Silent Intifada and Full List of Attacks this week: Two Murdered in over 150 Terror Attacks

silent-intifada-finalTwo Jews were murdered and 16 were injured in over 180 terror attacks this week.

During the past week (Dec. 18th- Dec. 24th) there were over 180 terror attacks recorded in the ‘Silent Intifada’ updates on Hakol Hayehudi. Among these were five shootings, three stabbings, and one vehicular attack. In addition there were a number of incidents of arson, stone throwing, and firebombs at vehicles, homes, and security forces.

This week, two Jews were murdered and 16 were injured. In addition, Genadi Kaufman, who was injured three weeks ago in a stabbing in Kiryat Arba remains in serious condition. Aside from the successful attacks, there were eight attempted terror attacks where security forces managed to prevent the attackers from injuring Jews. Among these were attempted shootings, stabbings, and vehicular attacks.

In a deadly stabbing attack at Jaffa Gate, Ofer Ben Ari and Rav Reuven Birmacher HY”D were murdered. Another Jew was injured seriously when an Arab stabbed him multiple times. In stabbing at the Ariel Industrial Area in the Shomron an Arab stabbed a security guard and another Jew and in Raanana three Jews were stabbed by an Arab. There were five shootings by Arabs in Qalandiya, at the Kevasim Junction in Har Hevron, and in Brukhin in the Shomron.

Arabs from Syria fired three Katyusha rockets at the Golan and Arabs from Gaza fired one rocket at Jews. In addition there were several incidents of IEDs and fires set to IDF posts.

Full List of Attacks

Thursday Dec. 24th

Arabs throw stones in Shechem.

Arabs throw stones in Beit Anun.

Arabs throw stones in Al-Fawr.

Arabs throw stones near Jeba.

Arabs throw stones in Dir Ista.

Arabs throw stones in Husan.

Arabs throw stones in Beit Umar.

Arabs throw stones in Shuafat.

Arabs throw stones in Halhul.

Arabs throw a firebomb in Ras Al Amud.

Arabs throw a firebomb near Pesagot.

21:55- Arabs throw stones near Adam Junction in Binyamin.

20:47- Arabs throw stones south of Beit Anun.

20:13- Arabs throw stones at a bus near Shaar Binyamin causing damage.

18:57- Arabs throw a firebomb at security forces in Abu Tor.

18:08- Arabs throw a firebomb near Yitzhar in the Shomron.

18:07- Arabs throw stones near Yakir in the Shomron.

17:12- Arabs throw stones near Peduel in the Shomron.

16:20- Arabs throw stones at a bus near Al-Fawr in Har Hevron.

16:09- Arabs throw stones at vehicles near an archeological site in Gush Etzion.

15:02- Arabs throw a firebomb at IDF forces in Beit Awwa in Har Hevron.

14:23- Two Jews are injured from stones thrown by Arabs near the Adam Junction.

13:48- Shooting: Arabs shoot at IDF forces in Qalandiya.

12:45- Arabs riot at the Perachim Gate of the Old City of Jerusalem.

12:16- Arabs riot near Hizme in Binyamin.

12:03- Arabs riot in Tul Karem.

11:50- Vehicular attack: An Arab rams into Jews near Adam Junction leaving the Jew lightly injured.

10:04- Attempted stabbing: An Arab attempts to stab IDF soldiers at the Kevasim Junction in Har Hevron.

9:05- Stabbing: An Arab stabs two security guards in the Barkan Industrial District.

Wednesday Dec. 23rd

Arabs riot in Ras Al Amud in Jerusalem.

Arabs riot in Qalandiya.

Arabs throw a firebomb near Nahlin in Gush Etzion.

Arabs riot in Ein Yavrud.

Arabs riot in the City of David in Jerusalem.

Arabs riot in Silwan in Jerusalem.

22:59- Arabs roll burning tires towards Beitar Illit.

21:14- Rocket fire: Arabs from Gaza fire a rocket that lands in the Shaar Hanegev area.

20:36- Shooting: Arabs shoot at IDF forces on Route 446 near Brukhin.

20:01- Arabs throw stones near Sinjil in Binyamin.

17:23- Arabs throw a firebomb at IDF forces in Abu Dis.

17:07- Arabs throw stones at vehicles near Halhul in Har Hevron.

16:25- Arabs throw stones at vehicles in Adurim causing damage.

16:01- Arabs throw stones at vehicles in Al-Fawr.

14:18- Arabs riot in Al-Fawr.

13:12- Stabbing: Two Arabs stab three Jews at the Jaffa Gate. Two Jews are murdered and one is left seriously injured.

12:08- Arabs riot in Dir Nizem.

11:57- Arabs riot in Nabi Saleh.

11:14- Arabs riot on the Husan Bypass Road.

11:12- Arabs riot in Al-Arub.

11:11- Arabs riot in Beit Achsa.

10:37- Arabs riot in Jenia.

10:29- Arabs throw stones at the Parsa Junction in Gush Talmonim causing damage to a vehicle.

10:11- A soldier is injured in riots near Hizme from stone throwing by ARabs.

9:56- Arabs riot in Hevron.

8:30- Arabs throw stones between Tapuach and Rehelim.

Tuesday Dec. 22nd

Arabs throw several firebombs at IDF forces in Yavad in the Shomron.

20:01- Arabs throw stones near Azun in the Shomron.

19:03- A police officer is injured from stones thrown by Arabs in Azariya.

18:48- Arabs throw a firebomb near Turkumiya in Har Hevron.

18:09- Arabs riot in Kfar Katna.

17:59-Arabs throw a firebomb at a bus near Al Arub in Gush Etzion.

15:57- Arabs throw stones at a bus near Halhul in Har Hevron.

15:56- Arabs riot in Aida.

14;07- Arabs throw stones near Otzrin in the Shomron causing damage.

13:54- A Jewish woman is injured from stones thrown by Arabs in Issawiya.

13:31- Arabs throw an IED at border police in Issawiya in Jerusalem.

13:05- Arabs riot in Tul Karem.

12:56- Arabs riot in Al-Fawr.

12:55- Arabs riot in Issawiya.

12:41- Arabs riot at the Pharmacy Junction in Hevron.

12:37- Arabs riot in Al-Arub.

12:23- Arabs riot in Hizme.

11:09- Arabs throw stones at a bus near Hizme, a pregnant woman is treated for shock as a result.

10:57- Arabs riot in Naalin.

10:45- Arabs riot in Al-Arub.

10:41- Arabs throw stones on the road from Migdalim to Kochav Hashachar.

10:40- Arabs place burning tires on the Gilad Road in the Shomron.

10:32- Attempted stabbing: An Arab attempts to stab soldiers near the Tomb of the Patriarchs.

Monday Dec. 21st

Arabs throw stones near Yakir.

Arabs throw stones in Shuafat.

Arabs riot in Tekoa in Gush Etzion.

Arabs riot in Dir Nizem.

Arabs throw stones in Anata.

Arabs riot in Nabi Saleh in Binyamin.

Arabs riot in Tul Karem.

Arabs riot at the Pharmacy Junction in Hevron.

Arabs riot in Al Arub in Gush Etzion.

Arabs throw stones in Al-Moyar in Binyamin.

Arabs throw stones in Al-Hadr in Gush Etzion.

Arabs riot in Silwan in Jerusalem.

Arabs riot in Bitunia.

Arabs riot in Naalin.

Arabs riot in Silwad in Binyamin.

Arabs riot in Nahalin in Gush Etzion.

22:04- Attempted shooting: An Arab shoots at soldiers in Hawara but the gun jams.

21:40- Shooting: Arabs shoot at IDF forces in Har Hevron.

16:26- Attempted stabbing: An Arab is caught with a knife in the Old City of Jerusalem.

16:11- Arabs riot in Naalin in Binyamin.

13:04- Arabs riot at Rachel’s Tomb.

12:5- Attempted stabbing: An Arab attempts to stab soldiers at Zif Junction in Har Hevron.

12:21- Arabs riot in Shwekia.

12:13- Arabs throw stones at vehicles near Al-Fawr in Har Hevron.

12:00- Arabs throw stones in Hizme.

11:44- Arabs throw a firebomb near Ofra.

11:38- Arabs throw stones on the Halhul Bridge in Har Hevron.

11:35- Arabs throw stones at vehicles in Hevron.

9:35- A Jew is injured from stones thrown by Arabs in Atarot.

8:35- Arabs riot in Dahashiya.

00:34- Arabs throw a firebomb at bus route 160 near Gush Etzion.

Sunday Dec. 20th

Arabs riot in Harmelah.

Arabs throw a firebomb at IDF forces in Qalandiya.

Arabs throw stones near Avnei Hefetz.

Arabs throw stones near Beit Awwa.

Arabs throw stones near Pesagot.

Arabs throw stones near Shuafat.

Arabs throw stones near Hizme.

Arabs throw stones near Har Adar.

Arabs throw stones near Al-Hadr.

Arabs throw a firebomb near Tul Karem.

20:35- Shooting: Arabs shoot at an IDF post near Hevron.

20:17- Bedouin throw stones at vehicles near Nevatim causing damage.

19:32- Arabs riot in Paraa.

18:49- Arabs throw stones at a bus near Beit Umar in Gush Etzion.

18:20- Arabs throw a firebomb at vehicles near Avud.

17:50- Rocket fire: Arabs from Gaza shoot a rocket at the Golan.

16:38- Arabs throw stones and an IED at IDF forces in Tamun.

16:22- Arabs throw stones at a bus near Gush Etzion.

14:08- Arabs roll burning tires towards Kiryat Arba.

13:20- Arabs riot at the Police Junction in Hevron.

13:05- Arabs throw stones at vehicles near Beit Anun.

13:00- Attempted stabbing: An Arab attempts to stab soldiers near the Police Junction in Hevron.

11:51- Arabs riot in Bethlehem.

11:50- Arabs riot in Asira.

10:28- Arabs riot in Aaida.

10:25- Arabs roll burning tires towards Beitar Illit.

10:24- Arabs riot at the Pharmacy Junction in Hevron.

9:55- Arabs throw a firebomb near efrat.

Shabbat Dec. 19th

Arabs throw stones in Tamun.

Arabs throw stones in Azariya.

Arabs throw stones near Jenin.

22:00- Arabs riot in A-Ram.

21:55- Arabs throw an IED at an IDF post in Nabi Saleh.

21:18- Shooting: Arabs shoot at an IDF post in Qalandiya.

20:10- Border police discover a rifle in a car belonging to an Arab in Binyamin.

10:05- Arabs riot in Al Arub.

19:42- Arabs throw a firebomb near Gush Etzion.

19:14- Two Arab youth are arrested for throwing stones at the light rail in Jerusalem.

15:50- Stabbing: Three Jews are injured in a stabbing in Raanana.

15:46- Arabs throw stones at vehicles on route 443.

13:42- Arabs throw stones at vehicles on route 443.

12:30- Two Arabs are arrested after crossing the fence in Gaza.

Friday Dec. 18th

Arabs throw stones near Sinjil.

Arabs throw stones in Al-Hadr.

Arabs throw stones near Maale Adumim.

Arabs throw stones in Shuafat.

Arabs throw stones in Jalazun.

Arabs throw a firebomb in Beit Achsa.

Arabs throw a firebomb in Abu Dis.

20:53- Arabs riot in Anata.

16:52- Arabs throw an IED at IDF forces near Gaza.

16:50- Arabs riot in Bitunia.

16:40- Attempted vehicular attack: An Arab attempts to ram into soldiers in Silwad near Ofra.

16:36- Arabs riot in Halhul.

16:26- Two soldiers are injured during Arab riots in Anata.

16:13- Arabs riot in Bethlehem.

15:30- Arabs riot in Hevron.

14:50- Attempted vehicular attack: An Arab attempts to ram into soldiers in Qalandiya.

14:32- Arabs throw stones near Elias Junction.

14:20- aRabs throw stones at IDF forces near Al-Fawr.

13:41- Arabs throw a firebomb at a vehicle near Tapuach Junction.

13:38- Arabs throw stones at IDF forces near Kiryat Arba.

13:12- Arabs throw a firebomb at security forces near Rachel’s Tomb.

13:06- Arabs roll burning tires near Kiryat Arba.

13:04- Arabs throw stones in A-Ram.

13:02- Arabs throw stones at a bus near Kiryat Arba.

12:48- Arabs throw stones near Zeit Junction in Har Hevron.

12:18- Arabs throw stones at vehicles near Givat Assaf.

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