Silent Intifada: Over 100 terror attacks in one week

This week as almost every week there were dozens of terror attacks of varying severity not reported in most major media outlets. We report on these silenced events to present a fuller picture of the reality in Israel and balance the picture presented to innocent readers abroad. We hope that by reporting these incidents we can raise awareness so that actions can be taken to rectify this problem and improve reality in the Jewish State.

This past week (Mar 18th- Mar. 24th) there were over 100 terror attacks recorded in the ‘Silent Intifada’ updates on Hakol Hayehudi. Among these were four attempted attacks, two stabbings, one vehicular attack and a number of incidents of throwing of stones and firebombs at individuals, vehicles, and homes.

On Thursday morning (March 24th), two terrorists approached Tel Rumeida in Hevron and stabbed a soldier. The two were shot. A soldier is currently under investigation in connection with shooting one of the terrorists.

On Wednesday (March 23rd) an Arab was caught with a homemade rifle and a knife near Maale Shomron.

On Sunday (March 20th), an Arab attempted to perpetrate a shooting attack near Elon More. He was caught near the town with a homemade rifle.

On Shabbat, an Arab driver deliberately rammed into an IDF jeep and flipped it over. Also on Shabbat, in Cheshbon, an Arab stabbed a border police officer and injured him lightly.

On Friday (March 18th), three Arabs attempted to stab soldiers at Gush Etzion Junction. Also that day, two Arabs attempted to stab Jews at Shaar Binyamin.

Aside from the injuries in the attacks listed above, a woman was injured when Arabs threw stones at her car. A border police officer was also injured during rioting in Naalin on Friday.

Full list of attacks:

Thursday March 24th

  • Arabs throw stones at vehicles near Ariel.
  • Arabs riot near Al-Hadr in Gush Etzion.
  • Arabs riot in Abu Dis.

21:58- Arabs throw stones at vehicles near Hizme.

21:55- Arabs throw stones at a bus near Beit Anun in Har Hevron.

20:06- Arabs throw stones at vehicles at 206 Junction in Har Hevron.

17:22- Arabs throw stones at a bus near Avraham Junction in Har Hevron.

13:09- Arabs throw stones at police in Issawiya.

8:28- Stabbing: Two Arabs stab a soldier near Tal Rumeida in Hevron.

Wednesday March 23rd

  • Arabs throw firebombs at vehicles near Maale Adumim.
  • Arabs riot in Salfit in the Shomron.
  • Arabs riot at Rachel’s Tomb.
  • Arabs throw stones near Husan in Gush Etzion.
  • Arabs riot in Issawiya in Jerusalem.
  • Arabs riot in Silwan in Jerusalem.
  • Arabs riot in Suchiya in Har Hevron.

An Arab woman is caught with a knife after throwing stones at soldiers.

20:55- Arabs throw an IED at IDF soldiers in Jalazun.

20:52- Arabs throw stones at the light rail in Shuafat in Jerusalem.

20:03- Arabs throw a firebombs near Tekoa in Gush Etzion.

19:46- Attempted stabbing and shooting: An Arab armed with a homemade rifle and knife is caught near Maale Shomron.

16:02- Arabs throw stones at the light rail in Shuafat in Jerusalem.

8:20- Bedouin Arabs stoned a bus and police station in Segev Shalom. 

Tuesday March 22nd

  • Arabs throw stones at IDF soldiers near Joseph’s Tomb.
  • Arabs throw an IED and stones at IDF soldiers in Abu Dis.
  • Arabs riot at Rachel’s Tomb.
  • Arabs riot on the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem.
  • Arabs riot in Silwan in Jerusalem.
  • Arabs riot in Issawiya in Jerusalem.
  • Arabs riot near Tekoa in Gush Etzion.
  • Arabs throw stones at IDF soldiers near Yatma in the Shomron.
  • Arabs riot near Yitzhar.

20:27- Arabs throw stones at a bus near Adam Junction in Binyamin.

20:00- Arabs riot in Azariya.

19:35- Arabs place burning tires near the fence of Beitar Illit.

16:45- Arabs throw stones near Beit Furiq in the Shomron.

15:25- Arabs throw stones at vehicles near Rehelim Junction in the Shomron.

12:23-A Jewish woman is injured after her car crashed due to stones thrown by Arabs near Al- Hadr in Gush Etzion.

11:53- Arabs throw stones at vehicles near Turmusaya in Binyamin.

Monday March 21st

  • Arabs riot in A-Tur in Jerusalem.
  • Arabs riot near Rachel’s Tomb.
  • Arabs attack police in Issawiya in Jerusalem.
  • Arabs riot near Zeita in the Shomron.
  • Arabs riot in Shuafat in Jerusalem.
  • Arabs riot near Beit Awwa in Har Hevron.
  • Arabs throw stones in Abu Dis.
  • Arabs throw stones at vehicles near Hizme.

22:13- Arabs riot in Salfit in the Shomron.

18:36- Arabs throw stones at a bus near Azun in the Shomron.

18:24- Arabs throw stones at vehicles on the Husan Bypass Road causing damage.

17:46- Arabs throw stones near Karnei Shomron.

8:35- Arabs throw paint bombs at the light rail in Jerusalem.

Sunday March 20th

  • Arabs throw stones near Nahliel.
  • Arabs throw firebombs near Dir Abu Mashal.
  • Arabs riot near Tapuach Junction in the Shomron.
  • Arabs riot in Sayir in Har Hevron.
  • Arabs riot in Silwan in Jerusalem.
  • Arabs riot near Zeita in the Shomron.
  • Arabs throw stones at vehicles near Husan in Gush Etzion.
  • Arabs throw stones at vehicles near Sayir in Har Hevron.

21:19- Arabs throw firebombs at vehicles near Avud.

20:01- Attempted shooting: An Arab is caught near Elon More with a homemade rifle.

20:00- Arabs riot near Rachel’s Tomb.

18:41- Arabs throw stones at a bus near Sinjil in Binyamin.

16:35- Arabs throw stones near Alei Zahav.

16:30- Arabs throw firebombs near Migdalim.

8:58- Arabs riot in Shechem.

8:30- Arabs throw stones at security forces in Duma.

Saturday March 19th

  • Arabs throw stones in Issawiya.
  • Arabs riot stones in Beit Jala.
  • Arabs throw stones in Nabi Saleh.
  • Arabs throw firebombs in A-Tur.
  • Arabs throw firebombs in Bitunia.
  • Arabs throw firebombs in Al-Arub.

20:02- Arabs throw stones near Beitar in Gush Etzion.

19:31- Arabs throw firebombs at vehicles near Ofra.

17:57- Arabs throw firebombs at IDF forces near Jadira in Binyamin.

11:30- Vehicular attack: An Arab driver rams into an IDF jeep near Dotan in the northern Shomron.

8:15- Stabbing: An Arab stabs a border police officer near the Tomb of the Patriarchs.

Friday March 18th

  • Arabs riot near Al-Hadr in Gush Etzion.
  • Arabs riot and throw stones in Hevron.
  • Arabs riot in Abu Dis.
  • Arabs riot near Tekoa in Gush Etzion.
  • Arabs riot near Anata.
  • Arabs riot near Nabi Saleh.
  • Arabs riot in Bitunia.
  • Arabs riot near Beitar.

Arabs throw stones at vehicles near Husan in Gush Etzion.

Arabs throw stones at vehicles on the Mount of Olives.

17:14- Arabs throw firebombs near Silwad in Binyamin.

17:08- Arabs riot in Aida.

16:16- Arabs riot in Bethlehem.

15:37- Arabs riot and throw stones near Maale Levona.

15:32- Arabs riot in Gaza near Nachal Oz.

15:09- Attempted stabbing: Three Arabs attempt to stab soldiers at Gush Etzion Junction.

15:08- A border police officer is injured during rioting in Naalin.

15:00- Arabs riot in A-Ram.

14:32- Arabs throw stones at a bus near Carmel in Har Hevron.

14:19- Attempted stabbing: Two Arabs are caught with knives at Shaar Binyamin.

13:00- Arabs riot near Rachel’s Tomb.

10:39- Arabs throw stones at vehicles near Sinjil causing damage.

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