Muslim cleric: Jews “are like a cancer”

saudi-scholar-abdallah-al-yahya-the-jews-are-like-a-cancer“You will surely find the most intense of the people in animosity toward the believers to be the Jews…” (Qur’an 5:82)

In practice, that usually works out to be that the most intense of the people in animosity toward the Jews are the Muslims.

“Saudi Scholar Abdallah Al-Yahya: The Jews Are Like a Cancer; Woe to the World If They Become Strong,” MEMRI, August 31, 2016:

In a recent YouTube video, Saudi scholar Dr. Abdallah Al-Yahya warned that the Jews “are like a cancer in the economy of countries: If they spread, along comes someone to eradicate them, but then they grow once again.” Al-Yahya further said: “Before they were burned in the Holocaust, as they claim, the Jews enjoyed economic hegemony in Europe and therefore were abhorred there.” In the video, which was posted on the Alohali Cultural Forum on YouTube on August 31, he warned: “Woe to the world and to the Jews themselves if they become strong.”

Following are excerpts

Abdallah Al-Yahya: The [Jews] have a theory that, whether right or wrong, is descriptive of their situation: When they are weak, they must be steadfast, and when they are strong, they must strike. To put it another way: If you are a nail, remain steadfast, and if you are a hammer, strike. This is the mentality of the Jews – a mentality that knows no compromise. One can either be a master or a servant. Their method of dialogue is another point that comes up in their psychological analysis. When you embark on a serious practical dialogue with any Jew, he takes it for granted that you are an idiot. He starts dictating to you everything he knows and believes, but if you prove him wrong and convince him of that, he plays the idiot. The bottom line is that you cannot get anywhere with him.


Ultimately, the clash is inevitable, because the Zionist entity rejects half-solutions, and there are no limits to its demands. For 3,000 years, it has been making demands and acting tyrannically, controlling the economy, the [military] might, and the media, until it is shattered into pieces, and begins to rebuild itself. [The Quran says:] “If you return to sin, We will return to punishment.” One Jew said: “We are like a silkworm, which spins its cocoon until it suffocates. Then it is reborn and spins until it suffocates again. That has been our life for 3,000 years.”


The Jews, throughout history, have alternated between stages of strength and stages of weakness. The burning alive of the People of the Ditch in the southern Arabian Peninsula was a stage of power. Before they were burned in the Holocaust, as they claim, the Jews enjoyed economic hegemony in Europe and therefore were abhorred there. They underwent various stages. They are like a cancer in the economy of countries: If they spread, along comes someone to eradicate them, but then they grow once again. They undergo various stages, but woe to the world and to the Jews themselves if they become strong.

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