It is fundamentally important to recognize that G-d is fair and just, and therefore no deserving soul is denied the opportunity to earn a place in the World to Come.8 G-d's ways, including how He accomplishes this, are ultimately inscrutable and beyond the understanding of mortals. However, on such a fundamental question, there must be answers that we can relate to on a practical basis. The growth of the world population has accelerated greatly over the past few hundred years, from 791 million in 1750, to 3 billion in 1959, to 7.6 billion in 2018. Thus, the world's population at this time, when the Noahide Code is finally being presented openly for all mankind, is surely more than able to contain the reincarnated souls9 of all good and deserving Gentiles who have lived in the past. This may be G-d's way to give a soul an extra opportunity it deserves, to make amends and to become righteous. Therefore, it is a great service to every soul in the world today if we, together, will make this opportunity known and available. With G-d's help, through your help, we will accomplish this task, and very soon, with the coming of the Messiah, "the occupation of the whole world will be solely to know G-d,"10 and "the earth will be as filled with knowledge of G-d as water covering the sea bed."11
8 For a text that teaches numerous fundamental spiritual topics within Torah as they relate to Gentiles, see Seven Gates of Righteous Knowledge, by Rabbi Moshe Weiner, pub. Ask Noah International, 2017.
9 See Soul Searching, by Yaakov Astor, pub. Targum Press, 2003.
10 Rambam, Laws of Kings 12:5.
11 Isaiah 11:9 (the Divine Code by Rabbi Moshe Weiner, Ask Noah International, 2018, p 23).