Two Black Panthers Islamic State Supporters Admit Plot To Bomb Ferguson and Saint Louis Police

olajuwan-davis-aliBoth Saint Louis suspects are admitted members of the New Black Panther organization; both suspects are also admitted Islamist Radicals and believers in ISIS jihad….

However, as previously pointed out, you’ll have a hard time finding the connection between NBPP and ISIS in any media article.   Contrast against the media reports yesterday about “right-wing” domestic terror threats and the DOJ inquiry.

We previously noted the avoidance of linking “Black Lives Matter” protests to the New Black Panthers, and the short trip to ISIS advocacy within both groups as exemplified by Eric Sheppard Jr at Valdosta State UniversityWe saw it again in Baltimore.

The PC media is desperate to avoid using the chosen names of the black panther terror suspects Brandon Muhammad, and Olajuwon, also known as Olajuwon Ali and Brother Ali.  This is a follow-up to the previous outline where the FBI revealed the two men were involved in straw purchases for firearms and making pipe bombs.

We now know they were plotting assassinations of Ferguson Police Chief Tom Jackson, and Saint Louis Prosecutor Robert McCulloch, in addition to bombing the Gateway arch.

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