Two Arab Muslim terror attacks within hour in Israel

Two terror attacks took place in the Binyamin region of the West Bank within the hour Friday afternoon.

In the first incident, [an Arab] knife attacker stabbed an Israeli in the village of A’abud, in the Binyamin region of the West Bank.

The Israeli, 20, was injured in the incident, receiving wounds to the upper body. The victim is in moderate-to-severe condition, according to MDA.

The victim was treated at the scene by MDA paramedics and evacuated to Sheba Medical Center, near Tel Aviv.

The attacker, identified as Abed al-Rahman al-Barghouthi, 27, was shot and killed following the incident, according to so-called “Palestinian” news agency Ma’an.

In the second incident, two IDF soldiers were lightly injured by a vehicle ramming attack near Ofra in the West Bank on Friday afternoon. Soldiers on the scene shot and killed the [Arab Muslim] driver who carried out the attack.

The incidents come less than 24 hours after an IDF soldier and an Israeli civilian were wounded in a terrorist shooting attack at the Hizma checkpoint outside the Jerusalem neighborhood of Pisgat Ze’ev.

The IDF Spokespersons Unit reported that the gunman exited his car on the approach to the checkpoint, and opened fire on the soldiers.

IDF troops returned fire, striking and killing the terrorist.

The soldier was reported to be in light condition, while the civilian was seriously wounded in the upper body.

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