Homosexual Pedophile, Disgraced Former Congressman Mark Foley in ‘Reserved’ Section at Trump Rally

trump_foley_nbcnewsTrump says he knows everybody behind him at this rally. Can he retract this?

On Wednesday, Donald Trump appropriately slammed Hillary Clinton for having the son of the Orlando Islamic terrorist Omar Mateen sitting behind her, prominently, this week in eye’s view of the camera at a campaign rally this week.

She had it coming and while she denounced Mateen,it is still not clear how he made into the VIP section of her rally, especially considering he contends that he was invited to the campaign (the Clinton campaign denied).

Not only was is bad optics for the Hillary Clinton campaign, but also was a potential security problem considering Seddique Mateen’s reported ties the Taliban.

But as Trump was excoriating Clinton for allowing Mateen into her rally, one face stuck out at Trump’s rally, a man sitting in almost the exact same camera view at Mateen sat at Hillary’s rally.

To the right of the screen in a blue blazer is none other than former Republican congressman Mark Foley, a disgraced homosexual pedophile who was forced to resign in 2006, after it was revealed that the pervert was sending sexual texts to interns who were underage teenage boys.

Worse yet, Trump was exciting the crowd by telling them that he wouldn’t make the same mistake as Hillary because he knows everybody who sits behind him at rallies.

He even asked those who know him to raise their hands and guess whose hand went up. That’s right, among all the hands that were raised were Mark Foley’s.

“When you get those seats, you sort of know the campaign. You sort of know the campaign,” Trump informed the cheering crowd. “How many of you people know me?” he asked.

CNN reported that the rows of seats directly behind Trump where Foley was seated were marked “RESERVED.”

Via CNN:


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