• Chaim how about a group meetup at Bens Kosher Deli?

    • It’s not glatt kosher.

    • Sinwar is Dead

    • mycharisma.com has an article headlined
      “Will Antisemitism Cost Kamala Harris the Presidency?”
      By Michael L. Brown Oct 16, 2024

    • Meir Weinstein
      @neveragainlive1 typed on X
      On October 14, 2024
      “Very Important. The USA election will take place on November 5th
      which is also the anniversary of the assassination of Rabbi Meir Kahane November 5th
      These are historical times for the
      Jewish people and Israel. The idea of a Two State Solution has been exposed as a false mirage. Now many Jews in Israel say that
      Rabbi Meir Kahane was correct. In
      fact, the former USA Ambassador to Israel David Friedman wrote a book that is very close to the ideas
      advocated by Rabbi Meir Kahane .
      November 5th will usher in a paradigm shift in official Israel policy”

      • November 5th, 1990 was a
        Monday , a MONDAY
        We all know how
        Garfield the cat Hates Mondays
        Garfield hates Mondays
        and Nermal

        • But then if
          Garfield the cat were Real
          Garfield would be a fan of
          Rabbi Meir Kahane !

        • Could
          Rabbi Meir Kahane have secretly been a fan of
          Garfield the cat and the
          Garfield Franchise ?
          Elvis Presley was a big
          Star Trek fan , but Elvis kept it to himself

    • allisrael.com has an article headlined
      “The death of Sinwar on the first day of Tabernacles” by
      Dr. Michael L. Brown
      October 18, 2024
      The death of Sinwar is compared to the death of the
      Wicked Israelite King Ahab

    • Some people typed online after
      Israel killed Yahya Sinwar that
      Sinwar didn’t suffer Enough when Israel killed him and that after Sinwar was killed, Imagine if it was scientifically possible to Bring his ugly rat Arab ass back to life and then the IDF interrogate him for information on the hostages, inject him with Truth serum drugs , then after the interrogation, the IDF should
      Torture Sinwar to Death for the
      Unforgivable Crimes of
      October 7th , 2023

    • blogs.timesofisrael.com has an article
      Ginette Weiner headlined
      “When will Vermont’s Jews Oust Kapo Bernie Sanders”
      October 21, 2023

    • A person typed online today
      “There were two separate intelligence leaks (two different sources, two different security agencies) that leaked Israeli military plans for dealing with the regime in Tehran.

      Unless this is a joint US-Israeli disinfo campaign, this is a major security leak against a U.S. ally that appears to be in line with the kinds of rhetoric we have heard from both Biden and Harris against Israel attacking Tehran.

      Have either of them even made any noises about getting to the bottom of who leaked this info and saying they will be punished?

      And you wonder why Netanyahu doesn’t want to share intel with this White House. 🙄

      Biden and Harris both claimed they helped Israel bag Sinwar. Right.

      Sinwar was in Rafah. Remember Rafah? The place in Gaza that both Biden and Harris said was a hard no for Israel to go into, despite it being where intel said that Hamas leaders and many Israeli hostages were? The place where Harris said she studied the “maps,” and that it wasn’t doable without too many civilian casualties so they called it a red line for Israel to cross? The place that Israel went into anyway, rescued hostages, could have rescued hostages that Sinwar himself held captive but then had executed in cold blood (though not without them resisting) when the IDF was closing in? The place that Israel caught up with Sinwar as he was attempting to get out of Gaza and flee with a bunch of stolen cash?

      If Biden and Harris don’t even make a big deal of this being a massive security leak and something to apologize for, you know that they are good with it.

      But I should trust them, right?”
      In reply to
      Ben B@dejo
      @BenTelAviv typing on X
      “The U.S. intelligence community spied on Israeli Air Force bases this week with imaging satellites and wiretaps, and then the top secret intelligence reports — from two separate intelligence agencies — were immediately leaked to the press and on a pro-Iran Telegram channel.

      This is what you do to your very worst enemies. Not to your allies. Not to your friends. This is a massive security and intelligence failure, and an unforgivable breach of trust by the United States and the Biden-Harris administration.”
      8:11 PM · Oct 19, 2024

    • Justin Amler typed online today:
      “France will not allow Israeli firms who partook in combat in the Gaza Strip and Lebanon to participate in the Euronaval military exhibit in France, according to a Kan News report. Last week, it was reported that France had banned Israeli companies from the exhibit.”

      So when I think of France, the feckless, weak, appeasing country, it reminds me of a famous quote by the late US General – Norman Schwarzkopf

      “Going to war without France is like going hunting without an accordion.”
      A person typed in reply
      “France is the only country that has a reverse gear on their tanks”
      Al Bundy Hates the French and France , can you blame him

      • warwriters.com has an article headlined
        “Why France Lost in 1940”
        By Lorris Beverelli in Second World War
        Published October 11, 2020

    • patheos.com has an article headlined
      “Is the Vatican Anti-Semitic or Tone-Deaf?”
      October 20, 2024
      by Dennis Knapp

  • foxnews.com has an article headlined
    “Jon Lovitz says Dems are antisemitic ‘by their actions,’ Trump has ‘done more for Israel than any president’ ”
    By Joseph A. Wulfsohn Fox News
    Published May 8, 2024

  • A person typed online
    October 15, 2024 about how
    Israel Needs to Protect it’s citizens from Terrorist Attacks and how a
    Jewish armed civilian eliminated an Arab Fakestinian Terrorist on Highway 4 near Ashdod in Israel that
    “Under the circumstances it should be mandatory for every citizen in Israel over 18 to carry a concealed or open weapon. Tourists should be afforded the same opportunty with an approved government course”

  • A person typed online
    October 15, 2024 about
    Germany that
    “Germany doesn’t back Israel and hasn’t for years. Rates of antisemitism in Germany are higher now than they were when Hitler came into power, and like the rest of Europe, Germany is obsessed with championing Palestinians and supporting Iran.”
    German Reunification in 1990 was a terrible mistake , a horrible decision

  • Hillel Fuld typed online
    October 15, 2024
    “The Biden admin has sent Israel a document that is harsher than anything the U.S. has sent Israel in decades.

    The demands are nothing short of insane and if Israel doesn’t comply, our “Friends” in the White House are threatening an arms embargo.

    That’s right, Biden/Harris are worried about Israel sending more humanitarian aid into Gaza knowing full well who steals that aid, and not a word about the hostages or Hamas.

    The irony of any American Jew voting for these Israel haters is that there is no denying that antisemitism is going through the roof, but those same Jews who know that if things get really bad, Israel will have their back, are now abandoning Israel and voting for Harris because she’s not Trump.

    So they expect us to have their backs but they won’t have ours.

    I don’t care what you think of Trump and his personality. It’s irrelevant. Voting for Harris today, after everything this admin has done to hurt Israel, is abandoning Israel.

    It’s fine if you want to vote based on abortion, immigration, or anything else. But say it as it is. Israel is less important to you. Own it.

    However you want to look at it, whether you care about promises or about policy, Trump has proven time and time again that he’s a friend of Israel’s.

    “Oh, but I don’t believe Trump! He won’t stick to his word!”

    Need I remind you that he was in the White House for four years? His policy speaks for itself. He’s a friend of Israel’s. Harris is not. Period.

    Not much else there is to say.

    If you’re Jewish and are voting for Harris, your top priority is not Israel.

    If that offends you, sorry, not sorry.

    And yes, I am well aware that I’m going to get hundreds of disgusting messages from Jews who are reading these words and voting for Harris.

    Voting for her is voting against Israel.

    Voting for her is voting for a two state solution with the people who carried out October 7th.

    Voting for her is voting for a potential arms embargo on Israel right in the middle of an existential war.

    Voting for her is voting for a ceasefire with Hamas and Hezbollah and another 10/7 in a few years from now.

    Voting for her is voting for more dead Jews.

    Harsh? Sometimes the truth is harsh but it still needs to be said.

    If you’re Jewish and voting for Harris, please ask yourself if Israel and its safety is a priority for you, because if it is, you’re voting for the wrong person.”
    A person typed in reply
    “As Hillel Fuld says: If you are Jewish, and voting for this backstabbing, hyperbolic embarrassment of an administration, your priority is NOT YOUR PEOPLE. And that’s fine, because this is America and Americans can vote however they want, that is the beauty of this country. But do NOT say you care about your people because your people is Israel. You have over 7 million cousins in Israel who are praying, hoping, crying and BEGGING for their SWORN ALLY, America, to do the RIGHT THING. To do what America was born to do, and that is to publicly stand for GOOD VS. EVIL. Not to send mixed messages about it. Not to say one thing and do another. Not to placate voters.
    America is supposed to be the example of freedom, truth and justice and this administration is FAILING ALL OF US. Stop pretending they are representing who we are and are meant to be.







  • Jimmy Carter voted for Kamala Harris. how shocking

  • forward.com has an article headlined
    “Pope Francis owes Jews an apology”
    Rabbi Avi Shafran
    October 16, 2024

    About BS Comments and Lies
    Pope Francis made about
    October 7th, 2023 and the Current War in the Mideast and the Precious
    “Palestinian people” in Gaza

    Once Again
    We see the Infallible Pope at his finest, Papal Infallibility at it’s finest

  • A person typed online today
    French President Emmanuel Macron said, “Israel was created by the UN, Netanyahu should not forget it.”

    Macron needs to take a course in World History 101. Israel was created thousands of years ago, and its Jewish sages were writing treatises on civil and religious law at a time when his French ancestors were still foraging in their caves looking for grubs for dinner.”
    Biden-Harris admin warns Israel over Gaza humanitarian aid, leaked letter reveals.

    Since the war began, Israel has facilitated 1,064,820 tons of humanitarian aid, and 824,078 tons of food.

    No country, other than Israel, has supplied food, fuel, and medicine to its enemies, and that includes America.”
    A person typed in response
    “Instead of threatening Israel with an arms embargo, how about demanding from Hamas not to steal the humanitarian aid that enters Gaza in the first place?! How about demanding from Hamas that they release the hostages, unconditionally?”

  • canarymission.org has an article headlined
    “Bringing the War Home
    The Palestinian War on America”
    October 14, 2024

  • Catholic massgoers were instructed by the Jesuit Pope to welcome illegal invaders into the US, Jesuits have been trying to bring down America longer than Marxists and Muslim Nazis, 2020 was the 500th anniversary of the Jesuit Order.

  • There’s speculation that the election won’t happen. Internet theory.

    • On the Internet there is also the
      Flat Earth Society

      blogs.timesofisrael.com has an article by
      Dani Ishai Behan headlined
      “When Jews Erase One Another, Antisemites Win”
      Dec 1, 2020

  • She is not good for Israel but either is Trump. He can deny Israel aid by hiding behind America First. At last Harris she is the devil we know. Ane especially if the Republicans win the senate which seems likely she has a check on her power. Trump and his promises of Tariffs and soaking up to dictators is bad for America. What the Italian far right admin is doing should be a red flag too. Have to look at the lesser of two evils and Trump with no checks on his power will be bad. He could be like Sharon and Bush that only a storke stopped him which is partly why we had Oct 7th. A man who lies about elections like Maduro does blames Israel and Jews for his problems.

  • I’ll vote for Kirsten Gillibrand for President. She doesn’t know shit but she’s great to look at.

  • Chaplain Michael Green typed online today
    “⚠️Columbia Suspends Jewish Israeli Assistant Professor

    Columbia University has suspended Assistant Professor Shai Davidai for standing up for Jewish students and exposing their shameful antisemitism.

    This leftist Pro-Palestinian Pro-Hamas University was in the news months ago when leftist Universities and Colleges in America experienced vile disgraceful hate against Israel and against the Jewish people.

    Jewish students were singled out by the Pro-Hamas crowd on campus and were subjected to despicable acts of verbal and physical antisemitism. Columbia was at the forefront of this 1930’s Nazi style Jew hatred.

    Davidai publicized the University’s decision to ban him from campus in a video posted to his Instagram account on Tuesday evening.

    In the video he says “the University has decided to not allow me to be on campus anymore. My job. Why? Because of Oct. 7. Because I was not afraid to stand up to the hateful mob.”

    Let us strongly stand in solidarity with Jewish Israeli Assistant Professor Shai Davidai and pray for justice for him.

    Chaplain Michael Green”

  • Amjad Taha أمجد طه
    @amjadt25 an Arab media personality based in the
    United Arab Emirates typed on X on October 18, 2024
    “The Jews are a nation of great morals, a school of respect. Yahya Sinwar killed their children and raped their women, and on the day of his demise, they did not drag his body as some did with Gaddafi. They did not cut off his head as Hamas did with the Israelis. They did not stomp on his corpse with their feet as some Iraqis did with Saddam, nor did they spit on his body despite the utter vileness of this being. Instead, they placed the body in a black bag and transported it with full respect. This is the difference between barbarism and civilization, the difference between the children of darkness and the children of light. It is the difference between those who respect both the living and the dead, and those who respect neither. This is the distinction between the morals of the brave, victorious knight and the cowardly fugitive whose end came without a single companion, like a rotten, perished rat.”

    Caroline Glick
    @CarolineGlick typed on X as a response
    “Yes, but like Adolf Eichmann, we still need to cremate him and pour his dust into the sea, outside of Israel’s territorial waters.”

  • I support Trump for President. He should stop promoting McDonald’s treif food. McDonald’s is treif.

  • The Wendy’s Krabby Patty was Excellent !!

  • A person typed online today
    “No progressive would dare ask a nonBlack person why they are saying “Black Lives Matter” or a non-trans person saying “Trans Lives Matter.”

    But when a non-Jew condemns open violent horrifying antisemitic comments and behavior, they are often asked, “What’s it to ya?”

    Says a lot, doesn’t it?

    All of my non-Jewish friends who have been outspoken about rampant antisemitism (and I love you for it) have been given all sorts of abuse by people who have their stupid little “in this house, we believe” signs on their front lawn but can’t imagine saying one damn thing about straight up terrorism against American Jews.”
    “When adding “diversity” just means you end up helping to make America dumber…

    What an absolute brainless, hateful, ignorant, deceitful “joke.”

    It’s not that people in Gaza aren’t getting a chance to figure out that they are gay because they’re too busy being bombed. 🙄🙄

    They weren’t being bombed last September 2023, But they would get murdered by Hamas and their neighbors for being gay, not by Israel.

    How about all of the gay people in other Arab countries that aren’t being bombed but can’t come out?

    Now Muslim-majority countries institutionalized and culture-wide homophobia is Israel’s fault too??

    This dude is literally blaming homicidal Gazan homophobia on Israel. And this is considered acceptable “political satire” on SNL. It’s nothing of the sort. It’s just the typical antisemitism that people like Emil have been raised on their whole lives.

    That sort of “everything is Israel’s / the Jews’ fault” is standard fare for much of that part of the world, including their television. That mentality has kept millions of people there stupid and clueless and backwards and pathetic. It’s the perspective of losers who will never amount to anything.

    The people there who are trying to make lives better for them and their fellow Arabs and Persians? They are actively fighting this sort of nonsense. They know it’s a dead scene, and that it’s a tool for autocrats and jihadi thug kleptocracies to keep the populace preoccupied and distracted.

    But here is Emil Wakim, new SNL cast member, helping to turn America into another Dumbf*ckistan country, like a typical clueless western liberal Muslim – mindlessly speaking over the lived experiences of actual marginalized minorities in the region, and whitewashing the fact that it’s a million times better to be an out and proud gay person in a small southern town in America than it is in 90% of the Arab world.

    And no, that’s not Israel’s fault either, you deranged mental midget.

    Israel has better gay rights and women’s rights than any nation in the region. That drives morons like this crazy.

    Gotta love SNL doing its part to keep America stupid, and to normalize the cultural equivalent of drinking bleach that is Arab antisemitism.”
    @thepersianjewess types on X about this
    “Emil Wakim, the latest SNL cast member , claims the reason genocidal Radical Islamists in
    Gaza kill LGBTQ people is because Israel . Apparently Jews are now responsible for
    Sharia Law”

  • A person typed in reply about the
    Lebanese SNL cast member
    Emil Wakim
    “What a chode”
    Do we think Lorne Michaels is a
    Self-hating Jew for allowing these
    “jokes” on SNL

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