Spending more time defending terrorists than protecting innocent Israelis?

idfIt is right and correct to eliminate any terrorist caught in the very act of stabbing innocent victims. Not to do so leads to evil “trade swap deals” that let violent mass murderers go free so they can kill again.

An internal Magen David Adom probe into the Purim terror attack in Hebron in which an IDF soldier shot a wounded terrorist dead reveals when the soldier fired, there was still a threat of an explosive device. According to the Channel 10 News report, quoting the MDA internal probe into the attack, when the soldier fired at the terrorist there was still a fear that the wounded terrorist was wearing a bomb. This is why EMS personnel were instructed to distance themselves from the wounded terrorist until the situation could be verified by bomb demolition technicians.

MDA Chief of Operations Eli Bin is quoted saying that the probe revealed the bomb threat which existed at the time the soldier fired at the wounded terrorist. He spoke of the confusion that existed during the minutes following the stabbing attack.

According to the report, Bin explains that his paramedics were distanced from the wounded terrorist by bomb demolition techs due to the real fear that existed.

In the interim, the soldier remains behind bars and it not being permitted visitors.


One comment

  • The soldier is remaining incarcerated without judgment already condemned by the kangaroo court in the media, the Israeli regime did anything in its power to depict him as the most brutal criminal ever as they always do against the Jews the most discriminate against in her country, soldiers ought to leave the idf to protest the horrible treatment done to one of them a jewish patriot during war time.

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