Jimmy Carter: U.S. is ‘the Most Warlike Country on Earth’

When is he going to go away?

Barack Obama Jimmy CarterIn a recent interview with the Soros-funded “policy studies” nonprofit Aspen Institute, former worst President of the United States Jimmy Carter did what he has always done best: criticize America. For that he was rewarded with frequent applause from his audience, who shared his revulsion for the greatest country in the history of humankind.

Asked about Obama’s inability to “establish relationships with other countries,” Carter replied that “I think the historical trend is for the United States to relinquish its unquestioned domination of the world’s politics and economy and cultural influence.”

This actually brought applause – the notion that we are relinquishing our economic, cultural, and political influence to China, Russia, India, and others. Mission accomplished, progressives.

It’s worth noting that there is no such thing as an “historical trend” independent of human agency. History isn’t like the weather. It is shaped, for good or ill, by the will of world leaders – or in Carter’s case, the lack of will. So there is no such thing as an historical “inevitability,” as Carter put it, that America will relinquish its superpower preeminence. Our nation is in decline not because that is the historical “trend” or that it is “inevitable,” but because our leaders are actively steering us over the falls.

Carter continued, musing on how the United States can fit into this Brave New World:

I think the American superpower goal should be to be the champion of peace, and to be the champion of human rights, and to be the champion of the environment and to be the most generous nation on Earth.

Applause followed every clause of that sentence. Of course, we’re talking about the Aspen Institute, which operates from the belief that the United States is a nation whose history is an unbroken narrative of injustice and deep-seated “structural racism.” [Check out the Freedom Center’s profile of AI here.]

President Barack Obama, former President Jimmy Carter Anniversary of March on WashingtonI have news for every self-righteous, self-loathing, progressive idiot in that audience, and for Jimmy Carter, our Ambassador of Anti-Americanism: historically, America has been the champion of peace, the champion of human rights, the most generous nation on Earth, and even the champion of the environment. What other nation on earth can claim to have filled any of those roles, much less all of them? Russia? China? India? Saudi Arabia? Great Britain? France? Venezuela? Cuba? Pakistan? Carter’s personal favorite, “Palestine”?

No. Only the United States of America. And America continues to be all of those things.

But Carter wasn’t done yet. He went on to declare that “We are the most warlike country on Earth.”

What an offensive lie. The truth is that Carter and his ilk at the Aspen Institute and in the White House are actively seeking to dismantle the greatest national force for good in the world that has ever existed. They believe that if only America would demilitarize itself and let the world up from beneath the heels of its jackboots, then peace would reign and world cultures would hold hands and sing in perfect harmony like a 1970s Coke commercial.

The reality of these progressive utopians will be not paradise, but hell on earth.


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