London’s Annual Hate The Jews March

Two reports from yesterday’s annual “Al Quds” Israel hate march are absolutely essential reading. There was a sizeable counter protest this time, it’s always hard because these events are always scheduled on Shabbat. The video was filmed by David Collier who put on a hate scarf and joined the crowd.

Esmerelda writing at New English Review covered the counter protest with lots of pictures and some interacting with the haters at the full link:

Today is not Al Quds Day – today is Jerusalem Day

That was Simon Johnson the CEO of the Jewish Leadership Council speaking this afternoon at the demonstration in support of Israel organised to counter the annual Al Quds march. Every year for the last few years the Al Quds march has been countered by individuals and small groups, but this year the Israel Advocacy Movement, Sussex Friends of Israel and the Zionist Federation  rallied under the umbrella of Stop the Hate, Stand with Israel. And I think they found it a bit of a shock.

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