PLO’s Abbas: Murderous terror wave is a ‘legitimate peaceful protest’

abbas_arafatPA chairman says the current “intifada” is nothing but a “popular peaceful uprising”, refuses to recognize Israel as a Jewish state.

[PLO] chairman Mahmoud Abbas on Wednesday reiterated his opposition to recognizing Israel as a Jewish state, and also referred to the current terror wave as a “legitimate peaceful protest”.

He made the comments at the start of a meeting of the Revolutionary Council of his Fatah organization, attended by members of the Fatah Central Committee.

In his speech at the meeting, Abbas once again expressed his support for the French political initiative which seeks to convene an international peace conference.

France, which announced the peace conference initiative in January, has threatened to unilaterally recognize the “State of Palestine” if the initiative fails.

Abbas said that there is a need to convene an international peace conference in order to end the current deadlock in the “peace” process, and also said that the [so-called] “Palestinians” intend to appeal to the UN Security Council in order to have resolutions passed calling for the “end of the settlements in all the Palestinian territories.”

Abbas called the current terror wave, which [Muslim] Arabs have referred to as the “Al-Quds Intifada”, as a “popular peaceful uprising” which, he claimed, was initiated in response to the behavior of the “occupation”, Israel’s non-commitment to implement signed agreements.

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