There’s now a TRANSGENDER summer day camp for preschoolers

Did you know there was a transgender day camp in California for pre-schoolers? Well there is and this genderfluid summer camp has been going for three years now and is apparently growing like crazy:

NY POST – In some ways, Rainbow Day Camp is very ordinary. Kids arrive with a packed lunch, make friendship bracelets, play basketball, sing songs and get silly. But it is also extraordinarily unique, from the moment campers arrive each morning.

At check-in each day, campers make a nametag with their pronoun of choice. Some opt for “she” or “he.” Or a combination of “she/he.” Or “they,” or no pronoun at all. Some change their name or pronouns daily, to see what feels right.

The camp in the San Francisco Bay Area city of El Cerrito caters to transgender and “gender fluid” children, ages 4 to 12, making it one of the only camps of its kind in the world open to preschoolers, experts say. Enrollment has tripled to about 60 young campers since it opened three summers ago, with kids coming from as far as Los Angeles, Washington, DC – even Africa. Plans are underway to open a branch next summer in Colorado and the camp has been contacted by parents and organizations in Atlanta, Seattle, Louisiana and elsewhere interested in setting up similar programs.

Gender specialists say the camp’s growth reflects what they are seeing in gender clinics nationwide: increasing numbers of children coming out as transgender at young ages. They credit the rise to greater openness and awareness of LGBT issues and parents tuning in earlier when a child shows signs of gender dysphoria, or distress about their gender.

“A decade ago, this camp wouldn’t have existed. Eventually, I do believe, it won’t be so innovative,” camp founder Sandra Collins said. “I didn’t know you could be transgender at a very young age. But my daughter knew for sure at 2.”

Collins’ experience as the mother of a transgender girl, now 9, inspired her to start the camp and another for 13- to 17-year-olds called Camp Kickin’ It.

“A lot of these kids have been bullied and had trauma at school. This is a world where none of that exists and they’re in the majority,” Collins said. “That’s a new experience for kids who are used to hiding and feeling small.”

Fourth grader Scarlett Reinhold, Collins’ daughter who was born a boy, says at camp she can be herself. “I feel comfortable for being who I am and who I want to be,” says Scarlett, a confident 9-year-old in a frilly skirt who wears her dark hair long and wavy.

There is little comprehensive data on young children who identify as transgender, but experts say as the number of young people coming to their clinics increases, the prevailing medical guidance has shifted.

The favored protocol today is known as the “gender affirmative” approach, which focuses on identifying and helping transgender children to “socially transition” – to live as the gender they identify with rather than the one they were born with until they’re old enough to decide on medical options like puberty blockers and later, hormone treatments.

I’m becoming more convinced with each day that passes that the current state of our modern-day culture is the most corrupt it’s ever been – and that’s saying something considering all the pagan cultures that have existed from the beginning of the world until now. I don’t just mean in the United States either, but worldwide. There are so many different countries now that have made gay marriage legal. And now we see transgenderism on the rise as well in a world that will likely accept it with open arms the same way it has homosexuality.

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