The REAL TRUTH behind Israel blowing up thousands of Hezbollah pagers (JTF.ORG video)


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  • Anyone Remember this old comic strip of
    “The Far Side” by Gary Larson
    Where a very Mentally Sick person with glasses is laying back on a reclining chair in a
    Psychiatrist office , the
    Psychiatrist on his Notepad writes the words
    “Just Plain Nuts!” and underlines the word Nuts
    This Far Side comic strip certainly describes many Vile
    Jew-Haters, Anti-Semites,
    Anti-Israel Bigots such as
    Candace Owens
    Roger Waters , and their conspiracy theories
    But they are More that just seriously Mentally Sick and Disturbed they are just Also
    Evil, Wicked and Diabolical
    Satanic, Demonic Hate Filled Bastards and the instant they ultimately pass away they are
    Forever Doomed
    Forever Doomed
    Forever Doomed
    People such as Candace Owens and Roger Waters are Very Sick people
    God still holds them Fully Accountable and Responsible for their Horrible Unforgivable SIN of
    Jew-Hatred, Anti-Semitism
    Anti-Israel Hatred , the instant these Sick Bastard Haters ultimately pass away they are Forever Doomed to Hell and
    The Lake of Fire

  • Chaim you should have a get-together with your fans at a Kosher pizzeria.

  • has an article headlined
    “Anti-Semitism On Display”
    Posted on September 17, 2024 by John Hinderaker

  • A person typed online yesterday
    “Against the backdrop of exploding beepers:

    In a 2002 speech, Hezbollah’s leader Hassan Nasrallah said that all the Jews are banded together in Israel, making it possible to kill them all when they are grouped together and saving the trouble of chasing them around the world.

    In another speech, aired on Al-Manar TV in 2010, Nasrallah openly and publicly denied the Holocaust.

    Naim Qassem, Hezbollah’s second in command, once said history proved that, regardless of the Zionist question, Jews are people with evil ideas.

    Nabih Berri, the Lebanese parliament speaker and the leader of the pro-Hezbollah movement Amal, made an anti-Jewish remark in an interview he gave in June 2019 to Al-Joumhouria. Berri said that, in order to identify a Jew, one has to throw a piece of gold at the feet of a pregnant woman. If the fetus jumps out of her womb to pick it up, he said, then it is a Jew.”

  • A person typed online today about AOC that
    “She is practically frothing at the mouth. Incredible. Curiously we didn’t see her react this way about the gang rape, torture and murder perpetrated by Palestinian-HAMAS terrorists on Oct 7th. The comments she did make were qualified and not nearly as full throated as her distress about the beepers.”
    With a link to a article on
    September 18, 2024 headlined
    “AOC Criticizes Pager Blasts Targeting Hezbollah Members, Seeks ‘Full Accounting’ of the Attack”
    by Demian Bio

    A person typed in reply to the original comment about AOC practically frothing at the Mouth
    “I can’t stand her. Unfortunately she represents an area that votes for her and believes her rhetoric. Meanwhile since she has been in Congress she has done nothing worthwhile. A complete waste. I’d like to see her & MTG in an 12 round Mudd wrestling match( nude is optional)
    Now that would be entertainment!!”
    The original person typed in reply
    “Let’s not go there. That’s not where I am going.”
    MTG stands for
    Marjorie Taylor Greene
    Both AOC & MTG are Ugly and Physically Repulsive
    Who the hell would ever want to see them nude ?
    Seriously who ?
    If AOC and others like her don’t like the Israeli pager Attacks on
    Lebanese Hezbollah Terrorists
    Too Damn Fucking Bad
    Tough Shit
    The World doesn’t care about Jews , Nobody cares about Jews
    The usual Jew-Hatred and Anti-Semitism from Non-Jews gets Worse and Worse Every Single Day
    Jewish Self-Hatred gets worse and worse Every Single Day with
    Countless Jewish and
    Half-Jewish, part-Jewish persons who can’t stand to be Told that they Look Jewish or Sound Jewish and who want to pass as Fully Gentile and deeply wish that they were Not born Jewish or Half-Jewish
    Part-Jewish, Granted
    Some Jews are Proud to be Jewish
    But Many Jewish and
    Half-Jewish part-Jewish people are Self-hating and Definitely do Not like being Jewish and wish that they were Not born Jewish , are deeply Uncomfortable with their Jewishness and
    They wish that they were born Fully Gentile

  • has an article headlined
    “The mainstreaming of American antisemitism”
    Matthew M. Hausman, JD
    April 5, 2023
    This article even Explicitly Says that Not All Hatreds are Equal
    Anti-Semitism is the #1
    Worse Most Evil Diabolical Hatred of all time

  • Another article about the Always Rising Anti-Semitism is from an article is headlined
    “It’s a Mad, Mad World”
    September 18, 2024 Alan Feiler, Editor-in-Chief

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