Ohio public school brainwashes 8 year olds: “Rights are special privileges the government gives you.”
“One must indoctrinate a child while he still fits width-wise on the bed.” – A saying from the Soviet Union
So much for “inalienable rights” that are “endowed by our Creator”! The public school district of Fairfield in Butler County, Ohio is teaching students that rights come from the government.
Just look at this homework assignment posted on Facebook by one concerned father:
“Rights are special privileges the government gives you.”
“Because the government gives us rights, we have the duty to be good citizens.”
“Someday you will be given the right to vote.”
Here’s what Andrew Washburn, the parent who posted the assignment on Facebook, had to say:
So Emma brought home a very interesting handout from school the other day. So informative! I didn’t know that our rights come from the government! Thank you, government! And thank you, public schools, for teaching my eight year old daughter all about her rights! You see, I know how important it is to get to children early in their lives and make sure they understand how it is in the world. Otherwise their impressionable minds might be corrupted by falsehoods like the idea that our rights come from our Creator and that we are born with them. That, obviously, would be unacceptable. I mean, next we would have, what? People going to church wherever they wanted? Criticizing the President? Where would it end?! It’d be mass hysteria, just like with those clowns back in 1776!
So, again, I just feel so grateful to live in a country whose leaders have generously granted my rights, and even more grateful that they make sure my children know where those rights came from!
The whole point of “inalienable rights” as opposed to the government granting rights is that government can’t take away inalienable rights. They are inherent. They are given to you by the Creator. Our founders write this into the Declaration of Independence. The US Constitution lays out limitations on the government, not the citizens. The entire point of our nation’s revolution and founding was to fight back against an oppressive government that infringed upon the rights of the people.
Liberal Progressives want children to grow up believing that they get their rights from the government because that belief lessens the opposition when government tries to take those rights away.