• The US will eternally have to suffer for slavery by allowing millions of useless and unwanted turd world aliens to invade the US. Also, affirmative action and the condoning of the black criminal cancer are part of the program. It looks like Germany will be eternally punished for the holocaust by accepting millions of equally useless third world aliens. If Americans or Germans complain, they will be condemned as “racists” and be subjected to a host of punitive punishments.

  • The good soul that was my maternal grandmother had a saying; “POVERI, SI MA SPORCHI, NO”.
    The non literal translation would be “we may be poor but not dirty”. She came from a hill top town
    in central Italy called Monsampolo. Two years ago, routine renovations on the foundations of the towns
    church unearthed over a dozen well preserved mummies. They were the remains of monks who, scientific investigation concluded, lived in the town six hundred years ago. The homes surrounding the church are far older than that.
    My grandmother had no running water, heat or electricity for the first half of her life yet the towns streets,
    as the inside of the homes, were then as they are today- clean enough to eat off of, as the saying goes.
    Spotless, immaculate and ancient. The town breathes nobility, as do so many other villages in the heart of what once was the Italian renaissance that outside influences and outsiders have yet to spoil.
    Suffice it to say, communities and their social habits are a reflection of their inhabitants, of what they
    “have inside”, so to speak, and of who they are. Nobility and virtue is not born of money as chaos and filth
    need not be a result of poverty.
    My grandmother and her kind are proof of that.
    Poveri si ma sporchi no was a reflection of her people while some people, representatives of their communities, are “sporchi” from the inside out.
    The truth is all around us, why do we hide from it?

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