Muslim woman receiving cancer treatment in Israel arrested smuggling explosives from Gaza hidden in her cancer meds

News flash to Jews in Israel… stop trying to save the lives of Muslim terrorists who are promising to exterminate you! It’s insanity!

This should be (but won’t be) a lesson to those who tout the efficacy of hearts-and-minds initiatives: the divinely commanded imperative to wage war against the Infidels always trumps any gratitude a good mujahid might feel toward them.

“Cancer patient stopped at Gaza-Israel crossing with explosive material,” by Anna Ahronheim, Jerusalem Post, April 19, 2017 (thanks to Blazing Cat Fur):

Israeli authorities on Wednesday morning intercepted material used to manufacture explosive devices hidden inside spools of medical material at the Erez Crossing, the Shin Bet announced in a statement.

According to the statement, the material was located during the security check at the crossing in the luggage of two sisters who are residents of the Gaza Strip. The two women had been approved to enter Israel for the purpose of receiving medical treatment for cancer, which one of the two sisters suffers from.

An initial Shin Bet investigation indicated that the explosives were sent by Hamas and that the group was planning to carry out terror attacks in Israel in the near future, the statement read, adding that the material was destroyed by a sapper of the Southern District police force.

“The terrorist organizations in the Gaza Strip, including Hamas, continue to exploit the humanitarian and medical assistance provided by Israel to the residents of the Gaza Strip in order to perpetrate terrorist attacks in Israel.”…

The Shin Bet said the suspect hid cash in his shoes for Hamas, and smuggled tens of thousands of euros to terrorist operatives in the West Bank.

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