Muslim riots broke out in a Swedish immigrant neighborhood just two days after Trump’s comment

Remember how Trump was ridiculed over his comments on Sweden and their immigrant problem, with people accusing him making up fake terrorism [because Sweden is covering up the fact that Muslims are destroying their country]? Well just a couple of days after Trump’s comment, violent riots broke out in an immigrant neighborhood:

FOX NEWS – Riots erupted in a heavily immigrant Stockholm suburb Monday night, as masked looters set cars ablaze and threw rocks at cops, injuring one police officer, Swedish officials said.

The violence in Rinkeby began around 8 p.m., when officers arrested a suspect at an underground station on drug charges, The Local reported. A group soon gathered, hurling rocks and other objects at officers and prompting one cop to fire his gun “in a situation that demanded he use his firearm,” police spokesman Lars Bystrom said.

“But nobody has been found injured at the scene and we have checked the hospitals and there hasn’t been anyone with what could be gunshot wounds,” Bystrom added.

It came just days after President Trump was mocked during a Saturday campaign rally for mentioning Sweden alongside a list of European targets of terror. Trump later said his “You look at what’s happening last night in Sweden” remark was in response to a Fox News report on the country’s refugee crime crisis that aired on Friday evening.

“Sweden. They took in large numbers [of refugees],” Trump added at the Florida rally. “They’re having problems like they never thought possible.”

Sweden’s official Twitter account – which is operated by a different user each week – tweeted at Trump on Monday morning: “Hey Don, this is @Sweden speaking! It’s nice of you to care, really, but don’t fall for the hype. Facts: We’re OK!”

Hours later, the Rinkeby riots began, with a second wave starting around 10:30 p.m. Seven or eight cars were set on fire and many stores saw looting, The Local reported. A photographer from media outlet Dagens Nyheter said a group of 15 people beat him as he tried to document the chaos.

“I was hit with a lot of punches and kicks both to my body and my head. I have spent the night in hospital,” said the photographer, who was not named.

The rioting ended just after midnight.

Here’s a video showing the aftermath of the riots:

You know what’s interesting about this? As I went through my huge scroll of morning news videos, i found hardly a mention of these riots anywhere. In fact RT covered them, but the MSM here in America didn’t bother. Hmmmmm I wonder why.

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