If Mike Pence is Trump’s VP Pick, He Better Delete These Tweets Real Fast


According to my sources at the Right Scoop, a right-wing hate site, Trump insiders say that the VP is going to be Mike Pence!! Now before you grab your pitchforks and “traitor” signs, take a second to laugh at these tweets clearly criticizing el Trumpo’s policies:

Is Pence defending Muslims?

Is Pence defending Muslims?

The new Trumpence will come out and yell,  “when I meant offensive, I meant it would be offensive to losers and jerks, yeah! EAT IT!!”

But wait, there’s more!


Ohhhhh that’s awkward. OK let’s give this a go:

“By swift adoption, I meant that it would be like an adopted child – you know, you kinda beat him every now and then because he’s not REALLY your kid. TRUMP TWO THOUSAND SIXTEEN!!”

Or, he could pull a Trump and just deny he ever said it despite all evidence to the contrary. After all, words have no meaning, and Trumpers don’t care about the past.


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