Reality is Fake, the Sham is Reality
I will begin this article by listing several propositions which are wholly and obviously true, and which should be entirely non-controversial, yet which are bound to create a good deal of contention when expressed.
- Bruce Jenner is a man
- Rachel Dolazel is a white woman
- The idea of two gay men or two lesbians marrying is ridiculous on its face
- A child is better raised by a traditional mother-father nuclear family than by a single parent
- Western civilization is superior to Islamic “civilization”
Why would any of these statements of fact generate even a twitter of trouble, much less the firestorm of fury that would inevitably arise if they were expressed, for instance, on national television?
It’s because American society has become fundamentally unreal. Ours is the society that refers to fake, scripted, grossly disjointed rubbish as “reality TV.” Ours is the society in which millions of people get their “news” from a pinhead like Jon Stewart. Ours is the society in which half the population quite literally cannot discern between reality and the things that they see in the movies and on television.
Is it any wonder, then, that “reality” becomes subjective, that many people truly believe that they can invent whatever their little ol’ minds can come up with, and proclaim it to be “my personal reality”? Ours is a situation now where we’ve gone beyond “truth” being relative. It’s one thing for folks to argument about morals or ethics and claim that these are “subjective” and that there “is no objective truth.” Those folks are wrong to claim that – in fact, there IS only one objective set of interrelated truth – but at least it’s a seemingly plausible argument when people who don’t accept that truth make arguments about the subjectivity of things that we cannot materially see before our eyes and touch with our hands.
It’s a whole new realm, however, when you cross the gap into Alice’s Wonderland where even things like gender, race, biology, and civilization are up for revision.
To claim that Bruce Jenner is now “Caitlyn” Jenner and that a man became a woman is unreality. It is to proclaim something that the entire history of human biology, physiology, and psychology show to be impossible. Yet, we’re expected to go along with it. Because men and women can change their gender as fluidly as they can their clothing. Ridiculous. One need not even bother presenting a “rational” argument against this, for there is no rationality underlying the argument FOR it to begin with. The immutability of gender is just one of those things that smart, rational, reasonable people will accept because of the obviousness of it all, while the perverse, the idiotic, the farcical will reject it because they know no better.
It’s all madness. Every last syllable of this politically correct, culturally Marxist-driven freakshow is nothing but madness
Likewise, Rachel Dolazel is not a black woman, no matter how much she proclaims herself to be. She was born white, and she will go to her dying day as a white woman, no matter how much of an investment in spray-on tanning products she may make. Her ancestors didn’t endure slavery. Her grandparents didn’t know Jim Crow. She has no business claiming to be something she is not, and condemning those who refuse to play along.
Look, I know the Supreme Court is all set to “legalize” gay “marriage.” Nevertheless, the Supreme Court cannot alter the fundamental laws of nature and reality. Two homosexuals cannot a baby make. Two homosexuals do not a family make. This is the error that lawyers in general tend to assume – thinking that because you can convince a few judges to rule a certain way, that reality can be rewritten and set in new stone. It cannot, and it will not. When the Supreme Court of the United States of America is long gone and only a footnote written in the pages of dusty history books in another language and by another civilization, gay marriage will be an oddity only, a foolish example of the decline of the once-great American civilization that collapsed on itself because it let idiots and fools and blockheads define its reality instead of letting God and nature define that reality.
I realize that a lot of folks are single parents through no choice or fault of their own. I understand this. I don’t look down on them. So when I say that having a mother and a father is better than only having one or the other, I am not meaning to slight those who are dealing with that life circumstance. However, a father and a mother ARE better than having just one or the other. The traditional nuclear family provides the needed mix of a father’s stricture and authority and a mother’s softness and civilization. The most successful societies in history have understood this. The ones who sought some other way – polygamy (whether serial or in parallel), communal childrearing, etc. – were not as successful, and this is objectively the case.
Lastly, it is patently obvious that Western civilization is superior to the Islamic. And yes, I know history. I know that twelve centuries ago, Islam was just the cat’s meow and was at the leading edge of astronomy and chemistry and all that (with the help of its Jewish and Christian minorities, by the way). But that was twelve hundred years ago. Something happened in the interim, and that something was Islam’s return to the genuine Islamic fundamentalism represented by ibn Taymiyya and his Hanbalite theology in the 13th century, which effectively froze Islamic advancement in amber for centuries. Islam went back to its roots and froze. Christianity got back to its roots and saw the scientific and industrial revolutions. It is ridiculous today to assert that a civilization that has produced modern science, modern industry, modern medicine, the notions of individual liberty and individual rights, has sent men to the moon, invented the internet, and all the rest is really no better than the civilization whose only recent claim to fame is the electric prayer rug. This is just an offshoot of the more general (though no less nonsensical) politically correct belief that “all cultures are equal,” which proudly proclaims that living in a grass hut and eating wildebeest droppings is just as good as living in an air-conditioned McMansion with indoor plumbing and eating e. coli-free canned vegetables.
It’s all madness. Every last syllable of this politically correct, culturally Marxist-driven freakshow is nothing but madness.
It’s time to show the freakshow what really is reality.
Unfortunately for the mad, reality will always ensue. Reality always has a way of reasserting itself. The problem is that since the freakshow has already taken us so far down the rabbit hole, when reality finally does do its thing, there will be huge dislocations in our society. You can only build so much of a house on marshmallow while pretending it is concrete before the house falls in on itself, no matter how much wishcasting you do.
Usually, this snap back to reality involves either civil war or conquest by another, less decadent and more reality-based society. Neither of these are optimal, to say the least. That’s why those of us in the real reality-based community need to step up and take back our culture while there’s a culture worth fighting for.
I do not for a second believe that the majority of Americans are really on the side of the freakshow. However, I do think that many, many Americans allow themselves to be bullied by the freakshow into remaining silent, or giving tacit assent. After all, when you pick up your phone, and some microaggression-hunting millennial is on the other end of the line asking you about gay “marriage,” how do you really know that they won’t feed your information to a gay rights group so you can be hounded and “shamed” for giving the wrong answer? You don’t. After all, it happened to people in California who campaigned for Prop 8. It’s time to stand up to the bullying, and if that means giving the bully a bloody nose in the process, so be it. But either way, the decent folk in this country need to get serious about banding together. The freakshow relies on the psychology of isolation to bully and shame. When we’re not isolated, the bullying and shaming doesn’t work.
It’s time to show the freakshow what really is reality.