Rockets fired from Gaza at southern Israel – Islamic State Claims Responsibility

israel-gaza-rocket_2399203bThree rockets were fired at Israel from Gaza, police said on Wednesday, after warning sirens were heard in Israeli towns near the border.

A [terrorist] group claiming ties with the Islamic State (ISIS) announced responsibility for three rocket attacks on southern Israel late Wednesday.

The IDF immediately retaliated with attacks on three terror sites. No one was injured in the rocket strikes on Israel and in the retaliatory aerial raids.

The “Omar Brigades,” a Salafist cell identified with ISIS, issued a statement calling for a holy war against Israel and added:

We are continuing a jihad against the Jews, the enemies of G-d. No one can stop us.

The IDF issued its usual statement after rocket attacks, promising Israelis:

The IDF will act against the aggression, will act against those that wish to terrorize Israel and will act to protect Israelis in the line of indiscriminate Gaza rocket fire.

Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon said any group attacking Israel will “pay a heavy price,” which for the time beings means raids on three terror sites, one for each rocket attack. [Yeah, sure. Only Kahanists have the answer!]

That does not reassure citizens in the town of Netivot and port city of Ashkelon, who once again left their bedrooms for bomb shelters. The national Turning Point exercise this week is a totally redundant for them. They have been through live-fire drills for more than decade.

Israel holds Hamas responsible for all attacks on Israel, and the terrorist party and army said earlier this week that its forces killed a Salafist-ISIS suicide bomber who allegedly was responsible for last week’s rocket attack north of Be’er Sheva.

The ISIS-linked terrorist group gave Hamas a 48-hour ultimatum to halt its crackdown on the group, and last night’s rocket attacks appeared to be an answer to Hamas’ attempt to keep the Salafists from leaving it out in the cold when attacking Israel.

[Jewish Press]


  • Any country which define itself as sovereign is obligated to defend its citizens!

  • Any country declaring being at peace while her Jewish population is the target of terror attacks is accomplice of the murderers.

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