Rick Santorum BLASTS House GOP Leadership as NOT Conservative

“The fact that Republicans are trying to replicate Obamacare by trying to fix it here at the federal level is the problem,” Santorum declared.

Former U.S. Senator from Pennsylvania and Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum, now a senior political commentator at CNN, blasted the Republican leadership as being the major problem with the American Health Care Act (AHCA), the attempt by House GOP leaders to supposedly “repeal and replace” Obamacare, without actually fully repealing Obamacare.

On Thursday, Santorum told the CNN panel that the problem with the bill, which is receiving pushback from principled conservatives in both chambers of Congress, as well as by leading conservative and pro-free market groups, is that House leadership is not conservative, apparently referring to Speaker of the House Paul Ryan and his team like RINO Steve Scalise, who was one of John “Bendover” Boehner’s henchmen.

“What is really missing here is true conservative leadership,” Santorum contended while making the case that the Obamacare replacement bill is still DC-centric.

Santorum argued that one of the most successful pieces of legislation was the 1996 Welfare Reform Act, which was signed into law by former Democrat President Bill Clinton with a GOP Congress (undone by Obama, of course, because it was working too well), that returned power to the states.

“The problem they’re in right now and the reason you’re seeing all these people fighting is because they’re trying to make all these decisions in Washington and not doing what we did successfully which is to give this back to the states — let the states develop their own individual healthcare plan,” he asserted.

Conservatives have roundly criticized the Obamacare replacement bill by dubbing it “Obamacare 2.0, Obamacare-lite, and RINOCARE” because it calls for new government entitlements and subsidies that drive up costs and keeps much of the Obamacare apparatus in place.

“The fact that Republicans are trying to replicate Obamacare by trying to fix it here at the federal level is the problem,” Santorum declared.


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