Muslim hordes causing chaos in Europe

muslim-refugees-budapestGraphic scenes out of Hungary today show thousands of [Muslim] migrants pushing and shoving their way into a train station, yelling and chanting “No camp! No camp!” as dozens threw their bodies onto the railroad tracks in protest of the government’s refusal to let the trains roll into central Europe and their final hoped-for destination – Germany.

The migrants, most from war-torn [Muslim] Syria, were forced off a train by riot police at a town 22 miles outside of Budapest, as authorities tried to take them to a holding camp instead. Many were angry after having slept in the streets of Budapest for two nights.

The Hungarian government is concerned that if it lets the migrants board trains for Germany that it will send a message of acquiescence and thereby invite more refugees to make the trek to Hungary.

The train, which earlier left Budapest’s main railway station, was halted in Bicske, where there is a migrant processing center.


  • Several prominent self-hating establishment jewish journalists in Europe dare compare the tsunami of muslim invaders to the Jews fleeing the nazis, urging Europeans to let them all in.

    Not only will this rhetoric backfire severely, it is interesting to note that unlike the photos in the press, the vast majority of muslims invaders are not poor war-torn families but rather well fed and cloathed young fighting age males.

  • Radical Muslims divide, confuse and then conquer.

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