Imam will issue Muslim call to prayer for Trump’s inauguration

The Trump transition team has confirmed that there will be an Imam issuing the Muslim call to prayer for President-elect Donald Trump’s inauguration ceremony Friday:

Imam Mohamed Magid of the All Dulles Area Muslim Society Center, also known as the ADAMS Center, in Sterling, Virginia, will be one of 26 people offering prayers and reading from Scripture at the National Prayer Service that follows the swearing-in ceremony. The service occurs at the Washington National Cathedral.

Magid was elected president of the Islamic Society of North America in 2011, the largest Muslim group in North America, and the ADAMS Center was praised by the FBI “for their leadership role in building partnerships between law enforcement and the Muslim community to enhance mutual cooperation and public safety.”

But he has also been criticized on the right for granting a “diversity award” in 2011 to a Muslim CAIR director who made very controversial statements against Jews.

On of the campaign promises made by Donald Trump involved the banning of Muslims from immigrating to America, which was later watered down by his campaign and outright denied by his nominee to the ambassadorship to the United Nations, South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley, in her confirmation hearing Wednesday.

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