• Libertarian Freedom and
    Making Prostitution , Sex Work
    Legal at Reasonable Prices in Every State of America all 50 States will Greatly Help the Economy

  • People always say
    Sex Sells

  • I bet you can find a wife in Israel.

    • Let’s stay on topic
      Incels are Suffering Unbearably in
      America ,
      The United States is sadly
      Very Anti-Sex , Anti-Freedom
      Very Sexually Repressive, Immature, Childish, Puritanical, Old Fashioned, very oppressive Nation in many ways ,
      That denies Consenting Adults the Right to buy and sell Sex
      Via Legalized Prostitution , Sex Work
      Countless Disabled and Healthy people alike are Starving for
      SEX , Human Touch and Contact
      America is Evil and Disgusting for denying people the Right to pay for this Pleasure and Vital Human Need
      Sex is a Vital Human Need
      American Adults Desire and Deserve Sexual Freedom

      • Why do you think posting here will make a difference? Maybe write to some of those TV talk shows and make your case. Radio programs too.

        • The American Government and Other Governments are Reading these comments on jtf.org Correct ?
          We want to Peacefully Bring Awareness to the sadly Growing Incel Crisis in America and Worldwide
          The Sufferings and Plight of Incels , the Need to
          Change Unjust Laws to
          Allow More Sexual Freedom for Consenting Adults
          To Bring Awareness of many other Issues as well
          Affecting America, Israel and the Jewish people

      • Countless Americans are
        Not Patriotic and can’t stand America because of the Severe Lack of Freedom for Adults
        Especially Sexual Freedom for Adults

      • Excuse me but this is totally off topic. Anyway those puritanical “old fashioned” values we had prevented aids and all this deviancy we have. It is possible for incels to have sex. For starts, stop being a couch potato and excersise.

        • Kyle , Countless people with Chronic Incel Problems are Socially Awkward, have Mental illness, Autism Spectrum
          Severe Physical Disabilities
          Incels are a Diverse people
          Involuntary Celibacy is Everyone’s Problem
          Studies have shown that when Prostitution, Sex Work is Legal, with Safe Sex Practices
          STD’s & HIV/AIDS being Spread is Extremely Rare

          America has Many Unjust
          Unreasonable, Cruel, Inhumane “laws”

    • We bet , We Bet
      America Needs More Freedom
      More Freedom
      Sexual Freedom for Adults
      Male Sexlessness is sadly Rising
      The Global Incel Crisis is sadly getting worse and worse Every day
      Incels are being unjustly demonized and vilified

      • Sexual Frustration
        Sexual Deprivation are
        Extremely Serious Painful Problems for
        Countless Millions upon Millions of people
        This causes Horrible Sufferings that words cannot describe
        The American Government and Society, Charitable Organizations Need to Help
        Sex Starved People
        People in Desperate Need of Sex , Human Touch, Contact
        Many Sex Starved people even in their sleep are Tormented by Horrible Bad Dreams and Nightmares

        • Puritan America is WRONG for making Countless people go without Sex
          America has Many Obscene
          Profane Unjust “Laws” that
          Sicken Most Americans

    • We Bet America Needs
      REAL Freedom
      REAL Freedom
      Including Sexual Freedom for Adults

  • allisrael.com has an article headlined
    “Australia records 400% increase in antisemitic incidents since Oct 7 massacre”
    All Israel News Staff | Published: December 5, 2024

    Only 400% ?
    Surprised it’s Not 800% or 8,000%
    or 80,000%

  • A person typed online today:

    “The liberal becomes a conservative when he’s mugged.”

    Louis Har, who was rescued from the Gaza Strip together with Fernando Simon Marman in a daring operation by Israel’s Yamam counterterrorism unit after 129 days in Hamas captivity, joined the podcast of journalist Shneor Webber to recount his harrowing experience as a Hamas captive and the personal awakening that followed the kidnapping.

    Har detailed the brutal abduction from his home in Kibbutz Nir Yitzhak on October 7, 2023, moments of crisis, the rescue, and his new life after captivity.

    “My views have changed drastically since October 6 and until today. I don’t trust any of them [in Gaza]. I know, in some way, they’re all involved. They’re born into hatred. Weapons are put in their hands already as babies. They don’t care about sacrificing their children if it means killing Jews. That’s their way of life,” Har told Webber.

    “To achieve dialogue and coexistence, it would take generations of proper education where hatred isn’t taught. That doesn’t exist right now. There’s no one to talk to, even if we wanted to be righteous and good. Before I was abducted, I wanted to live here in peace and coexistence. We don’t hate. We genuinely try to move forward.”

    And Another Example of
    Jew-Hatred, Anti-Semitism
    On December 4, 2024
    A person typed online
    “Fuck isnotreal”

    They referred to Israel as

  • Another way to Help the
    American Economy
    Have the Face of
    Rabbi Meir Kahane added to
    Mount Rushmore
    Just Imagine how many
    Construction Jobs would be
    Created having the Face of
    Meir Kahane being made the
    5th Face on the Monument

  • The New York Post
    nypost.com has an article headlined
    “No more political games: Pass the Antisemitism Awareness Act — NOW!”
    By Nathan Diament
    Published Dec. 4, 2024

  • https://hamoshiachzarathustra.wordpress.com/2024/12/07/right-wing-memes-with-psychic-messages/

    Have a psychic look at the memes, so you can know how to get hero of the Universe timelines, and tell as many people as humanly or peopley or whatever being you are possible.

    This is serious.

    • What about the sadly Growing Incel Crisis in America and Worldwide , the plight of Incels
      And how America Needs
      REAL Freedom , REAL Freedom

  • A person typed online today
    The 2024 election results have signaled that a paradigm shift is on the horizon, one marked by a change of course which will abandon the failed policies of the previous four years, and they are many.

    During the last four years we have seen a decline in our schools, our military, public health, and law enforcement. While, during the same period, there has been a diminution of merit in favor of parity, thanks to DEI, and an increase in divisiveness, thanks to CRT. Added to those setbacks, there has been an upsurge in crime, an increase in hemorrhaging borders, the expansion of governmental corruption, a rise in the waste of our resources, an escalation of illegal censorship, and an utter failure to address the dramatic increase in antisemitism.
    A paradigm shift is coming – and not a moment too soon.”
    A person typed in reply
    “I agree not a moment too soon. I literally can see and feel this shift here in Texas. There’s no other way to say it, but there is happiness in the air and on people’s faces and I haven’t seen that in a long time. We have our hope back🙏❤️”

    America Needs REAL Freedom
    Libertarian Freedom

    • Other Hideous Injustice in America is the Stupid “War on Drugs”
      And Pro-Life BS and
      Suicide Prevention BS
      Forced Living Extremism
      While Most Americans
      Support the Growing
      Right To Die , Voluntary Death with Dignity Movement for any and All Suffering people , Doctor Assisted Death for any and All Suffering people, Mentally ill, Terminally ill, Incels, Homeless, Paraplegics, Quadriplegics , etc.
      Even the Government reading this Knows America Needs
      REAL Freedom

  • The New York Post
    nypost.com has an article headlined
    “Unhinged man dubbed ‘MackNazi’ terrorizing NYC, ripping down Israeli hostage posters”
    By Matthew Sedacca and Rich Calder
    Published Dec. 8, 2024

    Everyone Unjustly Hates the Jews and Israel as Always
    The Whole World is out to get
    The Jews and Israel , out to
    Crucify the Jews and Israel

  • Fred Maroun typed online
    December 8, 2024
    “In a ceremony held at the Vatican, Pope Francis presented the annual nativity scene, which features baby Jesus dawned in a Palestinian keffiyeh.”
    – The New Arab

    “A Nativity Scene crafted in Bethlehem and displayed at the Vatican’s Paul VI hall features a distinctive and controversial addition this year – a cloth that appeared to be a Palestinian keffiyeh (traditional head dress) covering the baby Jesus’ manger, donated by the Palestinian Embassy to the Holy See.”
    – Israel Hayom

    “Pope Francis on Saturday attended the inauguration of a seasonal nativity scene, presented by Palestinian officials, that featured a baby Jesus lying on a keffiyeh, the traditional scarf used by Palestinians as a national symbol.
    Speaking at the event, a wheelchair-bound Francis called on believers to “remember the brothers and sisters, who, right there [in Bethlehem] and in other parts of the world, are suffering from the tragedy of war,” adding, “enough war, enough violence!” and lamenting the existence of the commercial arms trade.”
    – The Times of Israel

    A pope who doesn’t know the history of the Middle East or even the history of Jesus. I guess any idiot can become pope these days.”
    Fred Maroun also typed
    “I was raised Catholic, but I’ve disliked the Catholic Church since my teen years. The reason was that I didn’t believe in much of what they preached, especially their disdain for women, their hatred of gay people, and their obsessive opposition to abortion and even contraception. I didn’t know it at the time, but their antisemitism was a strong reason to dislike them too. The current pope has made some very modest progress on some issues, but instead of progressing against antisemitism, he’s made it worse. His recent decision to wrap Jesus in a kefiyah is probably the most idiotic and antisemitic action coming from the Catholic Church for a long time. In that context, I’m proud to say that I’m an atheist and that I renounced my Catholicism decades ago.”

  • Fred Maroun also typed online today
    “The Houthis are increasing their attacks on Israel while the axis of evil is falling apart. I guess their leadership program isn’t based on merit.”

  • nationalpost.com has an article headlined
    “Shimon Fogel: The fight against antisemitism has to be more than just words”
    by Shimon Fogel
    Published Dec 08, 2024

    Talk is Cheap, Actions Speak Louder than Words
    Jew-Hatred, Anti-Semitism
    Anti-Israel, Anti-Zionist Hatred Gets Worse and Worse Every Single Day , Every Single Day , Every Single Day, Every Single Day Every Single Day
    Jewish Self-Hatred also gets worse and worse Every Single Day, Every Single Day
    Not only that several years ago a Jewish person typed on the Internet about
    “The Misery of being Jewish”
    We Need to Ask Ourselves
    When Will the Countless Injustices , the Countless Endless Injustices against the Jewish people, Individual Jews and Israel throughout Human history be Corrected , the
    Wrongs be Righted ,
    and Justice Prevail
    When, When ?
    The Countless Endless Injustices against the Jewish people in the past 5,000 years from
    Abraham in the book of Genesis up until now in 2024
    Jews throughout Human History have always been Hated, Despised, Persecuted, Discriminated Against and Murdered More than All other Groups of people in the World

    telegraph.co.uk has an article headlined
    “This film warned of the terrors of anti-Semitism – who would dare make it now?”
    Simon Heffer
    09 December 2024
    About the 1944
    British drama film
    “Mr. Emmanuel”

    americanthinker.com has an article headlined
    “Punished for opposing anti-Semitism”
    By Ronn Torossian
    December 9, 2024

  • Yael Eckstein typed online today
    “Honestly, every Christian should be outraged.

    In the 2024 nativity scene in the Vatican, Jesus is lying on a keffiyeh scarf. A Palestinian, Arab resistance, keffiyeh scarf. 😱

    Let it be clear: the Palestinian keffiyeh has been a symbol of Palestinian nationalism and violence since the 1930s. The scarf is a symbol for those who hate Israel and are willing to take every measure to exterminate Jews.

    Jesus a Palestinian? No!
    Jesus a Jew! Yes

    As a reminder, when Jesus was born, there was no such thing as Islam. Mohamed wasn’t even born yet.

    When Jesus was born, Jerusalem was under Jewish rule, towards the end of the Second Temple period.

    Fun fact: between the time of Joshua, the first Temple period, and the second Temple period, Jews had sovereignty over Jerusalem for over 1000 years.
    So look up the word ‘colonialists’ – that is NOT the Jews in Israel. We are ‘indigenous’…if you want to use trendy words.

    For context, America is less than 250 years old.

    So…Palestinian Keffiyeh scarf under baby Jesus – which is trying to fool people into thinking he was Palestinian? That is OFFENSIVE to Jews and Christians alike!

    Because something is trendy, doesn’t make it true. Agree?

    To my Christian friends – how do YOU feel when you see a scarf which represents Arab violence against the Jews, under baby Jesus?”
    A person typed in reply
    “And the devil is liar. YESHUA IS NOT PALESTINIAN.”

  • A person typed online today
    The same people condemning Daniel Penny’s action of protecting lives against the threat of death, are praising Luigi Mangione for assassinating the CEO of United Healthcare.

    Two-thousand and eight years ago the Prophet Isaiah prophesied what is happening today:
    “Woe to those who say of the evil that it is good and of the good that it is evil, who present darkness as light and light as darkness, who present bitter as sweet and sweet as bitter.” (Isaiah 5:20) ”
    A diverse compliment of twelve jurors unanimously found Daniel Penny “not guilty”. Their verdict sent a message to District Attorney Alvin Bragg, that he wrongfully prosecuted a good Samaritan. During the trial, Bragg’s lead prosecutor referred to Penny as “the white man.”

    That racist allusion alone warranted a mistrial, but to the jurors’ credit, they saw through the prosecution’s attempt at race-baiting and rendered a unanimous “not guilty” verdict.”

  • The Jerusalem Post jpost.com has an article headlined
    “‘Antisemitic nightmare at Fontainebleau Miami beach,’ says Rabbi Shmuley”

  • A person typed online today
    “Islamist murder threat? Check. Soviet symbol? Check. Anarchy sign? Check.

    This is the confluence of ideological idiocies that one gains by going to our centers of higher learning.

    Time to pull federal funding for the Ivy League terrorist training camps.

    In absolutely no way is this free speech nor an acceptable way to protest any war. The people who did this openly threatened the Jews in Hillel. Writing “khaybar” on a building full of Jews is no less of a death threat than burning a cross in front of a Black fraternity. It’s not “racist.” It’s stating homicidal intent. The guilty parties should be tried for domestic terrorism.”
    The person also typed about this
    “They told us they would globalize the intifada”
    A Screenshot of a post on X is shown by
    Eyal Yakoby
    @EYakoby which says
    “BREAKING: San Francisco Hillel, a center for Jewish life serving university students across the city, was vandalized with “Khaybar” last night.

    Khaybar refers to when Muslims in 628 CE slaughtered every Jew. This is a direct threat against the Jewish community in SF.”
    10:18 PM · Dec 9, 2024

    A person typed in reply
    “They forgot the swastika”

  • Hillel Fuld typed online today
    “This is not for the weak of heart. For real, if you’re Jewish and are living outside of Israel, this article I wrote is for you, BUT… If you don’t want to hear me explain why you need to come home to Israel, keep scrolling. I wasn’t gentle. ”
    With a link to a
    jfeed.com article by
    Hillel Fuld headlined
    “The Jews and our narratives: Same old story, different generation”
    December 9, 2024

  • Rodney Dangerfield.should have his face on Mt. Rushmore.

  • In New York City and other
    Big Cities in America
    We see in Gift Stores
    Christmas cards but also cards that say
    “Happy Hanukkah”
    But how can it possibly be a
    “Happy Hanukkah” how can it be remotely “Happy”
    How can it be Remotely
    Happy , when literally Every Single Day , Every Single Day
    Every Single Day
    Every Single Day
    The Anti-Semitism , Jew-Hatred and Anti-Israel, Anti-Zionist Hatred gets worse and worse Every Single Day
    How can it be Remotely
    “Happy” with all the
    Raw Hatred
    Raw Unjust Hatred against Jews and Israel

  • Hillel Fuld typed online today
    “Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you exhibit A: Our “Ally” in the White House.

    Similar to Obama, I used to think this administration is just dumb. In their last days in office, they are being upgraded from dumb to pure evil.

    No other way to explain this as well as the money they gave Iran and the non stop pressure on Israel to end the war before their objectives are reached.

    A Screenshot is shown of a Post on X by
    David M Friedman
    @DavidM_Friedman that says
    “Blinken just announced that he is prepared to recognize (subject to conditions) a Syrian government led by al-Golani, a former al-Qaeda member and a murderer with a $10M US bounty on his head, but his government will not even meet with Israel’s Finance Minister, Bezalel Smotrich, just because Smotrich correctly thinks that Jews have a right to live in their Biblical heartland in conformity with the US State Department’s most recent written opinion on the legality of settlement in Judea and Samaria.”
    4:55 PM · Dec 10, 2024

  • A person typed online today about Pope Francis
    “The Pope is an out and out idiot, he doesn’t represent the G-D that I serve. I know things about his past that scare the hell out of me.”
    With a link to a
    worldisraelnews.com article
    on December 11, 2024
    “The Pope can’t rewrite the Bible’ says Evangelical leader”

    “American Evangelical Christian leader denounces Vatican Nativity scene showing baby Jesus with a Palestinian keffiyeh.”

    By World Israel News Staff

  • I disagree regarding taxation. Joseph had an income tax in Egypt to take into account there was going to be a famine. There is an idea of giving a certain percent of your crop to the Levites who don’t own land.

    The problem with Sales Tax is it is very regressive. Tariffs are worse in that they also invite retaliation and many times picking winners and losers and retaliation not to mention it also is very regressive.

    Certain things you have to buy so it isn’t voluntary either.

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