No Wonder – Obama’s Jewish Advisors Are From The Anti-Israel New Israel Fund

new_israel_fundJew haters advising the Jew hater-in-chief.

New news reports put Obama and the New Israel Fund together. The most Anti-Israel President ever has advisors around him who are allied with the New Israel Fund.  Obama who absurdly noted, “‘I Am The Closest Thing To A Jew That Has Ever Sat In This Office” is surrounded by Jewish haters of the State of Israel.

Peter Beinart noted in his book, “Like many of Obama’s early Jewish supporters, Axelrod put the “progressive social justice tradition” at the core of his Jewish identity, and in his view, “Obama was very much a part of that and was very much a product of it.” That tradition also informed Axelrod’s relationship to Israel; every year from 1991 to 2002, he and his wife donated to the New Israel Fund.” As readers of this blog know, the New Israel Fund supports a boycott of Israel.

Today, in The Jewish Press, it was noted that: “Another Jewish adviser to Obama, Martin Indyk, was not content to just criticize Netanyahu. He slammed all Israelis for “being ungrateful” to Obama. His basis? “They never really appreciated his rule whereby nothing will harm the security of Israel.” Indyk, who most recently served Obama as the U.S. Special Envoy for the Israeli–Palestinian Negotiations from 2013 to 2014, also served on the board of the New Israel Fund.

There’s many like this – including Karen R. Adler, one of the closest people to Hillary Clinton for many years is a NIF donor and President of the Jewish Communal Fund –  She signed an open letter to Bill De Blasio: “the needs and concerns of many of your constituents–U.S. Jews like us among them–are not aligned with those of AIPAC, and that no, your job is not to do AIPAC’s bidding when they call you to do so. AIPAC speaks for Israel’s hard-line government and its right-wing supporters, and for them alone; it does not speak for us.”

Adler is a board member of the Israel Policy Forum, a radical organization, that “…helped convince President Obama to adopt its Middle East Roadmap, basically the Saudi Initiative (Israel’s return to the 1949 Armistice lines, evacuation of all settlements, and the incorporation of Arab refugees and their descendents into Israel – in return for “normal relations).”   Netanyahu calls those borders “Auschwitz Borders.”

Simply, The New Israel Fund — and their advisors to Obama – stand against Israel.

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