Two Jews Beaten to a Pulp by Arab Lynch Mob in Jerusalem

Two residents of the Old City were attacked Monday night by ten terrorists near their home at the Lions’ Gate. One of the victims was hit in the head and taken to hospital. Some of the attackers were arrested. The Honenu legal aid society issued a statement saying, “We are afraid that police is again whitewashing an attack against Jews.”

The attack began after one of the two victims had gone out to throw out the garbage in the trash can next to his home, when a large group of Arabs attacked him and began beating him up. Another resident, who heard the cries for help, went out to the street and was also beaten severely. The lynch mob of ten Arabs surrounded the two Jews and beat and kicked them all over their bodies.

Both victims were covered with bruises all over their bodies, and one of them, who received blows to the head, was evacuated to hospital by MDA teams who had been called to the scene.

The second victim’s family said that the incident reminded them of the story of Rabbi Nehemia Lavi, who was murdered not far from Monday night’s scene under similar circumstances when he left his home to help the Benita family who were under grave attack by an Arab lynch mob.

It should be noted that the Jewish compound near the Lions’ Gate suffers daily harassment by local Arabs. In recent months, the home of Jewish residents has been set on fire several times by Arab rioters.

Police arrested a few attackers, and at this time they are being interrogated at the police station in the David district. Honenu is assisting local Jewish residents to fully realize their rights as crime victims.

Honenu fears that the police is attempting to whitewash the mob attack. The group issued a statement saying, “Tonight Jews were severely attacked in Jerusalem, the capital of Israel, only because they are Jews. Miraculously they were saved. We expect that police will bring the terrorists to justice and arrest all those involved.”

“Unfortunately, the voices now coming from the David district police are not in agreement with the above expectation, and we call on all the relevant entities not to cover up yet again a serious attack against Jews,” Honenu said.

One comment

  • Boo to the Joo. You shouldn’t get beaten up, but get killed right away. You little bastard Khazar ziokids first.

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