Top Advisor says Trump isn’t going to rip up Iran deal, he’s going to “RENEGOTIATE”

iran-rouhani-laughing“[Trump] is going to put together a coalition of [so-called] moderate Arab countries to deal with ISIS” – Just like Obama.

Walid Phares, a top Trump advisor, told the BBC Radio that Trump is not going to rip up Obama’s Iran deal, but rather he’s going to “renegotiate it with the Iranians”. He suggested there could be tense discussions with the Iranians on this, but there would be discussions. Listen:

Ugh. Trump’s going to let his ego get in the way of doing what is right.

With regards to ISIS, Phares says Trump won’t act unilaterally, but is going to put together a coalition of “moderate” Arab countries to deal with ISIS. So just like Obama?

Lastly, on moving the embassy to Jerusalem, Phares says Trump is going to do that but he’s going to do it with ‘consensus’, which means it probably won’t happen. There will never be consensus in the Middle East for the US to do this. And given the fact that Phares says Trump is going to make it a top priority to negotiate peace with the [so-called] Palestinians, then you know it will never happen because Trump will be too concerned with how it will make him look to the Palestinians.

There is no such thing as “Palestine” or a “Palestinian”. It is a lie and a propaganda war intended to destroy Israel the Jewish people. Click here for more information.

And him negotiating peace? Once again, ego. Palestinians are not rational actors where peace can be negotiated. They don’t want peace, they want to kill Israelis and push them into the sea.

Look, I’m very glad he beat Hillary, but let’s not kid ourselves. He’s going to be every bit the RINO Republican I said he’d be on a lot of issues, even those dear to our hearts.

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