Muslim Cleric: Happiness Over Israel Terrorist Fires “Is in Keeping With the Sharia”

jordanian-palestinian-cleric-mashhoor-bin-hassan-happy-over-israel-firesIslam is a religion of pure hatred.

There is no such thing as “Palestine” or a “Palestinian”. It is a lie and a propaganda war intended to destroy Israel the Jewish people. Click here for more information.

“Jordanian-Palestinian Cleric Mashhoor bin Hassan: I Am Happy over Israel Fires, the Jews behind All the Wars on Earth,” MEMRI, November 25, 2016:

Jordanian-Palestinian cleric Sheikh Mashhoor bin Hassan said that “If a divine disaster hits an infidel, I’m happy,” and that happiness at the fires raging in Israel over the past few days “is in keeping with the shari’a.” Sheikh bin Hassan prayed to Allah “to rid the Muslims of the evil [of the Jews],” who, he said, were “behind all the wars and fitna on the face of the Earth.” Sheikh bin Hassan’s statements were posted on his YouTube channel on November 25.

Following are excerpts

Mashhoor bin Hassan: A brother is asking: “What is the position of the Muslims regarding the fires that struck the Jews in Palestine? Should we pray even more against them?”


If a divine disaster hits an infidel, I’m happy. What is a divine disaster?

Audience member: A fire, for example.

Mashhoor bin Hassan: So happiness in this case is in keeping with the shari’a. May Allah rid the Muslims of the evil of the Jews. By Allah, the Jews are behind all the wars and fitna on the face of the Earth. By Allah, everything that is happening in Syria and in the Muslim countries is to the benefit of the Jews. Everything that is happening in the Muslim countries is to the benefit of the Jews. I pray for Allah to wreak vengeance upon them. I pray for Allah to fight them. I pray for Allah to rid the Muslims of the evil [of the Jews]. So this happiness is a good thing.

Video here:

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