue/
I have just finished watching this video
http://youtube.com/watch?v=FykpoKQ59NQ (Kosovo Belongs To The Heroic Serbs!), and i was amazed at how much history you guys go through in your research, great job.
However, i did not like the terms you used "drive muslims out" and similar, because it reminds me of the terms that terrorists usually use (muslim or otherwise), but let me first explain some more things.
Serbia got nuked partially because Milosevic was a selfish bastard that could not care less about the consequences of his idiotic actions (pretending that Serbia can kick Nato`s ass so-to-speak). If we had a normal president, he would have asked for help from the European union and Nato against the terrorist (pseudo-Albanian UCK) threat on Kosovo. If Serbia had lobbied like the albanians did, things would have been much different (EU, Nato and the USA maybe would have helped or at least okayed the actions against the terrorists).
When we took actions against the terrorists in Kosovo, Milosevic once again released his dogs of war, killing innocent civilians, burning down villages etc... (not as much CNN would say, but still... ) - in short, he used their methods which is WRONG and SHOULD NEVER BE DONE TO ANYONE NO MATTER WHAT RACE OR RELIGION!!
The parts about Muslims moving in, and other historic facts from history are ok, and true (i liked when you mentioned we saving American airmen, it kinda moved me

), and also parts about the middle-ages - ottomans etc... you pointed out how screwed up the region is.
Know this before you read on. Kaurin (my nickname and also my LAST NAME ) here is what it means in turkish:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GiaourThis last name was sort-of Turkish punishing the disobedient Serbian families during when they first started documenting the population of Serbia in the late 18th century. My family, ex-Bogunovic, was listed as "Kaurin" which ment that every Turkish, or Turkish-loyalist would know that our family is troublesome, or should be treated with disrespect. Our name was not given to us just-like-that. We earned it by being troublesome for turks -- but that is another story

So, you would all expect that a guy like me, with my last name would be all-supportive of you guys, and your cause.... well i`ll have to disappoint you.
I think that you are using methods of verbal intimidation that are often used by the terrorists, and i don`t think that is the right way to fight terrorism, especially if you live in the USA and want support. You are also being over-racistic in addressing the muslims as a whole. You have to realize that this language can not be tolerated in a modern world. if you want more support, you should question your racial and religious stands.
To sum it all up:
I thank you for saying some things that most people don`t know and standing up for Serbia, but i wish it was not used in the way you used it.
I share your hope that terrorists around the world would no longer exist - if that is your hope, i hope