Trump NEA Grants $20K for Lesbian Illegal Alien Musical

U.S. taxpayers are on the hook for $20,000 in funding to a San Francisco musical about a criminal illegal alien lesbian with mental health issues who is in love with an immigration agent. The funding for the musical, “Walls,” comes from the Trump Administration’s National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) which is still under the leadership of Obama holdover, Chairman Jane Chu.

“Walls” heroine is “bad hombre” Zaniyah, a criminal illegal alien suffering from mental health issues. The theater group, the San Francisco Mime Troupe, asks the questions, “What part of herself will this American give up to pass as ‘American?’ Will she? Can she? Should she? Can someone leave part of themselves behind without losing their mind? And is it better or worse that she crossed the border to find Agent L. Mary Jones – the woman she loves?”

A grant search obtained by the Free Beacon reveals the troupe received $20,000 from the NEA for the period covering June through December of this year. The group’s application stated the funds would be used through “playmaking workshops in California’s Central Valley with low-income youth, inmates, and migrant workers. The Troupe plans to offer educational community forums with partner organizations on health-related topics.”

The Free Beacon reports the musical includes a song titled, “On My Watch,” which is performed by an actor portraying U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) “Agent Mary Jones.” The song illustrates her supposed guilt over having to enforce immigration laws she describes as “keeping these immigrant workers on the run.”

The theater company’s logo is a red star, symbolic of its “solidarity with socialists and communists,” the Free Beacon reported. “The group insists it does not support totalitarian governments, even though it identifies with symbols used by China and the Soviet Union,” the article states.

The theater company’s website answers the question, “What does the red star mean on your logo?” stating:

We uphold socialist ideals. The red star and red flags have a long history of representing people’s struggle, socialism and communism. This should not be read as support for totalitarian regimes. Just the opposite.

The dictionary defines “red flag” as follows:

  1. A warning signal.
  2. Something that demands attention or provokes an irritated reaction.
  3. The emblem of socialist revolution.

The grant report shows the group received 19 NEA grants dating back to 1998 totaling $461,000. However, the group complains that funding has been reduced since the 1990s when “right-wing attacks” reduced funding to a level they claim only allows them to tour, “a few weeks a year,” Free Beacon reported.

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